~ray 7. 1926 . WILMETTE almost c'vcry post in the Central \Vest g-r~.:etcd LIFE 41 ; . .... Th e hospital is locate d at fi\'L' points .-\!tho~~~~ ~O illc \\'hat ove r :- hado\\'ed just wes t of th e Great Lak e~ :\a\'a l b~· tl: e . K e nt~tcky Derb y" as an e\T ilt Tr;1ining stati on . ot will be in attendance and the unforNorth Shore to tunale "Buddies" at the :.\orth Chicago hospital may expect t-o be in Be Represented acove manner that will ha ste n their rery to tlll:ir former health which they enjoyed before they · sa\\· the at Dedication I battlefields of France .. Telephone your orders- Wilmette 649 No Toll ::1. \ ctnan~ hosp1ta l at Fn·e r Ill., .wi~l a ttra ct. a very larg<· r rmnl oi I patnottc Amenc.an:-; wh_o " '<Lilt to Sl'C I ~he Ja ~t word 111 llledtca} hatl < [iw ork ! ror tl1 r rare of tllttltal ca~cs dt1e to tlte \\'orld war. ~fay, 15, the d c di c~Ltion of ,t_h c tH: \\: r\atJOnal 1111po rtance 0 11 Sa tmda,· · c: I D Ona ld p a//tSOn . Po tn b, . _ ___ _ _ __ _ M arry tn eve an on ~at~rday ~ay . ' .· . · Cl /0 a~~1t~.~ Ft§.tt~flll~§ ~-J(( 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~----------------------------~-~ [ d I I 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston One of the at tra cttv c v;cddtngs of . ·· the month will t ake place in ClcveThe dedir atirotl :td dre ss ll\· /ud <re land , ~aturday, }fa y 15, ,,·hen ).fi s~ Kt·ne~a\\' ~1 . !,andi-, and tilt~ P<~gca7lt ~Iurie! \Y oodworth, ·daughtl'r of ).fr . b~· tht· cotupany oi 100 ~hri1lns irom and ).[r.. Frederick ]. \\' ood\,·orth hethe ).f t·dinah 'l\·mp le. C'hirago, arc rume s th e bride of Dn11 a ld ~f c 'lur e dramng card.., of tilL· first degrve . Doth l' attiso n, son of ~fr. and ).[rs. George Tudge Landi-.. and the ~hritlL· r-.. are ex -. II. Pattison of 823 .\ : "l hland an nu c. n·tuely l1app y that tht·y may lt'IH! the;;. i ~I r:->. Robert D. Godfrey will be her pn· scnct· anrl t hci r talent to t hi :; I .., is tcr' s pn ly a tten dan t, and E ugcn c :tu sp icio us rKr;l:--ion. :\ ntnng ti le nther l' :ttt i ~on will act as his hrotht.:r's best .;peakcr.; 011 the prngram are Cn l. /\.. man . .\. Sprague , ~rott Lucas state ro 111 . ' The Rev. Adelbert P. Hi<rlcy of lllandcr of Illinois, Judge Edmund K: . Calvary. Presbyterian _c hu rch. ClevcJarl'cki of Chicago, Capt. Jarob \f. b_nd, \nil_ rc~d the scr\'t.ce at the home Dirkittson, Jr . ni \\'in nctka, Thoma-.. <~1. the l~ndc s .parents, 1.11 the prl'Sl'll CC J. Lynch, Pa-..t l'olll 111 ander nf \\'innet· of tl_1c 11nm cd !atc rcl.att\TS. .~ ~ ~~s ..\~oodwort h 1 ~ a . graclt_tat~ o~ ka Post ~n. 10, the .-\lller iran L('gi nn. :lllrl opcn tn g and clo sing praver:; h\· the I Ltth.t\\ .l~ B.rown school ,uHI ot ~\ell. 'Rn·. Jamrs C. K. ~f cC !ur c an d F ;tth er C<olkge, a.Jtd IS a memb er of thy U~YCi' 'f r, ,. ar tl 1\' \\'1'tl 1 t 1 · land Juntor· leag-ue. n'tJrgl' F . ·' 1(' t:ttll(lus · U · ~lr. . · I attb()ll f II' ~ ~ · a "() 1 t 0- tl Fl " j tl .1 k · (.!Ta(luat r ot the 111\-crstt\· o !mots. ) (e . 1C' a~ )~· le I\T l : ' ll(l\\:n Hl' and his b r ide will mak ~' their hom e h.t'\' . 1·.\\·art l.)a..,t, dep~1rtment l hapbin Cleve land. 111 111 tht· .-\m cncan Leg1nn. Th~..· cntirt· pr()_ L:Tatn " ·ill s!art \\·ith BURIED AT ELGIN :ttl official itt-.IH·clion ,,j tltt lit'\\' i n1ildin .~.., and ground.., ;tt t\\' 0 tl\·lork . J) a,·lil('ht ~ ; t\ ing time. and th('rt' \\'ill iH· 111ilitan· lllll..,ic at intnqJ~ thnl\lglt ollt hv a itt·rn n (lll 1)\· the l'. S . .\'a,·;tl Tr;tininl(' ~tation ]) ;~nd and Tilt· 2nd t ·. ~ - I 11 ian t r~ · I> and f rotn Fort ~!Jeri d.tlt . llunclred:-- c1f f.cgiotl!tairc :-; rrroJll I 1 As you pay loving tribute to her on Mother's Day surely there will come again to mind that wish of hers- · , -1 POOR BRAKES Are Dangerotts Our equ~pment includes the latest device for re-lining your brakes. It is a great time saver and that means "money saver." You are assured not only of a better, longer lasting and more thorough re-lining job, but co~siderably lo~ver in price too. This machine does away with hammering bands out of line and makes the rivets 11 StJy put." That the coming years would bring you fullest measure of Happiness and Success. Mother's unselfishness and devotion. her pride in her children. her confidence that each one of them would fill his place in the world with credit- these are the glittering gems that embellish the glorious beauty of Mother's Love. I · ·- No one can do less than his best- if he keeps bright the memory of Mother's Love. First National Bank of Wilmette The Home of Savings Depositors '1 -. Miller & Miller "E quipn~ent equals Jt;f aintenance" Repair Department of Wilmette Motor Sales 5 I) 4th Street Phone Wil. 6 3 6 · · '--