Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1926, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE REAJ. ESTATE May 28, 1926 3 FOR RENT-A PAR'rltiENTS charged only Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents a. line In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents · a line in all three papers. ItiiNIMUM CH,\HGE, 50 c.·t·nts. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on nll cnlilh " ·lth order ud,·ertlsements when bronJr;ht to our office nt 1222 Ct>ntrnl A,·e., \\' llmettc, or 564 Lincoln Ave., \\·l nnt>t kn. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Not·,.n~Classified advertisements will be ·"'"""' to residents of the district from l FOR SALE -LOT 100x150 FT., PRICE $:l,500 : West of ·winnetka., 2 blocks from Wau Bun Station. Also 5-room cottagt> with imr)roY e mt.·nt::;, same loca- . tion, $9,000. For further information call Wilmette 3228. 1LTN35-ltc F'OR SALE RESIDENCE, '7 RMS. ; h. w. heat ; 4-car garage ; lot 100x165 ; Rates-15 Only One Like It 72~3 Central Ave. Finest Central East Location 5-RM. 1ST. FLOOR APT.; PIUV.\'I'E entrance ; light on. all 4 sidt·s. (: l:t7. t··! sleeping porch; vapor lwat furn . ; fin·place in liYing rm. l'o!-!s. Ju1w lsi. $135 p (·r month including- gantt;t·. · shrubs, e lm, maple, fruit trees; 1 blk. Briargute golf courst· ; 2 hlocks d epot. $11,000. Phone Deerfield lla-M. Rindahl. 1LTN34-2tp. 75 A~D 100 FOOT VESIR.\DLE LO'l'S I:::-.l <~LEL':COE ADjoinillg- g-olf eourst· and Fon·st Pr el'en·e as lo w as $42.00 p er ft. Low vash paynwnt. l'hon e \Vinnl'tlm 1801. lLT..'J:\3-ltc XE'\\' SPA~·:ISH RRICK WITH 6 BEDroom:; a11d ;~ baths; t·xtra toilt·t and Ia.\·.; 2-car g-arage attached; lot IOOx 1S7; t·a-;t front; \' Xc ··ll··nt loeation . Ph. Winnl'tka l~t)2 . 1LTN35-ltc FOR SALE SO. HfCJILAND PARK :\'t ·\\' (i-room EnA"Iish style s~uc·eo hUII!..ntltJW, ·> hll<s. to Rasinia Station, $:t,(IIIIJ. TPrms . 170)\ Broadvi t> w AYe., H. 1'. 2t32S. n:rK :J;J- ltp FOR S.\LE- BRICK RESIDENCE, 12 rooms, ~ baths, g·arag-t·, wat ·r h eat, larg-t· grounds anrl lawns, orehard, slu·ulii)(·I'Y. U t·aso nahk. Xo ag-e nts. Tt· l. ,,. il;lwttt· 885- \\· . H:rx:l5 -ltp advertisements will to Wednesday 5 p. . t~ e .':'IL::\IETTE LIFE or all three pap e rs; Thursday a p. m. "I:'\~ETKA TALK and Friday r; p. m. for the GLENCOE Telephones: 'Vilm.ette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-200'i. lJead/ine fior