Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1926, p. 3

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May 14, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE · SIGNALIZE THIRTEENTH I Clean-up Week Starts Tomorrow for Wilmette YEAR OF BAPTIST WORK : Wilmette's Clean-up Week-May - !FINAL P. T. MEETING Much of Interest Promised Parent. in Last Session at Stolp Auditorium Monday .... Wilmette Baptist Parish to Hold I Dinner and Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 19 - . I DEMAND SPECIAL PROBE OF MC SWIGGIN SLAYING Meeting of Wilmette Citizens · ·, ., ' . ·· f t Adopts Resolution Requesting The fioal meeting of the school year of the Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher Stem Action association will be held in the Byron Stolp school a1,1ditorium Monday after. . . Thirteen years of eventful progress noon, May 18, at 3 :15 o'clock. This is At a publtc .mcetmg and. dmner held 1 will be reviewed by parishioners of the a week later than the regular meeting Mo.nday evemng at the Ftr~t Congre\Vilmette Baptist church Wednesday date, which was_ May 10, when the g~~10nal church, under ausptces of t.he evening, May 19. A dinner, business teachers held their closing session ~ tlmette B.etter Government assoctasession, music and an inspirational ad"'ith all the parents invited. 1 !ton, resolutwns were adopted den:tand-dress by Dr. H. L. Willett will make up . . mg that the courts shall appomt a the program for the anunal church . The last meetmg pro~nt~es muc~1 of special state's attorney and a special !r~terest t? all paren.ts, tt 1~ explamed. grand jury to investigate the murder meeting, as prepared by the special I he openmg note. wtll. be gtven by tl:e of Assistant State's Attorney McSwigcommittee of which Mrs. C. P. Dubbs is chairman. · sc~ool band, wluch ts to appear tn gin, and the alleged primary election Starting with a handful of charter umform. frauds. members in 1913, ·the Baptist congregaAnnual reports will he given. toThe meeting was attended by reption has steadily increased in numbers gether ~ith reports from the delegates resentatives of all the churches and and constructive accomplishment year sent to the state council of Parent- civic associations of Wilmette. Presihy year since then. The present memTeacher association held in Champaign dent Earl Orner introduced the new bership has reached the 400 mark. April 27, 28 and 29. chief of police, Charles H. Leggett\Vith the exception of the brief regime \Vilmette had quite a delegation, in formerly chief of the Evanston police at the start, of the Rev. B. F. Taber, fact one of the largest in the state, department. Nearly every member of the pastor has been the Rev. Francis there being three from the Logan- the Village board was present. James C. Stifter, whose report will be one of Howard groups · and three from the C. Crossley presided. Addresses were the high-lights of the evening. Central-Laurel association. Mrs. H. delivered by E. H. Davis, superintendExpect Record Gathering A. Storms, Mrs. Enoch Steen. and ent of The Better Government assoArrangements are being completed Miss Aleda Larson represented the ciation. and Ralph Parlette, a noted for accommodating the largest group Logan-Howard association, and Mrs. speaker, whose topic · was "Swat the of dinner guests in the historv of the \V. A. Kendrick, Miss Herman \Vy- Snake and Co-operate." The resohtchurch. The dinner, to be. served man. and ~[ rs. E. H. Freeman from tions adopted were as follows : promptly at {) :30 o'clock, is under the "The Joy of Friendship and the the Central- Laurel association. Adopt .Resolutions direction of Mrs. Frank France. Start- Grace of Sympathy," will he the mesIt would be quite ideal if more par\Yhereas, the failure to enforce the ing promptly at 6, the half-hour pre- sage of Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd at the ents would interest themselves in these ceding the dinner will be taken up with 11 o'clock service of the First Congre- state and national conventions, these law against murderers and violators of election laws in Cook county, has an organ recital by William H. Barnes gational church Sunday morning. delegates assert. Much of worthwhile become so lax as ·to have given Chiand ~fiss Ethel Flentye. "'~fore helpful than all wisdom or interest and inspiration are to be cago a