Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1926, p. 1

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1· W,ILMETTE LIFE A Weekly Neczvs-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth VOL. XV, NO. 35 · \\"IL.\fETTE, ILLl NOIS, ~1AY 28, 1926 PRIGE FIVE CENTS· .. -· HUERTER LEGION POST CONDUCTS PROCESSION Ridge Avenue Area to Have Memorial Day Program in St. Joseph's Cemetery ~iemor!al ~)ay activit it· !'I ir, t hl· l~idgc a vcn ue chs t net wil I this year again he condurt('d under the clirl'rtion of Peter J. llttntn Post, :'\(,. r,r,<J. c·i the American Legion. 'l'he L<"gionnaircs haYc . hl'tn assisted in pn·para1ions ·ior tiH· day hy the hu:-int:-~ Jl.lell r,f the Hidge aYcnue area. Pla11s for ~f(·JHiay\ progranr CIIIJtemplat<' a -.treet proc<::-sion in which nttr~rt-. of all war~ - Ci\'il. SpanishAt~rencan and \\.orlcl \\'ar:-. ~rhoo1 ~·h1ldren and ,·arinu . . l·th<.·r ri,·ic and ~~aternal orgar!izatio11s "·ill participate. I h<.·, parade \nil terminate at St. J o~t:ph s Cef!letery. when· tht ~f<:JJl;)rial Day ~(·n·1ccs \nil take place . M e1norial ·Speaker MEMORIAL DAY PROCESSION Monday, May 31, 1926· Order of March WILMETTE HONORS HER SOLDIER DEAD MONDAY Wilmette Post of American Legion Directs Memorial Program; Duncan-Clark, Speaker ~~ (·morial Da\· ceremonies in Wilmette will he i·naugurated with services appropriate to the day jn the various churchl's of the community Sunday morning. May 30. Special ~ftl!lOrial services are to be held at thr First Cougregational church at which members of \Vilmette Post, No. 46. of the American Legion wil1 be present in. a body. The· sermon is to he ginn hY the Rev. vV. E. McCor· mack. a!-1!-'0ciate minister of the church. · Tlw community 1femorial Day program '"ill he held Monday morning under direction of the Wilmette Post of the Legion ancl is scheduled to begin with a street procession, assemhlv for which is to be at 9 :15 a. m. at th.c Village hall green. The Memorial Day exercises will take place in .Washington park (lake front) at 11 a. m. The speaker of the day is to he S. J. Dm1ca11 -Clark. journalist and a residl·nt of \Vilmette . All unit: ,,.- ill a>:-\'lllhk at Village hall grel'n at CJ :15 a. m. and he in 111arch formation at <J :4~ a. 111. As~c·Jnhly <t:' fol1\l\\· ~ : . t·:--r ort. C . A . R .. Spanish-Anwricat: \\·ar n·tl'rans. Clll \\"iltntttt· aH· mte ea~t ()f Village hall. facing \H:-t . and ~~ otorryclt pel! in· American l.egiun. ·t hn t·x-~t·n· ice men and Rc:-;ern- ( )fficer:-. Corps. on Central aHnnt. north (,f Village hall. < Band. on l\·utral a\'l'lltlt'. north oi \.illage hall. · 'I I ~ ,. · " I .. Assembly at 9 o'clock Parade <b~tmbly will h(' at 1) o'dock Civilian unit~. nn l'tntral avenue. \1onday morning at 1\idgt and Lake ta!'lt of \\'ilmttte an.·nue. avenues. The pron·ssion rotttt ,,·ill hl' Fire department, ~~a in qreet and north on Ridge aV<.' Illll' to Elmwood S. ) . Duncan-Clark, 228 \\'ood court. \\ ·i lm e t t c a" e·n u e. a~:enuc: east on Elm\\'()(,cl an'nm· to well known journali st and public Proce~si(,tl h(·J..!"ins · at 10 a. tn. Frfteentl1 street: ~outh on Fiftetnth ~peaker, will give t.he addres~ of the Outline Parade Route --,~,:~·c t tn \Vilmettt· annnC': \\'t:-t <m day .a t the cot nn dm~llt)~:"~re 1~10nal cerek1 fle It~£ V\ a s llllgtOil var. r n1l'fte a~'('lltlt tc 1 f~idg t (1\'( ' 1 !\ll', and 1 tll011t cs t)Ok)C Ruute of the street procession has ll()rt 1 1 em Rtdge ;1 ,·e 1 rut· to ~t. Jo~tph'.... \'1 1 t 1 1; a ,c· ront .uOtH1ay . mornmg. hecn announced a~ follows: West from POPPIES TODAY~ the Village hall on \Vilmette 'avenue n·rnttn.\·. The l'Xl·rci~(':- at th.c c tnic ~ ·'.1ay ,) 1. 