.May 14, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 13 Catholic Club Winds . Up Its Season With :. .___________.! a Spring Luncheon Stage Reviews I I (. r i - I . I j ( t . -· ... . ... "' . I "ARTISTS AND MODELS., Apollo theater I think I have seen all of the various Artists and Models productions which have come forth from th e East during recent years. Of them, this one is probably the most entertaining. Certain ly it contains more heautv ·of face, form and SC<'nery while moving with more smoot hn ess and di spatch than others of recent memory . It is difficult to classify Artists and "Models, except to call it entertainme nt. C'nrelated sce ne s fo llow each other in rapid succession. there are beautiful stage pictures, so phi sticated skit s ·of hot el and bungalo"· life, comcdv of types and kind ;; , a ll dominate(l · bv forty or fifty dancin g girls with th-e ttnu sually cl ever }Jo~ntan gir ls as leaders. Much time, th ought and money ha s been spe nt on costumes, -;cenery and the execution o f int r icate dance numbers. Ancl it ha -; been well :;pe nt. Phil Baker, rccenth· oi thL' \lu sic Box Revue, is actin~· throughout the t: ntire proceedings. He play s ac\:1 >r d ion, fits in t <. 1 :-- k i h, i;; a riot i 11 hi s connrsat ion with the tlldll in Box One , ; llld e \·e n essays to -;ing a -;ong as the t."\Tning \n' ar:-- along. If e i-; \\·illing, iril'ndly and entertaining and hi :-; per"o nalit~· strike s a r es ponsive cord in thl' aucli cnrr. 11rennan and Roger;;, an , .JcJ -time tca111. inj c·ct an enti:e h· di finl'nt brand o i humor. a hranci ·which Ytltt tnay or may no t like acrnrding as :r1 11r t;t,tl' for such thin .~:-. tnav run . Th e eightC'cn Certrude I I ~ffm<111 }..!irb are nut a t a ll rJ\·er-ratL·d and the,· rn'L·in· unu su;tl support irom doz en.:-; ni others. Thn· have intricate and \\dl-cxt·t·u ted nt-11111J crs and :-. L'l'l11 untiritt~ in thl'ir efforh. :.fi :-:-; Llo ra Hoffrn a n :m rl Tl aro ld Stant on do 1110 " t of tilL' ~ inging and do it well. -:\or should Oth' rlYLTiook tltt :--pL·c ialt~, dancing of Tcclcl _ ,. l'l airl' and the Caits Brother:-> a:-. \\'ell as the he~t "Cha rlr . ..;ton" exhibition . '-l'Cn thi s Year. Tf YOur fancv turns til dinT :-.ion ~Ji this tyiJ~· yn u wiil hl' ntnn· than ~ ati sfie cl \\'ith this is. ue ni Arti-;t..; and ~r ockk Tt should do \\Til at t ltv :\ i>' dlo f11r s< 1lllL' t itne . - Thespian . Th e ·Wilmette \Voman's club was to make money in her own business. Pleasant, easy work artistically decorated on Thursday, May 6, for the closing luncheo n of the calling on homes in your comm\}nity. Something every\Voman's Catbolic club of \\'ilm ette. one . wants- you make money on each sale and build up Nearly 200 women attended the love ly affair which was presided O\'e r hv Mrs. business on re-orders, which give you a ste'1dy income all C' lareucc Kav;u,1agh in the ahse;1ce of year. You will have no competition in your community the retiring pre sident, ~1rs . Charles - all the business will be yours. Write for complete deBarton . ).frs. Kavanagh rL·ad ~Ir s . Barton's tails. me ssag~, and intr oduce(! the incomi ng pre si<lent. ~I r:-;. Frank Oelerich, who gan: a Yery earnc-;t and sincere address. 