l'""ert;Ons-Classitle(t ,...,, " cepted up be acm. for for the NEWS. Eddington & Allen, lnc. ·II II Lindt·n A\'<'. ··~nd of l'holl!'S \\'il. 407-408. " I: · FOR RE:-\T-APARTME.:\'T-!i:.!7 llTII St. ; 4 rooms and bath ; h eat ed. Phon .! \\'ilmd!t' 2:\!1[1. :\L'I'X2li-tfc · FO It R"EN'l'-F tJ llXI~ II En .A l' A Jt'l'l\ll: Yl'~ REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WILMETTE: 2 YERY C110lCJ<: 50 FT. p:ood lot· at ion, on \ ' l'l'\' tL·rms at $45.00 ]Wr ft. · IN rt>asonable $4,500.00 A CO'fTAGE AMONG rfHE TREES :\lOST ATTR:\C'TIVE 3-R.:\L COTTAGE; just tlH· thing for a young· nwl-ried ('ouplt· or small family. 6 hlod<s to station. Price $7,000. Lot alomp worth $4,500. F011 nL;:XT FCR.:\'1!-;JII ·~ Il Al'T. . ·· bt·drootns. hath , living- !'(lOlli and kit · (' ht·n,·t 1<- . Sui ta hit: fm· :.! g \'lltlt·m· ·n ur marri ed eoupl e. Bn·; tl;: f:tsl opt ion a I. \\' ilnwtt· · :llii4 . ::aL::S-lt ·· 2H }'OR JtE~T-FFRNI~IIED JIOI ' ~E~ GLENVIEV\T: 100x175-Two hlo('){s from tnmsportntion, 1 block from State Highway. $~ .000.00 -lE cdl cdHirrn ~it© rm & A llll ® ITil REDUCED TO $19,000 Phone \\T il. 407-408 110 Lind C' n A\'t·. 1L35-lt:c Acr, ·s on St:tlt· Highway. $10,000.00 0 .Acrt · ~. \VhL'l' ling, $450.00 per acre, $10,000.00 ('ash, Terms. $36,000.00 148 .r\('n·s on Dunclt·e Road near Elgin, 7 JUT. BRK., 4 YRS . OLD; W:\TE rt g-o<·d buildings, VL'l'.\' ·ras.v terms, 1 h eat ; N' o- ·K o 1 0'1 · 1 1 mrn e r ; fi 1rep 1ace ; m$iOO.OO P~"r · :l('l't'. $59,200.00 :;tantaneous wat\'1' lwat; din. pch. ; shl. 44 .;\('rt·s, in Elgin on BoulPYard, modern ])l'h.; gantt;t·. A n·ry attrn.ctin· honw house and harn. t' X(' (· ptional hargain. in Pt' l'ft>d condition with b ea utiful ~;10, 000.00 shruhiH'ry, l' \'t· rgTt·t ·ns . rr>Sl' huslws, l't\' . ~0 ACRES: HOUSl·: \\-ith Carden Beautiful I·OR REi\T -· FUR.:\'TSIII ·~ Il !I I~<HJ:\1 c·omfortahh> houst· ill 1\:· ·nil. with musi· nn.; :\ hat11s; larg(· sun and sip. pc·lt s .: lge. yard with pC'rennial J.,!"aru(·n-likc· ; pidur· · from lloust · Ht·<tutiful. Pool · ~lartin hird hou:-; t·s: lg··. gHrdt ·tl lu·Jl o·ll . lw:-;ith·s :-;(·n·<·nl·<l tc·;~ h s··.; pit-king- g-ar dt ·!l. Ownt·r pars g;~nlt · JH · I' for Pt'l'o ·Jl nial ~· al'dt · Jt. l'ri('o ·. r· ·:tS(IIl ;tlolo ·: t'J't·n .Jun,· 1st tc· IJc ·t. !st. 1'11"11' ' \\.i nn··tl\.t 1 7~1 t'IJr appointmo·n t. . I · ,. I H.