Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1926, p. 10

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WILMETTE LIFE LEASES WILMETTE HOME May 7, 1926 Pupils of Stolp School Entertain Arden Shore The Boys' Glee cluh of the Byron ~tolp school and the chi ldren of the 7 -A di\'ision jottrtw~· cd to the Ardrn Har~. 'Shore ca111p on ~touday ni thi s \H'<:k .and gave an entertainment ior the ,. {:hildren of the camp. The (~Icc club ~fr. and Mrs . H . H. Kuhl. )lr. and 5an~ St'\'eral song-s and there were ~Irs. Victor Scott, and friends. ha\·e \'Ora l and instrutnental solos hy its Mr. and Mrs. l·rancis Hor11 oi 1046 just returned from a two week s' ~tay '\'arious memhers . Tlte children of the Forest avenue have moved from \\'il - at \\Tes t Baden. ).lr. and ~Ir s. l~tthl 7 -A ·division pn·sen ted a play , "The mette into an apartment on the north gave a dinner in honor of their cighFour V C'rb Brothers." under th<; di - side. Their son-in-law and daughter. lt'('ll t h wedding anninr.;a ry at the rection of Miss Fay Peering. Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hanna, are stop - ' \\'l'::.t Baden Springs hott:l Thur sday, Agne s Clark was in charge of the Glc( ping at the Kenilworth Inn. I April 22. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~·~ 1 club m usic and t he accompa nist was Miss He lene Grosse nbac her. Following the en terta in men t t he chi ldre.n of tl!e. Arden_ Shor_e camp served thc.ir v1s1tors wtth rctreshments. The trtp was made in hu:-;scs, furnished through the rour-tesy oi ~1 . :\. . John . .;on. 633 Elm.wood avenue, iather of one <;>f the pupd ·. ENLIST FOR C. M. T. C. \ Vi ll iam H. Scott, we ll known north shore funeral director, leased the resideuce at 71~ t-;inth street and to?k possess ion tl 11 s \\·e ck. The Scott famtly has rL·:- idcd in l·:vanston inr · many I ~ ·> ·:· ·=· ·:· ·=· ·=· -~ Wilmette Boys Who Attende~ Former Campa Re-enlia~ for Vacataon W ith Uncle Sam --1Contributed) The follo\\'ing- \Vilmette young rt lt :1 have taken the courses at Cit ii't'Ih ~·1ilitan· Training cattlp s: Tfugh C'at m 'hell. f~d ~foran. ~fax Hmnphr n ·. f.ordon Gibson. Arthur Peters, \ 'irt ·· . ~fcKeighan. Ccorge I\. 1fcrgen t1Iak; Robert A. \\' il son, Alvin Scchai n ~fodesta F. De Haye, E(hrard Brurhau ser. Freel Eldred. Fred (Jua:·lt and Robert Mahan . Some oi the aho\·e and other-- art· going again thi s year. The sl' ~·-~ill Il l' men and their parents can tc:,t tt y tr the hencfi ts derived hy th e boy s 1n>Il l the se camps. Should war enr rontv al!ain. ami \\Tall hope it '"ill n(lt, ti lt' o.ftlccr s \\·ill he ..;elrctcd from anio11~ the~e young men and tho se whn han·· attend~d other camps; thrn·ic ,n· it :..., of the greatest advantage to any yr,ungtn ;t n frotll 17 to 2-l yt·ars of a~ l' 1o tab · ach·antagl' of thi..; opportunity tn prt'pare him se lf at gnvcrnn~e .nt t'X\h'Il ~t · to be readv for the postt1o11 ht· \\Ill want to oCCUpy in the C\'('tll (If l!tl-.tili tit·"· and ,,·hik doing ~n to h a,·t· Jll d.t, . ._ v;icatiClll in the great o ut -nf-dr1C1r~ Tl11· ,·oung- 111an of goo(l family, \\ ith a itigh ..,clw(ll education who lt·h tl1i._ ,,p JH.,rtttnity ..,lip hy hint, wil.l h:l\ .v (lllh hinhcli tn blatnc whl'll Itt· h !lhlll!t'd to take hi-. plan· in tlH· rank -; a-. a pri\ :lt~·· \rhilt· tlll' qtJH·r feiJ, ,,,·s \\1111 wnt· lit-..;rlw!·l mall'" and who atlt'll(ll'rl thn·· ramp-. . l1t>Ct1T1H' offirl'r-. and .l!.i,·t· IIini nrdn~ . It. thl' \·oung mt·n fr,,ll1 ,·oni mttnit ics like th(~ north shnrl' tll\\·11..., dt· not :tttcnd tht·._e ca111p ·, tht · yc,\1111.!. iitt' Il ()j Chic:tg,, :t tid o1hcr ronitllttnitil' . . "l111 han· 1111! tht· a(h·anta~~·..; whirh <~llr Yottn~ Illt'll han·. will fill up tiH· qttr·Ll. ~tn d t , ur h o ~ · s " iII h t' nut o i 1 tt r k . T hi n 1-. it n\·n. iatltl".' and mot !In, ()i \., 1\lllg men, and urge your hoy:' ! 1 1 g11 . \f aj!lr (~t'!lrgt· 1~ . llarhan~h. tnwn ch:tirtll~ll i!lr \\"iltn ctt<·. Ita~ applil· ;tl;t ,tl l·d:tn k -Call up or \\ ritt' :tncl h<" will ~ ~ ·11d ,·ou ~n ~pplication . , l 'j ·~ ~ I ~. I 1 Seek-Co-operation in Eucharistic Congress Iii ·II i1 ~hopping &ase ·· ·I , II ' ·'I ·JI 'I 'The environment and con·veniences of Evanston make shopping a real pleasure- things you buy are of added value- you can shop so easily and without fatigue ;ill I ~ I The Village hoard rccci rl'd a rom mttniration Tues<la\' of this week in which t hr Village,· it s merchant:- and householders were invited to co-operate in the forthcoming Furhari.;tic Con f ercnce oi the C'a Owlir rhurch, principal Cnl'monies of which will he helcl n~xt month at ~rundrlcin, Ill.. by plaring tltc uniiorn1 deroratiDn Pt the ( 'onferr nre in public huildin~.; and other ron~picuous plarc..; in the· ,·il la!..;e. The matter \Ya ~ rd err vel t u tIll' Street:-; and Alleys and Finane(' committee s of the hoard fnr iurthc·r con sideration. '1 f I 012 A sh 1and It Pays to Shop in Dutll·an. rl'rl'nth· a \T 11 u e, \\ · i Im d t l:. ha,·e moved into the Simmon-- holllc at ~37 Lumnor road, Kenilworth . \lr. and ).[rs . J.. \. vans ton EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE © 1926, EvtlllStOI· Chambtr o/Cummeru ·

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