Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 2

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z WILMETTE LIFE May 7, 192t· Moaday I Moaday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday May ~~-·\ 10-11-12 ..- - Kandy Packs Take aome home to t be famll7, One Box 85c Two .--------------------~----------------------~~~~~ 1H~u-;ehold 1\'eeds What l1 a One-Cent Sale ? 1 JT I. a aalo wheN ,._ lo.r aa ham at dso roplar ..Ou. t.Ms aaotllor ito· ·of tho 1&1110 Iliad f-.r ·· eo11t. Aa aa DloolraliCill: Tho otand· ard price of ICla~n<> Do11tol Cromo io llilc, rooa lour a tuN at tJ.ia pri~ aod br pari·l I cent mo,., or 51 coati, roo lol two tol>oo. £,.., utido Ia .W. eele I. o lai1h daao otaadard pioco of ··rolla··~ joat &lie .......,. aa ia ool· .,.· .., da'f at t.ho rorulu .,ace. A Profit-Sharing Methocl ol Advertising io.~:!ort$>Stationel1' ! a .... 36· T HIS aalo woo do·olo.... br tloo Uait·· Drur Co. ·· aa a···rtiaiDC plan. Rather than opend lar1co oumo of moo., ia otloor war· to coa· Yinco rou of lhe .,orit of tbooo 1oodo, are apoodio1 it oa tbio oalo in per"'littiar uo to ooll rou a full aiao packer· of hi1b ala11dord morcbaodioe for I coal. It cooh moaoy to 1·t · - e\lltomoro, ~ut tho aacri6ce io pro6t io juoti6ed, at wo kaow tbe rooda will ploaae rou. 11,., T~~~~ $1.01 ·. /) Veo .sa... 34c o" Two aoa· -------------~=--0-=r:=f=h=e=T.=-o=i-=le=f=======-====-:o::=::::o= You Sa,.. t9c oa Two Bo··· Cadet Aaaorted Wrapped Caramela Caacade Lin( ..1 St..t!ar· Price Tlalo Sale 0.. Two 61· ...... p ., ... c~. . You Sa.. 19c ou Two aoaoo - Klenzo Dental Creme Bouquet Ramee Talc Bouquet · it is made from pure Ramee Italian Talc and Ia fine, Cleana and white~ the aort and smooth. Face Powder teeth. Gives the mouUJ & CJND fleliD&. St"atl'ol Pn.. 'Dale Sale O.oTa.. Tw·T·"- 60· l ' Thio ~ o.. r ...... Staa,r..r· Price 45c Staodard Price Tlaia Salo o.... · C ~o· !~~"' '-OUU St:oadard Price s..a. Tlaia Salo Two Puu .. .&o 51· ~== You Sc.·o 4h oa 2 Caoa Yoa Sue 119c oa Two Boaoa '1.00 ~:,. .,.· 1 1.01 Rexall Shaving Producb 0 46c Cncallo l..iaoa EaYolopoo 110 Ia a Boll StaaJard Price Tlaia ~alo O..o Two Pacluoto Pad··r· MORE OF YOUR FAVORITES Aalorted Chocolate& Klenzo Liquid Antiaeptic Wonderful lo. ~om babinr g e r m a In the mouth, noae and t..'Hoat. Staa··· Prioo Tlaia Sale O.a soc Two 51e Bot. Boh. Duri·l oor 1o Sale 11.0 1 Two O.o·pou·· Bosoo Yeo SaYo tOe oa Two Poua.. OTHER CANDY VALUES v...,..4h-Two 8oUiae 35e Cream of Almonds .. J fer 31c 1.00 Harmony T. Water, 5 odors .. - .. .............. 2 for 1.01 1.50 Ramee Toilet Water, 3 oz . ........ ............... 2 for 1.11 25c Medicated Sk1n Soap 2 for 26c 25c Klenzo Taf Soap .... 2 for 26c 60c Ramee Toilet Soap .. 2 for Sic 7iic Ju.neve Cold Cream 2 for Tile 76c Juneve Van. Cream 2 for T6c 60c H. Q. Hair Ton. 4 oz. 2 for Sic 60c Olivo Shampoo ........ 2 for Sic 60c. H. R. Massag Cr'm 2 for 5tc 26c V. D. Talcum ........ 2 for 26c 75c Harmony Lilac Veg. 2 for 76c 36c Antisep. Th. Powd. 2 for 36c 26c: R. T. Pute, 2 oz. - I:... 