1 ~1r s. Kavana g h also introduced the I guests of hon or. ~1r s. \\' illiam S. Far4603 Roosevelt Road Chicago, Ill. rc11. pre sident 0 i the Tenth district; \trs. ~ . P. Coh,ell. president of the i \\'01na n\ club 0f \\'i lmette , and Miss 1 ~ntla \\'a rd, repre senta tive of the ~ig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sisters. Each 0i the thr ee women brought a sh0r t me s:--age from her club, at the rl o:-;e of \\'hich. a delightful progralll " ·as g iY en by the \Y hitney ' trio . I The in com in g oftlcer s inr the co rnin g j ~· car arc: ~frs . Frank 0elerich. prcsi -~ ,dent: ~fr ..;. Samuel JT . ~l no rt.~ . fir:--t ,.icc- P r =-- id c 11 t : ~.f r s. J. F. ()' :\ c il. second vice-president: ~lr :-; . F. X . j Th < tl e, rec ording sccrctar~ · ; )of rs. L. Sherwin. co rr e~ponding ;o;cc retary : \f r:-. . P. J. Joyc e. treasurer: tlc\\· direct o r-,, \fr:--. lohn Cook. ~fr s. l~ob ert Fontham ' a·nd ~fr s. \Yilli atn Leary. Wanted- A _ N orth Shore High School girl who wants STU ART W. c H .l 1 1 WELFARE AUXILIARY MEETS '!'he ::.ra~· lllctting ni thl' Juni or au,il ian· ni the lnia nt \\\ ·!fare . . ocitt,· ' ,,·ill he - hl'ld \fotHI ;l\·, ~1;,,. 17. at ·2 r,'cJnck, at the hr,n~t· \fr.-;.· Conrad T . l;rd:ttl;tn, lO~:i .\ -..hland annue . \fr:--. Fn·ktltan \\ill 1JL' a":--istcd 1)\· \fr:-. . :\ . \\ ·: :\ ik t n , \ f r :--. ( ~ . f I. ]\ e < i ding. · a 11 d : · \1 r.". II. D. Lcl1 r. oi ATTENDS KIN'S FUNERAL .\1 r-; . Ch·de T . Ifa,·s , 519 Laurel I . :-tn·mH· . ldt la-,t Sunday f nr Omaha , ; Xeh ., to attend the fun~ral of her un cle. \rh o cliccl la :;t SaturdaY. She i-; expected tr, return to \\'il m ~tte thi s 1 1 9/lHolS lhg)/Hn. He is as efficient as electricity! 1 1 ~aturday. 1 ~ Lusk Gives Concert in Belgian Royal House The magnificent r<·~· al palarc in 1rhid1 King :\lhnt. the prl' :--l' nt ruler oi BC'Igiu n1. li\'cd f(,r ~c Yeral years, ,,·hi ch ,,.a.., latn . th e rt':-- iclcnre of the gl'rlllan gon·rnor genera l 0f Belgium during tl1c \\.o r.Jd " ·ar and now occttpit·d by tht· ·r nitt-cl Statt'" amhas . . ador, ,,.,l.., till· sn· ue oi a clc.:lightiul t'\·cning rvrit:tl recent~\- hY the noted ,·iolinist. ).filan Lu sk. .110\;. 1111 a COtlCL'rt t o ur of Europe. ln a fine forn t. Lu..;k complett· ly cap ti,·ate<l hi s atHli encc in cludin g many distingtti:>hed dip lomats, among t h l' tll the If o n. \Viii i am Phillips, ·c nited States amha:-;sa cl or to Bl'lgium. Hi s playing \\'as marked hy a hcaut iiu l lni c and a:-; usual ,,·ith much feeling . ~f~. Lusk \\·as assisted hY the leading pianist -accompani:-;t of Brus:-- els, ~f. Eaile \\'i lm ars. ~r r. and ~f rs. Frank Fla nncr and their son, George, of Black\\TII. \Vi s., haYe been spe ndin g a fe1\· days as t!t c g ur st s of ).fr s. Flanncr's father a nd mother. ~f r. anrl )of r s. F. . P . Fate h. oll \Va shin gtnn aYrnuc. 1-fr. and Urs. Flanner departed Thursday to join tl1e snrct ator ~ at the Kcntuckv DerbY. but tl1rir little so n rrmainecf for a· visit with hi s g randparents. Oriental Rugs That Carry Lord's Assurance of Satisfaction ------------+-----------A RARE OFFER Expert Cleaning and Repairing of Oriental R-ugs Finest Lilihans $135.00 Average size s.6 X 6.6 .J. I · ' I · A new shipment of rugs of the high . est quality of material and work· man ship. Rugs that are usually offered as high as $225.00. -0~f r s. E. L. Srheidenhelm. 704 Lake EVANSTON avenue. will entertain the Reading drclc Monday afternoon, May 17.