Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1926, p. 43

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June 4, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 4J ANNOUNCE CAST FOR NEW TRIER PAGEANT t C:ontinued from page 3) ',. I ' r .. ! · 1 t- . ,... r ·· 1/· e ' ma Mater, Miss Elizabth Packer; The t:'nseen and The Unknown, Ruth Kinne and }.[arian Page, respectively. The gr<tdnatcs, frnm the ytars 1901 to 192() a.re, in ordl'r: ":\1ary l.uuisc Fink, Ruth Drayer. Cecelia Baldwin, 11 artha V..'illiams. Eleanor Thayer, :lr[arjorie Shaw, ~I a ric Flcntye, Grace Glennon, Faith Burge, Gertrude Lange, Esther Loomis, ":\largaret Callan en, Mary Lutz, ~1 nriel l elinek, ).fay helle Kuelzow, Helen Drynan. Junior Smith, James ~trong, Elizabeth Merrill Emelvn \\.altz, Dorothy Kin~. Heir;, Johnson Da\·i.;. Helena Bradford, Ada Boulter, Lillian Kroll and Frances Howard. .'\ct thrte OJI<"llS in the court of King Thought. plaH·d bv Warrens Seibold ,,·here all tl~c curricular and extra~ curricular activities come, begging ad mittance into >Jew Trier. In this act, 149 characters take part, \\·hich means -,killfnl directing on the part of the roaches in order to di spose of them rleYtrly ancl arti~tically. making the g-etH'ral effect. a beautiful whole. The characters are a:-. f(lll<t\\'~: Tn1111Jil'l<·r:-.. H.m stl~ John :-on and John Omt : A r -~ htt('r ( ellSU:', Robert Kenyon; Patriot i!--m. Eleanor Buckman: Youth, John \\" e~t: Old A!..!.t.'. Emmons De Berard : 1 th(' Legion o~f Incli spcn.;ablc Fact!- : JanJl·S Lawton, \Veb stt r Tack :-c111, Da,·id Run~:->c~·, \Yilliam La~nt' r, \Yillia m f.anfc:-man. Frank Hall. George RaritH'. Pierre YanDeXnrth. Harn· Duh " k~·. John Pa nu shka. Gl'<lrg-<.· ·Haack. l\ aI ph II c itH:ma 11. Cordon Burh h::-1l:r. (~,.rcl(·tl Ih·L t'. Ct·c ·rge \\"alkn·. J,,·k \loort. Fd\\'it; Comfort. Fdwa~d R\·t r!--on: the Banner Bearer : t l:Jr, · ~chkutcr. J ac k Hea sne r. Tom Copeland. Loren ( "on vers e. Ja s(ln Pai g-e. 1\ul·nt \lac:\t·ilk and ]) ir k \l arali: n . . UutTil .\1 <· t lttr. \larria Lauer : \bid :- Clf Honor . Ruth ln~ rson and \f arit Koepke: Front pagts. Q,sian Cameron and Harding Thiele; La st Pag-e s, Jack Kaufman and Gordo n \Vat son ; King· ~ Councillor~: L Schmitz, Stanley Smith. John IliH. Jack Leach; Laughttr. Carl Kcit b: Faculty, :llis s Alice Hurcharcl: ~eninr. Fred Schmidt: Junior . Bctt\ l.aurt·nn·: ~nohomore. I a;1c Bahcc.ck .: Frl':-h111<tll . \\-~rren Sclll~lid: Achi:-cr room. Th tod on· Sch'lltz: The Colurs. ~fi:- . . Gro\'CT. Track. Robert ~1 ills : Adviser Room PURCHASE POLICE CAR FINED FOR LOAFING Athletics, Joe Swan; New Trier News, The Wilmette police department has· Carl Washington, · colored garage Jack Rathbone; New Trier Echoes, k · h Charl<:'s 1a cobs: The cluhs: Glee Vir- a brand new Dodge touring car, pur- wor er m t e village, was fined $5 ginia MarshaJl; :lf usic, Harriet Mons; chased from C. M. McDonald, of Ev- and costs by Police Magistrate D. M. Frt'nch. Aug-ust<.' Hahizc: German, Lou- anston, the north shore dealer. This Mickey Wednesday of this week on ise .:Nilles; Spanish, Fredrick Reinhold· gives the departmt'nt two Dodge tour- a charge of disorderly concrud. Was]lDehating, Gordon Rogers,· Domecon', ing cars with which to patrol the vil- mgton · · · was l01tenng about the "L" Anna Blow; Service. Ruth Caldwell; . terminal and refused to leave when Commercial, ¥/arren Smith· Scrible- lage. The new car was recetved Tues- ordered to do so by Patrolman Wilrus, Robert Heyda; Dance Orchestra, day of this week. liam Kreul, it was charged. J.lewellyn Bo\ven ; Rifle, Joe Crutnlish : I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stamp. Harold Spinney; Radio. Ralph f Orner: Geology, Hugh Campbell; Au- I1 duhnn. Karl \' o~t: Chess, Gt'orgc Stont: C<.