Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE May 7, 1926 They Voted in the Primaries Note: The accompanying tho Hith and 16th precincts of WilmettP's poll 'list in the Primary e lection of April 13, 1926. This is the second inRtallment of a seri s published at the instance of the Wilmette Jo'orum fo1· 100 pet· ~;t~nt Voting. The li~l was l'Otnpill'd on t>lt'<: tinn <lay· bY tht· \\"illl! vtt<' L··agut· of \Vorn e n YotL·r:-;. lltlwr prt·<: ind~ will he publisla·d ill ~llt't·t·t·dillg· is~u .. s nf \Vil lll··ltr- Lift· . Editor·~ rt.' pr e ~en t~ song·, N. Kopper, H.. Vv. Tansell, F. B. ('ro~:-~ley, V. Vogel::;ong, Helen K Tan~ e ll, Susan J . Crossley, George J. KapJW!i, Ann L. Crawford, Adam Crawford, Garages of Character :\ garage. when properly built, must not .only he subs t an t 1 a 1, hut s ho ul d fit w i t h p c rf e rt harm u 11 y in to i h surroundings. Tn the building of such g-arages we takt· pride Among our many plans is the garage for \\·hich YOU haYe been looking. \\·e shall be glad to place . these plans be fore you, to build the one you :-;elect and to arrange the t1nancing so that you can pay for it like rent. Some of .o ur garages can he built as low as $245. If you wish to build your own garage. we will fnrni~h the material and You can pay for it on time .. Cairo Building Material Co. 1230 I ,con Place, Evanston .; Phone:-; Cniv. 761-+-+25~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l -- - I Our Spring Catalogue of N. Picl{ard, Charles Smith, C. G. Ev ' rson, Eleanor Jarvi s, John J. :\loran, n. F. Lewis, Jr., K. F. Kiley, I L H. Jarvis, A. J. Moun.t, C . N. Puhlman, L e na B. Zipprich, Flon·ncc Puhlman, Hoyt King, M. Mowatt, W. C. Fox, F. Seihold, Erna Nystrom, P. J. Klapperich. T. S. Gillette, Edith L .. D··rtt·au ; J. ~~. Crossley, Agnes Scully, l\lary Jane I"HI·;(' J:\<."1' 15 . 1 :-:>eng, D. H. Brower, Alma E. Longl"ollin~· l"lnce- .~orth ~idt· Jl)·ron ~toltt quist, II. L. Fll:mtye, F. H. Seiuold, W. School C. Shurtlf·ff, Olive k_I. I3row<·r, Victor · Scott, P. V. 13irong, ~ary P'. Pettibone, ( '. C. Carnahan, Jo'. S. Young, Charles Tetl B. Potter, Madeline Clayton, F. A. Harding, P. Stoddard, ~I. H.. Yen- L. Bateman, Daisie R. Potte1·, Erwin n bles, J. I3. Oelwin, L. F'. Gates, H. C. Bepe, Jessie Riley, Henry Dirks, Eliza:\TcCauley, C. li'. Dauber, JI. T. Leach, beth Potert, Abbie Crossley, Irene (:eorge C. Braun, W. H. Thayer, H. ·~ewton, B.. F. Clark, Eleanor Olwin, C. Hall, Vv. C. Braun, C. L. Hoskens, G. E. Newer, L. l\L Doll, Minnie Fulton, Fanny F. Hall, F. R. Rhenuan, 0. C. .r. L. Kloetzing, Foster Branson. 'athUt>ppert, A. A. Stoerk, Orville l~. Daily, · Prine Kloetzing-, Jane l..awr<'n<·e. B.at('. F. Smith, W. P. Hosl{<'I1H, L. M. Diu- tie Stone, Helen Rutz, Ella StonP, W. hit·, l\'I. Sherman, A. J. Taylor, F. J. E. Duff, G("org-e Oberlander, ·william 1.\'t·wcy, E. H. Younkers, .John Camp- ~P<'llman, Gln.clys ~pellman, 1\lary L . ht:'ll, John P. Pye, Louise Thomas, H. ('ameron, J. l\L Duff, Grrtrudc: llugu<L Baldwin, H. H. McDt>rmott, E. I>. (·nin. Ada A. Joy, Robert Stoclclard, Lillienftolcl, Charles C. Caml'l'tJn, \\·. B. Peal B. Brown, Alice Campucll, Flo·r l'au!Hen, E. H.. Hoinsheinwr. I... 1·'. enc(~ 1\T. Smith, Jennie J(1hnson, Ed1\loran. C. \V. C:reg-ory. Flor··nct· }L ward Shapker, \Vinifred Shaplu·r; ·LY I'~·t ·, F. H. Kilner, B. F . Cl iffor:d, T. dia Kleipzing, Ernau Akoly, BP::;·sie H. Fullerton, M. E. Rei<l, F . ('. Brown, Colgate, Emily EvC>rson, Hel e n M.cfo'ra n 1.; A. Brown, E. \V. Ht ·Udt·r, K L. Dermott, 01 ive Smith, Mary E. Lewis, ;-ieheidt>nlwlm, \V. E. J:utY., E. V. F.clith 0. Taft, Axel Lonquil'lt, Alief' Youngberg, Caroline Kot·pke, :--: . S. \Vh<'elo('l\:, :\Iarg-aretta Hellman, L . G . . \kt>l;\·, John J. Kf'lly, <'harles .