\VE LTSTI·~ D WlTH ~IE FOR SALE fo·w vhoit't· plt ·CP~ of J>I'OP rty in <'1t·t\PY a, 1\:ant· c 'o. Lt't m t· show th e m to you . .:\Irs. Do\\', 215 Camph<· ll St., G··llt'\'a, 111. lL'l...'\"::a-ltt' POR S:\ LF':-TX WJL:\fETTE; I.. OTS 0::'1 <'hl'st nut, .\shl:1nd, 7th an·nut· and Slw t·icia 11 \\'it h rip.- rights ami pil't·s ; littlt· do\\'11 : l"ng· timo· . .J ohn J'. t;ag-t ·, Yino ·land, .:\' o· \\' .Jt.r ~t·y . l L :: 1-tft.. \\'TLI, S ,\I ' TUFrt'l·~ ,\T $7;) .\ FOOT -:\fY Indi an llill lot lH·t\\'t·t· TI Kl·nilworth :,nd \\' inn..rl;:a . .\m h ·aYing- town . A c t .\ddtt ·!'is \\tln lf·tt· ·l t ')Il l.'\'. )., .· I I ) F. Coletnan Burroughs 1Hi7 \Vilm c tt e A\·e . s:n Hid;.:· ~· A\'('. '\'ilnwttt-, Ph. '\Ti lm ette 364 Illinois. 1LTX35-ltc \\rilnwtt t· ti4o 1LTN35-ltc !,TTR.\CTJ\' E ti -H00:\1 \wll Jov: Ltt>d; lot ()Oxl50. Hot watt·r lwat, glaz,·<l ])tJI'l'h; g-ood co ndition, l'X('t' ilt·nt ·v:liu <·. $l~,GOO. ::\tod. 7- roon1 stut·t·o, lwat Pel sun pal'lor, lgt·. Ih·ing- nn .; 4 good lH'drooms; til e bath; Wt·atlwr strip"; hot wate r h e at with ::\'o-Kol bunwr : g-arag-l'. Beautiful lot; a harg-nin at $Hi,500. BL·autiful Brand :\'n\' 11-mom hri('k home; bi·s t );, E. loeation; ::! hat11s , <tlso t·Xtra. la\·atnry; <·il hunwr ; ~-<'ar g·arag-p; complet£· in t·\·,·ry dl'tail. lkautifully dt't·o ral(·d . 0\\'llt·r lto.t\'ing- town; mu st l·wll, $38,00. Bxclusi\·,, ag't· nts . FOR SALE honw, \\' I'J'll \\I LI.. FUH.:'\TSfi LOT :i0x i6S r svwl'l' and wakl' St' l'\'k· ·, pa\·o·d strt···t; a 111'\\' fi-room nwdt·rn hous t·. :!; ~.non l'a::;h. ~1 00 m o nthly. GLENA.YRE \VI~S'r \\riL1IETTE \\.i 1111. :! ~. I ~:t LT.:\' :C- It· FOR RE:iT-ltOO.'lS ;=:==================. :! FOH ltE\'1'-IIO.l'~ES FOI~ Tli ·: :'\'T <: . \1~ . \1:1 ·:: F. H. GA'l'I-IER CO . .\ L Northeast Glencoe fi07 :\lain St. - i 11 .\ 1. lfSE .; :!-l' .\R 1 ·: . \~T ~IllE . .~ 1 : :G . IIII . FOr:. J~E:\'T-1· l'H:'\. FIW.:\"1' lt:\1. , 1:-:T r:oor, 1\' ithill :.! ldowl\s llf tr ain~ an d rt ·st aurantl'. J:u ~it ll · l's rnan ur Wt·lll:tll . Tt ·l. \\' il. ! .'\CS t·l' :'~1:!- :\f. ·ILT:::;- 11· · HEXT - L.\J:t:J.; l'!J:\11-'lli~T ..\HI.Y f ll r 11 . r 11 1. : I r1r ~ .1d U Its. 7 ;; I II Itll ~ I . \\. i In 1..t t '· . ·I I, T :~ :i- ~ t p 1 '1·:::'\"1'1~.1'111 TPI. Wil. 2~5 1L'rx:;5- lt t' ht and 2nd :\J:dn ~1. . ~Iortgagl' ~ FCJI~ Charles IT. Hrethold ] 1\S\ll'<lllt'o· \\'i lmdl·· '1". ·1. ·· :. I 1. ~11 - l fc· F<>l~ .\.'