Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 11

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.May 7, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh"""'llflllll~ Kenilworth Happenings ig § Fi·rst. Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central A·enue i ~ ~ HOLD CYM EXHIBIT The seventh annual gymnasium exhibition of the Kenilworth Community center will he hrld Friday evening, May 7, at 7:30 o'clock. in the Culbertson gymnasium. -o~Ir. and Mrs. Rentlc\· ~r cCloud 31() Cumnor road. Kcnilwor.t h, have bo~tght the hom e of Mr. and ·Mrs. \V. F. Shattuck, 338 Kenilworth avenue, and expect to occ upy their Ill'\\' abode June 1. , . -oThe Shattucks will go to the Orrington , fhe . Kcn!l\\·orth Garden dub met hot~l, Evan~ton. ' last Fnclay at the home .of ~Irs. Ed-oward ]. Phelp~. 328 Lt·trester road. . R Mr. and 1\lrs. I' . ~[r s. A. \\". Ruf ga\·e a talk on '·Soil." ',( 1 \\"iHI 1 \.at 11 .1 >Oill' ~>I -O. Pasadena spent a fc\\' days 111 Kentl~fr:'. Trumbull Hacktb . .23 Cumnor 'vortl1 last \VCl·k at tl1e hon1e _of 1\'l r. road rcturnc<l t o Kcnil\,.{ 1 rt h Sundav and Mrs. John V. 1~athb onc, .">23 Al~- , fron; Los Angele:;;, where she spen t the bottsford road. They .were on thetr I wintc·r visiti~ 1 g her sis ter . way home from a tnp around the _ 0_ world · 'f' 'f . I B . \\'1'II , l\ ts" 1, une acI gcr ot. 1) et rott I spend thi s \\·eek-cnd Yisiting ~fi ss Cor1\f.r. and Mrs. l·red Brett and the1r 1 nelia Keith of 310 \\'ar\\'irk road, family, 422 Essex road, and ~1r. and I Kenilworth. Mrs. Andrew ]. Malone, 5JS \Varwi ck 1 -oroad, are again in. their Ket_lilwort_h ~f rs. Alfred ~1cDougal, 325 Abbottshome~ after spendtng- tltt· \\'llltvr tn fc,rd road Kenilworth entertained the Florida. j members 'of her hridt(~ club at lunch-_,,_ t·on \\'erlncsda,·. ~li"" Kathnn Bt'll"l'll and th -o~fissrs Helen a-nd Elkn ll oldcn, ente r ~1rs. R B. Stolp, 33t> \\ :tf\\ i(k rt>arl. tain<'d at a dancl' Friday night. _\ pr il K(·nil\\'orth, g-an· a "urpri:-.l' lunchL'Oll 30, at tht' hnmc ()i ~ti . . . . 1\:athrnt l~l'll - I for hL·r daughtl'r, l'atherilll', olll her son, 210 ~[clrosc arl'lllll' . · I birthday, Saturday, :\pril ..?-+ . Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill of Detroit = have motored to Kenilworth to visit ~1r. and Mrs. J. S. Clin. e, 304 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. ~1r . . Hill i~ Richard Kenyon's sister. -o1 j ~Ir s. Edgar Stevens, 330 Abbottsf<;>rd road, Kenilworth, entertained ctght gue.sts at luncheon and bridge ~fonday, 111 honor of ~Ir-. . Olmsted of Omaha. _ _ ! SUNDAYSERVICES SERVICES-II A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting--8 P. 11. Subj~t ~=- =- Sunday School Exercise~ 9:45 A. M. of the Lesson Sermon: May 9-"ADAM and FALLEN MAN" R~ADING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday A.M. :45P. P.M. Saturday 9 9 A. M. to to7 9 M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Llterature may be read, rowed or purchased. bor- I 1 = - ~= = = - -_o- . . The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Readina Room = ~ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllltiHIIIIIIIIIIIIII...... ~ I I 'I . 1 - -o- I ~- ).fr .:; . ~fark Cn·. . ;q>, 2.N J·> . l·;...: road. ~tr s . Scott entertained at luncheon rcturnC'cl to K ·nilworth ~[onda\·. irom . ior )frs . CI)JW Tu~.·-.da,· . . \pril 27. at .:.; c\\' York, \\' h c n · ~ 11 l' \\'l' n t t < 1 Lid IH, 11 I t h t' hom c n i Iter d a LH.~ h te r. ~I r s. 1r" i 11 g \· o~·agc to her mlithn anrl .ttlt lt \\'ho lbhr<·ck, 221J E-.-.~.· x road, Kenilworth. aih:d for Europe . -o- c1~ri~~ Jeandte Cherry, 422 . \h hntt:-~~lr. and ~fr :-; . lam~.· . . Ho\n· ;noved font road, Kenilworth, ..;pent las! irom Ktnih,·orth tl1i " " t·tk it1to thl'ir- \\'('t·k -rnd in ~Luli-.;on. Ill., ,·i..;iting her llC\\' apartment. lf>.)(, lutH'\\'a\· tt·rrarl'. rollt!.!\.' fril'ncls. Chicago. ·?\fr s. 1\<·\\l.' ,,·; t ... \ lj . . . , Flor -0~rr. and ~fr:-.. Jl)llll \-. l~ath1HIIll' ()i I.' 11 r e \ Y h v c1 o c k. KC"nih,·orth motored to Grand Rapids, - 0.:. t \H'l'k to spend a fe,,· days. ~frs. James II. Pn·11ti:-.~, _I)] L'um - ~1 ich., b . -oht· r land a ven ur. lea \'ts ~·fay 7, for :\n n ~rr. and ~[r :-.. Herbert\·. ~fe-.irk. .. \rhor. to ~pend ~[other's d;w \\'ith her son, Robert. \\ lw attend..; tlic Cnin~ r 331 Essex road, Kenih\'orth, moto red \() Detr oit Tuesday for a ten -day stay. ~ity of ~l irhi gan. 1 1 Phones Wilmette 2600-2601 721 \Vilmette, IU Main Stree Motors Service, lne. Everything for the Automobile Don't worry about the kiddies if your floor~ are finished '"ith Sen our's Floor Paint -"It Wears Like Iron." Senour's ·Floor Paint, unlike ordinary so-called floor enamels, penetrates into the pores of the wood and will not crack, chip or peel. Repeated washings will not dim the lustre. E,·ery can of Senour's Floor Paint carries a money-back guarantee of satisfaction. Also excellent for use on base boards, shelves, wainscoting :.1nd all interior 5urfaces wlu:re a high gloss paint is required. . TIIERE IS NO OTHER 1 h·lll' l'<tl WOLFF·GRIFFIS inc· For Hardwearing· Hardware Ti nsm i thing B a.d Wal'e Th,· ;-\t·w Store at u:-;;) -s 7 'Vilm ette Ave. Guttering, Spouting Roofing Tin·Shop Oppos~tho~;n~:; Hall House ·Furnishings, Paints, Floor Cleaner, Wax and Polish · ·~====================================~·=======~ J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen Service Men- Join the American Legion! TOOLS AND SEEDS FOR THE GARDEN AND LAWN, ALSO FERTILIZER Lawn Rollers for Sale, Also for Rent

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