\ . Hutchinson. Joy Schei(it'nhelm, Hai·Kot'pke, A. Loui~. \\'illiam S:1ndenwn, riet :-; h idt·nht·lm, 1\label B. Ft·rreng, Sit'gfrid Katz. 1>. S. ]Javi~ . T . · T. Ft·r- Hazel Ht><'<l, :\linnie Olson, Hattie J'··nz, H. H. \Vhitt· , .1. L. lfivt·ly, Jo- France, Olive H. esc, Sue N. Kibby, ~··ph Spit>t.:'t·l. !J ·. J,.,t· Tha .\···r. Margaret 1f. Meagher, I:Crtha \Vh eet ·. -:\ . f{t ·t·s·· . .\1. .J . Ifill. Hil'hard Wil- lock, Fannit> \Vh celock, ~I. H. Barker, ~~~"· \\" . 1'. S('ng, 1 ·. :\1. 1:urlingame, Carol U. Ingenwll, Ida \V. Taylor, W . t 'haJ·J,· ;; S. ( "l:lrlit', L. :\licli, P. llu g-uD. Lawr ·n('e, Lavinia Fatch, :\1arion ··ni11. F . ( ·. I·:IH·rling·. . \ll wrt H.1·ichman, Long, R . L. F. Bicseml'ier, Je:tnettl· Arthut· l:urton, "ilan K. Lusk, F . B. DI'UI'Y, D. C . StOll<', L:1 ura H<·khlllan, Hatt:uwn, A. J. ~y~trom, H.. G. Heau, Colleen Kilner. Florenc .. Dibbl·, Kath- . A. <:. lluff. F . A . SPng, F . J. ~eng, John erinc King, IT e lt ·THt !'helps, K C. Hig·h<·t·, J :a i larcl 11 ig-ht 'L' , Thoma~ M. \V rtles, E. L. ~taff'or<l, Kat h1·rilll' Knux. Ho~s Thonlpson, lL N. McCon- \Vales, .l <' an .:\Iafldt.:n, C:eorge D. Upson, 11(·11, :\f~Ttle l\ld'onnl'll. ~tan!(' ~· Tur- Arthur H . Tutllt·, E. ll . :\Iill;u·, ll arriAt sha . lo:. <'. <'rotlwr. 1.. IT . \Vt·i1ler, 0. Haskin~. Jo~wphiiH! <~att ·~ . Edna L··wis. .\1. 1:.-,T· ·au, Fn·d :-;pinne.r. Frank Os- :\larg·arit t- J>orst·r. Ct·!H· va BreWPI', <' . l~t : l'llt', Arthur Eherlin, l . r. L . l:autr, ·~ l>or:·wy, l'hilonwna ;-ieht·<:kel', Kath1~. :\1 . Htafforcl, \V . H. ('olly~~ Jr., E. :t rin~ CaJllfJht·ll, l'atll I~ Jloach, EthPI Jo:. \\'eillcr. \V. J . King-, V. G. Eberliu, r:. Ho;wh, 1:. F. Lt·wis, C. Dauucr, :\L Klein, .D. \V. Smith, J. R. ·war- \ 'h:trll·s P . Lu;;l.;, H . 1'. Yt · nahl<' s, ~lyr showsk i, U. \V. Kibby, C. N. Roberts, til- Dowll·, F. W. fri~h. Loui~( · C. :\"dlic Roh<>rts, El<'anor Blymyer, B. F. so11. l\Turta Young·, K Bal<lwin, Ed1:1;\· myer, It,;. C. Butz, A. L. Kaufman, war<l :\l('('arthy, Edith :\IcC'arth;\·, Earl ~ . r. Kaufman, Ji". 1:tymyer, H. K. Pope, .\ . 1'.-tti!Jont ·, Jo:. 11· Fatch. ~lary l' etti1f. \V. Vog0lsang, Cecelia. Bunte, httllt', Kat ha ri n1· ('a rna hall, Ht· rn i<·t· t'll;ll'll'~ F . l~untt· , 0. Ol<>son, P. L. llllff . P. F. llall. Lulu l:raun. <Ht ..··· :-;IIlith··!'~,' Llarry Hillman . .r. F'og'1- rnl;ll'.t, I·:ILI 1:. l:utz. :\1 .\Ta ,\ . King·, (~. I · ' ' I \\". rp - ., ______ - - - · - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dahlias, Gladioli, Lilies, Phlox, Iris, and Hardy Perennials ts now ready. Send for it, and we wilJ send later our Fall Catalogue of Choice Finan.cing Your Hon"le (. · .· Dutch Bulbs Also our special list of Novelties of the latest introduction. MONEY TO LOAN · lr l~cal J-:.,tak Loan Depart - metlt. EYan-;ton. 11\inoi.;. . ..... FRANKEN BROTHERS Visitors Welcome Telephone:;: University 51 Sheldrake 7500 Deerfield, Ill. Phone Deerfield 241

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