\ 1 ·: :-\('l"";I'TJOXALLY , \'I'TlL\('Tf\' 1-: X room bri<-1;: <'olcmial with ~ till'<l baths; l:1rgt· attic: sunJWl'l'h; south front un w ood ·cl lot; ::tdjoining beautiful estate. L II OTEL·- LJc:tlT (il"'J'!"'llll < ·Ill !-. : fill' \l':lll s: o · nt ~ an cl r o · sirl (·lll ~ 1;~ ~~ \l ;fi ll :-:1 . i'h .llio· \\-il. 111"11. IL'J' :, II - tr'·· FTU l.:\'T ~uit : tld ·· ~JMloJJ«iJ]}nilil~lt©Ilil&CC«iJo o 1,p. "L" 'I\·rm . \\'ilnwttP fi 8 1 r...:-:ii-1 tc "'"' !'"·""!. D C EoiEo§it1illllit~~®CID.lllty~@ .H)() \\' innl'll;::t ..:\ n.'. l'll . \\' inn l.'\110 1 L 'l':'\ :1:;-1 lt' nJ ·:::'\"1' . \TTI~.\("J'T\ . 1-: 7 - J~tHJ:\1 ht~ll St· ill fill< ' !'o·sicJt ·Jl(i ;!} cl ist ri.-t ',f \\'ilnl l'l!t'. ~·ar:q. :,·, Jar).!'·· Jr ·t. I ' 1111\ t·llit ·lll fq Slt-illll . ~ - !"'. l·: !t ·t·!J'io ·, ancl ··lt ·\·;t t· ·tl 1ranspr>rt.t t i1111 . ~vh·Hols :t nd 1'11\lro·lws 111 ',1 r 1,_,.. I :·· 11 1 :\1 utlt ·ra !·· . T· ·l. \\. i lt n··t t · · ::I ti:·. · I .., I· t 1 I~ r.. r (\\'11 . f!(l( ):\f l'h llll· ' ! J,:::;-1 t)l /\. Real Hon1e at a Bargain BP..-\:\'1) XhW Hl!h'K lllJT<'Tl ('O Lc·nial, li\·. rm . J :lx ~fi. sun rm. adjoining-; hug·,. firt ·pla'vt·. ltlt ·alb· anang-Pd din. rm . and l<it C' ht ·n with hrt ·: il<fast noul<. )Jastt·r lwdroom . 1 :: x~£i, ancl tw o other bright ait·y slping rms . Full tilP hath llll st·(·o nd floor: t·xtra la\'ator\' on fin;t. Hut watt·r lwat a till t· \·t·ry ·mod. t·qUiJl . throup;hout. ~~·t· this house' today at 211 17tfl St., \\"ilnwtlt-. For privt· and tf'rms, ~~· ( · 0\\'11E:>r on premi~~ ·::; or Ph01w \\'ilm t'llt' ~71 or ]-'(>I: J:Jo:l>lt!J(l\1 privato· rarnil .\' ; c· lt·"·· to a ll tran s . ·1:!1) l'arl\ . \\·, .. ('all \\' il. :.!~,:~ . -li.T.:\' :::i- lt ·· :\1.\ l·T I!\: . n<l0 :\1. ]II'· fo·rr,. c] , 'l'o· l. l ·'( q~ l~ltll ·: ll FOR 1,;~, S,\J..E-DELicalTF'l ; L WJXXJ·: TOtl sidt' strt·l·t HP,\1' l:tkt·; lit Ininnt· · ~ walk from Indi an l I ill Xorth Short · and Xorth V.' l'Stern 'i talions . !:-)('l't>t>lll'd por<'l1 u\·,·rlotJI<ing b t'a utiful gardt'n; g-arag·e; large li\'ing· rm ., with fir l' J)l:tt'l'; slt·t'Ping· nn~.; ll a rt oil l>UI'IIl'T'. ~t·t· f>Wtll·l' on JH't·nlist ·s at :: -11 \\·n odl ~~nd AYt'. Phon e \\·inn. 2:r;· (·\·c ning-s. 1LT~ 32- tfp fltilll\'. I 1 :n 1! 1!1·:::'\'T 1i t'~()IJ:\1 l:t ' \:t :.\I.Cl\\'. IJ:tl h, 11111 w:tt· ·r h· ·a t : l - t·:1r ~:c r : 1~· ; 117:! . \ ~ hu n· .\ , ., .. llt ' \l' h · (J, ., ... r :tt ··Cl. ll ttl.l.,:t nl \\ ·,.,tJ~'. T··l. \\ ' itlllo ·tl\ ;, ~":: . ~ r:r;:-..;- :: ;; ., . ('{Jt · t·LJ ·: -II.T:'\ :::,.11· ,,. '"· to Fnlt lU>:\:T .