Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 45

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M a_v 7, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 45 "POLLY WITH APAST" IS ·N. T. SENIOR PLAY Fourth Year Students at High _. School Rehearsing for Performance, May 29 ' 4. CIVIC QUESTIONNAIRE Mrs. Lester Mee Is Chamber of Commerce Asks Its Members !o Submit Suggestions for Civic Betterment Giving a Tea lor Ravinia Committee , I · ) , I · ~ · " Fr~m 3 until 6 o'clock. FridaY after"\\'hat. in _ H 1ur op 1nH 1n as a citiZl·n. noon. May 14, 1\frs. Les t er E. ~l ee. ;nc t hl' IllO~t vital ~uhject~ to be f(lll- , chairman of tl1e Ravin ia Club com - 1 :-.idervd by the Chamber oi Commerce mittce for \Vi lmette will open her 1 i(1r thv good (Ji the con 1munitY a~ a home at 1229 Chestn ut ave nue f or a : ,,·hnlv ; J.i.,t th<·Tn in 'the order ;1 i th('ir tea given fo r the captains and workers (Contributed) 1 importance ." ' in preparation for the club\ memherl\e,,· Trier\ drainatic dtp :ntmcnt ,, . . . ship driYe. During the afternoon Mr'i. has enough Yim. courag<: and skill fc,r . llw~ 1 ~ 01 H· <·I tht· 1 .t('Jl1c.; in a flll('S - J . S. Meek will sing. Among the a srlwol many time~ its size. In spitr 1101111 ;un· ~l'llt <lilt __ tin:- 'H'e k to ito.. other guests, the fo llowing captains 0f the fart that tll r entire high sc hool 11.H·nihvr . IJ~: thl· \\ Tlllll'ttt Chamber of of the teams wi ll he present: Mesis all agog \\·ith excitement m·er prtp - l 0 _1111 !:e:~·(' tor t_ hc purpo~t c;i assisti1~g dames George Bird. Perciva l N . Cuta ration~ for the p;q. teant. the seni(lr t_hl (. 1' ll_ cnn_lllllttet (lf tht _( hamber 111 ler, Charle Englehardt. Robert E. gran1 IClr the im- Kenyon. R. F.. Pattison Kline·. E. A. clas. is not allo\\'ing a 11 ,·onc to OYl·r -1 tnrn ~ ulati~1g It~ prc 1 look th(' fact th ;tt thc;· han bt·gun : 1lttd 1 ;ttl' tutun·. Kaumeycr. Ed\\'ard Lilie n field. Char les \l:tn y ll!flttn, <·i ciYir intn<:q and McCoy, Floyd L. ~lcGratb, Hayes cnthusia:-.tir n·hcar~in~ f·r. their annu;d clas s play . Tt seem..; to be ratht·r i iT_np.,rt:tnrt· <t rt· rf! It , tantly 111 Hler rc 111 _ McKinney, T. L Shepard. Paul Hochf'. traditional that tht· ra:-.t oi thi~ pJa,·. :-1rlnation ], _,. t hv l'i,·ir com 111 itte<.: ()i H . A. Storm s. H. Sherman. D \ \'. 1 · 1tl ('1 1 1 I· · Smith. J. Spiegel, Hope Th(.JmJl~<,n . 1 · 1 · \\' IltC' 1 h a ,,· a~·s th<..- final Jlla _v (If th<· ! ll' 'I'- ll:tm 'l'r. ·ut_. at t 11:-· t1mc. John Gnrd(·n \ \'ilson, and Earl Lyon. I I 1 se ason. shall h(' made up entirely, ii , . · ·' (~ra n. ;11Hl !11 :- ii.:-:-(·l'tatcs on th(' _. poss ible. of sr nior ..... So it j.; thi s vear. l' 01111111 ttn· :tn· ('o..pl·ria ll:· c0nccrmcl - --~-=-.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::- 1 Determined not tc1 let the glon· of th e " ·itll \\·hat tilt· hu..,im·:-.-. a11cl profe s~ io 1 1:tl pagt·a nt (J\·er--hadr "' tiH'ir piay. t h(' p~·~ ~pit- an· tl1inking ahcttlt in term ~ c> i Phone Wilmette 2814 , '-l'nic~r~ ar(' alrtad_,. wc·rki11g up fin(' rn·1 c ;l( h·a1H.'_ l·11H'Il1. publirit:·. TIH·_,. ha \ 'l' an cxrcllc 11 t _lnrludtd 111 till' Chai il hn· ~ progr;\J JI elrama in "hirh t(l <J i,p la~· thl' taknh <11 t · 1 H]c, r -.l· tnt· nt~ in rl'Cl'llt " ·cek-, han· ()i their rla:--,matt·:-. t<HI. !'he dramatic h vl'll tilt· annexation project, th(' pia:·-. coach('~ haH --elected th;lt corking grllund Jlr<~J~o:-ition and tl:e rerrcati(lll go~cl CCI~lll'dy. "Poll~· \ 'i th a Pa-.._t ." i tax _P_r~'l_H>~It10ll:-:.a~l of \\· h1~h \\'trt wnttcn 111 thr('t· ach. h:· Gt·Ori!C ~fHi - 1 pr 1 ·:td .tt tht· \ dl,tge election. dkt0n and Gu,· Bolton. :\ott· !hat tilt· l'<"'llllnittt'l' i' <l}Ttlinin).! for ,, · · it . . nt·\\ "pr<>gra1Il oi \\'nrk" ancl j, r<·ll · 1 · J 1H· play .