Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE May 7, 192t! Congregational Church Ministers: Stephen A. Lloyd 'Villiam E. McCormack On Friday Mrs. 0. Olsen w ,ill \J(' a.s RiHted by l\t:rs. S. A. Wheelock in entl·rtaiiling- the Central avenue Circlt-. ~frs. T... E: . Rudd, chairman, . at hfr hom<' at 716 Ninth street. ThP · ~<·a Scouts meet Friday < .,., ning at 'i:lii. Ewart Cook, ~ki}lper . ... Think of Her Love for You :\-IO'l'HER ·s 1)~-\ ·y is designated a~ Sunday. :May 9th. But, in reality. there 1s no fine distinction bet\\·een that and any other clay for reflection on the everlasting 1nfluence of I--Ier loYc for You. I~ron1 the cradle to the gra\·c you cannot, nor do yon \Vant - .. Sun<la , - morning- all department~ of tlw l'hu.rch school begin promptly at !t::w a . 111. The ~:;pir·it of :\lolht.·r · ~ da ' ,,· ill Ia· pt·eval<'llt ln th<· IHngrarn ~ g·i\-t·n in llw clifft·n·nt clep:u·tnH· nt~ ; , ~ """11 a:-: in the otht·r chun·h Hl'rvit-~ -~ Tht' parents are invited to attend _ Tht Junior I'O!lj..!,TC·g-ation COI1V!'IICH at !!1 :;!11 o'cloclc l\lr· . ~f('('orlllack will Jll'f ·: l· ·h on "IIis :.\lothf't"H Son," and tht· .fllll il·t choir will lc·acl the ~-;inging· . Tlw ~un<lay morning servil-e of wor Hhip al 11 a . m. A l\1other·'s <lay !-~>~ 1mon, "The· ArmH of the 11nmt·" wil ht> givt'll hy Dr. Lloyd. A !=;peciaJ fea t ur<· of t ht> s<'rvicc will be appropt·ia t, musie J·l't·JHH<'<l by the young P· ·opl· -' !choir. · A )ft·morial ~>t·n·ic<· will lw h..Jd i r, tllr church at 4 p. m. und er thf' jcdnt auspi<-es of th<> noy Scouts ancl th+ to, forget the tender. hopeful. God-ascending prayers she has breathed. Ha,·e vou ahvays n1easurecl up to her fond hopes for vou? <·hurch school for Bradfonl Ilut~-;on , Eag-le Scout, assistant . S<'oUtlll:l ."' t· ·r , and active member of the vhur('h !:'Chool for many yean~. ~<' mlwrs :lll<l fri ends of ·the c·hurch are invit· ·<1. On :\Ionday night the Men.'s t'lult will nH·et in joint Hession with n·pt·.,s· ·n ta tiw·s of th <> Better Cov<>rnm~nt asso l'ia.tion at this C'hurch. Ladies arf' invltt·d to attend thiH meeting-. I>inll Pt will be :wrved promptly at 7 p. 111. H· · ~ C'rvn.tions may lie given to Mr. J . r · Crossl<>y 1)1' ~Jr. \V. A . Richardl';oll . She loYes the church because it nurtures the principles of clean Ii,·ing-. tnag-nificent charity and con1passion to others. Tlw Hlut· hircls !l1f'f't on Tuesday af - \Vhat a glorious priYilege. then. is yours to giYe of yourself 111 serYice to the church that has its foundation in the loYe of a n1other for Hin1 \\·e hail as the Risen Christ! \:ext Sunday. do special honor ,to l\1other LoYe bY attendance at the ·c hurch of vour choice. MORNING WORSHIP AT I 1 Evening Service, May 9. 7:30 at the Baptist Church. second In the series of community worship hours. music! Mr. Stifler will speak on "Mother tr 1'110011 at 3:30. Mi~:;s Mary IAoUiS(· Sc h <' i <1 e 11 h !'} m 11 n s t h P d i r c c ti on "f t h 1~ group . nn TUI·!-'t1aY tht:' HOOS('V('lt TriHIJI 2 mt·d~ at l;eadquartPrl' at 7:1~· Jl . 1 >r . Ch:trl··s H . 1:Iakt-, c;cout mast ··r. :'>:o Ill . .