· 6~==========================================W~I~L;;M~E~T~T~E~;L~I~F~E~================~====~~==========Ju:l: te:4:':1: 92= 6 gao oao · oao . oamo , · oag Tom Hay & SPn Handle 0 0 · Pierce Arrow Motors The Pierce-Arrow Motor Car com- 0 0 a Quauty . · · M eats p h one WJLMETIE 2014 0 1145 WILMETTE 0 D AVENUE 0 General }.1anager Meyer of I om Hay and Son tatecl: "\Ve decided that if we \\·ere going to take on another 1ine of automohi les along with the Chand0 ltr and Cleveland, 'vhich cars haYe, since our opening, praYed to us that 0 autonwbik owners on th<: north shore want the be st, there \\"a S only one car Still Time to Register for C. M. T. Camps c. HQpposite Post Office" Our Constant Aim Is to Serve You With :.I aj. Gen. \Vi lli am s. Grave :>, the commanding genera l of the ~ixth C(·rp s Area. with headquarter s at 1819 \\'tst Per ~ hing road, Chicago, announces that 4,200 formal app lications for the 192o M. '1'. camps t(l ht: held at Camp Custer, Mich ., Fort the Pierce-Arrow. Korth ~hore own- Brady, Mich., Camp Sparta, \ Vi s., crs <1f Pierce-Arrows. we feel. will Fort Sheridan, 111., ] cfferson Barrack ~. appreciate . the ~ervin· that will be }.Jo.. and. Fort Snelling, M'inn., had 0 rendered bY Tom Ha\' and Son. There been n :ceiHcl at corps area headquar i~ 11() doubt. that \\'t: " :_ill in a \'try ~hort: ter > ' . ' . 0 ttm c haYe to move Jllto larger quart.cntral (,raves, m dtscus smg thv D D · · 0 D QU ALIT¥ MEATS at Fair Prices 0 Special for Friday and Saturday Prime Rib Roast Fresh R · . oasttng Ch· k IC ens Dressed Hens I I a 0 0 0 33e lb. Strlct Y ~ · } 40A lb. .. Best Table Butter Fresh Eggs 0 4~e Jb· 41 .., A lb · I I 0 0 rapidly that we :-;oon will not he ahle to give _our_ "Tom Hay and Son:· brand of serv1cc 111 our pre st nt locattotl. "Along with a complete line of Chandler_ and Clrn' land cars we will at all ttme s carry a rtprcscntatin· line. both oi the 30 and 80 Pierce-Ar rows." L M egion eets to Discuss D Fourth of July Program \Yilmettc Post :\o. 46 · of the Amer ican Legion, will mcd in regu lar monthly session Tuesday eveni n,g, J nnr .R in St. Augustin e's Pari s h Housc. Among other thin gs of impnrtance. the Legionnaire s will discuss nrrangement s for the annual commn0 nit,· Fourth oi fulv celebration and fi<'id da~- which ·i. -. ·in charge of tli ~ 0 \Yilmett Po st ". 48e }b · 0 ~ . OCIO Home Dressed Chickens Always on Hand F hF res ish and Sea Foods of All Kinds Thursday and Friday .. Four Free Deliveries Daily OCIO OCIO OCDO D stated that the colt! \\"Cather tht s spring hacl made enrollment for the camp:- ~lu\\. and that there stil l were vacancit :- for young men hd\\'Ce n 17 and 24 ~·ears of ~ge of g~od moral character and physica lly qualified to h e acuptt<l for training in the camp :-;. The first camps to be held in the corp s area open at Camp Custer, }.1 ich .. Camp Sparta, Wis., and J cfferson Bar racks, Mo., o n July 8, and young me n \\'hO arc interested in availing thtm :-.chc:- of the privill'~<.'S of attending <l :-.UI11 tlltr camp where the govtrnment pa~·s all the n<·cessary expense:- :- lwu 11 c make applica tion:- to attend no\\·. Applicatic111 blanks anrl any in ionlla tion de sired \\'ill he iurni :- hed up nn rcquest to Ct·ncral Grave:-' headqnar t(':-" at 1R19 \\'est Per:-- hing road. Chir<t)-! 0. ., I 411 . ... ' ., HUERTE R POST MEETS ~li:- s )..Jari'e sther Krafthcfer, tJOl P..1. Hltcrter ro~t. :\ o. ()")9. ot' till' 0 k oo<l a cntl" \\' t"lt11"tt·· ot' 1h' Aill('t·t·c·<·ltl l.". r. r t ·c,tl \\'t .ll !tol(l 1 :--t-s rc·gttl·'r a .,\. " '-, u sophotnore class at St. Mary -of - th<: tJune niel·tingin Fore ~ ter 11all, I~idge \Voods college won the highe st num 0 OCIO a n·nne. ).Jon day ('Yening. June 7. at 8. her of point~ at the field and t rae k meet on th<' college campus. m a kin ~ 20 out of 33 point s sco red by h('r cJa . . -. ~ h t \\'on fi r q p 1 a c c i n t h c h i .L; h j n111 I'. L, "' '· ~ ,. .. North Shore Girl High Point Winner in Meet ~ I . Tasty Baked Goods for your tht b~~kdhall di sta nce thro\\', th e scvcnty-fiH-yanl clash and the .~ 00 vanl rday: al so in the tenni s mat ch ~,· hirh folio . \\'ed. The so phom o re ~ "(J ll first plac<' in fonr out of the ~ ix cnn h schcdttl<'d: .1 ~ 'I I Breakfast .., ~ .. I , ·WILSON'S Sweet Rolls Delightful S"r eet Rolls with Raspberry ·or Pineapple top with a Sugar coating. WILSON'S Coffee Cakes Filled with Almonds, Fil- . berts or Fruit. Also a va· riety of Plain Butter Coffee Cakes. . ~ HE NAME of The Cen tral Cafercri .1 has be come a bvword for rhe best of things to car. served in .1 way rhar makes them doublv de lightful. ' T ... . I '1 Bn·a '<fast. luncheon. di nn er - supremely good whenever you choose to come. Su ndays 12 to 5 ... . · · · I ... I · - The Wilson Bakery Ntlson Building 1162 Wilmette Ave. Phone414 Central Ave., . east of Wilmett1 Au.. I WILMETTE