Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 42

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WILMETTE HOLD POSTAL EXAM An examination for thl' position of clerk-carrier will. he held bv the United States Civil Servi"c at t i lm<>tte post office it is announced. Applica~ions must he in by J llll l' 11, and the date of the l'xaminati()n " ·i ll h t· announced hy mail to applicant . . The examination i:; open to hoth men and LIFE May 7, 1926 pLtpers and the . school becomes · <t reality. One of the prettiest scenes of the: pageant is now introduced. It sh(lw atl the little woodfolk, feathered, iur red , two-legged and four--legge d. greatly disturbed over a suvcyor's in stnlmcnts, \rhich to them, portend th l collling oi man 111 earnest.. Sc('t tt· t hrcc present s the march oi t ht graduating cla sses, e;tch class fr(l n. that of 1901, which . cnnsistcd of htt ' t \\' O 111emhcrs, to that of 1926, contait. in .~ son1ct hing near 250 members. !· rcpr csen tt<l in the mar ch, each rrpr(' se ntati\'c receiving hi s diploma 1 -r<IJ l hi:; Alma ?\fatrr. Th<' la~t art takc .'i phcl', so t n SJI( ;1 \... upon tht: campus of the high srh(l( ·: \\'lll'r<' King Thought ho ld s conn t( con-.idcr the candidates for t·ntr anrt· into the school curriculum. Even· d(' p;trtnwnt - languagt'"· nnhic, :-c;t'tll'( . tnatlwmatirs. bu~inc~:; and th e ma nY tnany othl't:s-is repre:;ented in ;q·, propriatcl~· . ~ugge:-;tin· garb. Be ~idt· <-. ah~trart cha racters are n·prc ·sented. ~uch <b Tardine ss. All tl 11 : w \\' W011H'll . Who },\an This Is ? · arc now atten.ding. The pageantI proper now begms.. . The first scene shows ~nly the sa_n~l~ . stretch of lake-beach, with the spmts of lake. forest, and water. at rev~l. impressive in his prophetic Begin Rehearsals for Great An· Time, mien, foretells the coming- of men to niversary Presentation to be th e lake shores. Given June 14 and 15 For the children, EnliJZhtcnmcnt lll'Xt opens hdorc them a scene pictllring the fir st se ttler day s. The By H. E. D. father. l,e; noranre. his \\'ife. Vision, and Thr big thing, the one thii1g, now at !'\c\\' Trier, is. of course, the their children arc outside a rmlc , log pageant, to be given J unc 1-t and 15. cabin. A babe lies sleeping in ih RdH.' arsals have begun. , o far, only cradle. The father dreams. and in his tho:;c training the many dancers who dr eam. realize:' that he, Ignorance. arc to <~ppcar in the beautiful produc- mu:-;t sacrifice hi:; liic in order that tion haYe been worked on much, but this babe, Education. may live, grow and rule. dramatic rehearsals \\'ill begin soon. The pageant is callccl "Enlighten Recall Early Days ment." and tends t(l po rtray in alTilt' ~ l'cond art ha~ to do with the lcg rica! fantasy, th e hi story of :\e\\' f()ttndittg oi I\(·\\' Trier. The audi Trier. The storY is ~ome\Yhat like enct· i:' siHl\\·n the ftr~t tneeting of the thi s. a Nc"· Trie-r brother and sister Board (li Ecluca ti(lll puzzling m·er the arc di sc m·ercd at the ri sing (If iht: building oi the Ill'\\' high school. The first curtain. preparing th~ir homc- prc~idcnt of the board, \\'ith a sweep\\'Ork Tht·y begin to talk ancl 1vonder ing ge . ture, points to his "vision" of over the historv of their school. In 1\e\\' Tri er, and thi:-; ,.i .