22 WILMETTE LIFE May 14, 1926 fESTIVAL CLOSE. UP Chicago North Shore Music Festival Promises to Be Brilliant Event of Spring Season 91~oIs I'll!f)hn. He is as popular as radio! With the Chicago North Sho re Festival loom ing up in the near future, it ,\"ill douhtlc:->s he (lt intcrL'~t t o our r~adcr~ to have the genera l plan of that i111portant artistic function ~ct hefore them. The iollo\\'ing '"ill he the conc('rts and the clatt·~ on whirh they \\'ill he given : ~lunda,· . :.1 a\' 2-+. 8 :15 - :.ll'ndelssho n's H·,·m n of Praise and lladley's "The J\~,,. Earth ." So l oists - ~f ar ie Sund eliu s, Alma Peterson, 1Iarie ~for ri~cy, Vernon \\'illiams and . ~fark Love. Directed bv Peter C. Lutkin. Tuesday, \fay 25,8 :15-Tschaikowsky program. Ossip GabriiO\yit~ch, :-.oloi:->t . Frederick Stock, conductor. Thursday, ).fay 27, 8 :15- ~fi :-;cl'llan eou:-> program with GiO\·anni ~fartinrlli , tenor, as soloist. Fr~d eric k Stock, conductor. Saturday, ~fay 29, 2:15- Young Pcoplt 's Ill a tincl'. Children's chant-; of 1,500 Yoicc s in part songs and cantata, "Tht Cgly Dnc~1irig." Sylvia Lent, violinist, as soloist. · Conductors : Mr. Stock and Beattie. Saturday, :May 29, 8 :15-Publi c rehearsa l of five· new symphonic works in compctttton for prize of $1,000. Frederick Stock, conductor. JudgesHenry I [adl cy, Howard Brockway and Adolph \Vcidig. ~lonclay, ~{ay 31, 8 :15-A Ge rm an l{equicm hy Brahms and part so ngs h y A Cappella choir. Soloist s: Mabel Carri..,on and Bori s Sas la,,·'sky. Conductors: :.tr. I.ntkin and Mr. Stock. Tttcsda\·, June 1. 8 :IS- Or chestral and chor~ l c~nccrt. Fir st pcrformanct.: oi prize \\'inni ng compo s ition s. So loi . . b: Du so lin a (~ianini and L< nrrencc Tib bt:tt. l' ond urt<·r:->: ~r r. Stock and ).f r. Lutkin. ~~~ .. I ·~ · ·· ·~ Tuberculosis Toll Found Heaviest in "Egypt" Territory Tuhrrculosi:-. in lll in()is la:-.t year took it-; llt';l\·io t tn ortalit ,. in Cnion rount,· \\:he rc the rat l' ,,. a~ 2<)() per 100,000 population, acrording to Dr. Isaac D. Ha,,·Jings. stat(' health director. \\'it h rat('s of 2,1<J and 15-+ re->prcti\'rh·. Pulaski and Akxandcr rounties, lyi1;g contiguous to L"nirll1 in the extrC'Ill(' ..,ou thcrn portic·n of thC' state, rankt:rl second and third highe st in rnortalit ,· from the dreaded white plague. · \\'oodford count\·, locall'rl in thr northern section 0f the stat<', rxJH'rit·nrccl the ka-.t I<' "" \\ ith a ratt· 11i ()nh· 10 death:-> per 100.000. \\·hile the adiaccnt C<,tttl!\ r·i ~far ..;),,t! J .;;to()d nc·xt lmn-~t ,\·ith . a ra!t' oi 20. Carroll counh·. abt· tn till' north. \\·a.., third lo\\·l·-.t v·;it 11 a rate: oi 20 1 ~. :\tllCI!lg the .f.f cit in oi 10.000 ·r Ill <lf.t' \H'oplv. the tlli·'-t ~t'\'l'l'l' mortality ir n n1 tulH'IT lll·"'i" ,,.a ._ rt'pflrtt"d irom Lincoln "hnl' tlw rate \\·a-. 2/(,, :\ext in ordt·r rallll' TarbonYillt- and Cari(l \\'ith rat t·, <·i 20,; :t11d 200. OtLl\\' ;t, \\'ith a lc·~' ni nnl .\ 2r, per 100.000 populatifltl, had th e lowe t nnmirip;1) ratl' \\·hik .1\ cH·kforrl \\'ith 32 and Str<'at c'r \\'ith 33 "t< H·rl q·cn ncl and third . < . ... ·· 8 8{ A Perfect Fit Growing Feet 'tv for through a hundred years of knowing how ~· . 6};)Jl{OPERLY FITTED ST IOES are e~sential to the present and fnture health and happines s of the g-ro\\' . ing child. ltl a rcn' nt school- room te st. only one child in four was fmt:.d to haYe the rig-ht :;;hoes. The others hacl foot trouble in Yarymg . .. ·· · degree;; of development. from all O\'er Chica<'o ;-.., and its ~ uburh s-a nd from other ~tatcs -hringtheir children to Pool & Piper for the rnrrcct foot\\"Car. For here alone they find the shoes, cxpcdl :· fiLted to the growing- foot by a group of men and women whose cxpencncc total 3 more than 100 Year~! Parents Children's Slzncs- lhousands of pairs -in all si:::1·s aJid styles. Hut if 't('C should ut anJ' fillli' bt unable to gi·vc yo11 t'.mctl_\' the riyht sho1', we'll tel! 3'01t so. Telephone University 9 7 3 ... ., PmL 1608 Chicago Avenue ·INC· CHILOrtEN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS & PtPE~ Evanston, Illinois Soldiers' Memorial, Oak Park Granite Cut and Erected by J.R.ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. We make the Better Claa· Memoriala 5751 RaveDawood AveDue . Write for Catalogue