Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 31

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~~ ay 7, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 31 ' ( .. ... ., ( . ' .... Emma Youngberg, Charlotte Doyle, h e lm, Emma Cr·amer, An'na Ummach, M rs. W'tl' L'll f h R Beatr·ice Arens, Mary R. Hall, H. K. · Edith K. Ellis, :\1:adge Campbell, 1 tam · I o t e avensSnider, C. C. Sanderson, Virginia Hall. B · S K'1 ~tt R M · H 1 wood Woman's club, second vice-presl.~ila Williams, Freddiea Darst, Ger- Wi~~~~r .. Ma ~actea~. /r~~· Sw~~~. ident; Mrs. Jervis 0. Newton, Rogers trude Ross, Laura K. Durgin, Anna \V. W. DeBerard, Esther Wh~te, !<~lora The Tenth District Illinois Fede.r- Park Woman's club, corresponding L. Ayres, John L. Dowdle, Katherin e Renneckar, Rose Co le, Mam1e Hiller, f W , b . h ld t Mrs. Henry W. Price, · O'Keefe, Emma L. Snide r , Cora Smit h Ella H.ichtcr·. . David Nelson, Irene at to n o . omens c 1 u s, w1 11 o a sec r e ar,y; R. E. Thatch e r, S. A. Wheelock, Berth~ Ott e r, Anna w. Dinge e , Hache! Wil- board meetmg at the North End club, Woman s club of Evanston, treasurer. B. Butz, Dorothy B utz, William Kix- Ii ams, 13ertha. G. Lutz, IRa b e ll e Pope. 6200 Sheridan road at 10 in the · morn-~ miller, Elinor DeVries, E. D. Sears, L ·:tta H. . Fisher, C. L. Ricketts, Anna · 'V 1 d ' Florence Winslow, Robert R. Jones, Cramer, · .Jane Whit e, Odele ·weg·n e r. mg, v e< ne s ay, -:\1ay 12. ::virs. William R. Crawford oi 527 :\1ary H. Jones, Flore nce Stoddard, A. Jo:·wphint~ W . I't· ase, l\falH·IIe P. Les- 1 At the annual meeting of this dis- I Laurel avenue is very ill at the St. L. Seaman, Albert Erickson, Iona t£·r, Helt>n :\Ia:tss. Eva Ronan, .\fartha 1 · l f ll · c· l d Josep 11 1 't 1 Ch' Wa1t e 1·, Flora llaker, Martha Baker, J . Nirhols, Fn:<l B . hlliott. Hattit: 1 tnct t 1e o OWiilg 01hcers were e ecte : 10spt a tcago. G. C . Ca mpbe ll, t: ell o B. Rinder, l·"ran- J:rooks, i':\'dyn BrowmE>s, Ue>rtruclf:' A . -----e i s Flenlye, \Villiam S. Pye, Kath e rine .:\lich e lct, Elizabdh Spilane, Odie IJailPy, H. II. Darst, Flor ence Huntt!l' Pa \' iP~. .:\Jay .:\1. Co lvin. Klahr 1 HARDWOOD New floors laid. Phone Delaware :1589 F.clith King, Walla<'f' l\Iiller, F. A: Couw·r, H . A . Flentye. floors anEmil~· \V . Simmons, Wm. ?\1ason, New and old · <ira<··· \\' . Burge, Bern it't· Grapen, c. floors resurfaced. PUEC IN C'I' 16 hnnd or machine (lne.) Polling Plnct"-SoutJL Side Dyron Stolt· J . :\1 ich(·lr-t , \V . Co w t- 11, F. M. l::Sim- · n1om~ . :\T a 1· y Andi.'J"Silll, Yidoria Spizwork. 441 N. Dearborn St. Sc hool gla:-;s, Elizabeth J:tt 'g'~" l', ElizHh e th OM floors reftnOlde·t Floor Houe In n~ra1· \V. Schmidt, Charlotte A . No nl t·. IT\'lf ·n L. \\'il:-;on. PARQUETRY fNhe·. All hlghChlcaao 'Va~hl:i, Charles L. Wach s, Joseph F. eln!IIH work only. l JaV ts , J oscpi1 K e ith Davis, P. T .' \Vhite Pn.ul Hanctt, Phillip A. Boen, F. M: MARRIES TOMORROW Howe~. C. A. Keller, Otter Williams, Ortr oi tltl· chanuing societ y C\'l'lltS :\Irs. J. Hartmann, Jesse Scribner. John Hartmann, .J t·ssie H. Harker Ro ger E of tlw month is the wedditlg occ urrin g \Villiams, C h ar le ::; A. Adahis, Lrma.~ tomorrow en·ning in th e Co ngrega?