Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 22

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2Z WILMETTE LIFE INSPECT NEW COLLEGE May 7, 1926 Skokie Club Scene of State Net Meet June 28 · The Illinois state tennis championship::;, feature event of Chicago's net ::;ea~~)ll. will be held on the clay court s of the Skokie Country club, Glencoe, th e week of June 28. Announcement of the date of the Illinois classic and of most of the other important tennis tournaments of the year is contained in the first issue of the official bulletin, the new organ of the United States Lawn Tenni s association, issued this week. DANCE GALA EVENT There are still a few reservations available for the subscription dancing party given by the Woman's club of Wilmette Saturday evening, May 8, at 8:30 o'clock Those who have not yet reserved their tickets are asked to communicate with Mrs. G. E. Walk, 1240 Lake avenue. HONOR OCTOGENARIAN Sunday School of Kenilworth Union Church Pays Tribute to Veteran Superintendent , 'j . · · The vVilmette Junior auxiliary of the Infant vVelfare societ\' of Chicago has accepted the invitatio;1 of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college for tea and an inspection of Harrison hall on Sunday afternoon, Mav 9. Tea will be served in the Alu-mnae cluh room between 3 and 5 o'clock, and members of the faculty of ~I r. an<l ~1 r~. R. ~. ~I cConnell of the college will assist in showing the 509 Lake ayenu<:, are planning to drive guests through the building. to Champaign thi s week-end for th e ·Mother's Day festivity at the U niver~~ rs. E. F. Snydacker of Chestnut sity oi Illinois, where their son, avenue will Gntertain the Mah ] ongg Arthur, is in college. club at luncheon Tuesday. Ownership with your rightful share of the profits · · In perpetuity F OR ever.Y $100 invested in 6% preferred stock you recetvt> one share of common or ownership stock in John Bcnhan1. loS Kenilworth avcm;e, Kenilworth , who celebrated hi:-. <80th hirthda\' Monday, May 3, was ac~orded an i-mpresivc reception at the Sundav shoot of the Kenilworth Union churcl~ la st Sunday in recognition of his completion of ()0 years as a Sunday school . worker in Chicago and vt~ullt\'. ~f r. Renham is at present superi;1teudcnt of the Sunday school at the Union church. Sunday's receptton included a procession of 80 small girls each carry ing a rose, and 80 sma ll boys each car n ·ing a penny, prccccled by an e~cort c~11 n·ying a large hi rt hday cake. ~fr. Benham also rcceiYed tril'gram . . and greetings from Sunda~- ~chn<·l lca<ler.- in many place s. Tn addition to his affiliatiom ,,·ith yarinus Snnda .v ~rhools, ~f r. Benham " ·as a-, sociated with the Cook county Sunda,· school associat ion for 30 ~-ear~ . 1 rl' \\' ;h a t (llll' t i 111 (.' p re s i d <: ll t () f t1w Illinois Sunclav Srlwol as . ociation an I \\'as for fiv(' .year-.. a men1her of th · hoard of . the Chicago Ccntrrtl h.ranrh of the Y. M. C. A. Since coming to KenihYorth he ha~ been artin·ly con rH·ctcd with the Sunday srhot,J ()i tlw Cni()n church and ~incc l<J1R ha.., l·<·t·n ~npcrintenclent. During his atlmini,tr;ttion th(' an~ragL· attendance ha~ in creased from 100 to 200 pupils . 1\1nndav of this wct·k ).f r. BL·nham was honored at a -..pecial nwd ing n£ th(' Union LL'ague club in 'hir;~go. which organin1tion he joitl(.' d 45 yl·ara~~o . · J . · 'I · . . GJk Catholic Daughters Hold Annual Communion Sunday SutHJa,·, ).1 a\· IJ. kt' hL·t·n ;1111\CHillCL' d ;t, :tlllltl ;tl Cctt;ltlltlll i< tll Sunda .' · i11r th v l ·at h n Ii r D a lll! 11 t n' i .\tilL' r i (;a at :--- t. Jr,,t·ph\ rhmrh . ).1 ;t . . , will IH· L 't·k brat l'd at X o'rlork i11 t hl' 11lctrnin.l! ,,·ith th t· 1\n·. \:vultl:tnn. rh a pl a it l <· i tiH· I< ·L·al C 1·11 rt til th<· c·rdl'r. ;t"' rvkhr ;tt lt. IlL· ' 'ill ;d "" . gt\·l· t ltt "l'rtllOi l. In thv altl'l'll<Ht11 at .! ()'rl t,L'k \\'il tlll'ttt · (.'tollrt. \ c1. ~~X. \\ill join 1\ c,-. an ('c ,urt. L:tdy c·i thv l,akl' :tnd l ' ni n·r , it,· (.'c,urt ·n jt~int it liti ;ttif,ll t't·rt·lllunit:.., at tilt· l·: clt.:t'\\:t!n l:t·ach hc·tt·l .\ h;tllt!llt 't \\ i11 ic ..lltt\\' ;tt 11:30 " 'r lork . .\nna \lal!L'I h Vl l. ~.,:rand rvgt ·tlt, a11d LJ..,i.l' ~rl t t l lit t. 'in· rt 'l!l'tll. ' 'ill t;tkt' 11art in tht· clt-grt··· \\<·rk ~ti!Hl ay ;titn (J ORRINGTON All your money, with 6% interest, is paid back to you, complete return being estimated within ten years. This makes an average payment of 16% per annum during the reti~ement period (This issue is so conservatively low that accordtng to our estimates it should be retired in about seven years.) After all your money has been returned, we estimate yout common or ownership stock should pay approximately $12.00 per share. In vcstors in this issue will be giver. first opportunity to invest in other equally attractive real estate securities in Evanston· s fast growing center. WRITE TODAY FOR OUR BOOKLET: "YOUR RIGHTFUL SHARE OF THE PROFITS " .. 1l ( )( )\ 1. · T~ktJhonu-Greenleaf 500, Sheldrake 0500 VICTOR C. CARLSON ORGANIZATION Inc. :\ cltliciott~ chirkl'tl dinJH·r :tnd tht ckrtinn ctf trfticvr -, \\ill t'-..pt·ciall: ll'at\'1'(' till' bt'>t !ilL'clilll! lti till·' ~(';\">(Ill c,i the \\'ilnH·ttt' club ,-;,r Bu..,itH' . _ ancl J>rofc..,..,ional \\'(lllll'll \\'l1irh "ill "rru r Tlmr . . cla~· enning, \I ;ty .!0. i11 th L· ('ongrl'gati<·llal church !Ja..,l·tlll'llt. at the usual hour oi (J JO. .. ... CARLSON BUILDING Sotctheeut Comer of OM'inRton Avenue and Church Stred EVANSTON .. -- ·

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