Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1926, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE June 4, 1926 .. ;. .... Auto Repairing Guaranteed Work Rtasnnablt Rates II The Wilmette Athletic The Philathea class of young women in the Wilmette Parish Methodist baseball team came away with eve.n church will entertain the husbands of honors in the double holiday bill th1s Eight High Schools of the DisRosa Skelton the members at tha home of Miss Mar- week winning from t1e Delmar A. C's, trict Stage · Music fest; · 1 o Prairie Ave. Wilmttte 3 S 5 S jorie Stewart, 706 Forest avenue, 9 to' 8 and suffering defeat at the Called Very Successful Tuesday evening, ] une 8, at 8 o'clock. hands ~f the Chicago Fire Insurance Miss Stewart is to be assisted by the Patrol nine, 5 to 2. In the Sunday 1 Misses Helen Greenlee, Ruth Green, game against the Delmars Boesch, the The music fe stival hdd hy high local hurler, struck out ni'ne of the schools in the district at Highland and Adrene Meyers. opposition and allowed only cig~t hits. Park and again at Oak Par~ recently Vv. S. Moore of 531 Washington In Monday's affray Hank M!ller of was a great success, accordmg to reavenue returned to his home the end the locals yielded only four l11ts and ports from New Trier high school, of last week from a short business trio struck out eleven men. which was well represented at the fesAnother game is scheduled for this to Pittsburgh. · t iYal. Mrs. Marion E. Cotton, director Sunday afternoon at 3 on the Village oi music at ~ew Trier, originally sponSUMMER CAMPS Green west of the Howard school. :-;ored the idea of the festival, and school was· dismissed for a day in or Are you sendi ng your boy or girl dcr that students might have a chance to Summer Camp; or away to New Trier Announces ··Estimates given without School this fall, if so note : · H f 12 to attend the affair. Sentor op or une the festival was a two day affair. All the best schools and camps obligation The New Trier high school senior hrin <r held at the north shore suburb of the United States have for 20 years maintained an office m "hop" will be held Saturday evening, nn the fir st da\' and at Oak Park on Chicago to gi,·e catalo.t!.·=' and in- ] une 12, it was announced last week. the second. It was quite an innovaPhot1 ~ Wilmette 2764 Instead of making it an informal af- tion in musical circles and came about formation free to you. fair, which has been done upon some as the result of a suggestion made by Come in, write or phone : 1030 Greenleaf AYe, occasions in recent ye~rs, the dance ).] rs . Cotton at a music conference AMERICAN SCHOOLS' AND will he strictly formal. ] t is expected -.ome time ag-o. The schools were c\i:; to be the largest · party any senior cussing the possibilities of a huge con WILMETTE CAMPS' ASS'N class at New Trier ever hac!. The t es t between the various musical or 1204 Stevens Bldg. Tel. Cen. 6648 dance will begin at 8:30 o'clock and ganizations, hut due to the unfriendl y (At 17 .V. State St., Chicago) will continue until midnight . -; pirit of rivalry which s uch a contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; -; ~ ; -~ ~- ll~t1allv arou ses , ~rs . ~ottotl suggested (------ -~-----------··-- - - ~ uhstituting the fcsti,·al in it s pla ce. Eight Schools Enter . . . Thr eight high schools parttctpatmg in the ft:--ti,·al were Lyon s. La Grange : lknfteld-Shit:lcls; Highland Park: Pro · Yi"o 1Iavwood; Oak Park and Rin~ r h>r:· ..;t, ()ak Park; ·\' ork , l·:Jmhur-.t: \\ 'a uk e. e:a n. \\'a ukegan; ).forton, Cirr ro : and :\ <.'\\' Trier, \\' inn ct k:t. Ltrh afte moon a progra111 ,,.a . . prL' ""tlt<'d. hl'~inning at 2 :1.~ o'c lnck, dur i 11 ,. "' It i r h ear h !' c h cwl cl i . , pIa y e d t h t · ta ·~.· ~t oi so me one or~anization of it-. mus ic depart llll'll t. ln t hl' t:n·n i11 ~· at R :15 o'clock the prog-ram ,,·a..; clouhl~· inll'rl'. tin~ becau . c it r<lll i-.tl'd 11i numbers 1)\· a huge orchestra. a hand. bon' chorit:-i, g irls' choru'>, and mixcrl choru s. Tn each separate chnru-;, th l'rl' " ·l'rr approximately 30() -.t ttdl·nt ~ -..inl!. inC!.. while in the mi~cd chnrth tiH·rt' \\.(.-rt.' nrarh· 700 ,·o icr ~ hlrncling in thr I nH·Iodiotls ·numbers sekctt· d ior tlwm 111 -.i ng h~· di ~rcrn ing dire ctor ..... Plus 4's Bathing Suits New Trier Takes Part I u.