Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1926, p. 12

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May 14, 1926 12 WILMETTE LIFE REGISTERS FOR CAMP Airs. Alary Schopen A. Hellmuth Ia First Wilmette Observes Eightieth Stephen Boy to Sign Up. for Camp Roose Anniversary Friday velt Mrs. Mary Schopen ce lcbrated her eightieth birthday ·last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Schultz of 1209 \Vashington avenue. M r:-L Schopen was horn of immigrant parents on shipboard en route to America from Germa.ny, May 1, 1846. Her parents upon their arrival in America. · took up their residence at what is now known as 2706 Prairie avem1e in Korth EYanston. hut at that time knmYn as Gross Point road, later being changed tn Kline street and still later re-named Prairie a,·cnuc. \Vhile eighty wintc·r s tend to whiten the hair, slm\· the step and greatly rctanl the mind of mos t people, ~1r s. Schopcn took an actin' part in the I entertainment of her guests and moYcd with the celerity of many persons t\vcnty-five years her juni or, while ~1er mind \vas eYer al ert to the man\· interrogations from her gut:;ts rciatiYe to the early history of the north shore, ,,·hich remains as fre shlv in her mind as though they might ha~c heen events of yes.terday. Mrs. Schopen proudly displayed many beautiful pieces of lace, the . products of her own handiwork an(! many of which were original patterns and designs she had just recently made. ~frs. Louis Brock 0f 818 Prairie avenue, who has hccn scriouslv ill for several davs, has recovered sufficiently to travel. ~~ r~ Brock ,,·ill take her and their little daughter. Virginia, to Georgia, when: they will remain for some time. ART INSTRUCTION tn Gesso Workt Parchment Shades and similar creative decoration. See exhibits of this fascinating work on our third floor. Select now your gifts for M ay and June Weddings, for Anniversaries and for Graduat ion . Order engraving early. Chandla~·s FOUNTAIN SQUARE- EVANSTON -o- M iss Merna 1f cKec of 411 Sheridan road has returned from a world cruise of four and a half months. The Mcilvaine Oil Burner THE METHOD of burnin g - Stephen Arthur He ll muth, son ·of Mr. and Mrs. G. 1'. He llm uth, 1705 FNest avenue, is the first boy from \ Vilmette to r egister for ' attendance at Camp Roosevelt, t he educational train ing camp for boys cond ucted by the Chicago Board of Education, under Government supervision, on the Fort Sheridan, 111., Military Reservation. it '"as announced this week. Camp Roosevelt is the only summer ramp of its kind in the country. The Camp is commanded hy ~{ajor F. L. Beal s, L'. S. A., \Yhose work for many year <::. ha" been with boys. Boys twelve \Tar s of age a ncl oyer are eligible for attendance. The diYer . ified program of ph~·sical education, athletics, recrea tion, sumnH. ' r school, military in struc tion, scoutcraft, etc., is made possihk through the co-operation of the 'C. S. \Var Department, the Chicago First Aid Chapter of the · American Red Cross and the Central Y. M. C. A. of Chicago, ancl the Camp Roose Yelt association. From the number of enrollments that arc coming in to the camp headQUarters' office at the Board of Edu~ cation . .toO South State street, Chi- · · · cago, it is anticipated that the summer of 1926 wi ll he the banner vcar of the camp. One reason for this increased attendance will undouhtedlv he the chan~e in ' location, which h;ings the camp to v..·ithin 30 miles of Chicago on the finest camp site in the midok west. To accolllmodatc ac:; many boy s as po ss ible. the frc is sufficientlY low tn attract the average American -hO\', ano not a select few. There arc . three· period s. one for three weeks and t\\'O of t\\'O weeks each. A bov mav enter fM ClllC or mnrc of th(· . (: pcrio~l s. The ramp i~ di,·iclrd into t hrcc diYi ~ ion :;, thL· Sl111111H:r ~choCll, R n. T. C'. nr lllilit;!f\' diYi:-ion. and the Junior Camp fo.r younger hoy :; . Thl' camp op('ll" Ju ne 2~ and rlo-.c~ :\ugtl,t 1-l. ... I · . .. , I l I j ( ' I - . ... ... BET ROTHAL ANNOU NCED The rngagl'l11<:11t c~i ~~~ ~' 1) r,rntl l'~f. Ctlllp. daughtn of ~fr . ;tncl ~rr~ . G<'M!.!"t' T,. (·amp, 32R Park ;tnnuc·. \\'illllt'ttc, to LeVan Robert... ni Ch i Ct!.!"r·. wa '- announce(l rrccntlv at a formal flinner-clancr gin·n hy th t· Thrta Kappa '\'u fraternit,· at th (' Cniv<"r~itv of lllinoi-; wl;ert· ~fj , , Camp an. d ht'r fiance ;~re nwmhn~ r.i \ .... Evenly and Continuous I y "1 - alt.(.1 ays - Keeping the Supply of Oil and Air in correct proportion· to each other -. - tS - MILK the universal th<' cla~s Cli 1927. :.Jo date !Ja, hc ('n :--ct ior the \\'edding. ' FOOD! X ot only i~ pure milk the be~t food for children, hut it is t hr bc~t food, very often, for gro\\·n people. But be sure that it comes from tuberculin-testerl herds as ours docs. THE KEYNOTE of the simplicity and economy of the Mcilvaine plan of opert;1tion marriage of her daughtrr. E lizabeth. to Arnold Rich. son of 1-f r. and U r . . Ed..,on Rich of Omaha, ~ch., Friday . 1{a,· 7. at the ' Vilmette Pr('shvterian c h u-r r iJ. ~ f r . a n cl M r. . R i c h ~v iII h C' at home to t h eir friends at 1137 Crn tra l a\·enur, after J une 1. Frances H owa rd . E lizabeth DcBeranl, ancl E lea no r Th ave r arc leav ingtoda\· to atte nd t he meet at the 'l_Tni n·rsfty of Ill inois. -0- ~frs. Ma r garet Clarev announce" tlw ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE · MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER SALES Phone Winn. 147 Drink More Milk I r s. F. mil A. Anderson. R27 Linden ave nue, a nn o un ce t he birt h of a d a u g h t~.,. at t he E va nston hosp ital 1 f a v 5. Ti ·r h ahv h as b een named Lois Jult . · Dr. a nd }f ' I · --0- 788 Elm St. Capt. }. frl n~ r n H um ph rycs. Offir('r . , Rese n e Cor ps . ot 519 Gn.·g·orv an'nuc. ld t ~u nd ay n ight for a tw-o week'-· t our of dnt y a t the \\'ri gh t f ield . Da\ t o n, Ohi o. R ns sc ll Boyd a nd her ~mall da ug ht er ar e th e g uests of t he former· . , fath rr, a nd mo th er , Mr. a n d ~f r~. n. . F. Rlymyer of 626 lfak' an·n ur. }vf r~. WINNETKA - o-

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