1 1 1e program heglll!'l at 11 BUY ttr~· art' -,chcdukcl fc,r 10 :30 o'rlork. c, r1m·k . to Park annue: north on Park aveLegion Auxiliary Workers Sell Sol- nue to Lake avenue: east on Lake ave.The St . ~fary\ Training :-chon! hand - -- - - - -- dier-made Flowers to Aid Disabled nue to Thirteenth st reet: north on ":111 pro;·u.lc tlw lllu:-ir inr the proce~ fO Veterans ro 1 ' I11 1 1 · · · · "V Thirtl'enth street to Fores t . avenue: 1 1 ' · 'c ren nt lOth t Itt public cast on FMc . t aYcn IC' to Eighth ,cJtnnl '(lJl Clen~· il' \\'. road and the ~1. J.osepl~ :- Parorh1al -,chc.cd \\ill hl' in the '!'Clda~· i:- ht"irtg ob:-nnd in \\' ilml'ttl' street: sou th on Eighth st reet to Cenl111<' o.t .n.1arch. tr lg"(' thn \\'ith ,.< ·tcran-. . C 00 · as Poppy Day. ~~ r:- . Harry Jlopp. tral avenue: cast on Central avenue to and ctnl!an~ \ . ,, Prl'~iclent oi the \\'oman\ auxilian· of \\'a-;hi ngton park, the sce ne of the 1 1 1 ·· I : t t H· ( c-ntra1- .aure1 P:trent - leach- \\'ihnctte po:-t. Amuican Legion. fs in menwrial program. Jn~eph ·'., Ct'11 lttt'n· l :\ttl St. 1 · thLTt ,rill ! t r a":-!·riati11n llH'tting ' h<'ld Tue~da\·, · charge o f fi fty women and girl~ who Brig. Gen. Samuel C. Stanton, a ll' H' c _ ccorat1on of tl 1e grans <·f \1 :t~· II-\. ~ 1 tpninttndl'nt .l. R. IlarJ)Cr 1 ra,·e Yolttntccrtcl to :-e ll poppies . memhcr of \Yilmette Post · of the n· 1eran.., j <l II o"·t·c I by a11 addrt:-" In· ;1 :rrcju:lintt·cl tlw nwtlll'r:-; "ith the \"CrY Dttring t lle da~· poppies will he on Legion ha:-; been named marshal of the promrtH:nt sp<·a k·er. · int,·rt·:-ting cxpnintt·nt in reaclin(r "' !n sale at th(· iollo\\'ing place s in the da ,., who will have as his chief aides llt' c;trried on 1)\· · d en ave· Proie:-sor (~rn· · of the \"1·11 age: F ourt 1 1 s t ree t anr1 I ,111 Report Vand ( D t ,_. niq·r-.it.'· (,j Chicago. In connection nne: \Vilmettt and Central avenue: Majors Malcolm B. McKerchar, James aS es roy i \\·i tl1 thi-, ;t -;choo ( Jihr<tr\' is tO he Sixth street at Isabella: Broadwav at C·. Barher, a nd George R. Harbaugh. Damantc 'halid of Chicago will Gardens in East Area c:·lltc~ed and pr~·sidcd m:er . hy _a scl~ool bahella: Sheridan road at the briclgc: The the musi(:. provide 11hranan. e:o;pl'Cta ll~ trame<l tor JUst v 1 · . \ andab dntr(l\·t·cl ron~iclerahle -uch \\'ork. .,ort )\rcstc-rn statton: ~orth Shore It is particular!~· l'tnphasized that p_roperty in tlw garc!.- 11 oi the 'Hrnn line ~tatinns at Linden and \YilmC'tte place is provided in the line of march L Cutler h(·l1lt at 407 l'entral <~Hnn·· The a:-sociation \'Ottd S\~00 lo\rard an-nut:- : C'C'ntral avenue and Lake for all ex-service men of the communla st Friday night 1)\· hr<"aking hir~i helping establish tlw lihrary. aYenm·: the Elevated station at itY. veteran s of a11 wars and for ciYilbaths an.cl thro\\'ing thtnl into thC' al The new offictrs for the next Year Isabella. This evening poppie s will he ie:in=-- who de si re to join in the proces ley,. pullrng up Ao\rcr :-. tipping (l\'(·r were t'lected as follows: )..frs. H . (ill sale at the Village theatre . si~n. Tt will not he necessary for war .L\mong tlw worker s on Popp~· Day Yctcrans to appear in uniform, ·thoug-h !-\\'tt.lgs .ami turnint!' 011 th<" watn and Freeman. president: }.frs . \V . R. lettmg ll.run all ni1!ht S<' that t1H· wmk Kendrick . Yicc-pre sident: ~[iss ~far - '"ill IH' "Dad<h·" Hood. we11-known it i:-; hop ed that as many as can .will d~ of rrnavtng thr alit,· was h<:ld up as 1ra ret ~fcPartlin. secretan, and ~fi ss Civil \\·ar n·tcran. He will be rememso. th<.· alley wa s Aoodecl. accorclinl.!' to ~fr Henna \\\·man. treasur er~ The latt<"r htred h,· Yi llagers as the huskv G. A. Plan Brief Program Cutler. Apparently tht·n· i:-- a CfO\\'cl t\\'0 wert 're-elected. R. YCteran who carried the colors in of young chap!