\TTlL\C"I'l\- 1·: Hl"::'\'1 :.\In\\' , ::; till. ., !'IllS.; h:~th ': la rg·, . s lo ·o· pim~· p n l't 'I l : f11ll ht ~ t·lllt'll! . 10111 f>ill <' St., \ \. i 1111 . '11\ :l . T ·I. \\. i Ill I. 7:; ~. '- :!I.T\: ::.i - 11<' I nEXT - ~ \\' 1·: LL FI.RXTSTl Jo:T> frr,nt 1 '1111'., ('ttll'. . lto~ ·: l ti ·llt, ··: II' ! si t!· · T· ·l. \\'il. l ~l!t l. ·11.'1' :::;. 11· l~! lr nr . I 'I> II\'. \\' E OFFI·~H Oi'\ I ·~ OF THE VEH. Y Fl·~W l'Ptnalning· rt1· s irahh' huilding lots in ·· ast '\\T innPtka: r>::x.1::7. woodt ·d: t' aRt front: at 1.111 Jlt'r foot. Ilt·et·nt transfers in this lo··ation ha\" ]) ('e n at .;'175. FOn nEXT- STXCf,E l llt ·a s :lnt dflul,Io · rrt l. \\' il. :~~flli . l'Cll~ l~l ·: XT- L.\W;I ·: ~ \ L~l > h:tth tr:r ::~· - 1t ·· * l·'l llt 1:1 ·~\:T - Ft·I~XTS!IJ·:J> ('()T'J'.H:t· : al 1'· 11'\ L :tlc·· . Ill' . l'o·lio ·;t-11 l.:lk· ·, ;,.,;·th.·rn \\ -i~. !;ood l· t ·Htin~· :t tlt] ft!'ih in ~·. '1'-·1. \\' innn..tlca 1)::1-:7 . 2r.:rx::.i-l ,, t:nn Hl~.:\"1' :; nOO:\f RHl('K Bt·:-..:. !.:·a lo\\' Ilt·ar transportation, $£11) llt ' T' nlo . J>h1111P \\.ilnwttt· l!JS:!. ~L:~:;-ltc· FOr:. l~J!:XT Fl:():"-,"1' H!H>:\1 ··Ins<' to transp. : hu~ . rno ·n Ill' o·nupl·· c'al l aft· ·!' :; :::o, lfllt i J.inrl ·· n .\\·, .. IL :::;- lt o· HE.:\'T-XH'l·~ ·· Opp. Yill;tgt· llall. l'h . Wil. 1750-:W3 1 LT~::a-lte Flll':. r·ln~w I·'W 1\:T H00:\1 to FOR fo;ALE-SU:\L\IEH II0:\18; NORTH· c·rn \\'is., on bt·autifully s had C'd penin!'ula almost surroundt·d by clt·ar spring fed lak(·, fi1w ti:-;hing, etc.; ample shad", white· pint · :-;i ln·r ·l>irl'h, oak and elm; l1uildings log- and franw, all in JWrf,·<:t ri·pair; direet rail, o\·er night \· aC'h way, XMth \\'C'stern and !:-)oo lirH.·s; fin e 'n·ll and co ld spring; bathing beach; il'e ]HlU!o' (' fill\'d; 1 milt· off eounty road; retin·d and st·cludvd.: 5 mih·s to good town; 15 otlwr lal\\·s in 10 mi. radius; 4 car g-arage:· 4:10 mi. ,\.is. K T. H. to Chi. ; routes I 1 and 12. Address Wil. Life A-885. 'Vinn . 1800 lLT~!IS-1 two . FOH flll'll. transportation . PIH111t · \\.il. ~2 fi~. SiutaldP for 4[,:~:.