Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1926, p. 45

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.. 21) May 21, 1926 [Il l , WI LMET T E L I F .E 45 t r l .\. ('lit I .. .,,. . -. · fronts was perceptible. Intermittant rifle fire in the nprth was much nearer we thought, from the plainly visible puffs of smoke along the horizon, and to the east,· we hear the Fengtien troops have captured the bridge acros s that little river on which we relied so much for safety. We all feel verv badly, for we hoped Peking and its environs would remain in Kuominchun hand s. II ~ t I) t·d () l jl , Il l kat 111 '" Ill '" Il l st ],· \l l dt t't lg ~r! k ld . , ... .- # ( ' ..t 1 · ance of those supplied by Mrs. Cecil below_ u_s in the hasem~nt. Mrs. Lewis Duff-Stevens of the class of '16, soon JOmed me and B1ll stretched out on the floor of mv classroom across the Pageant Port~aya Development of Na- brought the history down to modern hall. Rifle fire fn the north was fairtional Kindergarten and Elementary times. ly constant and several bullets kicked At this point the students were givCollege up the dust on the tennis court-one alen the opportunity of adding their most found the window under which I chapter to the tale by joining the The story of the growth of th e Nalay, and every now and then one hit alumnae association and helping to tional Kinderga rten and Elementary sharply against the brick . , vall. carry on the work and traditions of cortege and with it the growth of the Victors in Command Alumnae association. from the time the college. ..By four A. M. hostilities ceased, the away back in th e eighties when there Kuominchun withdrew from all their was no kindergarten college, down to Refugee· Pour In FOR DISTINCTIVE trenches and the Fengtien troops were PERMANENT WAVING "From every direction Chinese peo- in command of Tl.mgchow. The chil- the present day. was told by th e north ( N egreecou's Pare ple, men, women, and tiny chi ldren . dren were allowed out to play base- shore alumnae of the college in a Steam ProeM·) pour into the co1~1pound, their pitifully hall. and Bill and I walked around the clever pageant presented in the auditorium. Harrison hall, Tuesda\· aftersmall bundles of possessions hung over quartermile hunting bullet~. The serA· Lon· llS.OO noon. May 18. · their shoulders or clasped in their ,·anh were wonderful, so cheerful and Also :\f rs. Charl e~ Lloyd. president oi the arms. It is a colorful sight, for they arc self-controlled, hut we know some of HAIR GOODS National Alumnae association. appearpeasant people, dressed in those love- them were nearh· frantic with worr\· For discriminate requirements con)~· soft blue cottons. their babies in 1 ,r grief. . ed in the costume of 1876 and disen . ~. cd with a freshman of '26 the di ssult Mr. John Negrescou, 38 years brilliant red an<l pink outer garments "lleavy firing in tlH' north contim1td on State Street. and the women and children in brig-ht from 9 o'clock in the evening to near- ad\'antages of the time "·hen there Exp~rt Beauty Parlor Service and \\'as no kindergarten collegeand very doth shoes. A committee wa s quick- lY l( J o'cl(lck the next !llorning. OccaArtistic Hair Cutting ly organized to distribute the Chinese s-ionally a small field piece could he few kindergartens. ).f rs. Alfred Bates, in the basements of the house~. Cn - heard. hut no large guns \\'ere user! and in the quaint dre~s which one asso!oil' I'I'E 1314 STEVENS BLDG. fortunatch· we can shelt er onlv the most of t ht report~ were from rifles. ciates with the World's Fair period. 17 N. State Street families o.f our ·s ervants. T stippo se hut at a di~tance oi a quartcr of a mile. then told of the mothers' clas~es 'l'c.·l. Raadolpla 1015 formed , hv ~~iss Harrison: of the even so. tl1at nH·ans hetwec·n one or a rifle shot sounds alarmingly noisy. carl~· str{lggles with the prejudice two humlrecl. \\"e think a small rear guard of the again st an unmarried woman trying to "The ringing oi the irr,n gong out'-.iclt Kuominchun were trying to' keep the tell mothers how to bring up their chilthe· school huilding ~cemed the most Fcngticn forces from advancing too dren. and of the support given hy one fantastic summotis in the world. Big fast and firing on the retreating lines. of the mothers, Mrs. J ohn 1\. Crouse. "The K uominchtm have evacuated guns hy this time were booming loud\Yho later joined Miss Harrison in esly to the south and the childre n stood Peking, and an army of defense has tablishing th e college . about talking in ~xcited groups or hcen organized within the city walls. ).1i ss Florence Linnell, in th e tiny chasing each other in wild hilaritv its purpose to maintain order and pre- Hat hat. stiff collared sl,irt waist, black about the quarter mile. I'm sure th-e vent looting. \Vu Pei Foo will prob- tie and voluminous skirt of the college I hurst ing of a shell or the ringing of ably rush up to Peking and his troops girl of 1896, told of the good old days heav<'nlv hells woul<l have coincided will prevent (we think) the Fcngtien hefor<' the girls were allowed t o inwith tl;t> general expectations of the forces from entering the capitol. l:n- vite gentlemen to their parties and oi hour. Th e gong was a distant shock. lcss he drives them back this w_ay. the the founding of the Alumn<H.' as~ocia Estimate~ School connnccl a. usual and I met excitement is over for us. ti on. "Today it i:' rainy. and I'm delighting my high school history class. gave The climax oi the aftenHHII1 for the them an assignn.Jcnt and sent them off in wearing my ne\V slicker. which I've :-t ud ents came. however. with th<.: ap to studv hall while r went hack tn the onh· heen able to use twice before in pearance o· ~~iss Edna Dean Baker. Clas:-.cs arc presidcn t of t ht college, and :\1 iss Hardormit~n·. At the close of the hour. thi~ land of sunshine. Phone Wilmette 2764 a:' we all poured out of the building on meeting as usual this afternoon. and ril't 1-Jmyarcl. head of the supe rvi sion our wa~· to chapeL all s<·cnJed very all ~am~ f!Uict enough. 