May 2S, 1926· generation to criticize the young people. However, when Dr. Thrasher divided the young people of whom he was to speak in three classes, the radical, the wild and the criminal we know that ill s~me way parents i~ general needed to he concerned. Studied Chicago Gangs Dr. Thrasher has spent seve ral years in studying the gangs in Chicago and other cities by living right with them . Tn his talk he related the work that is carri ed on as a result of these gangs and how th ey rush some of the hO\·s who are just out of elementary schools . \Ve find the habitat of these gangs where \Ve find neglected \'Outh . He mentioned the exam.ining oi the Kraus er fami lv, of whicJ 1 \Valter Krau se r wa s member and ~aid that the entin~ famih· showed 110 mental emotion. Had thi s mental inspection been mad e in the pre-sd10ol years. as is now being done, not only might crime l1avc been averted but money and time could have heen much more t·ffc-c tivly U!->ed . " \ \ 'h atever young p('ople arc. they arc what ~oc ietv ha s made them . \\'e hrt\'C' the kind ~·mmg people \\'e de'-(·n·r to have." he stressed further. "TIH' trouble is not with th e voung peo pk, it is with the ~ocietv ·\\·hich --timul:ltt·~ them . The,· arc iw more clnili~h ll\· nature tha·n <"ver hut arc products a changing WOrld ." WILMETTE · LIFE "Did you hike with him as a young-~ ster?" the friend continued. "No, I didn't have the time." was the answer. "Did you ever play tennis or golf with him?" his friend asked. Again the reply was in the negative. "Well," said the friend. "you didn't ~·t~.:tr loas:Q.7.our son-you lost him 17 43 I .·1 S rril's 011 the Ecollomy of Living at The G£-orgian. 5 J· · !.., t . , l a ,., .. t ) .. I ' a" . of Foundation Important sa id that the four cardina l principal virtues which sho uld be embedded in the child foundation arc ho nes ty, truth. right eo usness and love of the beautiful. In this dav and age life is so rapi(l that we . have to he well planned and organized in our home life to get anywhere. Educations should give three tl1ings -character, citizenship and classics. But even having these thr ee things we must have the backing and not be like the · senator, highly respected h:v his friends, who voted against a child wetfare bill. \Vhen asked about the matter bv a friend he explained that the outsi(.le pressure was so great that he was forced to do so. in~ide "But \\·here were HJUr braces," th e friend asked·. ~fi ss Leonard said that one oi the most pitiful si tuat \)l!s with which she was confronted was ,1 boy or girl in ~~iss Leonard Hinman Annue at Davis Street,-Ready October th e First Location Exact Iy Right L IVIl 'G close to things ::.a \'es time-is very conven ient. You are close to thing s at The Georgian. Close to four kinds of rapid reliable tran . portation, les s than four block s a~vay. Comm uters can s leep longer and arrin home soo ner, living at The Georgian. Xear churches, parks, the lake-across the ave nue from. large sto re s, professional build.i ngs, theaters, library-surro unded hy beautiful home s, g-a rd ens and la\vn s. · Tl.le lo cation oi The Georgian is exactly right, H mman Avenue at Davis Street, sou th eas t corner. \'i ~·:it thr· modtl :,;uitt·, furni~ht· d a!" in r·ompltot iun-522 Davis Street-sf·e th e nt ·w and exquisitt.> appointments. You are invit ('d-8 :30 a . m . to 6:30 p . m.H···nings 7:30 to 8 :30-Sunda,· aftl·rllf·(·ll~ :~ :00 to 6 :00. · of Many Mothers Present He brought nut tlw need of fri('nd - ., . · ,· i . line s.-; to the foreign rlcment In· the hc st of our citiz('ns and th<· nt·cc.<·s:-it,· for prevrnting the viciop~ t·l emen.t from directing tlw acti ,·itJcs of those new to our countn· and om "·an. /)( 1 '\'()l. h.