bad reputation throughout the Dr. Edward Raffety, editor of the counsel is one draught of simple gained, they declare. "·orld. and ] ournal of Religious Education, will human pitr that will not forsake us.' Superintendent J. R. Harper i:; to preside as master of ceremonies, and says George Eliot; hut we never know acquaint the mothers with an inter\Vhereas. information leads us to the conducting of the business session the truth of it until our need is great," esting experiment to be carried out believe that certain judges, the prosewill be in the hand~ of George \Vil:. reads a comment on the :;ermon theme. in the schools here next year. It is cuting attorne,- of Cook countv, asIiams, the church moderator. Mme. "Silver or gold may he tilt· gift of the concerned with reading 1nd is to be sistant prosec.utors, and bailiffs of r.ilcleroy Scott, director of the church hand, but the heart of a sympathetic conducted by Professor Gray of th~ courts, consort publicly with notorious choir, will sing ·a group of songs dur- friend gives that which neither silver itivcrsity of Chicago. characters. some of whom have been defendants for violation of the elecing the dinner hour. Reports of all nor gold can buy. 'fhis experim~nt ls of particular. intion laws and the criminal code, and hoards, departments and special of"Sympathy is like the .\pril sun and to the P. f. A. as that orgamza, ficers· will he heard, as ·~·ell as the rc- shower upon violet roots: it has in it tcrest tion will thereby be afforded an op- . \\ )1ereas. it appears . that hanging rJort of the nominating committee. The all the fragrance of hope and cheer. portunity of assisting in the establish- I v~rdtcts arc. ~ecur.ed agamst murdere.rs new officers will face the opportunities The one who bears it i_ a living bles- ing of a much-needed school library. wttl~ont pohtt~al mfluence a~d acqU1tof the fourteenth year of the church's sing. though he may be a:; unconscious Last, but not least, in the day\ of- als tn c~ses ot some professlO.nal gunexistence and from the ambitious for- of the value of his gift as the sun is fcrings-~frs. John B. Boddie, who has men. wtth who1~1 or the frtends. of ward movements already inaugurated of its shining." conducted an intensive survey of the whom. the states attorney an? ~sstst this new year. promise to surpass all of health . programs ·of the surrounding ant:' are shown to have been tnttmate, the others in achievement for the towns, as well as of vVilmette. will and Say "Stop" Warning Is church at large and in its relationship give a summary of her findings and \Yherea:'. the returns of the primary to community welfare and progress . Motori$ts present the new health program that elect ion sho\v that the ticket supported Ignored After the dinner hour and business session the members will he addressed The "~top" sign on Fourth street at has been evolved as a result of this \n· the state's attorne~· received its survey. strongest . support from. the territory by Dr. Herbert L. \Villett, the new Linden avenue. one of the most danThe kindergarten and first ~rade whcrt.: lawlessness has run riot, and pa:-;tor of the Kenilworth l:nion church gerous corners it_l the village, appears corruption at the po\ls is charged, and and dean of the Disciples DivinitY to be ohscrYed ahout as much as the mothers will be hostesses. \\.hereas. from the unpunished Home at the University of Chicag~. \·olstead act in-(,Yell. various places.) murder of policemen. conditions have Dr. \\~it.lctt. is one of the recognized ~n observler at this corner one morn- N. T. Selects Paintings led to the murder of an assistant state's authont1es 111 the religiou s circle.; of mg- recent y, says two out of ten cars for reasons unknown · and the nation, having served as presi.d ent observed the "stop" signs. \Yhile the , From Art League Exhibit attorneY while it-, company ,,·ith a gunman ~ried of the Chicago Church Federation and others shot across Fou:th street at The picture committee at New Trier by him and acquited of murder, and in high capacities with the Federal full speed. Car~ on Lmden avenue High school has selected F. C. PeyCrime-Politics Allied Counc,il of the Churches of America. arc warned by smgs a~ Fourth .street raud's painting, "Lake Lugano," from · to go slo·w, but accord1ng to thts ob- among those which have been on ex\\.hereas. it