Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1926, p. 48

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48 _'_ WILMETTE LIFE May '14, 1926 "Climbing a steep hill may put ;1 motorist's nerve to the test, hut there is far less danger in ascending hi\\-; than in d~·scending. ·The reason io1· this is that the driver who has made a stiff climb successfully is likely to he off hi s guard~· The temptation to coast is str'ong. All hills should bt descended in gear. On roads of sr;.( grade it is us ually safe ~o drin in high gear; '"·hen descendmg stetp<:r grades second or low gear should lot ' used, and the spark should he rctard('<l . The hand brake should be put intr scrvicl' as an · additional ai<l to th1 braking pmvc.:r of the rngine. ·C~ASSIFIED 2toi PIANO 'I ' l l ~ IN(~ ADS hill . climbing is that of shiftit~g. from TELLS MOTORISTS How Ireverse a htgher to a lower gear. Thts ts the of the usua1 order, but a little practice on a level ground will make To Do HILL CLIMBING ;'any driver proficient in a . short time . I (Continued from Page 47) Drivers in Level Countries Often at Great Disadvantage in Mountainous Areas "~·Iotorists who arc used to driving onh- on the leve l roads oi the middle wr~t frequently find themselves at a disaclvalltagc "·hen they arc forced to do any hill climbing," sa~· s Charles }.1. 1!ayes. president of the Chicago Motor Clnh. "ff the motori~t who plans on dning rather extensive tnuring \rould practice his hill climbing on thl' flat r(1ads oi his nati\'c statl'. he \rnuld .;a ,·e himscli much \ron-~· ancl pos:-ihk di . . asll'r. Thousands oi drin·rs \\"hn can clri\'C in traffic without an,· difficulty, or who can s;til'ly pilot. tl1eir cars O\'tr ~Iipprry rountr.'· roa<k fllld that hill climbing rtquin·s a special kind of skill and kno\\·lrdgr. "I Iii I climbing is no more difficult thai1 nrdinan· driring. but it i~ different. '!'he .mntori~t, \rho learns the di ffcrencr will haH no 1rouhlr. Tn ordinary <lri,·ing the 1llotorist pa_,.._ lit tle attention to the manner in . \\'hich · he stop~ his car. hut 011 a hill cro\\'ded , \\'ith cars stopping pn·~cnb a rt:al prohlt:lll. Tht· no,·ict· " ·ho i:-, fllrced to stop on a hill i~ alwa\'s \\·orriecl about slipping- hack \\'lH'n h.l' takt's his foot off the hrakr tCI step on the acnkrator: the veteran hill climhrr does not consider this a problvm. for hl'.keeps his ioot on the brake. and \\'hl'n hl' gets readv tn start ht· \1:-,t · ~ the h;ind throttk instead of tht: accelerator . Better still. perhaps. i:-- th<' prartire c.i holding the car with the hand brake and accelerating \\·ith the ioot as usual. fn this . \\·ay all po ~ sihility of ..;lipping hark\\'ard is eliminated. ":\not her d i fti cult y t·ncounttred in ,. HAYE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOH th e Spring tim e. Pril't>S n·tluced for May. , L. \.Y. Fostt>l', 62G Park Ave., Wilmette. Phont' Wil. 908-M. 2XLTN13-tfc :.m P :\1:\TJ~(; A:\D UECOR :\'l'l~t.i :\ . P. l-fl LLS I 'A 1 ~TEH Here is the wav to execute this maneuver: Thro~ out the clutch and shift to neutral; while the gears arc in neutral accelerate the engine and shift from high to. second, or fr om secJnd to low. It is essential that the shift he ·made at a time when the engine is accelerated. The safest procedure, however, is to climb hills in second or low. If this is done there \\'ill h<' no nerd to try the douhlc clutching stunt. A:-.:n J)J.;<'OHATOH E!"timat1' !'; :.:;i\"1' 11 llJlOil :tpplit'ation 14~:! \\'iluwttt· Aw . Tl'l. Wil. ~~1~ :!!ILl;-,_ t fc Carl Frankc11 Painting Contractor lf.liG '\Vilm dtc· A,·, .. \\' ilnll'tt~ · Ottr Enlarged :!111 ·1 !!VLTN32-4tp Automobile , Paint Shop '· FOR SALE - H0:.\11~-I{A TSE () PRfHg"l'<'t><l ("ho.w puppi· · ~ : ma It·: :! monthl' old. 100~ .Julll'<ll l ..\\'< ·. , ~o;,· an::-;ton. rniY. Is Now Ready Inspection Invited Fully equipped to furnish Duco, Lacquer or.Varnish Fin-ishes, which. ever you prefer. · Any kind of job you may want from a one coat revarnish, to the finest perfect sttrface, dust free coach job. Prices in accordance 'vitl1 the job. !lfir-,4. · nL'l'.\'33-lt(' FOR f:;ALl·~ - <iEJDI:\~ A-1 f'ln:-;=', JW<1igTt·l· <1. I'Of.. I<'E T1·l. ~\'ilnwtt ( · ;{~LT.\'~:~-1 t1· non, 30 1. "M ay Queen " M ystery Stirs Purple Campus Speculation O\'er who will he the lucky girl chosen as }.[ay Queen at Northwestern uninrsity }.[ay 20 has developed widely on the campus. Five girls arc said to hr in the runnino· for the popular honor. hut which ont wiil be final) _ , . picked i~ not known. The girls from \\'hom the queen will he sclecte<i arc: Christian Hooyer, Elmhurst, Jll.: Betty Rich, E\'an~ton: Do rothy Telford. Salem. Jll.; Priscilla Lowe. }~e\\'atH'l', 111.: Hclt>ll Kennrd,· La Grangr, 111. · ·' -- ----- Delicious Salt· Rising Bread Our salt-rising bread, baked fresh several times a week, is delightful in texture and flavor. Try one of our individual pies stra\vberry, cherry, lemon~ rasp· berry, peach, and apple. You'll also like our chocolate eclairs, jeliy rolls, English muffins, health cookies. Estimates Gladly Gic ven. L~ Representative \vill call if desired. Wersted Motor Co. Complete Service 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Phone 165 I I ·-- --- - --~---· The Wilson ·Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked Phone Wilmette 414 ---·-············-----------------------------·-----, Established 18 54 I C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerab considerably 6 1 2 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmene Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 CHICAGO 1oo E. Erie St. Phones Superior 7709-7710 I I 1162 \\lilmette Ave. Wilmette ···········-----------------------------------------

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