~O\\' It was indeed great jo~· to he That th e American l.L·gion auxiliar .' · among the audirncr \\'hen. nf the 57R adoptt'd the popp~· as it:- \1 cmmial rlcl el!atr s present, ROper cent WL'rc· FI()\YCr at its organizini.!" r<'nn-ntion mothrrs and at lrast 10 pt·r ct·nt grand- held in Kan sa~ Cit,·. October. J<J2-t. and mnthers. To he cr(l s-,i ng tht· c:1n1pm pledged the profi.t:-> irom tht' poppy dail~· . as we did, one caught the at- sale:-> 100 p r cent tn \\·c lfart rclil'f for mosphcre again. and the boy s and the se n-ic e men and "·omen and th eir girl s (nearly 9.000 cnrnllrd) . seemed familie s. thu s fulfilling the true meanfine c::pccimens of manhood an~! wom- 1 ing c) i the poppy-an Emblem of anhond . Then at the Ja . , t .;es~ JOn o n<' Faith \\·hich i:' being kept with all \Yho nf th e ~·oung rnll r.~c girl ramr tn the dil'd. thrt 'ugl! :-c·n·in· to the liYing: platform and im·itecl ;11Hl urgt"d cnrY mother to attend the ""\f otiH'.r < \\'eekend" precc<ling \.father's da,· at the Thi s s <' e tilt · cl ~~ fi t 1i 11 g un in' r :-i t \·. rcrognit(nn of the college ParentTcarhtr a<.::-ociation which i... ktting tilt boys ;wd gir l.; kno\\· that th(' par < ·nt arr st ill ( Ill the jo,l and intnl·:-ttd in their ,~· ork and their problems . Dean Let>nard Speaks And as though to send u:-; a\\·a,· with iee ling. of the highest rlrf'T('e (li rc<.pon sibilitv for our cl!ildr<'n. our neighbors' childr61 and · all children. \1 iss Leonard. dean of women at th<' uni\·r rsit~· spoke on the . uhier·t. "Th(' Prohkm of the Home in the Program of Education." She prefaced hrr remarks h.,. sa~·int!. "Our children arc jt1st " ·hat we expect o f them," ann gan· this example: "O ne da y in talking to a mother who han srnt two hfn·s to the latr war T aske d her just \\:hat hrr rcartion was in se nding hrr hoy s away·. She re It's not so much the size or color plied. '\V ell, I put a Bihlr over carh of the EYES that makes them of their l1earts and m_v picture on thr bc:autiful. Rather, it's the glow opnnsite side and between the two T which radiates from them. Ur,. kne w tJie,· would never go far wro ng'." less kept a Iways clean and healthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustre. Mi ss Leonard pointrd out that schools and colleges r '1 do no more Millions of women throughout than huild a suncrstructurr on the the world promote EYE health early training of the studrnt. She <kand beauty with Murine. It r!ared the home l1as absolute responsi cleanses EYES of irritating par.. hilit\· for the early and lasting lesson s tides :md keeps them clear and in honestv and integritv. bright. Contains no belladonna. . Loat Long O.W illwCTated l.oob on "£-,e Ccan" She told of a fatht>r wl1osr son had or "£, Be4uey" care FREB on f'C4t'UC. been arrested. A friend asked the The Murine Company father what the trouble was and wa<; Tkpt. 33. Cblalao told that the hov had forged a check for $300. The father felt that he had lost his son. "Did vou read to him whrn "Olt put him to ·hed as a little tot?" asked the friend. 41 No. T was too tired," replied the father. trouble who shielde d tl :(' home. and assumed a ll the respomibility for his acts. aJtJ10 t1gh th e li g ht s and shadO\\'S cast upon th e boy or girl h~· the honH· Wl're quite discernihlc. Tn closing she gavr thi-, tiH!Ul(ht: "The tired horse never run . a\vaykt·t·p them busy, giw them respon ~ i hility and give tl 1cm :-;piri tu al imprc:o>~." Ttltphone, Grt.·t.·Jdea f 13o3 a Jilhe Gleornian Qotel Corporation. EL\~STO:-.'", ILLINOIS. ~ The Mcllvaine Oil Burner lnsta1l One in Your Home - and you will exchangethe trouble, dirt, and uneven temperature of coal for the 1;3eauty Lies in H· ealthy EYES CONVENIENCE CLEANLINESS and COMFORT OF OIL HEAT MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER ·SALES Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. .lf/1qf!~JY.L .JJ· EYEs~ WINNETKA