-ltp te - FOR SALE 8-R00::\1 JIOl'SE ON :~ LARGE 'VOOD(·d lots. :l25x275: suitable for estate. Also largt> hom t>sitPs n.t ·$20 p e r foot in tww , highly l't'strid('d GLEXVJEW 1 IIG FTLA~DS SUBDIVISION'. Ncar North Shore Golf C lub. Apply at offi<'l· on sub., Wnukt>g-an Rd., 1, 500 ft. north of J..ak<' ,\\·e. 1LTN31-5tn FOR SALE- WILMETTE- 825 LAKE 8 room~. large porches, newly dt·coraterl : 1 071;~ x213 ; 2 car garage; fruit and lwrr;\' orchard, mammoth oak and <>lms. \Yill sell house with part or all of lot. Terms. Cream of all N. Shorf'. Owner leaving. 1LTN35-ltp A\'t~.. furn .; ht>autiful sunnoumls. ti..tka 22::0 . lo 'OR :: XEW LOn (' ,\ l:TXS, T1·;. \\ln2LT:~:>-1 t e HE.:-\1'-L(:E. l'(>\lf'()RT.\BL" l'lll.; I or ~ adults . i:ll 10th fit .. \\'ilml'l t1· . 4L1'35-2tp 'P..EXT 2 Pl:TRXISTTET> f'OT'tagt ·s: Este!': Park. Colo., for !';(·HSOI1. '1\·h>phon e Wi!m('tte 164~. 2L~fi-1tJ) T·'OR Tll ·~XT - ~ Ff'R\:ISI !ED HOO:\T~ on Linc·oln A,., .. B<·droom anrl !art;· ' lh·ing room. RE>a!'ionahlto. 1'1·!. \\'inn . 2~72. 4L1'X~fi-1 tp 1 :·o R RF:XT LARGE 'FTRXTSTTEl > room. 1'PI. Wi)m('ttf' 172:t 4L~5-1tc FOR R'E~T - 'VIN'X : 6 Rl\1. COL. houst>; furn. ; ~umnwr; !'ilp. pch. : gar. : adults. 'r('l. Winn. 1781. 2L'l'N35-lto lo'OR RE:\'1' - F'UR~TSfTED 7-ROO~f . r, FOR RENT-~1'0RES \ 'SD \VANTED TO BUY \VE IIA VE CLIE.N'T FOR 7 OR 8 W JO:\l home, 3 baths, in either Kt· nilworth or 'Vfnnetka. :\lust be W('ll loc·att>d with good grounds. Will pay up to $50,000. l'l'sirlt·tH't·, 4 lwdrooms, garag-r, larg-e yard, good locat ion. Nt>ar Lake and transportation. .Tu nt> 15th to Sept. 15th. Tel. K e nilworth 1564. 2aLT~G-1 t c 3 l'OR OFFICF.S FOR nBNT S'T'ORB -- ~2 F'T. Fl'tO:\"T nn LlnC'oln A Yf' . . \'\'itnwtk1 . .\ pply "~l'rst{·d Motor f'o .. !'it) 2 Li nt·o ln n \'~' . 5LTN~5-tft- FOR RE~T-APARTMENTS J.'OR SALE-FARM, CLOSE TO FOX lOver. Soon can be platted for town lots. Mrs. Dow; Geneva, Ill. Phone Gt>neva 758. 1LTN35-ltc FOR SALE 6 ROOM: STUCCO hungalow, two car garage, price $1 :l,OOO. Terms to suit. Phone Wil. 1582. 1L35-ltc BATH· furn: rm ., n Pw l~· d('coratPd. Priv. bath, ontionctl. C'onv. transp. Ref. Phon" WilmettE.> 204. 3L35-ltp sPp. RE~'f'- :~ R~fS. hou~t>l;:t·f>n ing- !'mit('. J\l!'io & POR fi('(' nBNT'- NE". RXC'Ll'STVT~ OFhuildin~r spaC'P; onP block from Furniturt' Mart . Phon(' Supprint· ~Rg1 . 5LT35-4tc· 847 .Chicago Ave. l"niv. 470 1LT:l5-ltc FOR REN1' ~ ROOM APT. NEAR tr::1.ns. Reasonablt> r ent. PhonE> Winlll't ka ~)00. 3L1'~35-1tc F0R RBNT-STORES AND SHOPS. Telenhonc Winnetka 62. 5LTN28-tfC' TNIB_ RF.NT STORE. ~fain St. . ·wilnwttt>. AP'PT,V 601 . :iL'f'~::fl-tfc

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