~'> t< · h{' pn·o.. entcd <·Ill' 1 ,t·qut·ttth r;t!lin).! up<·ll till· Jltt·nJhl-r' tc· 111g 11t nnly . ~aturda-'·: \1 a:· 20. so that ~ . , 11 J, 111 it :-. ug ge~ tinn:-. till' p<·<·pk rllno..l'll t<· r th('. ca~t. IJ ;t \'t' .\nothn itl·lll in tht gl·nnal qut . . t1<·11 C111 I:· thrt ·(· \\'et·k .... (J~· lc·:-.' . Ill wlm~h to nairv. that rclatt·' ~tricth· t< · n1a ttn, \ "·lnp till' C!~llll'rl:· lllH_, ~erf~ct tc!;m. pl'rllliar to the Chamht·r. ~l'acb : \IJ~<.Il'r tht· c!In·rtHill ot (, . \an Kirk . "\\'hat do you t·xpt·rt the l'h;i1 ll] ,vr \\ _I t_h -, urh < lll :tl >l (' roar h. and thl' . oi Col llllll' irt· tr· d<, i<·r tlw prO!llfltiriJJ ~p~nt~·d c:t.~t '"~m· h ha" _hl'l'll rh0 . . cn. , < ·i .' our line oi },u .., int"~ (Jf ;t.rti,·it,· :·' t!JI, lt·;tt T :' rnt1rvly Jlll!'--:'11>k. Ind l'l' d. ;~'> arv all ~t' \\' Trier pr()duction s, tlw \li" J.-.Ji;r: 1 1, < ·lh Tltrn 1q " 1,11 , Kll .\ . . h't'tli<·r l·la~· pr"nt i-.(' . . alrt'ady. jucl~ i lll.!. h11<l <t\'t'1ll1t·. l'1 Jtt·rl; tiJll cl h t·r hridl.!.t' Opposite Post Office hy thl· fir"t rvllc ;t r,al. 11 ' L ·r·me ;1~ nt· ::r club <·i t i~ll1 L· ::-J, i:t -t \1 n1 1da\ l., ·t·-\ tCJ pcrit·cti()ll a., i . . Jli· ' :- ihll' lor :til\ 11111 .L!. 1 :ll lt: ttt·ur gTt ·l1 P tr· l'l l1lll'. ~ot t(J h·t· . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 111l!dl·llt· cl r;l!n; ttir .tlJ _ , ll\ pr<..·l't'l'dim~ t·l;t". t lti' .~..:r,·111· <·i p<'llJ' ' .. DR. ART H U R H . TU TTL E 'l'llil·r ' '"" t· · -u:·11;t" an\· dr:ti ll:t DR. AL IC E D. T UTTLE l11 ·r l ' t <1f t .n· p r l'- v 11t t d ;tt \' t' " .. T r iv r J,' O steopa thi c P h ysic ians \ C'\\ Trin:tl'~. :tnd rnt:tinl~· hid f:t; r !··"I J, 1 , ., ; ltd ( liii t't· t<· ;tt'Crl!ll]'li -.. 11 :lH·ir rd1jr·t'l. I' h till t' :wu :n :: < ··11 c··:: 1 \ ' 1' 1111 t· "l'<dh· \\'i:'! :1 l';t-t " \\ill J,v :1 hm.:v , tlt·r· 1· " . 111 , 1! 11111,' . :· <11· i : i - IiIt' r: !1 h rr ;t!lllltr d "ith ~,,,,d htt·-. Thl'rv :1rt· . t\\vh · ~· t'ita r:t t' r·r, i!i tl lr' ~-; , .., t, vlt \ I'll Auto Repairing r1i \\ l1it·i 1 l lli~ht ],, · dvr·11Il'<l tilt· lv:tcl ' . C;u .H .lrll l't' d \\',J rk :,,, ~~~c~d :t r c !ltl'ir l'l 'lt- ' . thl' t\\vlith R. .1.,f'lll.l b:(' R.H..-) "111>!!]~ ii1:.! :tlllll·"t'hn~ ·. "ilirli Jt l ol~· "<'lllld n·n· l i~..:lll :t1t· l i1ll'"1l'l'CJ llt'IIt i; d Ross Skelton 1'1 11 i- dv t·ir lt-dl .\ :tnt! ;,l,, t· 1 tt!r h lll't't ,_ \Vilm ~ nc )::;::;::; 41 o 1-'r J tltl' :\vr. ';tl'\ . !It\ vr: Itt lr·" · Spring Fare S PRING b rin gs new yearn ings of · the appetite for seasonable. t as teful d ishes. t emptin gly serve d. You ' ll find plent y of such good thing.i every d ay, when ever you choose to come to The ap-1 Genthner's Market Cr nrral Cafeteria. Sundays 12 to 5 Per~o n a l ~ u p<! rv i s io n or Fred Miller Quality Meats Courteous Service Free Delivery CENTRAL CAFETERIA Ndson Building Ctntral Ave., east of Wilmett1 1145 Wilmette Ave. Aw. WILMETTE :tn~· .== === -===-==-========================~. - - ----·-------- WILSON'S . Dark Breads T ruly as delicious and appetizing as \V'ilson's Better " 'hite Bread. We make \vonderful r ye, bran ~ and vvhole \vheat ; .not the ordinary dry, tasteless kind, hut a moist hrea~ with a tender crust and a taste that says, "Mo.re! n Get some today and have a change. . ~. You Can Depend On Us! W r se ll t he best frui ts ·and vegetables Jnd also gi ve sa ti sfJct ion . If you ;ue ever dissa rified w it h what you ge t here i~ goods or ser" ,rice . please tell us about it. and we will see th at you get compl ete satisfaction . Telephone The Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked Wilmette 154 or 1361 . ' ·· " Lulias Brothers 1135 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 414 1162. \\T ilmette Ave. Wilmette

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