Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1926, p. 38

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38 }'or tht· WILMETTE LIFE May 28, 1926 TAKES NEW CHURCH POST Jl"'" t: <~ ll .\H L\. T t~ \\·,. h:n\, a ht>autiful Relt>ct i o n of gradua t im1 a n d confinnatiot1 rirt>s8,·~ and at'<'<'Sl:'oril's. All t'\1:\ls <·hoar 1llll' on hand \ 'al u, ·:-; to l'IWI\'t·i' for $~~1.50 now rt>dUI't·d t·J othl'l' ::;tock. $~5 UNIQUE SmE SHOP 1 12 B. COPLAN. Prop. ti Central Avenue Phc.ne Wil. 240 3 NEW MARMON SALES AND 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Marmon North Shore Summer school for \Vilmettc gra:n- ) ~!is~ .Gladys Elizabeth \Vink. daugh mar school pupils will begin on Mon- tei- oi 1\'fr. atld Mrs. M. A. \"'ink o[ -0day, Jum.· 21. it was announced thi s Tlighl.and Park. at 9 o'clock, Sat~trda;.: ~[ r. and ~[rs . Harry \\-. ~f ons of lSi ,,·ce k ·Jn· ] . P. Harper. superintendent mormng, 1\f ay 19, became the lmciL· ot. \\·oodstock a\'l~nue, Kcnil\\'orth, with . .· .· August Charles Pearson, Jr., son ot a party of friends, 11 r. and Mrs. \Vil- O t :-.rhool:i. The follo" mg statement : ).f r. and .Mrs. A. C. I earson of X(JR , Chern· str et. \\'innctka . Dr. ]. D. liam Kixmiller of \V'ilmette and Mr. in re .~ard to the school wa~ iss ued: and Mrs. Spttrgeon of Evan sto n , at"For the convenience of those par- ()'\"eii officiated at th<' ccrcmon'· tended the Elizabethan dinner and rev - cnt · \\'ho should li.kc tn han' their which was performed in the Tmrnacu-els of the Union League cluh dedica·1:-1 t.t 1 1 ool · , ·c \ late Conception church in Highland r1 '. 1 <l'L'Il a eiH summer sc 1 ' Park. A \\'l'clding breakfast was served tion Saturday evening, May 22. \\'I sh to announce that suc h a sc hool at the home of the bride\ parents fCJI will he opened on ~fonday, June 21, lowing · the se rvice. for the children in the Yariou s g rade :-. Tilt· hri<k \\"(l rL' a go\\'ll ·>i whitL' ta 1 ."ln addition to tllr regular work icta. Her veil of tulle wa s \\Teatlwd gin·n in the difh:rent sc hools there \\"ith orange bl osso ms, and she carrit'rl a sho\\'er bo uquet of bride\ roses. Hl'r will ht' a clas:- in kindergarten ~nd . . istl'r. ~[i ss Dorothy \Vin!:, \\'a s in ;t SERVICE STATION , primary occupational work for chit- irock oi pale ~rcen taffeta. She wort· I dr~n from 4 to 7 year:-;. \Vork will be a pink picture hat and carried pink given in clay modeling, painting, COil- ro~,e:-.. . r· struction (wood and paper ). ga mes. Clarenn: ~lynn ot \\ mnetka \\';.h rYtl11n s. ttllhic appreciation, reading. 1 ~r . Pearso n s hes t man. language. litt·raturc . exc-ursion~ and I Cpon .their r.eturn. frotn their hot! CY bird lore . Thi s rlass will he held at ; 111oun tnp t1> \ew \ ork and \Vashlllg the Central school. ~~ r:-. Gilbert \\'ill I ton., D. C.. ~1 r. Pear:-.on ~nd hi-; brid ,· be in charrrc. I \\'ill be at home after July 1. at 1Rl 5 "Childrct~ will he admitted tn the \\'alttut an·nue, ·\\'ilmctte . different classe s ior atw len gt h of time at the rate of $2.50 a· week. Reg- ; .).! i-..s l·:lizal>cth \\' ibon of La Portt·. ular course of .s ix werks in all ~rade:-. fnd ., "h() ha:-. lh·e n wintering in Cali $1,.:;00." · iorn ia. i~ arriving ill \ \.ilmet t~o.