Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1926, p. 1

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w ·ILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth VOL. XV. NO. 32 . \YfL~IETTF., lLLI!\OTS. ~fAY 1-l, 1926 PRICE FIVE CENTS · BUILD NEW UNIT FOR Lyman M. Drake HOWARD SCHOOL SOON is New President of Old Towners Architects Ordered to Prepare Plans for North Wing Construction This Summer L~·n 1an ~r . Gives Recital "ON TO EUROPE" RACE IS NOW AT FEVER HEAT New Trier Boys Who Seek Coveted Hollister Prize in Midst of Keen Con. t est Drak(' \\'ao; clcctr<l prrsi- d en t n i Y t 0 I d (' T ()\\ n e F o I kr at t h t an- .. Pla1h arc acti\'l·ly under \\ay to add a 1najnr unit to the .'\ rthur 11. Uo,,·ard -.cho(ll at Spenn·r a\'l'1H1l' atld Seventtenth :--trcc:t this :--lllllllll'L At the r<'gular lllonthly meeting oi the \\'il1l1dtt hoard oi cduratiutl. Tuc~dav c.:n·< ·11ing of this \\T<"k, it \\':1:-- <1<-ci<icd It retain Perkin..,, Ft:IIO\\':-. anti Jlamilton. architect:-~ oi the pn·-,cnt huildrng, to ~upcn·i:--e tht: Ill'\\' con:-.tructiun. Tentatin· plans han· already been drawn and :-.uln 11 ittcd and work sho uld be hegun ~lwrtlv after the clo~e of tlie "><.:hoots i or ·~ um ll1l"r ,-aca t iutt. T hi:-. "iII make it possible to oc upy the lll'\\ addition soon after the re~umption ~.~i ~chool in the fall. 'J'IH· cost ,,·ill ht· ahout $50,000. The plan.., tint s far outlined inrlude the equiva lent of six cia . s room~ and a corridor. Part of the addition will he i'mmediatelv to the north of the pre . cnt structt;re. and four ro0111s will t"X.tcnd to the we st for the present north end. The space of two room s tcnlpnrarily will be leit as one room to IH· ll"('d ior 111 a 11 ual training cb:'~C:--. Sull"l'qucntl_,.. \\'hen the wh(lle building plan i~ r()tl!lckd out ~f· \'eral years h<·nrv .· thi-. ruolll \\ill l>r di,·icled for -..u1d~· r<HII ll" and the manual tr a ining \\'(Irk\\ t11 Ill' d<Hll' in lllCJrc L"<lllllllodi()urptartn-.. · · nu<tl dinntr and 1ll<:tt ing (If that org;tnil'nnlpt·titinn in the race to deterzati<~n Tu(·:--da~· night at thC' \\.oman's mine who "·ill he the three lucky New cluh . ( )t1wr (1fticers -.elected <11 the Trier high sc hool boy s to go to Europe ~· earl y :-c:---..i< 111 \H'l'l' .<\ . C. \Y t'nha n. free of charge this summer as the \'ic(' -p rl'-.idl'nt: \\' illiam \Vaidncr. trca ~ gue:-;ts nf Lloyd Hollister, publisher of un·r. and \fr .... L. \f. \for:-,e, ~.;crn· t ;1n·. \VII ;~n~TTF. Ln'F.. \VIN)JETKA TALK and ~lr. \\';tid nv:· and :\fr.; . \ff,rst· \\'t·r,· r;._ G-LE~COI~ ·:\F.ws, is waxing fierce and t·kctcd. still more fiercely as the contest proTh(' ( )Jdt· T<l\\'tH·r:-. did tht' IJhcln·~ gresses. The boys entered in this conright pr<>lHI ;tt thC" r('ttnion thi~ \\Tt.:k. tt,:-;t of salesmanship have gained quite In tht.· fir"t place Tursday enning a start hut it is still possible for one "itnt:-.-.<·d the largc~t attendanct· "inn· who enters lat e, or for those who seem tht· inct·ptit~n oi the organization The to he a little behind the procession at h;mqud hall of the \Y(·Jllan's club "a:-\ 0 the present 11l0111ent, to come to the fi lied t capacitY· f ·ont. Featuring tht· tn·i:ing entntainlllL'Ilf, The ho\· ~ who will take the Eurounder tlH· gt·tH'ral direction of Dr. C'. ll . pean tour~ accompanie.d by the popular 1-Jdrt'rl, \\· a~ a pre~cntation of an ediRobert H. Carpenter of the New Trier tion oi tht·· \\'ilnltttr Local I\e\\"s of high school faculty ,will be the enthe . . pring ni IR Ji, Charle:-; Rush, pubtrant s. one from \Vilmctte or Kenilli:-h<·r. ln thi:' the ,-ar iou s "reporters" ~~ astt.:r :\' :mnan Hes s of \Vilmette, \\'Orth. \Vinnetka and Glencoe who se.~an ;111 extremd~- interc:-.ting in sight int<~ t1H· lll<~df·., nnd cu.;;tomo; oi thirtv pupil of \\'alter ~nupfer, whose studio cure . the largest number of subscripis located in tht Fine Arts building, tions to the \Vrr;~{1~1'1'Jo: LtF£. \Vr:-·n·~ETKA ~·c;~r- agtl . llH':--t· it<"l:ls ranged fr01;1 Chicago. will give a pjano recital in high -,ocial functions to hinclc Lyoll' and Healy's recital hall this Sat- 'rAT.K. or Cu-:\'rm: :\F,wf;. 