Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE May 7, 192() Sweets Fo· r the ~~sweetest In the midst of Boy's Week and part of its observance the Bovs' Work committee of the \\'ilmette. Parish Methodist church haYe arranged for a dinner and progralll at the Ouilmctte Countn· cluh, \Vednesda\· evening, ~fay 12. at 7 o'clock. · The summtr camp will he the big idea oi the ev('ning (that is after all stomachs are iull), and th<.: special camp inn·stigation rOllllllittee will make it~ report. Camp program. cost, dates. kadcrship and all of it will come in for full discus:-i<·ll. There will 1)(· :-omething doing t.·n· r~ · minute. Dr. ~orman E. Richardson of Northwestn unin·rsit\· will dtliHr a short addr('!'-S on "Father and Son and the Sun1111tr Camp." Dr. Hichardson is nne of the founder:- oi E\·an!'-ton's hig Scout camp in Michigan. He is as nearh· an authoritY on camping- a:.: Chicago affords. It- promi~es ·t o hr a big night. Rtservation:- will he rcrt:ind hy ~~ i.;s Endres. \\' ilmdte 2348. Will Talk About Camp Local Boy Scouts · at Father-Son Dinner to Greet Founder in Chicago May~ Boy Scouts of the north shore, w itl' Scouts from Chicago and other to\\ 11 of the states r,f Illinois, Indiana, Mic h·. gan and Wisconsin, which comprise th 1 Seventh region, ten thousand in all. " il' rally in honor of the "Chief Scout 1· : the \Vorld." Lieutcnant-Genrral ~ i· Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, of Lond(, 11 at 3 o'clock. Saturday afternoon, ~f ;1 ~ H ; at Dexter Park Pavilion in Chicago Baden-Powell, the founder of t ht British Bov Scout association and th( Bov Scout movement. will visit Ch i· ctgo Friday and Saturday. I le is nO \\ on a short tour of 'the United State·-. follo\ring- his participation in the :-. ix teenth annual meeting of the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, hl'ld in \Vashington, April 30 and May 1. \Vith General Lerov T. Stewart . · Scout Commissioner ~f Chicago, a~ marshall, the rally program will bt· brief. But with ten thousand stalwart youngsters, in khaki uniforms, passing in review before their world leader . banners flying and the boys giving mass ye1ls, the huge pavilion will pn·scnt a remarkable spectacle. Patrioti c music \viii be played by the Seascout band from Grand Rapids and the Joliet grade ~chool hand of 85 boys, evtry one a Scout. Sir Robert Baden Powell wi11 award Egale badges to thirty scouts who have attaintd the rank, the highest it, Scoutdom, sinrc ~f arch 1. He will also make a short talk. Mr. and Mrs. ]. S .. Deutsch, formul ~ of 777 Michigan avenue, have returned from their southern home in Coral Gables and arc nO\\' locattd at t hl' Belmont hot<·l. ! Mother" ~~ rs. Howard ]. Sloan of wood avenue will be hostess eon and bridge at her home May 13. Her guests will h<: bers of her card rluh, most reside in Chicago. 812 Elmat lunchThursday, the memof whom You· ve often told your Mother you thought her " the Sweetest Mother in all the world." Show her how sincerely you mean it by giving her a box of her favorite sweets. Nothing could be more appropr~ ate . ~Irs. Victor B. Scott~ 825 Forest avenue, entertained· her Tuesday cluh at ~<~nls at the Korth Shore Golf cluh this week on ~fay 4. - 0- Leslie ~f cArthttr. 200 Oxford road, will he the hostess for the first meeting of her Kt>nilworth Bridge club today. ~[rs. -o- Village Chocolate Shop in the V illage T hea tre Lobby 1150 W ilmette A ve. ·Phone 436 1frs. M. H. Dement, ·337 Abbottsf ord road, Kenilworth. will be hostess at a luncheon and bridge at her home Friday, May 7. What's a table richly spread without a plate of PATTY SHOPPE bread · PALACE CASH PHONENARKETPHONE UDiv.2720 Uaiv.2720 THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 She·maa Ave ·· EY· a aston = : Incidentally Patty Shop coffee cakes and sweet breads are all that can be desired for Sunday morning breakfast. Shoulder Pork Roast .Milk Fed Leg of Veal For Mother's Day A nice white cake or butter sponge with any greetings you may wish. If ordered before Saturday noon. 24Y2c Armour's Star Hams 24Y2c Choice Pot Roast Vwy Best Baaon (Siiaed) 3lbs. $1.25 27lf2c 18c and22c 1153 Wilmette Ave. All orders of a Dollar and over delivered f r e e. ~:::~ -~~~ -~~- .... )91he a 6 PATIY SHOPPE Phone Wilmette 575 Headquarters /or Fresh Dres.sed Poultry

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