1030 Greenleaf A'tfe. department. dressed in tht stiff si lk s fJUiet . Dr . Smith :-poke to the . . chooL oi 1C)Q(j with their mam· gored skirts. April 17. 192(,. vi\·ing them :\frs . Baldwin's account of and carrying the l ong-h~ndlcd parasols WILMETTE the rescue of the en"" of the Italian "\\"t.· :-.pcnt a quid night and for the c,i the day. Their reminiscenc<' s of steamer "Antinoui." After reces . . fir- first time I slept straight through un- formrr coll ege clays and ways 'n' re ing \\·as more ron:-.tant and en:n · one til the rising hell. Tt · was heavenly~ fascina tin g. and these, with the assist\\'as told to conl<' to the ~chon) huild - Tn the di:-;tance we hear cannonading at ing- n·en the childr<:n in the· infirm - long intcrYals but there arc no rifle four clothes washed if you Vacu.umElectrid an· were drt.' '-~ed anrl sent m·er. The ~hot:; in the nearby city, where Feng- free: rmg us g~ng rang and cia -;sc s hcg:l!l- Frr sh- tirn soldier s arc in · contrnl ancl where man English for 11ll' . r Sl'llt them :Jil tiH·,· haYe been looting for the past Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Supplies to the hoar<l to \HitC' . cntcnce". hut d;n: and a half. There · is no chance oi Eveready "B" Batteries we hadn't been at it long hcforr there go~ng- to Peking. f0r the gate~ are all Music Master Loud Speakers was a knock at tlic donr and nne of barricaded \\·ith sa nd hag~ and nnly an Base Plugs Installed Fine Lin,. of Lighting Fixtures the sen ior boys poked hi :-; head in to airplane could find entrance. announce "·c were all to g(l to the hasement. Mail From Home Again Phone Wilmette I 04~ Fourth Street C'est Ia Guerre "You maY imagine tht:; -.hri{'b <li de"Here we arc. mattrc . <,t· ~ at all thr light that greeted the rc~ei'p·t oi Ameriwindows. A cooli e ju st report eel that can mail once morr. Train~ to Tien a she ll had gone over the building hut Sin actna lh· run . onct' a dav and \\'l' all we don't believe it. The childr en arc feel tn.·mc~Hloush· t·a me a·nd ciYilized. happy and exci ted and make so much The chi ldr en ha\'C alreadv tir ed of bulnoise we can he a r little of the hatti e lct-lltlnting, \Yhich for t.he · past week reported to b e raging not far from our ba:' been our major spo rt . And. after compound gates. Already they arc he- ~eYcn weeks of r.usticating in TunghTelephone your orders- Wilmette 649 ginning to t a lk of hcing hungry-T am :-.icn, I really believe that I ~ha ll he sure I couldn't eat-not even Chinese ah lr to spen d the week in Peking. No Toll food or a real American icc cream "Ref ugees still inhabit our cellars and soda . But th e n. there arc few of th e five. dozens deep . in the servants quaryoungsters who h avc nt seen at lea st t ers back of every Compound hou se. one war before t hi.~- I'm entitled to a Chang Tso Lin's soldier s arc in the 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE few thrill s over nl_V fir st hattie, I think. citv and are still continuing to loot, Evanston though there must he little enough left April 16, 192fi. in side the walls . One of the Chinese "There was little firing at noon and women from the Compound decided to we made a scamper for the dining return to her home in side th e city Established 1854 room, which is in the basement of the gates. and left. under the escort of an "girls dorm" and well protected from old man. Thev hadn't gone far. bethe northwest rifle fire. After an ex- fore the soldier~ rushed out of a house. cellent lunch everyone left much knocked down the old man and · Funeral Directors for 72 Y tars cheered and I risked mv life to dimh dragged off the poor woman. So you to mv room after bla'nket. pillows. see, ronditions are still far from nor Jordan Funeral Service plan rec tees the cost of funerals powd~r. comb and a hook- fnr which mal for the Chinese. Chang Tso Lin considerably Bill (one of the teachers) scolded. hut and \Vu Pei Foo haYe declared their the rest of the Faculty fell upon intention of exterminating the Kuo 612 Davis St. Phon~ University 449 powder, comb and pillows as though minchun forces. so there will he more Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 T'd been Santa himself. Bill picked out fighting, hut not around Peking. Nanco and J ehol wilt ·probably be the centers. a bullet-proof pl<icc in Len's office for CHICAGO "I hope yop get a little thrill out of me and I spread my blanket on the Phone Superior 7709-7710 200 E. Erie St. floor and composed m ~n elf to sweet all of this- that's at least half the rcashtmber away from the ho,ding mob son I am enjoying it all." ID E p I CT GROWTH a· THE WIGGERY I M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating given without obligation . 5"' EA .I WASiiER .. Adams Electric Shop ~~"'J ft'MJa~JJM C@Mp.rUKf ---------------------------------------------------- . C. H. JORDAN & CO. ··--------------------------------------------------J

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