~rakf· , Jl"., Haymond Hab , David U. \ 'c ry comfortable old - fashioned . north east Evanston home near I :~rk. P. H_. D. Idler, Otto Habe, Fred- tional ch ur c h. \\'hen, at 8:30 o'clock, O rring ton and Roycemore Schools. $16,500.00. the He\·. · Stephen .\. Lloyd will re a d t'l'l('k Norman, C. H. Knickerbocker L. · S. Knick(·rb of' ker, K. K . Knicker~ the marriage sen·ice for ).[i ss J o y h o<.:k(·r, ('harles ~ - M cCo y, Alice C. Me- Scheid c nhelm a nd Ali r e d Hendricks ( 'oy, Elnt ·r K Schram, Gf'o. E. \Vhite, 11 r. and ).[ r s. Edward L. .:\Iinnit· H. Swan, Jam <'s 1:. Swan, l.;d- Taylor. wanl Zipf, J. C. Gav e n, H. A. Brown, Scbeidenhelm, the bride' s father and l!·. n. Wilbur. Karl n . King, . Karl D. mother, \\'ill hold a reception at their J-...t ng-, .Jr., H . A. Hush, II. D. Pixl ey , home, 704 L ake avenue. following- t he Ht·h·rt l>. \Vil son, Lois S. Sloan. ~Iar ceremo ny . ;.;·;.r~.- Stewart, Louis K GiiHon, Hanv \\ tl s o;t. !~~ · onora, l>illg-<' e , H. J. ~loan, NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES l~la J.. (.siison, Jo. . dw. H. f ·\·ase, L. !\1. .\1 r ~. Pe rci ,·al ~ - l'utln ha ... rcturlll·d \ r.>zzt· Jts. .J. ~. .:\T:tcalist e r, L<·onora 500 Davis Streer Greenleaf 1617 Dtng·pt· (J>aug-hU· r), Eliza b eth J>op c to hn lwmc at 101 1, A~h land a \Tillie .T,nh!t \\:. Fislwr, (;, ·o . L . Rul.J~·. \Vm: a ftl'r a thrl'l' \\'l'1.·k< ""isit in thl' Lht I·. \on Hen n et, A . N. Page, '\V. S. Ca mp- \rith her uncle and aunt, ~[ r. and .\I r . . . l,,dl. A. <'. \Vt·rtl.Jan , L. Grisamore, J. 1: : .Donah u <>, A . F. :\To ell ar, \Vm . 1'. TJH,tll a:-o Gillespie. nf Pitbhurgh . The~· \~ h1h·, \\'nt. K ~uits. A. L . ~oJ· all lllotured to \\' a..,!Jington during part 1 nng, G. C. Low e ll , ::\L J. H amme r s r ,j her stay. I }'. \\·. Fu t: r;nann, Caro h · n Fut·rmann' -oI F . L. Owen, J. w·. Malone, Annab ell~ ).f rs. Ceorgt' Pa tlll ... hk a oi 10-H J:u,·kman, I· l' f' d l:n('kman. H. E. Poronto, .T. \\'. Ald<'r, n co. \V. ~pringer Fore st a\·e ntt e ~p~..·nt Ja...,t \\'L'L·k-end m · ·:.,rd: t n .:'IT. <'ulv e r, ~l aud H. \Vt ·ld, Edw: Galena and Frl'~port, Ill. .f .\I a ass, I!. L . .\fcNu l t\· IIaniet N l'ot tf·r . I>wig·ht C hapmar1' Harold K. \_\" ··l d , l!<·rt ha Schu c tt ~e. H. :-i('hUHig-P , \\'. H . Elli:-;, H. TI. l\lulford 1·:. fL Farmt·r, \V. C . Colvin, .T. 1· rt·rll'h. H. \V. Yo ung-. ~farion Co lvin lf .J . I:i<-ht c·r. (' . !.... H ayPs, A. \V. All e n: (.:lad;~ Fr· t· rwh , .1 . .-\. Honan, E. H. J;urg,., CJ . <·. Tlt · lltlis. H. L. HrJh e rts, (: . F . W a u gh, 1~ . <: . :\T ,.. Kay, w . M. 1 1 or;!l'd. \'11la .\ll · Ka~ · . . \V . L. Fogg-, .T I. H an!(·~ · . .J . A . Burrill. l<'. .:'II. lbtdu·r,· n. .J . . I> avil'l, JI . A . \Vhitllla !I, A . . \ lldt ·r:-;IJ il, Antoint.'ltt· \Vhitrnan, Arthu1· ~~ · iholtl. Elmer (' Jaar, H. varieti~s .\ . I !<·rt.:".-r. C. IJ. llt·ll (.·r·, D. \V. L t·ste r, If. ~ . l:r own . .-\ . .1 . fkhot e n. H. C. llanst~tJ, <: . lf. l'att ison, Alice .\I. I attison. ~tanlt ·y K . Cag-(·, Edna I us\'11. IT. E. 1\: t·t> lt·r, .A . II. \·o~burg, l·. d " ·· A. Ev Pr s. FJr.rt·ti ' P V. En·rs. \' "trt. lL l! ausvh, 1~ . N. l'ottl' l'. H t·n ry .1 . i{oh rman. ::\f k hal'l l\I n rri s, H. E. I:i..!.::-;, ·11, F. .J. Schl'itl <> nhl·lm Fl o r e nc e h: . f>:t\ "is. l'hilippin P f{ oh rm~n. ::\famie \l"r;.;-:ttt, .