2Bc 215c Arbutus Talcum ·- 2 fc.r 26c 1.25 Lather Bnuh ........ 2 for 1.26 75c Ha1r Bnuh .... ........ 2 for 76c Produ~e a thW:k creamy lather. 1.50i1 ai r Brush, rubber Stands up on your face throuchou~ cushion .................. 2for 1.11 t.be ahave. 1.50 Ha ir Brush ............ 2 far UU St'd Price 7Sc Cloth Brush .......... 2 for 76c Your daolco 1.00 "93" Hair T., 14 oz. 2 for J..Ol ONE 25e "93" Shampoo Paste 2 for 28c SOc Antisep, Pow., 6 oz. I fwlle 2$e Cedar Chest Comp., 8 oz................. ~ ...... 2 ft>r 2Sc 60c Eyelo, 8 01 · .... ~ ....... 2 for lllc 25c Foot Powder, 4 oz. 2 for 28c 40c Gypsy Cream, 8 oz. 2 for 41e 15c: Hand Soap, Elkay's 2 for ISc 60c Shaving Lot., 8 oz. 2 for llc Quality Tooth Bruahea 30' St. .darol Price OBao L naaa Yoa Egyptian Palm Soap Calao o... . 11· Cola" . Yoo S.Ye l4c oal2Cakoo Bar ......................... I for 3a. 'lk Fenway Chocolatea In 10c lie k IOo Cream, lib ...··....... Llrg. Cough Drope Auorted Gum ........ ANorted Minta ........ Llrrett'J Hard Can2 for 78o J for llc I for a. ' f · .. J for lie 15c Urrett'a Milk Cboa. diu, 1Jt. tin............ Rubber Good· Maximum i Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream Compot·d of very rich, nouriablnc oils. St'ol Price Tt.ia Sale OooJar TwoJera T~o tOe. 25· s.... 40· 41· Thio Sala TBruolaoo 2-4c oa Two 26· 18 Ouoc·· ~n~r~~c~~~~~~.,:.~~pft~~ Delightfullr perfumed a..ular with attar of roua. F(>r Price all to ilet uses. GrNt for SOc men after shavinc. Staa.. rd Price Tl.lo Solo diitilled Oil of Bay, FuU atreQrth and hlcheat qual· itr. 'Soft and amooth with Itt .-.et frarrance. Ideal fo1 meD after ahaviq. Staa....4Priae 11 :made from the !nett A ·u nlvenal aoap, Ideal for toilet. bat.b alld nursery. v.. Sa" 4h . . T- Ju. so· s1· ~= 25c~26· 'lli.SeJa ~ 75· L-: 76· Fountain Syringe aervice, O..l,&ato · U .21 ~Uafactory Ourallteed to rtv· OJC DISPLAY AT OUR STOR& : 1.00 Arabeaqu·, WlUte and Tlnta ................ I for1.01 16c: Pierre l:apeterie .... 2 ' " 1a. 60c Lord Bait., A.utd. .. 2 f·ll· 10( XXX Envelope~ .... - I for llc 16c Elmhunt Envelo.,_a I f· lh · 10c Writin~: Tablet ...... 2 f·r lie 1.10 Symphony Royal.-. 2 fo·I .Sl 1.00 Symphot~y Lawn .... afw 1.01 12c: I in. x lrd. Adht1. Pluter ............. _..... 2 for llc C~ Adhe.t. Plaater, 1 Ia. X 6 yda, .................. 2 fer 41e ,_,_ '2.26 Puretut Product· Riker'· Peptona EnrichPS the blood and impl'ovell tho health geilcr.. lly. Full Pial Staadard Thio P..ice Sale Oao Btl. Two Blle. Your Opportunity! To obtain as many of these items as you desire No Limit Use this list as a Reference. Bring it with you to the sale. ~ Mineral Oil ou. Free from all impuritltl. Taateless, odorleas, colorleu. In bla demand by people r .. quirin& a hirh grade heavy Ruaaian Type FuliPiDt u. 5t'ol Price n..&. Sale Ooo 25· Two 26c ~~ =:-s-;:;: Epaom Salt u... · · --<:::= Yoa Sa·o 24e oa Two Pooa.. '}.00 '}.01 RUBBER COODS COc Maximum P. Comb, Coane & Fine, 6) in. 2 for41c l&c Maximum Ladiea' Dressing Comb, 8 in. 2 for 3Sc 16c: Bobbed Hair Comb, (White) ................. 