33-Day Tour "scorrl1inl!" ;ttHI the gn·at pickle ·epiurday afternoon. The trip \\·ill cover 33 days from the 1 <kmic . Sr< rt."' oi the nldcr resident ~ time the boY~ ~ail away from New oi till' community \\'C' l'l' tarQl't :- f<~r tht· York on the . palatial steamship Presi~haih ni the· in:-.pircd ..;cl:ilH·:-. pron_ lident Roosevelt on June 30, until they ' nc.~ nt among tht·-c l1t.'111g Samu<·l arrive within sight of the Statue · of Dtngec. ,,·hn \\·a, an h<·ll!lf't·d guc . . t :-tt Liberh' again on August 2. And all this thr _ 1>:-tnquct.., . . 2~1 trip, ,~· hich will txtend through EngI \ 1.' 01dc I <l\\'lll' F<dke lt·tt \nth a Janet. Belgium. France and Holland cron :tnittvt. \\i(h pO\\·c·r !11 art. till· 1llat· · t<'r ni flndinf..:' a :-uitahk plal·t· f ,r the f.uthnau youn . Q pcnpk 11f Chi~ago's will . cost them !1(Jtlling at all, except a 1 1 Follow Ongmal Plan jlrt' "t·:·y;uinn oi r eco rd . ; ;111 !] 11 t1Jn rnl- nMth ~ide and thr north . ; hort' .;uh- littll' cfiort righ t now. 'l'l!l' pr ~~.icct i(JI} t,,\ , n·r .'· rlo-.l'ly thl' kctinn-. rvmini-l'l'tlt nf \\ ' iltll\'ltl · hi-, - urhs \rill med at St . l<d1ll·._ chmch The r wat:d for thl' \York will ini<l<-:t" llri .L!i1Ltlh !.tid n ut l(lur \Tar~ tnn· that ha,·e hcrn :ttT\IItlulating Sunda,· afternoon and .nTtlitll!. \Lt ,. ·dude. in addition to the trips, pay· 23. for a rail _ \' of t hr \\T;dtlwr · ~('fl,g'tlr, melll ior r·Yrn· :-.uh~cript ion taken hy :tl!n \\hen t he lJ t,\\'ar<l :-;chon! \\ao; fir:-;t thr ough the ~ -ea rs. pl ;tnncd. :\rrord i11 .1..! to thl· :::chon! the Y<'111l!...!. people\ or!.:::lllizati~~n it~ thl' the hov .. Thi~ " ·ill :unou'nt to a suffidenomination. cient : um to make tlw work worth lll:ttl:t . !..!ltltcttl. the· \\i-,donl of planning L · J · · ·N ;tt that tiTlll' j( 1r tlll' 11 r 1 ., 11111 ptin· egton to ntbate ew '\fartin Daih of the \dd i:-,<> 11 \lanual \\·bile. althnugh the trip at the end of )..: J'(l\\·t 11 i.n the t nrit< ~~·_,. a round ·'hat Members Tuesday Evening Tra in.in ;-:· cl_JOol . ~~n_d t hr , :nd_u"t ria: it. is the much cm·ete <l prize toward -..rllil<d :- ttl" lJ;to, 11('t' ll fu]}\· jth!lfiCd. .. . . . l10ilH tn.r G-1rJ:-., !" ctllllOlllltt ~~ cb, ~he whit·h the r~·~.·~ ni all the entrants are '\f l · · · · TllllJ~tlJOil Ctr<·montes \\'JII he oh- "lW'lker tnr the attcrn<H>Il -.r-,-.IOtl 11H 1 j or~·f~H·r.l 1 w prrl·n:ton 111 1 at the rc·gular mertin~ of \\'il- Re,: Cuido <;rhi~.:;ler fli thl' .Rcch:C11Wr t mnccl. : an amplt England. '"hich hao; been occupying 1 1 · 1e 111cttc Po:-t ::-:~~. · 4(1, of the .:\mericatl l.utl.w ran ch~Jrch .. f.nnk,,·ond \\'ill p;in· H· attn g. P a n t. :.ttl< l<?r a < < 111 g t o 1 ~ o much iront page space with its -c 1 lPu 1 111 · <1t· 1 1111t<.· un1t~ 1 1a" mac1c 1or T.rgJOn · 'l' ttCS<1a,· c- ,·en1ng. · 1.r 18 · · ' · " · · ~ 1 \1av , 111 a lecture 111 the evcnmg. 11w rml 1 co11tt111p 1atec1 construe - St .-~. y t' · . · -1 1 1 t'C\ .·11 f... ·, pn·I'ti11Jnat' · . . t<l' t 1 . 1ntltll.t . - · - .~Teat strikl' \\'ill be the last country to 'J'I'111 t H' ttt iH. e 1s .ll · IllO ill~. . .... ugus 1ne s c U) wusc. Tl.1cre \\1 . hl' visited on the tour . 11 1 11 1 t 1011 11 .; \\'1 >C st 1 more o n·tou~ 1 · 1 f · · · f · 1 ,. j· . . : H' a spcc1a program o mustc rt.ncl tw11al con\'ention o tlw <al(tll' to 1 >t' . · . . England is Fascinating 1 1 1 1 1 11011 111 11 1 1 "H' ;{ '\· nc_xt :1< r ~ · ~ U< . g.·l reire:-.hment. "·ill he served. held in Baltimorr. \fd .. July 13-J(i. Tn a ll English speaking peoples the 1 ~ma au< tnr~t11n _<UH manua tralllmg Tue~dav's ml'cting wilt also inclucle Young people's .