Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1926, p. 20

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WILMETTE LIFE June 4, 1926 COATS /rom HART SCHAFFNER & .MARX IPublic Service Engineer Rail Leaders Inspect Areal Taken by Death Last Week Arrowhead Resort REDUCED NOW $29.75 $39.75 Values to $85.00 Also stunning Coats, Fur Trimmed, fine Twills. Satin and othrr Silks. undrrpriced 25~~;.. Spring Dress Sale B E M 0 T T E D E R A T E ·p R I R A p p A R E L A , group of Evanston and Winnetka Frank E. Goodnow, 43, Electrical men headed by President Fred W. Engineer for the Public Service comDe spite efforts to put the busines s pany of Northern IJlinois, and a men~ Sargent of the Chicago and North lH·r of Mavor \\"illiam E. Dever's Cht - of routing motor tourists on an ac\\.estern railroad last week · made a cago Radio Commission, died Thurscurate and scientific basis, the touring seven-day trip to Duluth and through day. Ma~· 27, after an illness originatbureau of the Chicago Motor club the woods and waters of the Arrow- ing la st December. head country of Minnesota lying beApart from hi:' acth· itie~ n·ith the ~ find s that the problem of the detour, tw een the north shore of Lake Superior Public SerYic e company , Mr. Good11ow which springs up overnight, stip ron and the Canadian boundary which is v;as widelY known in middlewestern tinues to be a blg source or worry and drYeloping into a great mirl-continent electrical engnieering circles. His ap- loss of time to motorists. summer playground. pointment a~ a member of Mayor The plan for the eliminatiOti of thi-., In the party which traveled in Pres- DeYer's radio commi ss ion wa s on troubl e put into effect during the 192.; ident Sargent's private car were Mr. recommendatio n c·f the \\' e stern So- sea son' by the American Automobile Sargent of Evan s ton. A. C. Jol1nson ciety of Eng i neer~ . ( 1 i whi ch he wa s a a ssociation promises splendid result ~ . of \Vinnetka. vice president of the member. according to the touring bureau of th e NQrth Western in charge of traffic; Chicago Motor dub. and will be exFrank Walters of Evanston, Yice presDr . and ~Ir ~. Charle s ~ - Rt:e se and panded for the 1926 season. It -inident of the North Westerh in charge their daughter. :Miss ~larian. of 727 volves the issuance of a detour map of operations; Rush Butler of \\l innet- Fore st aYenue , are leaving Saturday and a weeklv bulletin covering the en ka. a famou s railroad lawyer ; and for a ~ix Wt'~k:-i· sojourn in California. tire country: The bulletin itself is to other of Mr. Sargent's associates. They expect to vi sit in Long _Beach and be ba sed on daily telegraphic report s The . Arrowhead countrY contains Los Angele s. and ~!i ss :M arian will from state highway commissions from Lake \ "ermillion and hundred s of other spend part of her time a~ the guc:q of county authorities, from A. A . A. club s. lakes and s treams as well as the Mi :'s ~fary \Ve 5t. road scout s. and individual members. Supc·rior National forest and much --:-0-The detour bulletin will show not ' 'irgin timher. Residents of the disMr. and ~J r s. L. 11. Cozzens. of 906 only the location of detours on th e trict are bringing it forward as a great Elm\\·o~d aY enue spent Decoration d~y, primary highways but will give t~e summer re sort territory luring hun- at thetr ,. summer c_ ottage a\. Twm length of the detour and · the con~1 -· drerls to it s cool waters and awa,· Lake s, \\ 1s. Tl1 ~ y ":·111 JeaYe \\ !lmette tions to he encountered. In some Illfrom the s ummer heat of the towtis the latt e r part n1 th1 s mnnth to spend stances the condition and the length atHl cities of the Mi ss issippi valley. tht· :-- llmmer there . of the detour is such that it is mor e economical to sclert alternative route s. It i. also true that many motorist <; han· di~ronrcd for themselves that thev rannot alwavs depend on local in forination. for the rea son that com munitie s will in manv instance s giv t a bia sed r eport so as i10t to lose mot o r ' o11rist traffic. c\·en for a few day s. Henet.· th(' importance of a nation a l clearing house for accurate detour in format ion. This information wilJ b e a,·ailahle nery day to the 3,000 clerk ~ engaged in the busines s of routin tr automobile s oyer the counter s of R()(l A. A. A . club s. Arrange to Give Accurate Data on · Highway Detours .:. .. ,.., .,.I'. . .... 4 I · .... - I. 0 I - . A Summertime Suggestion DRIVE c E to EVANSTON and dine ,1£ The Library Plaza Cafeteria. or have your family meet you there for dinner. Good food always - faces you know and surroundings as clean and inviting as they are pleasant. Special · family dinner menus Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. It's a great idea! Drive down this evening. s Choice selection of the better class Dresses. as regular~ ly handled by us. now re- . . duced to Milk for THE BEST AND NEWEST finest TUB caded, in Summer Frocks, SILK CREPES, and SILKS, plain, broor artistically figured. UBRARY PLAZA CAII'IITIERIA Located rn tbe Library Plaza Hotel Open Daily 6 a. m. to 7:4 5 p. rn. Hot Weather! Milk-- -fresh and pureis the very best summer food. And it must come, as ours does, from cows . that are thoroughly healthy. $lS.oo to $25.oo Sundays 7 a. m. to 7:-45 p. m. Drink More Milk/ · .) .. 1606 CHICAGO AVE. Near Davis "' Downtown Evanston -'I

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