Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 29

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. .. May 7, 1926 WILMETTE ljFE 29 ·court Rules for Many Wilmette Families Rogers Park Resident New Jersey Family Buys Have Part in Moving Day Buys Home in Wilmette G. H. Pattison Residence For est Preserve Edward J. Freiberg, of 6637 LakeC. F . Doscht:r ana ~amlly, until reRecords in the Wilmette office of the in Washburn Case Public Service company of Northern cent ly of Orange, N. J., have purchased wood avenue, Rogers Park, through The Forest Preserve board of Cook county won a decisive victorv in the Supe;io'r court this week when Judge M rKinley . ruled for the Fore st Prese rve hodv in the ~o-ca lled Washburn case. a ruling which empllasizes the fact that the Forest Presrrves rightfullv belong to th e people as public park land. The case in point refers to the at. ttmJH of one Washburn. who owns Skokie land, to enjoin the F o re st Preserve hoard from purchasing untimher ed property Wl'St of \Vinnetka and Glencoe. The Forest Prrsern board had been upheld in the lower courts, only to encounter a reversal in t hr Illi noi s Supr~mc court. which hod\' ordered th e case remanded to th~ lower court s for trial on its merit s. This trial resulted in judge McKinlev' decision this week. · In hi s opinion Judge M cKinlcY asserted that tlw For est Preserve hoard should he pt·cmitted to acquire the treeless portion of the Skokie because of unique character of the countrv its remarkable flora and fauna an·rl· its consequrnt priceless value to the people of Cook county. Argument s for the Forest Preserve hoard were prcset_1ted by experts from th~ Un~versity of Illinois and Chicago un1verstty who had made a study of the territory in question. · Illinois indicated that more than 200 families participated in some manner or. other in the May 1 moving time th1s year. Requests for cancellation or connection of service were received at the local utility company's office at the rate of fifteen a day for the past few weeks indicating unusual activity in change~ of residence location. the George H. Pattison residence at 823 Ashland avenue, and will take posses~ion immediatelv. The Pattisons have tak e n a hom~ at 204 Golf terrace . The transaction was negotiated by Roger R. Genness of McGuire and Orr. north shore real estate 'broke'rs. Mr. Doscher is vice-president oi the l-larri~on Leather company. Miss C. ]. Hoey, of the North Shore l<.eal Estate company, 418 Linden avenue, has purchased the T . H. Harper 1mngalow at 510 Linden avenue, Wilmette, of '"·hich he took possession Saturday, of last week. · ------------------------ft LOA US WITHOUT R COMMISSION Ou Ut-ltirable Home· and .A.&tartaaent lluildlug· ~1 r. and ~~ r;-;. C. .v\' en dell and their ~1 r. and ~1rs. Ce0rge H. Pattison 1wo sons. 545 Park avenue, returned moved this week, from their former to th eir home la st Saturdav after a home at 823 Ashland avenue t o their \\'inter -.pe nt in Arizona. The;· motored 11~\\' rtsicknn· at 20-l Golf t er~ace. o ut anrl hac·k. John Hancock Mutual Life lnsur· ance Company I 1 A. D. LAMoWOR'l'JIY, Loan Ace·t 11.2 W. Adams St., Chicago ----------··········----- · ' ... Banker Leases Home of J. Melville Brown Here Hugh H . Saxon, vice -prl' sident of the Continental a nd Commercial National Bank. Chicago. has leased the ]. Melville Bro\\'n rc:-;idenu at 738 Eleventh street for a term of years. ~f r. Saxon and hi :-; famil" have re~enth· moved from Augusta, Ga. · J. ~f tlvillc Brn\\'n and famih· are now occupying their llC'\\' home . at 99 Roh sart road. Ktnilworth. Do you intend to Build or Buy? -then you must see six homes · just compl~ted In DEERE PARK A visit to these homes will prove bot}~ intere ting and educational-Done in Norman, English and Georgian manner-All different and distinctive, each house is designed and constructed to remain (lA Home Beautiful" for generations. Every home has its distinctive features. Modern in all household requirements with frigidaire icing, oil burner, three baths, etc.-Construction thorough and of the best materials. These six homes truly typify LEASES APARTMENT ~Jr :-;. ~ . R. Friedman. of \Vinn('tka. l through tlw E. E. Stults Re<llt\· company. ~24 T,inden an·mH·.· \Vilmette. has lea ~r d an apartment in the Lindrncrrst. at Fifth anrl Linden . TAKES APARTMENT Miss C. ]. Hoey. of tb (' Korth· Shore Heal Estatr company, 418 Linden avenue, has leased thruugh the E . E. Stults Real Estate company, 424 Linden 'avenue. an apartment in the Lindencrest. at Fifth (lnd . Linden . IN NEW LOCATION F. H. Gathrrcoal l11s moved his real estate office from 607 Main street to 1213 Wilmette avenue. second floor. r .., "A guaranteed House" "A guaranteed Cost" .... Four things to look for in Bond Investments: Safety of principal, earning power, essential security, integrity of the house . We offer you cardinal points. these Deere Park, on the Lake, just east of R a v i n i a Park and Sheridan Road. Philip A. Danielson Builder 1569 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ill. Exclusive Agents Baird & Warner 134 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO Phone Cent. 1855 Ev...-..11

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