-c·pvration. :\forris llirsch: The Old 1deas: Adelia Harrold, Cattlerine Birkliam! Katherine .Naper, VirSALES AND SERVICE STATION ginia Harvey, Margaret Gordon, Jane ~Joist, Mary Paletti, Charlotte Cornell. ' ).lar~- Alin~ ~toddard. Josephine Heff- 1 ner: The Ntw Ideas: F.lwyn Hewitt, Frances Levi. :lladclon Beall. Ruth Arnold. Ray Kriete. 1fargaret Whit~ett. Edwina Cadmus~ :lf argaret 1fcLone\', Clara Bell Rnss. and GeneYieYc Tuhh.s. Thl' la :-; t three characttrs art of gnat . . ign ift ca nn· and are Future, played by ~~largarct \Vissman; Retrogrt'-:ii(ln and Pro~ne:-.s. the two daugh ter :-; of Future. played by 1Iarion 1\Ic- , Kimwn an<l Catherine Ranney. I NEW MARMON Phone L. ong Beach 6428 6017 Broadway, Chicago o ·pen Evenings and Sundays Marmon NOrth Shore 1: 'I . ·l .. l' l I (' I .. ·~ <l f' ~ (· 'f .l ~ s t1 0 ro The Languages: Robert ~ -ltnn in g ham. Virginia · Bradford, \\.inog('ll(.' Springn. ).1 arion He. ln. I ) ;111 SnY d a ck e r : ~fat he mat ic s. R o 11 in ~ im on d " : ~~ usic. Donald ~J cDn\\'ell. Bett,· Holmts. \\"illiam Linn): Social Sri·ence. Betty \Veh ster ;. (heating. \\'il li<lm ).fartin: PhY sical Science:;: Har din!! \ " anS~· Ilaack. ·Prl' ~t(ln Farle\. T.c~n \\"arl'. Ccorgc Clon·r : :\rt. l'ar;~1in e n urn ham ; ":\ f e chan ira I :\ r t :- .: R og-er Odman, \\' illiam l·. dmnncl ~ . Fred Rnmmlcr: Home Economics: I Tarriet Hoskin and EmilY Clagett: Cnmmncial Subject " : \Valter Schroeder. ;\rtllur Roth. Ct·rtruclr \\'agnl'r: Plt~· -.iL·;tl Education: Ruth Hinchliff and Chark~ I Adams: Hygiene. 11argaret Bluthardt: I ~f usic Appreciation, Edith Clerk; .:\ rt Appreciation. Helrn Kanalo\\· : Tarcli ness. John De\\'ar: The Distraction s: Yirgin.ia Prost. Elizabeth Sweet. Gulnar Kheiralla. Gail Southwt'll and Stanclford Sherman: Student Council. Frank Stm·er: Honor Society, Arthur Hawkinson: T. N. T., Robert English: Dramatic clul), Emilie Durham: Girls' club. Vera May Ogan; Hi- Y. 1f ilton Enrich. Athletics Featured Girls' Athletics: Basketball. Jcan Leffingwell; ~wimming, Esther Sprenger· Soccer, Jane Burrill; Base hall. Ev~ Barndtson; Hockey, Mirriam V!hitehill; Boys' Athletics: Foothall. Bruce Hulburt; Soccer, Linus Smith; Basketball, Charles Lauer; Swimming, Edv. ·ard Lane; Tennis, James Sheldon ; 1 "IT It Talks! TALKS!" exclaimed the asidea in to a nation wide, universal telephone service. But the wonder of the telephone is still that which arrested men's thoughts a half century ago-that it can talk. Herein lies its unique value to the individual and the nation. It provides, as nothing else can, a means of speeding over great distances, privately and without interruption, the in tim ate, personal tones of the h u1n an voice. It projects personality. It unites millions of Americans, though separated by the breadth of a continent, i.n to a single vast commonwealth of speech. tounded Don1 Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, one June day in 1876, as he held to his ear the receiver of Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, then on exhibit at the Philadelphia centennial exposition, while the young inventor, some distance away, spoke into the transtni tter. Tin1e has not detracted from the · dnttna of this scene, nor robbed the etnperor's tribute of its truth. Fifty · retnarkable years have passed. Important among their contributions to human progress has been the development of Bell's ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy , One System , Universal Service YEAR---:192..6 1876-THE TELEPHONE'S FIFTIETH

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