· ~at urda\' for a short visit " ·ith Mi-. .; ~u-.;ut - -·- - - - - - 1 Dr. W . Edward Raffety '\orti1:-ui1 llt i3l Tl'nth . strcl't. 1 1 1 T he Rev. F. }. Tromp, fo rmer curate of St. Augustine's church, and more recently rector of the Episcopal church in River Fore t, has accepted the post of assistant at the Cathedral ~fission in Chicago. Highland Park Is Summer School Place of Marriage Schedule Begins of Winnetka Man ~1onday, June 21 ; 1 ,. Preaches Here Sunday ' Dr \\·. Fd\\'ard l~affct,·. editor of th e International Journal t)l Rcli giott-- E<lucation. and n·..,iclent of \Vilm ctte. ,,·ill preach the Sl'rmon at the \\.i lnwtt·: -oBaptist cl111rch ~nnday morni11g. ).lay 30. at the 11 o'clork :il'n·ice~. '\1 r. ·u1 d \I r' .. \ . l.t· .tl Bil>i> iJt-- ·>: The Ht' \ '. Franci-, C. Sti11cr. pa..,tor ~'rant:-t', \ . Y .. :t llJI·!Jtl1rL· tiH· l1irtlt lli of the church, is attending the srs- , t da 11 ~ 11 h' r , H 1 \I a,. _:I \I r, Hi I d >i 11, 1 siollS of the Northern Bapti:;t Con- \\·as ionnnly \1 in\.·rn f.',ltt , ·>i \\'i! I vention in \Vashington, D. C. mettc. Frank .-\ . Rai1dall oi 'll..: " 1\n·lftlt trl.:'et t·ntl'rtailwrl till· ll1t't11ht·r , c' i her h rid l! t' r lu h at tun rho 11 at h, · Onilt1tclll' t'(luntn l·luh Thur-,d :t' · 1! this \\'cek. · ~r r--. -0- I ~ · The Service That Yo u Desir e A joJful, interesting tri' of over 2,000 miles of beautiful waterway- cool invigorating lake breezesplenty of amusement and enchanting scenery en route. A chance to visit Mackinac bland, Parry Sound Can., Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo-the to all Easteq,, Canadian and St. Lawmtce River Point~ Spend a full day at Niap:ra. Falla. · ~ .. gmewa; The Great Oil-Burning White Linera of specialized SlT\· iccs. the specialist is ahva)rs recog-nized a~ one con1pctcnt to clo his particular \\·ork \vc11. \ \~ c clcYotc our entire time and thoug-hts to our scr,·icc and to tnaking that scr,·icc better for you. Our ain1 is to perfect ways and n1eans of brin~~-ing· t1) you co1nfort, privacy, ancl abo,·c all specialized service. clay In this I · ' i J. ·' offer the comfort, luxury, and experience. similar to that of an ocean voyage. Promenade and Sun Decks of unusual width. LargeGrandSalon;CommodiousLoungeRooms;Canopy covered Palm Garden on Observation Deck. All staterooms and parlors are oabide rooma with windowa or port holes. Excellent meala by expert chef -daintily served. If you prefer quiet. sit in restful seclusion and enjoy the ever changibg scenery. H you want gaiety join in the Games,Entertainments. ~usic and Dancing aboard ehip-aocial hostess Wlll get you acquainte4. Music by splendid orchestra. For the children open air plaY1f0und ecreened in-attendant in charge to amuse them. Sat7ifiiJ /nmt C~ ftWY T114 a4 SA. ]_,.. ~Ia Ill All6. 31st. i..cJ. R. R. Ticrut. 611. c~. J:>dmil, O.Witmd a~~ B4GJo ,_.,., /tJI' ,._. lljttm tulditiolttll North American~. ~ South American · ·· 'j We have been serving the people of Wilmette and the North Shore for 21 years. · ~ I · DELUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE ,. ~ I ... UNDERTAKER uThe House of Personal Service, 1124 Central Avenue Phone W~lmette 654 r... , ,.,_,.L Call · ""'t· f · pamphlet aa7 Rallwar Tlcbt Oflioe · Touriat ApDq · W. H. BLACit, C. P. A. I. ~ · Cbicqo, Duluth & S.Oqian Ba, Tranait Com.-,ny 110 W. Aclama St. PhOIM ~ ' Ran. 0226 WILMETTE .. .

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