Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 33

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!\Iay 7, 1926 .. It gan iza tion which will be a permanent PLAN NATIVE GARDEN Basebal~ T a!ent . in.s titu t ion in the vill age, sponsoring Wilmette Garden Club Anticipate· Getttng tn Shape all manne r of sports including football and bas ketba ll. Emil Nord of Community Wild Garden aa Minia· / N S ture Preserve Or ew .BQSOn (Contrib uted) \ \.ith the worst snow storm of the ~eason r aging outside and a merry grate fire within, the Ap ril meeting of the \Vilmette Garden club, with its program on "Irises" seemed a lmost a defiance to the untimely weather. But spring is really he.re, and with our O\\' n gardens well started, we arc planning a wild flower sanctuary. Because of the rapid building up of C\'Cry section of the village, there is hardly a spot left where the native flowers and shrubs grow in their old original setting. To be sure, almost every flower lover has a little patch or corner of wild flowers among the more -;howy annuals and perenniels of our cultivated gardens. but the Forest Pre. ,crvcs are our only real wild flower gardens. :\t the corner of Third street and ·cregory avenue, the village owns a · :-.ntall plot of ground which is now bare oi \'Cgctation. The Garden club propose-; to plant native shrubs and flower s there and eventuallv have a miniature forcst preserve wli-cn: the bird s and Ht>m: r ~ ma\' flourish unc\i-;t urhed vet l.>t.· enjoyed - by all who wi :; h to' visit t hem . ( ) 11 Frida~· . ~ l a y i. 111 tT t i 11 g at t h c l11 llllt' o i '\I r.; . ] o h n F . \ \' eul on , 20~ F iit ll :-trn·t. l·very llll'lllber oi the Car rll'n l·lul1 i :-> urged to bring a ny ;n·ailable \\ ild s hrub s and flo\H'r ~ . and he readv \\ ith trr ·wl'l and :-pad(; to ~ tart thc(r t··ll llllll lnity wild garden. I WILMETTE LIFE 33 :a.M. .. ---···-------------------Wele~&Co.: I I Int e rior Decorator· · 1 .,. .·. .. .. . Drnpery - Cnrpetlng-Faralture 1 Sch ultz an d Nord, is preside nt of' t he : Practice sessions fo r t he Wilmette association; Dr. Charl es B. Blake, vice- I Sheldrnke .t004D for Appolatmeat : 1\ll \\'ork G uaranteed I Athletic association's 'baseball team presiden t ; J ac k Bud inger tr eas urer : I got under way in earnest this week and E lme r Leis, sec retary.' ' L························ ~ J with some twenty aspiring ath letes out on tl1e lot just west of the Howard school getting in shape for the battle for positions on the municipal nine. Manager Jack Smitherman has his men working two or three evenings a week and with th e advent of D aylig ht Saving time, manages to get in several hours of intensive drilling for the approaching season. The team will probably join the Nor th Shore Baseball league and will also be pitted against some of the strongest sandlot ta lent in the city. It is planned to play twilight hall on the local diamond in adrlition to the vreek-encl games, which will give \Vilmette fans something of intcrc:-;t during thr long summer eve13e per qaart nings . Little, if anything, can be said at this time regarding who will comThe cream taken from this milk will whip pri~c the team per:;onnel, hut there is a:is urancc of an aggregation of which th e Yillagc may justly be proud. The Athletic as sociation, spon-;ored l"· th<: Chamber of Commerce. has sec~tred the. generous hacking of scores of bu . ities s houses in the village and is oliciting membership in the or TU~SDAY, New Cream Top Milk~ Comes. from Tuburculartested cows. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our Drivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. AUCTION In Our New Salesrooms MAY 11, AT J.P. M. 42.~ So. WABASH AVENUE "' . "Concerte d' Artistes" Scheduled for May 21 Here i-; guod t ion nf n~TOJI IH.' \\·s ! .' "Conccrtc d' :\rti :- tc" '"ill be given under the direc- . ,.. ' :\f r~. The : > dnre Clcpp in the Stolp hall Friday evening. '\1 ay .21 , and it i:- empha:-.ized that th· l"l' pn:;o ns who were present at the l a~t l'\·ent of thi~ character \\·ill not he a111on~· th()st missing on :\lay 21. ~o many were tilt· cxpres~ion s of ap prl'l·iat ion con cern i ng · ~f rs . Clcpp ':; Ja-,t concert that Tames P. Reinhold, pn· . . idcnt nf till' \\'ilmettl' Epworth ka~ttl' a;-;kcd her to gin: another. lt · will hl' given ~ur the benefit of the ka~uc. .Further announccn1cnt will ht· made rl'garding the progra lll . Between Van Buren and Congress Sts. LARGE COLLECTION OF VERY FINE FURNI TURE. R UGS . PAINTINGS. VASES , BRONZES, BOOKS. ART OBJECTS , ETC. The Oldest Auction Concern in Chicago Established I 879 c Williams, Barker & Severn Co. · AUCTIONEERS- APPRAISERS FOR SALE AT LAST-IN HIGHLAND PARK Northwestern Military Academy Property Located IYz blocks of. main (Central Avenue) station on St. John's Avenue, extending east to Linden Ave~ nue on Ravine Drive. Is now being su~divided. ~I r..,. I a lllt' > :\ d a 111 ..,. \\'I! o h; 1~ lJ n ·n ,. i ~ i 1i 11 .~· ·I! n p a r c 11 b, ~I r. a 11 d :\ f r :-. F . '1'. ~l'lhy. 35 :\ l aple arl'llllC', for tht.· p :t '1 t\\ o 111011 t I! '· i-.. lea \·ing ft)r her lJ,,Itll' in P01nona. Calii., 1hi:.; Saturday (.'\'l'lllllg'. l Sow Now HARDY VELVET ... .' Only 12 Lots .Available Immediate reservation is suggested since these lots are the only homesites available in this vicinity. These lots are reasonably priced. Terms will be arranged to suit purchaser. Co-operation of brokers solicited. J,awn Seed Good seed is abso lu tely essential to ma k e a perfect la wn. Our mixt u rE' i~ composf'd o f t h e hi g h est g-rade !'H~N1s and is as cl ean a~ up-to-(latc mach inery ca n mal«! it. 1 l b .. ~~c; 5 l hs., $2.70; 10· Ib s., $5.30; 15 lb s, $7.80. Pu l vrr izcd ·Shee p Manu r e ca nn ot hP excelled f o 1 · la wn o r gard en. 50 l bs., llll·50: 100 l bs., $2.50. G lf' ncoe Lime. to s w ee t en th e soi l, 10 lhr.;., 40C; 50 lb s., $1.50. FRBI~ DI~ J.IVF.RV IN CHICAGO AND SUBURBS JOHN J. ROSEN 307 North Michigan A~venue, Chicago Central 5239 As l{ for Ca t a log .. . Alee Reade·soa 24 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO llt>twt>t·n Stnte nncl llenrborn Sts. Phone Rnotlohtll 2571

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