Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 15

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May 7, 1926 WILMETTE 'I LIFE IS" · .-; Mrs. Andrew td at her home. on the afternoon ment committee, Entertains College House committee at · G/ H ome tn encoe 1 ~vhlc Leis11 entertainCraigi(' Lea. Glencoe, of 11ay 3. the equipcomprising mrmher s ·. ') ' of the governii!g hoard of the X<ttiona! Kindergarten and· Flenwntary rolll'g(', intl'r(· stl'd i11 l'()Jll}lleti 11 g the furnishing of Harri so n hall. Miss Peggy Bre,\<·er of Germantown, Pa .. is in \ Vilmette fo r an extended visit at the horile of Mr. and Mother's Dav will he observed in ~\'1 rs. \Y. 'f. ~~ ll('h lherg of 1135 Oakseveral of Wil~ette's churches at the wood a\·enue. st·rvices Sunday, May 9. Programs of - omusic promi se to he appropriate to 1£ r~. Philip R. ~f elangton of (>06 the occasion and sermon theme :- wili Lake an·nue has returned home after touch upon mother love and t.h:. in- a iortnight\ ,·isit \\"ith friends in Confluence of motherhood upon CIVJltza. tion. Detailed announcements of cord. Oln(J. ~[other s' Day observances will be·-- - - - - - - - - - -- - - found in the church notice s 111 this i-.::;ue (·i \\ · II.~n:Tn: LIFE. 1 Observe Mothers' Day at Sunday Services, May 9 -------------------------11 Attention Boys! -------------------- i! I l I i I I I I WE HAVE THE "BRONCHO" TENNIS SHOE with the T raction Sole The best and most comfortable Tenn is S hoe made i ' ,. 1' J .; I wa !' a mcm htr oi OIH· VASS AR CL UB OFF ICE RS of th e f1r st ~f others' classes co ncluctecl h~· ElizalH·th I Iarri so n. founder oi the I .-\ t til e annual mee ting of the Chicollcg<'. and was r('cently elected a rago and ~orth Shore~ \'a ssa r cluh member of the hoard of tru stee s. held at the lasJIJO club Saturday, May After a vi sit t :J the rock gar den ~111rl I. th e follo\\'in g o fl1c cr s \\'trc elected: a stroll throu g h th e grounds, thl· ~Ir !'. Andrew 1IacLtish of Glencoe, CJmmittet· came to order for the con- president; 1Irs. Daniel Burnham, first sideration o f the urge nt nee d of equip- \·ic c-p re sident; ~fr s. Eugene Talbot. pin g th e auditorium with the HOO ope ra S(·co nd Yicc-prcsident; ~'lary Ellen rhairs rcquirt' d hdorc an,· public meet - Test, secretary and trca ~ urcr; ~lr s. in g ran h(' held in th e co l leg('. ~r r~. Jo se ph P. Gibson. assistant sec rdary ~la c Lei s h a11d the committee hope t o and treasurer. pre se nt thi s need to all friends of thc :\Irs. :\I a r sha II Da vic!'> cf L=i3 Hob rollcg(' within the next fev"· \\'eek s in order that the chairs may he in place .a rt place , Kenil\\'urth , is ~iYing a for the commrnccmcnt it':,ti,·ities luncheon and bridge for eight guests today in honor of ~Ir s . T om Knox of t·arly in June . The north ~hon· i ~ rtprc . (·nt e<l on \Vilmette. t hl' co mmit tt'e h_,. t h(' ff!llowing mcm - IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIlll bn s : ~f r s. Robert ~toddard. \\'ilmctte; Mrs. Harry H. Barnum. ~fr s.· P. \V. Brad street, ~i r~ . T O\\'IH-r K. \Yebter . Jr.. J\frs . :r--.; _ Landon Hn,·t. :\[r ~. Dough s ~mith. and ~fr s.· ).f er ritt Starr. \\'inn ct ka : ~tr~ . \\' illialll Sutherland and ~fr.., . :\nd rn,· \lacLri-.11. C!t:ncoe. Dr . an d \1 r . . . \\' illi ;lll l :\. \[;tnn and their daughtl'r, \ti . . -. ~1arj< , ri(· . retunwd u' \\'i !J ncttt- Ja..,t \\'cck from Fl(·rida . I.h . and :..t r:-;. :..1 ann \\'hn l1ad h<·<·n tc·uring th l· re all \\'illtl'r. tranlcd a t(·tal ()i 3.500 mill'". The~· W('r<' join('d l· \ \li" \Lt rj,· ril' ju-..t aittr Ea~ttr . M r!'. ~T c I.ci sh WITH EVERY PAIR A REGULATION PLAYGROUND BALL FREE ------------------------ PCDL & PIPER · INC · CHILDREN' S SHOE SPECIALISTS ..;. ( ~ . FOOD that's good for I . This SuntmerRest! RE-O Your car-what is back of it? You are justified in expecting outstanding mperiority in Reo automobiles, You will not be disappointed. Back of Reo motor cars · a re definite reasona why they are chosen in preference to others. The materials that go into Reo construction are the highest quality that ~oney can buy·. The workmanship is the finest. E . Everybod)' . :\lilk that i~ ~cit.:ntilic ally pure is the best food ior n-erybody, uld and young. Our dairy co\\"~ ha \T p~tsscu the t uhcrrulin test. .)'.' NJOY a summer of ease at T he .O rr ington. En joy the ch ange to new surroundings - new witho ut environmen t leaving Eva nston . At The Orrington you are free to rest and rela x- no household cares- no responsibility. New com fort, new happiness and new health await you in this delightful p lace to live. Back of Reo products are tremendous resources and a factory with manufacturi.ng facilities that are not surpassed. Back of the Reo factorv is the accumulated experience of twenty-one years of fine motor car manufacture. Consider what is back of the car you buy. 1 Drink ~.Wore Milk! G'Jhe ,ORRINGTON I iuui JJIJJIIIJIIJJIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIJJIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlll REO EVANSTON 1101 Chicago Ave. 11 . . .... Univ. 6190 co. Buy where service is handy" CAq. C O.MPAlfY UO M..f TO.J:t .Ji,,,;.,. i).t/dl.-

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