-..t a short ti111e now lH'Ji)r\· \',. ,,. Tril'r wa-.; rl' PH"- l'tltt·d by it, Pur~' "·ool ihc hearhes arc OJll'll. Vacation t\\o Ckl' rlul>-;. TIH· gir l~ -..ang t\\'tl k 11 i r k da~ ~ call for bathing ..;uit!-1. \\'(' nutnlll'r.; \\'ith \'irgini:t \Ltr·klll anrl have thrm for all the familv. Vf=' ior golf t ';ttlll'rine Bickham ;,~ so loi st s, and the I Jere's a good value: men's t\\;0 bo,-, !...::t\'C a program 11t fc111r . , ]lllrt and all outpiere bathing· suits, consisting· tltt~nl·n". ).Irs . Cotton " ·as tlw on ly door "ports, n f \\' h it c fla nn d j e r s 1..' y a 11 rl ll an· in :' nappy \\'ll tll :tll dir<.' l'tor Clll the program anrl him· trunks at n()t ,,11ly prCSC'!l!('d h('r 0\\'!1 cluJ,...., hut !d)-ove r patab". in th(' l'\·ening~' program to hn tl.'r ns . Ex$4.50 tra full cut. "·a-.. :dlt·!t-d the ta-;k of din·cting tha .\n excepintmvn.;t· mi,l'd rhorn ..... Underwear . Blazers and S-weaters Th,· il·-.t i,·:t l wa-; an l'Xrl·llrnt ick:t. t iot1al value \tIt let ir underwear. We have 1t did a\\·a,· 'rith that unpk:t-.anl atat the popula1 Twin Button Seal\\'a r111, l' umfortahk blazer jac mo:-phcn· . . c1 prn·aknt in rc>nle~t .... :111d pax at $1.3() and l'halmer-. at kds iot t hl· chill of early morn ' brou!.,!ht fnrtl1, rathn. a "pi ril nf fril'tld $1.00. litw ;.;-.. and neighl>nrlin<·-..; hl't \\'l'cn t hv ing on the golf conr:'l'. Just· the Outing Needs part icipa tin~ . chook tl1ing fur Ji~hing trip -;, too, and Golf Hose E,·rnonc wa ~ t ntl~· enju _ ,·ing t h<' 1\\·n CraY Flannel Trousers, all wool, all outdoor sports. cl;,,·.., of mu~il·, of meetin g p('npk frntn at ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .. .. $6.50 Jt'ine \\DOl h<)~e in , a yarit·t) . ut otf1n ..;rhn() l'. comparing work hut not .lll'asi ng ro lllrs :1 11 d pall nth. \\' hill' Duck Trot.' ns that sell ~\,.ca ter~ i 11 a v a r iL' t y of patterns har-.hh· rriticizinl!" . FH·rn1ne \\· a~ hap at $2.75 and ............ $3.00 in attracti\'1~ coll)r combination:-. $1.7 5 to $5.00 py; n;C'r~·one wa's willing to work and \ VeII macle and good looking. \' t' Ilow Slickers. You'll ncctl one ro np(·rate. \\'ith the rc . ult that fim' ! ~very man's wardrobe should on your !lshing and motoring and beautiful programs were rendncd have at least two of these. trip. Men's at $6.50 and boys' Boys' Knickers for thr P·ka-;me and hrndit of all :t.._at ......................... $4.50 c;ctn hlccl. l·'i ne quality knickerbocker~. goif Prices .ue from $5.00 up style. Plus fours, cut full. In Sport Shoes A CORRECTION fair isle patterns, checks and Apparel of Khaki light and dark mixtures. Sizes 1t \\'a.; incorrect!\· ~tatrd last "c,·\.. :\t Taylor's Bootery, 605 to 18 years ............... $4.50 that th<' real estat·C' finn oi JTein~l't~ Main street, opposite the Khaki garnH.nts arc ideal for North \V estern depot, arc and Kroll hac! adclt:-<1 a photograph ot Cool, well made knicker trous camping, touring and fishingshoes f0r e\·ery occasion. the Tribune Tow<' r to their collection ers of g·enuinc Palm Beach cloth. for men, women, boys and girls. Golf and outing Shoes for of pictnres. Tlir l1nn whirh ha~ thi.; Sizes 8 to 16 years .... $2.25 up Khaki blouse and knicker cosall the family. M. a ny in collection. to '"hiclt the new plctun' tumes for the feminine members Linen crash knickers for sumtwo tone leathns and with \\·a-; acld<·cl is Kroll and Smitl1. of the family. Khaki tro\:lsers mer play. Unlined. They are crepe soles. I $2.00. and shirts for men and boys. RE-APPOINT OFFICIALS Appointment of Charles H. Jacb o~ 1 as Village Attorney and Dr. E. L Moore as Health Commissioner wa" officially con firmed hy ordinance at the meeting of the Village hoard T~1e sciay of this week. Both officials are tnctlln henh. Baseball Team Splits Husbands Are Guests at Philathean Party Double Holiday Bill 'PREP SCHOOLS JOIN IN MUSIC FESTIVAL association . I · ~ 'l ~ I -c M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating J , · · t# l TAYLOR ' s Get Ready for S ummer. . ' · l I . ) ,.. ' l, · I. ' ,I $7.50 . .. . ·. , TAYLOR'S DRY GOODS 1125 Central A venue Wilmette 1914

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