~ociC"tit·., from lkthBritish T sics arc o£ great intere~t. 111 room :-. .. arr made lat er year:'. a di-.cu:-;:-.ion of plans for the observ- any and F.dgewater churches in (hiBritish gonrnment and culture has lt may ~urprise some residents to ance ni '\femorial Day in the village. ra~o and from Evamton. \Vilm.c tte, profoundly influenced present clay know that althoug!1 the lTo\\'ard ,.;chCio l thr program being under direction of Glencoe. Highland Park, \\'aukegan civilization. British ships sail to every ha" been occupied lr . s than two the po . t. To date it is definitely ar- ancl Lihrrtvvillr will he reprcsrnted part of the '"orld and British posses~·ears~ the growth oi sc ho ol P?Pulati?n ranged to have a stree t procession and at the St. John's confrrt' 11CC. .;ions encircle the glohe. In polit.t :~r.Hs h;~. already out.stnppccl _1t s excrrjse:' in Lake Front (\Vashington) Downing Street must be reckoned tics 1acJ!Jtte~. 1\ot only has 1t been llll- park. The speake r of the day will he with, and London has been the finanpo.~:--.ihlc to teach manual training at S. J. Dttncan-Ciarke, noted journalist Rev. F. C. StiRer to Talk center of the world. thts school because of lack of cla ss- and editorial \\Titer who is a resident on "Blessed Worries" cial I ,oiHlnn reflects much that is best room space, hut tl~e equivalent of one of the yi1Jagc. A feature of the proCommunit,· Sundav evening church in English civilization. Here is \Vestfull room _of pup1ls_ must at present gram '"ill be the reading of the winsrnice:-; an-· being !~rid from 7 :JO to minster Ahbev. the cradle of English 1>(' taught Ill a corndor. ning essaY in a contrst for high school 8 :30 CJ'rlock during thr month nf \fa)· frrrdom and ··the valhalla of the naIndicates Rapid Growth frrsl11nen. and 'se\'Cnth and eighth at the \Vilmette Bapti st church. Tn tion with the tombs and memorials of grade pupils. spo nsored by the \VilTune the sen·ires will be llcl<l at thr those '"ho have sJ1aped the destiny of Thi~ development is s ignificant ui nlette Opt.imist club. \Vilmrtte Parish ~(cthbdist church. it England. Here also is the British the stcadv growth of \Vilmrtte . The is annou11<.:ed. Other churchrs " ·ill \-f useum which has gathered many of direction . of the. grO\\·th is of course ?\nrth shore alumnae of the National to the west. hecathe cast of the rail- Kindrrg-arten and Elementary college take their turns during the sunmwr the greatest historical objects of the roads practically en'ryt hing is built up. will gi,·r an alumnae afternoon for montl1 ~ . The second :-;ervicc. held last British people and of the world. The This is evidenced by the recent com- member ~ of the junior and senior Sunda:-·. had a mttch larger rt.ttendanct ~!Teat art galleries house not only the prehensive suncy made by the Board classrs of thr college in the new audi- than t hr first one, it '"ras -,aid. Tl1e finest examples of British art but also of Education, ,,·hich showed that, while torium. Harri . on hall, on Tuesdav, Rev. Francis C. Stiflrr gave the sec- many of the great art products of more than 63 per cent of school chil- ~lay 18. Various periods since tlie ond of hi~ . eries for four talks on other countries. A visit to the ParThr title was "1f other liament Houses, the Tower, Guild Hall, dren from six to twentv-one vears of founding of the College in 1886 will marriagr. age live on the cast sid~ and (ess than be repre ·e nted by alumnae in costume, Lovr." The title· of his address for St. Paul's, Trafalgar Square and Lon37 per cent on the west side, of the and the story of the development of nrxt Sunday evening, ~1 ay lo. ts don Bridge helps one to appreciate the children under six more than 57 per the Alumnae association will he given "Bles. eel \Y Mries." The scrvicrs open history and culture of the F.t~gli~h with a 20 minute song :::cn·ice. people. rent liYe on the west side. in song and story. Lutheran Societies · to Meet in Village at Rally on May I l"vncd I

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