Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 MELTS COPS' HEARTS 9/Je It BEATS... Youthful Wanderer from Orphanage Appears at Station With Bible and Boyish Grin Kenneth Legg is l..J years old, and big at1d strong for hi s age. He is a typical, freckle-face.d country lad, with an engaging gnn and a fund of courage and philosophy beyond his vears. He hails from the Hoosier ;tate-to be more exact. from the Madison County Orphange, ncar Anderson, Indiana-and he is on his way back there now after a brief sojou·r n in the \Vilmette police station . Brief as was his tav, it wa s sufficiently long 'for him to · win tl~e hearts of all the police, from the chtcf clown to the newest addition 'to the force. Kenneth ran awav from the orphanage the latter part of last ,~·eek. he doesn't rent'ember just which day because days are much alike at the orphanage. He took with him only a Bihlc and all the food he could eat at the breakfast table on the morning he left. Bound for Northwest His intention \vas to "hum" hi::; way to the west or northwest, where he hoped to get a job on a farm . He wa s tired of the orphanage, v.·here there were "too many bosses," a_nd v;here the "old Man" (the supenntenclent) · d f 1 1 '11 t to tr.te to orce t lC c lt < ren o go . hts church rather than to the churche~ · Ill{ · t·n·tc · 1ua 1 f att ·1 ot; t 1 tetr 1s. K enne tl 1 1 )elongs to one of the rather ohscure religious sects of which hranche s are to be found in various small tom1 s throughout the middle we st. "\Vhrn the old man goes to church," obse rv ed Kenneth sage ly . " he hollers out ahove C\'eryone else whl'n he's prayin' or singin .' T reckon if he was closer to God he wouldn't ha\·e to to er soS ot kt~ . L d . ee s o gmJ! But after Krnn rt h hacl HOOVER as it Sweeps as it Cleans Authorized Dealer It Pays to Buy the Best E.A.DANNEMARK Eleatria Company "Pro/it by Our Service" Opposite Village Hall 01:10 OCIO OCIO \Vilmette, \Yith the aid of many kind motorist s along the way, he stopped in at the police station for a night's lodging, and told his story. That ·was his fatal mistake, but he not only kept his Bible with him but also followe<.l its teachings, no matter what the cost. He couldn't lie. The police were reluctantly forced to wire the orphanage which later sent for the boy. But while he :;tay~d he " ·as treated to better meals than he had had for a long time and given the freedom of the station. . " [ expect when I get back they'll heat me," he said wistfully on hi s last evening of freedom. "They'll probably se nd me to the Indiana State Scho~l for Boys where I'll have to stay until I'm 21 . ;ears old. That is just like a jail. with a high wall around it. charged with electricity so no one can escape hv climbing it. and the guards ~hoot to · kill if a hoy run s away." "Come Again," Police Say · He still had his courageous g-rin and hi s Bible with him when he left. ho\\·en·r and he also had the he st wi she s of C'~en· man in th e station and a little \\·hispered invitation to drop in if he ever happened up this way again . Mayhe the telegraph wires won't he in ~ uch excellent working order next time. I .. .. I _....... ....,.__ i- . ).f . I ).f rs If. G. Grave s of 105 .. · r. ,IJH · · · . . . . .,. r . Stxth street. have been vtsttmg tn .... e" y 0 rk Citv. Mr. \.raves has ju st re . "f . · · turned · hut ht s wt e ts rematnmg longer. --o\ Yallace Behnke of 300 r,rt<'nlca i avenue is spending ten day s in thl' Ea~t. and during his absence hi :-; wif e is sta \·ing with her mother. \f r s. G. \\". Bull. ·9f 524 ~faple avenue. --J.. I I Phone Wil. 214 ~ OI:ICIO ·, 11 1 1" 01:18 ·!·-· -·-· -· - ·- · -· -· - . -· -· -· -· -· -· -" -· -· -·-· - . --..-..-·-·;- \. fr. and \frs . 1·:~.T. Bradley oi 2l+ Catalpa place spe nt la st wee 1 -::-end at Dela\'an Lake as the gnl'st oi \f r. f \\r C" S 1 , · n·achecl and ). r:-;. · ·"~ · · c JetltH m.tn . 1 for the ~ 0 Quality WILMETTE A VENUE Meats WILMETTE 2814 0 I I i i _ : _. . -. .. 4 This is the one time in vour chilrl's life that he or she shnuld he re~nember<."cl. Let them feel yottr feeling·s on the e,·ening of L'< >111m enccmcn t. WHAT COULD BE NICER THAN THESE? HrO\\·nie Cameras ...................... $2.50 and $3.50 Folding- Cameras ..... . ................. ~ .$7.50 and up a ~ 0 o 1 "Opposite Post Office" Out Constant Aim Is to Serve You With QUALITY MEATS at Fair Prices Di ~ ~ 01 Fountain Pens .......................... $1.00 to $ 7.00 Fountain Pen Sets ...................... $5.00 to $11.00 Perfume Atomizer~ .......... .. ......... $1.00 to $ 6.00 Perfumes and T oilet ~cb ................. SOc to $ 5.00 Charme Carri ssan t Compacts .................... $ 1.25 Other Compact ! o ~ 0 Special for Friday and Saturday Roasting Chickt=ns ~ ~- I Fresh Dressed Hens ~ 0 D 42e lb. Roast Beef (standing) Prime Rib 40e lb. aI o - - ........................ $1.00 to $ 1.50 I ·! I · o all aizea Strictly Fresh Eggs 4)e doz. ))e lb. " Lot·n Pot Roast ~ ~~~ o~ . . .... ·· . JOHNSTON'S' CANDIES Appropriately boxed ........ $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 )5e lb. Home Dressed Chickens Always on Hand Fresh Fish and Sea Foods of All Kinds Thursday an~ Friday Four Free Deliveries Daily o~o I DI o o ..... Ridge Avenue Pharmacy Opposite St. Joseph's Church.· Phone 316 ~oc=====~o~o o~oc=====~o~o I ·flee·-·--··-· -·--·-··-· -·-·-·-·-·-·------·-·-·-·-·:· I I I I I · ,, l .

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