-, ion is seen their need · of i;lformation, Enlighten- through th e windo\\' ni the room in ment appears to them, and promist ~ to· \Yhirh the Board is in con f crencc. show them in pageant the birth and Convinced. all the rcq of th e 11H'tn ..: the den·lopment of the school they hers of the Board sign the necc s~ary NEW TRIER PAGEANT To TELL SCHOOL HISTORY .I . I .. ' "t'\' (' ral ;tn· arceptccl into the curriculu m. wh1k the ft\\ ' Clthers arc rejected ]. -_ King Thought. Then take s· place ~~ queer dance oi figurt·s kno\\'n a.; Di . . tr;,L·tiom. hut the _ ,. are clispdkd frcl! J. t h t' cn 11 r t. X o \\' t h l' l' x t r a-cur ric n i a:actiYities hcg admittance and are p re~t·ntcd to King Thought. Every rlul ·. c·ar h t~· JH.' oi athletic~. appt·ars a.; clot' · a tigun· called C'o -opc ration. \\.ht 1. 'hn: han· heen acrq>ted, a great cli -turlJallr<· i~ heard, " ·hich turns <>111 tr· he the agc-(l ld ~truggk ht't\Htn t ],, \ ('\ \' Id t' as il.ll d t lw ()I d rde ~I ". :\ dan cl' tak(' :' plact·, \Yhi ch finally cnd - gnod ,,·ith tl](. irotlt fiJ\\. I'OlllJHt:'t'd pj ~< ·llH '· 'I 11i each . Portray Future Enlighll'tltllt' llt then call.; forth Fl: t u rc· . i or t h e c h i 1 d r c n \ \·lw b c g h n t r' tl'll thl'lll of \\'hat is to (()111(' to !\t·,,· Trier . This sht· cann nt do. hut intrc ·duct s to them her two dau gh t e r:-;, t\\'i n-. Progre-,~ and Rrtrogrc :;s ion, and a ~ k ". that the two studcnb rho(lse \\'hich oi bcr l\\'O daughter~ the,· ,,·ish to ahidt with:\(' \\' Trier . The~· choCl~C Prog rrs s. The Kmg drcla.rcs the opening (li thl' Inaugural \Ltrrl1 to the mai n building \\·hich all the rurriculutn and extra-curricular acti\'itin arc tn <tr rup_, .. "(~(ld \\'illing', f(lr another quartn of a century." An in1pre~o.;in· and in spiring mar ch hegin s, lrcl hy Ki11g Thought, the children. Progn·s -, and Enlightenment, and hruught to a rlo:-t· hy Father Titne. Slcl\\·ly they pa . ., down the n·ntral ai~k oi tht: ;nHlitorium and out. So clo ~cs the page a 11 t. ft ran ta~ily hl' :;e cll \\·h;tt a .stupcndoth undertaking the pageant " ·ill J,<·. the hl'auty and deep :-ignificanrt <·i it all, indeed \\·orth\· to m;trk thl' suc cessful rl(l~l' of th~· t\\Tnt\·- ftith ~- (· iir of Kc\\' Trier\ life . . ·Liberty . D ROCLATA1 liberty throltglwut all the land, unto all the inhabitants therrof- this was the legend inscribed r on what was later to be known as the Liberty Bell, when it was recast m Philadelphia in 17 53. Twenty-three years later this prophetic admonition was carried out when the now historic hell heralded the adoption of the Declaration oflnd~pend~nce. A century after this assertion of American liberty, Alexander Graham Bell gave to America and to the world, in the telephone, an instrumentality of a new form of .freedom. Limitations which had confined the scope of the spoken word were swept a way. Doors of isolation were throvvn open. In his contacts with his fello\\'s, man had achieved a new independence. For fifty years this emancipation uf speech has undergone an unceasing evolution into a larger and ever larger liberty. Year by year man's voice has reached out over greater and greater distances until to-day it speeds from coast to coast, borne on the wires of a natiun wide telephone sy5tem. Do you know that you can owu a HART OIL BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $2 5.00 otr month! . HOUSEHOLD DEVICES -COMPANY - ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM BURNERS 142 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 HART OIL One Policy One System .. 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