2 for 28c 1.00 .Rubber AproD ....... 2 for 1.01 You San 99e oo TwoBouloo OTHER REXALL REMEDIU 26c Catarrh Jelly, amall 2 for 2Sc 60c Kidney Pilla, 60'a.... I for Sic 25c Larkspur Lo., 2 oz. 2 for 28c 26c Lax. Alp. C. Tabs ... 2 for 26c 26c Little L. Pilla, lOO'a 2 for 26c 36e Rubbing Oil, 8 01. J for 2Sc 25e Spring Tabs, 60's. ... 2 f-.Ja. 1.00 Syr. Hypo., Cloudy, pints ...................... 2 for 1.01 60c M. W. Pine .t: T., C. L. ET.t., 7 oa. .... .I forllc 25c Carbolic Salve, 2-ol. tube ........................ .I for .lie 25c Cb. B. C. Syr., amall Z for 2.. 26c Com Solvent, ~ 01. 2 for 26c I>Oc: Liver Salta .........." 2 for 11c 60e Sodium Phosphate ·· .I for Ita 20c Zinc Ox. Ointment. 1 o:r.. tube ................1 forllc 46c Caacara Sacrada, 6 gr., C. C. 100 ........ .lfw4ec 35c Cascara Co., No. 8, Hinkle, 100 ............ 2 f· Ja. 25c T\Yin Tabs. taxa. lin, 36's ............: .... 2 for :No 20c Soda Mint Tablota, 100't ..........~ ........... l forllc 25e ~p. Taba. email .... 2 for Ia. 60c llbrlc Brand 1 - t Powder, " o:a. ........ 2 r... llo St'" Prlca Tlaio Sale Two Btla. Oao Btl. ~ Rubbing Alcohol a O.ac00 5t'· Prico Tlaio ~ O.o Two Btl. Btl.. U Y.. Sa" 38e oaT- Bott!. *J.OO 'J.Ol Yo~ Sa" He ea Two Bottlea MORE PURETEST ITEMS 50c 25c 30e 25c 50c 50c 25c 25c 15c: 86c: SOc 20c 25c No, 6 Ditto., 16 01. I fw ltc 6 DiaiD. 6 o1... J for ... Glyc:. Sup., Adult. ... I for Sle Glyc. Sup., Infant. ... 2 for 2a. F. E. Cas. Ar.. , · o1. 2 for ate Castor Oil, 8 01. .... 2 faw lie Spirit Camph., l 01. 2 for 28c Tr. Iodine with Ap. I for Jk Boric Add Pow. 2 oa. 2 fori .. Cream of Tar., C o1. 2 fw 31e Rochelle Salt, 4 ol. 2 for Jle Soda Bicarb., 16 01. 2 fow lie Zinc Stearate, 1 01. Sitter Top .............. 2 for He No. J9· 4nc Sundrie. oodfo~ 1!u!tiJelJr CaatorOll :a o..c.. A ·f· purptln for ehlldren. Sootbinc In lion and cine naulte. Hair Neb . Slaod'd Price OooNot. llo 1'\ia Sale Y- Come Early StaH'4 Priea Tlalo s... 1._ oa Two ...... T- 16· rite ' Bd. o.. 2S·TBtle. s.,.. 34c" T - a..11ea IU THESE VALUES lk lo11t..l Powder Pulr, .§fore . . .. . Yea COOD VALUES SOc ked. Fork .... - ....... !IOc Cofl'ee Spoon .......... 70c B·1tter Sraader _ 8Cc lr·d. Salad Fork ·6Sc Solid Baocl. Ked. 1Litite · -........ - ··· liSe led TtupooD "'"30c Teupooa ---··· .. SOc Tablespooa ............ I for llc Aapirin Tableb ~ .. ~:!~dC;·N~i'Fii;; IOe Wuh Clotha ............ I for 21a 2 for Ia. C-hich ................. _... 2 for Ia. Tie Oocll· ........, ......... I for 7'f ... 1.01 iOc Actlq Ptut. 2 for I 1a '- letona Comb (Br.) Uor 7.. lMel· .................. 1 Phones Wilmette ~s & 29 Promptlr relit1'e pain, headaches, co Ida, '1\euralaia paina. Made fro m true Alpirin. Staa.. rd Prieo Tl.ia Sale Bottle Two Bot&l· a low .... O.o of 100 of 100 2 for ... 2 fw 31~ a fortto 2 for 31c I for 7le Uer lte 69' 70· RENNECKAR DRUG CO.

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