Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 32

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32 WILMET .TE LIFE May 7. 192ft NEWEST BOOKS AND BOOK REVIEWS Fountain Square ANNUAL REPORT April ht, 1925-1926 The \\'ilmet te Public Librarv surpassed all previous record~: in th-e vear 1925-26. This was due in part to- the opening of tr.e new Children's · room, pcnnitting g,reater adult as well as ju\'enile expansion, and in part to the greatly increased supply of books . . The new Childrens' room has c·nahk<l the Library to develop its pro gnm for. better reading for boys and g-irls . Beautifulh· made as well as hcautifttlly written hooks have been .plan·d on the shel\'es. and hl·rausc they are the 'rorld\ hcst thev have been more popular than th~ more modt·rtt and ll·:;s ,,·c ll-\\'ritten hooks. The Story-hour nn Saturday morn - - -·- - - - --- - - - - - - - - Evanston Phone University ·1024 Dcli\'cril':; t\\·icr dailv to the Xorth Shore·. Ph one in ;-our hook orders. \Vilmctte 600. ing has grown from an experimental and amateurish affair to a Yerv finished and constructive part · of the Library's program. Miss Bright, the Children's Librarian has stressed the imaginative and creative side . of reading and has made the hour one of grc·at charm and hcautv. Tn addition to the sto~ies she Ita's giHil them music and songs. bringing in outside talent to make them perfect. Miss \1 arjorie Day in particular has mo st generous)~· an<l !.;:inclly gwen hc:r SC'f\'ICes. The expenditures are as follows : $ 4,72(>.85 Salaries 2.803.2() Books 114.43 Periodicals 387.80' Binding 306.82 Supplies . t.o2S.R7 Equipment. furnitmc .175 Freight 531.22 Heat and light 95.53 \f isc<'llan<·oll' ., Book Suggestions . HISTORY OF FRANCE By Jacques Bainville D. Appleton f1 Co. $3.50 INDIA By Sir Valentine Chirol Scribners S;.oo THE UNlTED STATES AND MEXICO- I 821-1924 By J. Fred Rippy Knopf Ss.oo MOTHER By E. F. Benson Doran $3.50 THE PLUMED SERPENT By D. H. Lawrence Knopf $3.00 THE GREAT VALLEY By Mary Johnston Little Brown ~ Co. $2.00 THE SECRET LISTENERS OF THE EAST By Dhan Gopal Mukeiji Dutton S2.oo CHIMES By Robert Herrick Macmillan $2.00 HERE AND BEYOND · By Edith Wharton D. Appleton f1 Co. $2.50 BEATRICE By Arthur Schnitzler Simon f1 Schuster $1.50 Corra Harris I I The adventures oi an exuberant : girl 111 a :-taid :-;outhern village. I I I r·· -----· ---··--·-·------·· I Flapper Anne I I $2.00 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. ··-----------------------· $2.00 HONK! Hy I~L·ad DUI~l~ In ~pite ni ~he iact that a great many hooks \\'rre added to the collect ion, there · has hern a constant demand for more hooks on sciencr. on art . tran~tations. travel. biography ancl his tor~·. lt is unfortunate that the i,ihrary is unable to hm· more. lJO\\' en·r 1,3()0 hooks were. added to the adult collection. 746 to the children's collection. a total of 2.106 hooks and a grand total of 11.2-l7 hooks on· the Librar~· shelves. The greatest number of purchases ( exclusi\·e of fiction) ,,·r rc in psychology. social scicncr, an espccialh· gond sdection in finr art:-.. a gre~t number in literature, and about equal number . . in traycJ biography, and his tor~·. $11,277.12 maintenance per volume \'Va~ $.lo-t a rea ... onahk amount. and tht' maintenance l'Xpenditurr per captia ,,·as $.R55. The A. L. A. Standard call..; ior $1.00 per captia . There wilt he no more s tory ho11r.; until Ortnhn. The .. F. liALf..,IAr thl'st· rdreshing ridiculous oi a hand~olltt· profc s..;or and two "safe and ~ant··· dam:-.cb who tllthark on a motor trip th r()ugh Emopc. adn~ ntuH·s Frcdnirk A. Stokt·s N.Y. The circulation for the last year \\'a s (,X,537 Yolumes, an increase of 10,000 <'ver tit<.' year 192-t-19'25. Thi s means a pn rapt ia rircula tion of -Us. :\ nry good average. The Library registered a total of 1.104 :\t'\\. h(lrrO\H·rs. of which 511 \\Trt' adults and 593 \\'ere children . The tot;d registration is -t,J47. Oppenheim at His Best THE Best Sellers of the Week FICTION HANGMAN'S HOUSE By Donn Byrne Century Co. $:1.50 MASTERSON By Gilbert Frankal! Harper ~2.oo THE SILVER STALL ION By James Branch Cabell McBride ~ Co. $2.50 AFTER NOON By Susan Enz D. Appleton f1 Co. $:1.50 SNOWSHOE AL'S BEDTIME STORIES The Contributor's Guild S 1.50 CHIMES By Roben Herrick Macmillan $2.00 GOLDEN BEAST By ·E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM "It is one of the very best of his long stories."-The Boston TTanscript. $2.00 ac all Boobellnt LIBRARY NOTES A spkndid tditi(,n oi Balzac ha~ hl·t·n ginn to the Library by Mr. Jc.seph \ ' rrhakn. It fi lb a seriou~ g;q, in the Library\ collection. Fiction this spring has not been of any great interest. hut then Spring publications are rare!~· so important a~ those. hrought out in the Fall. J ame~on \ "Three King-clom:-." h;t-. been murh read, hut not even· one i-. sati:;fied \\'it h t ht; heroine hein~ a hug(' s UCC(' ss as a h us in e s s wnma n, wife and mother combines. doubtless a jealous~· complex \\'orking on our part. "The I founds oi Spring" l>y Thomp son is a very good non·! from a Y(·ttng \Volllan . \fany han· expressed their amazement at the wisdom of Olll' ~~· young. ~1 ascfit:ld' s novel:-. :trl· ah,·ay . . ralll'd for, and his ne\\· lllll' "Odtaa" ha !- in trigucd by its title. People that ha\'c read .. Benoni" an· anxious to read ·· r~~ . . . a" hY Kntt t Hamsun . ~ir llarrv I ohn:-ton did a ckn r thing in ro.nti;llting Dick(·n :-; \\'ith Jti.._ hnuk tht· ··ca\·-Dnnthc~· ., _ .. 1fi -; lat< ··t !Jo<~l; has aho hcl'll \\Tit tt·n in a ki,un·l\' \ 'ir torian lll:ttllltr. oitcn \'l'r\. cltarn: i;1g. "l<t·Lttion:--" j, tltt' :. t o r~· nf an l'nginn·r in Australia \\ ho h·a:-- madt· his pik and returns to Ettgland, then· hl' hecollle.., entangled in the affair~ (li hi s poor er rclati\'C"I . ·:·)~(,._.t)~··~· .._, ... I ' ..._.,...... ,,._..,_.,)._.f.._.(~l t··· I - In its 24th edition the day af tee publication ! If New Grosset & Dunlap Popular Fiction. Peacock Feathen.Temple Bailey The Mystery Lady, LITTLE, BROWN & CO PubUthen, BottoD ! 1 I 1 I PIG IRON I Charles G. Norris's new novel-$ 2. 0 0 E. P. Dutton ~ Co., N. Y. ; ! ! J = ... " l .. t ,._....,_.t,~.....,.......,..~~~._,......-..c,~~~c·:· Robert W. Chambers The Eagle's Wing.B. M. BOINI' Daughter of the Sun, Jackson Gregory Treasure of the Bncoleon, ANNOUNCEMENT For the benefit of those who think we are only a rental library we wish to announce that we are also booksellers, and that we carry all the latest fiction, and a representative line of the latest books. of all kinds. Mother's Day Greeting Cards 1155 Wilmette Avenue A. D. Howden Smith Moran of Saddle Butte, ... .' Lynn Gunni.ton Four Belle .... . Ral.ph D. Pain· Fate and a Mario·.1etc:e, NON-FiCTION OUR TIMES · Knopf By Mark Sullivan Ss.oo HanTUJ ltiora The Beauty Prize. Geo. W estora The Bla~ Parrot ....... H ertJey Huadred. of ocher ·plendid book.t ift ow .cod. THE MAUVE DECADE By Thomas Beer Knopf $3.50 ABRAHAM LINCOLN By Carl Sandburg Harcourt, Brace f5 Co. $1 o.oo A beautiful assortment of Greeting Cards Ridge Ave. Pharmacy C. C. Renneckar 75: BALLARD'S Phone Wilmette 2566 ., Wilmette's Book Store and Rental Library No. 1- Linden Branch: Fleur-de-Lis Gift Shop, 426 Linden Avenue No. 2-Ridge Avenue Pharmacy, Ridge and Lake Avenues . Book Section-F it1t Floor --------- Opposite St. Joseph Church Phone 316

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