Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 13

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May 7, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 13 Fond du Lac when arrested. He wa" turned over to the Fond dll; Lac police. [ . PUBLIC FORUM CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY Editor, Wilmette Life:Patrolman H. G. Vance, night desk Among the Wilmette women who Last Sunda~r evet:ling Mrs. Stansell, man at the local police headquarters, are taking themselves to Champaign our visitor ~1 r. Harold ~1 cCart" and has a good memory for names-a nd this week to attend Mother's Day tm·self attended tlH' Cpmmunit\' · Servfestivities at the University of Illinois, ic~ at the \Vilmette Baptist ·church. thereby hangs the talc of the arrest will be Mrs. Wilber Robertson, Mrs. Tt seemed the normal thing to do as of . an automobile theif. R. E. Feri, a bell boy who formerly Daniel BrO\ver, Mrs. R. W. Jordan, the Sunday Evening club had closed Mrs. N. P. Colwell, Mrs. Henry C. its ;-;cason the Sunday evening hefore. worked at a hotel in Fond clu Lac, Hall, Mrs. Charles J. Broughton, Mrs. Our guest askrd ahout the program Wis., \\'as arrested late la :it \VeclnesB. F. Patterson, Mrs. Eugene Weber, at the Sunday Evening \luh and we day evening on in iormation that .he and Mrs. Louis W. Crush. in formed him that it had closed for was wanted for stealing an automobile. the Spring and Summer, hut that the \.finisters of \Vilmette had decided to offer the peoplr a se rYicc Sunda,· ev~ nings at 7 JO through thr Sprir{g and I Summer with the pos sihlt, exception oi AtH! U st. \Vc arrivecl in time to participatr in the ht"arh·. informal 11,·mn simd ng. The suhit' Ct of the address heing. "\Vith This Ring." thr \f ini ster rt'ad ~f att he\\"s report of Je ;-; us' attitude ~o marriage an d cli Yorce. The mes sage wa s of high nrd rr. Tt \\·as clirc·rt. rlear in logic. trur to the highc ~ t :.:c·"· Te stament standard nf life ancl up -to -dat e in it" applications. The linr rainy -night audirncc seemccl t1> hand on C\' Cr~· argument. Xear me ~ · otltH! p{'opk \Y Prr taking note s. Latrr in thr t'\·eninQ" " ·hen our guest. who is unm;Hried . ·<tid . ··r.ood Xight" he calle<l hack and ~aid. "Thank you i1,r takinl:! mr t r1 that scn· icr ." \Yh en ~fr s. Stansrll and f wl're ahlr t1 > talk it m·< ' r in our roon1 that C\'ening we ronclucled that in ;-;o far as Four simple little one-syllable words - " they ride on oil" - -aptly and viv\\' t' ttnrl<'r -..ta n<l th e marriage .; tate ;-uHI tht· Christian home at their hc ;; t tl1c idly explain why Chandler and Cleveland motor cars are both noted for: Jll l'""a"· · rang 1rt11'. Tru('h· !lw \nmlltllnih· ha .; :1 real MORE than average POWER. · tl I p ()[ t 1111 it_\' j 11 tf1(' .., (' S \;I H {a~ . \' \'t' n111 gSMOOTHER than average RIDING . ..,,·n·irr . . Y vry t rul~· ~ · our.;, MORE than average DURABILITY. r.ilhcrt Stan~t'll. I Cops Good Memory Brings Arrest of Automobile .Thi~f Feri had applied at the \Vilmette police station for · a night's lodging. vVhen questioned by Patrolman Vance. he gave his right name, and Vance remembered that a man by that name '"as "'anted by the Fond du Lac police. The youth admitted upon questioning that, to~cthcr with ,' aHother employe oi the hotel, he had stolen a car belonging to Martin \V. Levernier, -+15 Provident avenue, \\'innctka, from the hotel garage. The pair had driven to Fort Madison, Iowa, where Frei\ companion took the car and left him. He was atempting to reach home, which is ncar · e·on THE FLAG WINNER \ \"ilnwtte trader :-. . ba sing t hrir e;;t imate of total numb er of \'Oter-.. in thl' "illal!:l' at fi.Oon. rlaimcd a Yote of SO per cent at"'f)1e rerent Primary elt·ctinn. The Tzhak \Valton league rhaptrr in \\.innetka. however. from a count of thr re .~istrrcrt vote in pos"' e s s ion of the Towns 11 ip Clerk. fi nrl \Yilnwttr credit ed with 7.469 on the ~t·f!istration s ht'ct:-~ . This increa~r . the 11umhrr of non -\'oter;-; in \Vilmette and rcd~tces the percentage that voted to :)R per cent. KL"nilworth is declared t:ll' \\'intH' ! of the .lag offered by the Tz <, a~ \Vaiton league to tht· \· ill;~gt in Xew Trit' r tmYn ship showing the highest prrrenta ge of \'Ott·-; ra~t . Tt ~ho,,cd :1 \'Ott· ( ,f -li per Cl'llt. Glencoe, \Vinnetka and \Yilm . :1U' llll\\' take off their hab to Kenilworth . l.ittiC' remain s to he s;tid h11t . tl'llch rt·tnain.; to hl' <lone ii :\l'\\' Trit·:town ship is to ma kc a showin~ again!'t the · alliance that gives the lawks.; rkment in Cook county control of politics. Hoyt King. LOWER than average UPKEEP. · LESS than average DEPRECIATION. To protect quality and augment the benefits of exacting engineering, Chandler and Cleveland have both adopted an advanced method of high-pressure motor lubrication. Oil is continuously pumped to all bearings under full pressure. And the pump in each case is self-primingwhich means that it will pump to the last .drop. of oil in the crankcase! Chandler and Cleveland both · have, moreover, the famous "ONE SHOT 11 SYSTEM of centralized chassis lubrication. You simply press a plunger with your heel-and . ~'One Shot" automatically lubricates the entire chassis. In every detail. right down to every bolt and cotterpin, these cars are built to stand u_p-time on end - so long as you keep gasoline in the tank, water in the radiator and oil in the crankcase. Look at the new models. Compare! CHANDLER~ CLEVELAND MOTORS CORPORATION Cleveland, Ohio EXh.n.t ut.PARTMt.N f: 1819 l3ROAlhVAY, Nl:.'.\' ~vRK I !( !' \. 1838 Ridge Avenue Greenleaf 50 Evanston

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