> indulginl! in this Thr Public school hand delighted and la:-.t ~·t·ar\ ~Ienwrial Day procession. The program at the Jake front will he a hricf and beautifully simple tribde s t~uctin mis~hjd on Frida~· nights surpri~ed those present " ·ith their. Legion in Statement :1s Frank L. Kaye 'rho Jin·s at 604 ahilitY and the earnestnc~s with which Tbt American Legion, Department ute to ·th11se who have given their lives Laure_l aYenuc has had some ~imilar they · played. ] . C. Schumacher. the of 1llinois. h<\s issued the following in the service of their country. One of the outstanding features-in addiexJ~rnet~ces that haYe happened on the director. was hear.tiiy congratulated up- ~tatement in regard to Poppy Days: same mC"ht of the week. according to I on his splen<lid \\'Ork with this organi"To the public : Since its organiza- tion to the address of the day-will \fr. Cutler. zation. tion in 1919. the American Legion has he the reading of a Memorial Day esA report of the Illinois state P . T. A. recognized that its . first duty was to say written by a Wilmette school girl ON FISHING TRIP I meeting held in Champaign recently see that proper care was given to our and which was the winning essay in wa~ made b,· Mrs. Kendrick. This re- comrades disahled in the \Vorld war. a contest provided hy the Wilmette C'. E. Renneckar ::~nd \V. C. Brown nort appears in another column of this The Department <·f Tllinois has main- Optimist. The award for this essa~· (1f \Vilmctte, Joe Griffiths nf Louis- issttc of \Vilmette Life. tained since that time a Service de- ,-.,·ill he mad~ in the course ~f the proville. and .1. C. Epps oi Chical!O. m~ partment in which men familiar with gram. The Memorial Day program ton.:d to \Volf River. \Vis .. this week the various laws and regulations re- follows : · for white hass fishing. TheY wiii fl' , OPENS NEW SWIM POOL g-arding disabled men could give all TI'VOC'ation ........ Dr. Stt>phen ...\ . Lloyd me riC' a . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . Assembly turn to the north shore Titesda\' of David Clark Leach, 1417 Forest ave- their time toward the solution of the A Awarding of Priz('s in l\Tt>morial Day next week. · nue. \Vilmette swimming instructor of problems confronting the thousands of Essay C'ont,.,st the l'nion League club, was in charge our comrades in Illinois, without re- Address . . . . . . . . . . . . S. J. Duncan-Clark CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY of the exhibition swimming in the gard to whether the~· were members SeiPction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Damante's band to the Dead The Wilmette post office ,..·itt he club's new pool, in conjunction with of the American Legion. During the 1'ributt> Tnps-One monwnt of :c:;ilence, the. assemyears 1924-25 no aid was requested of closed throughout the dav Mondav the dedication of the new building last bly facing east. · May 31, in observance of Memoriai " ·eek. A reception was tendered the the puhlic toward maintenance of this Raising of Colors Day, it was announced this week hy Chicago Athletic club's national cham- Service department other than through Benediction . . . . . . Dr.. Hubert Carleton Selection ..·............. Damante's ban~ the sale of Poppies." pion water polo team. Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz. All junior tmib. inrluding Hoy Scouts. Girl ~cmtts. Sea Scouts, Camp Fin.' Girls. on Twt'lfth stret:t. north of Cent raJ awnue. 1 1 1 1 p T A G,; e $500Sfor h Public / Library E : I

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