Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE April 30, 1926 A~ S. Vall Deusen Meat 514 New Trier Debaters to . Will Represent College Meet P~oviso Tonight at Kindergarten Union 1'\\"o teams from New Trier high McElroy, registrar school meet this evening in a joint de Kindergarten and together \\·ith ~1 is~ bate \\'ith teams from Proviso high the supervision de- school. The affirmative team of !\e\Y Trier \\'ill meet its opponents in the auditorium of the school at 8 o'clock, hdore a meeting of the High School Parent -Te acher as sociation to \vhich ~ tlHIL·nt s arc invited. The negative team will journey to Proviso. where the other debate \\'ill he held. The affirmati,·c tea111 is composed of John Panu sh ka, Rollin Simonds, and Roland : \\'illiam s. The negative team include s l 1 !t·nn· I !cincman, Cordon DeJa,· and C(lrd;lll Roger:- . This i:; :t\ e\\' 'l'ric:r\ : fir:--t deb ate in two ~·car s. Prnvi :-;o is cc,tmtcd a stro ng opponent, as it is sai d t(J he o ne.: (lf the hc~t team ., in thi" part (J i t h <' state. T h t' s tt bj t c t o i t h c de hate i:-; "Re soh·cd: that the prin ciple of the open ~ hop be maintained in 111 i dtl stry.' ' Miss M. Frances McElroy ) partment. and Miss Grace Hl'Jilitlg,,·ay. j New Village Officials instructor in children\ literature, " ·ill j t 0 Take Office Tuesday represent the college at the annual con. .. vention of the International Kinder - 1 :\t the meetlllg of the \ tl!age hoard garten Union to be held in Kan~as l'itv· nf trustees Tue sday evening, May 4. next week. · I the tH'\\·ly elected village oAicers \\'ill Students of the coltegc are contrihtt- he formally ~nducted into. office. Thi s ting funds to send :~vtis s Penka :Kas - i procc~s. by v1rtue of the YJctory n_£ tlw sab~Yva of !3ulgaria to the c?nvrntion as ~-ome party at tl.le po~ls on_ .~pnl ~0. thetr foretgn dclegatt·. S\\·cdcn. Pn - · "til be. accompamrd .h~ no scnous 111land China Canada an<l the Barbados tern .on to the bu 1ness of the presare 'also r~pre se nt~d in the student cnt a,ctministration, sine~· the three Viigroup at the col)egc this year. but it la~c ~rustees-cl~ct ~re t_nc~~ml~ent s and seemed impossible t<l send the entire ":t!I .stmply rec~tve nottcc ot the he group to the convent ion. gmnmg of thetr new term s of office. · This also applie s to Jlarry \\' . Miller, \ .illag-c Trea surer-elect, who is also an MAY DAY DANCE incumbent. The only really ne\\' municipal officer . A Uay Confetti dance will hl' gin·n by the members of the Royal ~cighb o r. 1 i:-- r\ichola ~ J. ~fillc· r ne\\·ly clcctc:d Vil of America. camJ,) number 392o. at Odd llagc Clerk, " ·ho will ass ume the dut; :- . . Fellow's hall. Saturday t'\'t: ning, ~fay vacated by Lea ]. Orr, who was ap1. Schneider\ orch<'stra ,,·ill supply pointed a year ag-o to fill the unexpired the music . term of Earl E. Orner. Miss M. France s )£ the National Elementary college. Florence Linnell of 1 Seller o.f Good Food Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 SPECIAL SALE APRIL 30th to MAY 8th · . t On paid order of $1.00 or I NOT Delivered C as h D ISCOUD s more, not including Sugar S% - - - - - - - - and Flour I 1 I Delivered 2% FERRY'S GARDEN SEEDS. Jla\-e the best rcpu ~ tat ion of all Garden Seeds in the .l\1 iddle vV est. \ V~ ha\·e a large a~sorttnent. ~\lso Albert Dickin~on Co. Crass and \ \"h1te CloYcr Seed. SUGAR. Cane granulated of the J-inest. quality only. 1 do not sell beet sugar. 10 lbs ..... BUTTER. Fancy quality. For the table. . .. .I ~ . llb. bulk ................. · ............ . EGGS. Guaran.t eed fresh. 65c 46c } 1 1 Per doz .............................. . ·COFFEE. ~ly O\Y11 blend . . 1 honestly believe this this coffee is equal to tnost of the coffee in cans for \\·hich you pay u3c to 6gc a lb. C~~~~t:.· l~i·c·h·eE·e·~ I~~~~~~~. ~a.t~..... . . . . . CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP. .. 39c 49C Oc I' · - - - - - -- I Kcllegg Corn Flakes. pkg-. llc; Shredded \\rheat Biscuit. pkg. 12 ;;ic. · 10 large bars ......................... . CHIPSO. 1 roctor and Gambles Soap Chips. Large pkg ............................ . IVORY SOAP. ~ large 10 oz. bars for ·......................... . MOON LAKE CUT BEETS. \\Tonclc.r ful quality. S\Ycct and 'fender; ~ u. 2 can. Doz. $1.-1-0; per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 First quality. Large l\o. 2 ~ can. Doz. $4.tSO; per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 121 C 48c 25c · · · · · Tales of Hoffmann RICHELIEU COLOSSAL WHITE ASPARAGUS. HONEST WEIGHT TOMATOES. 42!. 2C }fie I~arg-e :\o. 3 · · · · · · INTHROP Tapered Asphalt Shingles in solid colors of slate, brick and turkey red . sea green, golden buff or purple. Tapestry effects in fire buff, red, green, blue and buff in .. 2-tone and Sronefield 3-tone. The only tapered asphalr shingle on the market- thick where the wear comes. individual and 3·in·one. Approved by board of fire underwriters. Also Beaver Autumn Blend . Order Coal Now-Spring Prices Are in Effect . · · · · · · · · · · · .' can. H.ed. ripe 'l'otnatocs. \~ ery superior quality. Doz. $1.90; per can ............. . HAWAIIAN SLICED PIN~APPLE. \Vhole, perfect slices . Large No. 2 0 can. Doz. $3.20; per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DINER SWEET GARDEN PEAS. 1 cannot reconl' n1end these peas too hig-hly. They are s\Yect and 27C ten~Jc;., ~n~ re~1l.~rkably cheap. Do-· $1.-'0, pet can ............... .·.... ANHAUSER-BUSCH BUDWEISER. (25c per doz. rebate for bottles.) Doz. GENESEE JAM. Stra,\'be·rry and Raspberry. 1 lb. jar: doz. $3.00; per jar ....... . MONTICELLO QUEEN OLIVES. \ 7ery large oliYes. : Full quart jar ............. . J2.l 2C $1.90 RICHELIEU PACIFIC COAST SARPINES.17 In oil. Large 15 oz. can; doz. $1.90; each. . C P. \V. An1monia. qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 33c l~itchen Klenzcr. 10 cans for . ·................. 6Sc Service Men! Join The American Legion I 25c 62c HOFFMANN · · · · · · · · For a Beautiful Roof · · · · · · W · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · 39~~ar · · 1 " I I t,l I - ,,t .. I B R 0 S. 1208 Central Ave. Wil. 131 · · · · ·

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