\ t 3 ::I (I p. m. \V c·d IH'sday 1 h1 · \\' ··lf ( 'uhs nwet undpr tlH: <lirt·ctiiJn tof ~~ r . !Ia rolrl ~pinnf'y. .\ \V!'dn· · ~da·,. nig-ht dt·\'otil·tt;ll ~· n·i·~· · (· oJHIUI'l<·<l -lJ~· 1 >r . Lloyd at ' J·. "' ; 1t1d l'l ' llff'~~il·l-lal \\"lltll:lll·s dul it ~ l)l(IIJthl~ clillllt · r :tllrl lti\·Pting- IJn Tllurstl<l\' ,.\' (·ning- th l: J\u:-- !!,, ~._ The Good Lov~." o htdd· :11 tl iJ "' I· , . dJ\lr('ll , Tilt· \\". Yo\ltlg Tl!ur~cla .' · llt · <IJl~. l', ·up] ,·'s t· \·r·ning- at tlin·dur. ··ll n ir 7 :1:. . }o r a l't I ··rt · r Xt ·xt Frida:; tll·· \\' .. rnan·:4 ;.. ll!l d . :\Irs. 1·. L . l't·rry. prvsirlf ·Ttt, wil l l 1· ·ltl its n·gular Jllllllthl~· Jlll·f'ting· :1t th· · !'llllrl'll at a\.l'lllll' t'in ·lt·, .\In, _ <'. J\ . 'arJII ·It T· r, ,·llait·ntan. will st ·n·t· tlH · lun('l\t<"J :. 1 o'doek . Tilt· \\':1slltt 1:..: t· ·n DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hubert C.arleton English Lutheran :-io·r\'i('t'S for ~lav 9: "Our l'rt·c·ious r'·ondu<'t " will ht · t l. t> tll~ - lllt· 111- our third mess:q;e fl'l!lll tht· First l ·:pi~tl<' of l'dr-r. :\< ·xt ~unda~ -· ~ Fust Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. SteP.h tn A. Lloyd (·xposi Lion of s('riptur<' ·w i 11 lw h:tl'l·tl upon tlw third d1aptt·r of one of th1· mo~t lwlpful writing-s of the :\' t·w 'l't ·stam!'n t. All an· wl'lcome to t ht: worship which ht·g·r'lH promptly at t' 1('\'(' 11. St. John's Lutheran Church \Vilmette and Park Aves. Rev. Herman W. Mtytr The Fust Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf Rev. George P. Magill I : i hIt· ~ ('] w ul at !I : 4 ~. . The r·l e ('1 i t1 n of otlkt>r~ will he h!'ld after the h · !-1son p eriod. "Ahram and the King~· · \\'ill lw tht· lel'sOH to ht· studied hy tht· I:ihl (' c las:-: . an· g·lad to \'v't:'lcome II<'W S('hOlar·s_ 'V"' The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rn'. Francis Stifter Wilmette English Lutheran Church 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise Tht · Chit-ag-e, <'onft·renee of the . Illinois ~Ynod uwds thi:-; · week at 1 htAset·nsion Lutlwran <"hut·ch in Chicago(·. :\Jr. 'Villiam )1<·li.Jyt·, our <lelegatt.·. atlt.·rHh·d tht· ~('ssiom; on Monday. rla~-. The Fust Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Gilbert Stansell Luth'1' )(·ag·ue will meet F'ril\lay 14, at th<> home of f~or<lon l:uchholz, 22ii C'entral n"enue. Th~ ~- oung- Jlf'OJI]t' of th e parish and thl'ir fril·ntls ar·t· requested to keep this date OJ>t'n. l\ft·. Scott Smith, Jr. ancl the lll'Psicll·nt. l\lr. Arthur Cox, will attend t h t' st atf' eonven tion of the Luther !PaJ. ntt' in Elgin over this week-end. 'l'lw Published by the l"terchurcA Adverli.si"g Committee, Wilmette ·church Federation II" .............................,. ~ ~~-;~--; .. . Th e muRic eommitt<'e> is to be comfor t h<· splf'IHlid character of tht· spt·eial music which has been r<'nclt·red in the (·hurch during the pa~t month .... _ vVe also thank the soloi::;ts and choir fnr tlw }Jart th ey have tak<'n in helping· this important phase of ··ur llH'Ildetl ,, work.

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