\lkt · N. Zipf, Anna \Vn~ko, \\' . 1 ·'. Eng- I ish. Sarah I'<' IT\" Hush Et hd <' hapman, Jt . II. 1>urha11;, Kath~ ··t·irH· K l!t~Wt ·n . . J. ( ·. Smi th , F'r ~IIll' t':-; 1·> . \\'hit P , Lot t j, . Swt ·t·t, l>onn:t Bow.·s. H . A . Pnpl ·. <:r:tl'<· <'lut , .:\Iarg-. Pil ·r~1·11. :\Lt ry 1 ·:. · l~i\'k :-;< · n, C harlt-s Ding· .. e. l·: d\\" . ~r-·hlllidt . l:rat ·t· l'cn·onto. \'. \V. 1 I i !.:'1-:' i 11~. Katht·rin( · E. Shrridan, ll t-· l· · rH· Fo)ll'. F . J:. Earle, Fr<>d L . Ui1'11 , NophiP liayt'S, Hlenrlina n l'Bc r:trd, .\lif ·c· F . .\d ams, H t> len S. Fog-g, :\linni e K . SC'!willt-llhf'lm, Hc ·l·· rt I< . .Tr1h tt Sflll . . \ ntoinl'tte \V enban. J> t·a rl S. 1 ' ttl\' t·l', .f . .J . JPhllSOII, .\I ar~· J,, ~ t · ft,·id ··ll lll·IJ ll, ~ln·a Ua\'is, Amy Allt ·ll , nora \\"ill ia m son, E\·d~· n \\'olf. IIarr _ , . Wolf, ~l:u · ~ · .\ . I'npt·, · Fr:tl1<'t·S Zipf, Fr ·,.,JL·riek \\'anl, Hoh pJ·t 1>. Smith, Jo:llt·JJ L . 1ct~ld J:yr ii PS, Flor· ·nt int· Till!'!' , CJ:rra :\Iac:t l is.lt·r, I h·rt ha I >uhbR, ElizalJt:t h :\Iulsell pff the stock .. rfhis IS your last Opportunity . r'ord . .r. \\'a lt t·l' Nt·l s on, !<::dna l.t l\\'t·ll, 1-:Jiz:tltt->lh :'\t·lsnn <'lara J \\' t·\' Pill'th 20,000 Amur Privet for Ir·pnt· ('l·llracl, Ba;·hara You.llg-, \~it-tor i:{ ~u its, H c tt il' Hick e tts, EliwlH'th KdHedges; 30,000 Other lt·r. Fran C' :\Jc(;i11hon, i. ~tura t'ap:e, Tilli f' H<:>rhst, CP!t>~te Cn·ss(' \·. Huth Shrubs lh·n nis, ;'\!'IIi \V . Ding-e e, C. ·K HPn ~~~ · ~· 1-::tr, Elizaht'th C. Johnson, FlorellC'P 60% Off Catalog Prices Syringl\1 Coralberry h . ~mith . K 1{. S<'hnablt'. 1\l:tJ·~· ~ . ~('hnlldt. :\fargo. F . Ht·ller, F. 0. tl~ruskt', to those who come to our NurBuckthorn Honeysuckle :\1arit' \V . .John::;OJl, Clara H anson. C . J. sery and get the stock. Bridal Wreath Froebel'a Spirera :\1 ie h t·ld, Jr.. Elizabeth .:\fi<:hl'll't, Freshly dug; roots not dried out. l:a :-;mus F. Hanson, Katht·rin<' \Yin Sumach Lilaca ship, Mary R. Pope, FraiH'f's Schei<lenNursery is jltat west of Lincoln Barberry Weigel~ r":.' T enth o· . Meets at IS t r1ct N h E d Cl b M ort n u . on ay 12 I · w ~;;~:n~~,~~·;1nEr:;~·~~h~~~~:\so~.r- J!.~; c~~r(~~(;:e~ FLOORS ~~.':d. Dunfee Floor Co FOR SALE AND I '1 Unusually Low Coal Prices · Now tn Effect D: B: Must Be Sold s,ooo For the Lawn Black Dirt Lawn Lime Fertilizers Perennials and many of shrubs Am moving ]ttne 1st Phone Winn. 546-J 1487 Asbury ;a John Ostrousky HUBBARD Edinger & Sons Established 1907 University 5035 Wilmette 641-642 woo· ns B A R G A I CASH AND CARRY s Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, Vines and Perennials · ' TL'-' of the Peterson Nursery h<1s heen sold, and we ha.ve only this sprjng to ,. . St/2%MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improv ed Korth Shore Suburban r e sid e nc e property at 5%% int·"'est. ~ ee us on renewals. Avenue on Peterson Road, Chicago. Peterson Road is north line of Rosehill cemetery. and quantities of' c tht.:r varietie.\ Large clumps of perennial flow· era. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Tel. Main 3613 PETERSON NURSERY 30 N. La Salle St.

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