is evident fron1 these Women Voters Hold Th · ~erver. these sign~. also .were .utterly hihition at the school, following the facts that the state's attorney could e1r 1gnored. At the t1me of m~talltng the ~orth Shore Art league's exhibit at not fairly represent law-abiding citiAnnual Meeting, Election ne\v street lighting system in the vii- the Winnetka Community House. This zens desirous of a full investigation of The annual meeting of the \\'ilmettc !age, arrangements were made at this picture has been purc.hased for the the charges of election frauds and of League of \Vomen Voters "·ill he held corner for inst.tlling the automatic school and \viii be hung in one of the an alliance between crime and politic~ next Friday, May 21. at the \Voman's sto~ and go signal, and many of the halls. It is a painting of an Italian and club. The morning session will open husmess m~n ~t Fourth and Linden lake, done in Italy by Mr. Pcyraucl, ~Thereas, the special grand jury un at 10:30 o'clock at which time the an- feel that this wtlt have to he done be- and is said to have exceptionally rich der direction of the state's attorney is tlttal reports will be g-iven and the fore automobile traffic at this point is coloring. Another picture which was making an investigation of important election of officers held. A break- rendered safe for not only autoists a great favorite with the students of mattors aside from the investigatior fast at 12 o'clock, noon, will be fol- themselves, hut pedestrians. as well. the sc hool was ·'The Lure of the sought by this resolution. lowed by a program. There will be Korthland," by Spellman, and this is Therefore, be it resolved. in this a dramatic dialogue by ]. \V. Langley Eastern Star Invites to be . purchased by the Girls' club, meeting of citizens of the Village of of Chicago vs. H. H. Johnson of St. to Card Part·, Dance with the help of the French club. it is \Vilmettc, that the time has come when Louis on the subject "Can the law he J annom~ced. it is necessary that the people demand en forced?" Reservations can he made \Vilmctte Chapter. Ko. 753 of the ---------of the judges of Cook county their HUERTER POST MEETS with Miss Helen Evans, 616 Gregory Eastern Star is giving a card and bunstatutory right to an inquiry by a speThere will be a special meeting of a venue, telephone Wilmette 974- J. co party and dance at the Ouilmette Country cluh Saturday evening, May the Peter ]. Rueter Post No. 69 of cial grand jury with a special state's 15. Proceeds from the entertainment the American Legion at the Foresters' attornev to ascertain whv an assistant WIDENING IN PROGRESS will he directed into the organ fund hall on Ridge avenue next Monday state's ·attorney was killed, under the Excavation work for the wideningAll conditions above cited; \vho are guilty; of the new \Vilmettc Masonic· temple. evening. May 17, at 8 o'clock. of Central and. Wilmette avenues in members of the post are urged to be what, if any, election frauds were comthe central business areas was started The members of the Eastern Star are present as important matters are to be mitted at the recent primary, and who expecting a record attendance. Unthis week. Several large trees were felled before the workers could begin usually excellent music is promised brought up for consideration, it is an- are guilty; with the result that true bills he found ·where ju:.tifierl. nounced. for the dance. the excavating. 15 -22-promises a definite program of action, sponsored · by the Civic committee of the Chamber of Commerce, John J. Moran, chairman, and with the co-operation of Village authorities, the Boy Scouts and grade school children. Since Wilmette's residence premises are pretty generally spick and . span the year round, practically all the work of Clean-up week will be concentrated upon vacant properties, which so frequ'ently become the dunwing grounds for the trash of the neighborhood. In this connection the Bov Scouts are to be organized by thei"r Scout. masters and assisted in the work by the school chil<lren. The Village de.partment of public works has promised its co-operation, and it is ho'ped that citizens generally will help by seeing to it that their own premises are in shipt;hapc condition. Sympathy Is Note of Sermon Sunday by Dr. S. A. Lloyd c by 1 I

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