Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 3

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April 30, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 3 HOLD DINNER MAY I 0 TO ENCOURAGE VOTING Better Government Advocater to be Guest of Men's Club; Parlette is Speaker BY W. C. R. ( )n!y 22S Ill ttl and \\.(lllH'll ran he acconnnuclated ~it t1H· "Better Covcrn 111Cnt" dinner, tf· he lll'l(l on ).fnnda,· cn·ning. ~I a~· 10, and at tltt.: rate th.c rL·snratinth are tlo\r being made n·ery seat \\·ill be taken. The dinntr will he given under tltL· auspie<::-- of a cotnmittee . repre:-.enting tltt' clturclt es and· other organization:- of \\'illlll'tte " ·hich arc ittterl'stcd in stimulating increased int erc :-. t in gnn·rnn1ental affairs, national < liHl :-tate. a:-- \\·vll as promoting 100 per CC'Ilt YOting (Ill the part uf our citizens. The alTair will he one ni thl' most important rwnt:-i in the hi:-tnrv oi \\'iltlH:tte . The dinner \rill 1;e gi\·~·n by the ).ll'n·-. r1uh ni the First Congregational clntrcll and '-IH'cial mthic " ·ill he a featttn· . Till' program rotntnittee. of \Yhich Halph Hi . . e i . . chairman. has serured l{a!ph Parktll', \Yho i-. knmn 1 thrnughout t1H· l'nitt·d :-:.tate..-." as an eloquent and it~rrt · iul ." p< · ttkl'r. ).( r. Parlette will and Co(IJlt·rat<·." a ~prech which has :tnHH'rl the l'lll hu-.ia"m ni t hl' public 1trottl!.htl\lt t1~t· natit1tt. llt-n· i, a ch anrL· t11 tnin,...dc with Your it·lJ (J,,. riti/L.Il'- and prc,n· .your int~· rest in tilt' ltl\\·n in ,,·hit·h You liH. Send in re,en·a1 i(,no; ior 1lw cli-nncr to th' rhairm a n 1,j 1hv CC111111littt·t·, J;ulH'<; C. Cro.;sll'y . \\-iltncttl· cu,/ -1' . .\ nlt·l'ting <,f the t'Otnt nit tl'l' c111 ;t rraiiL!I'lll L 'tlls \\·ill he held \I 111 Hla~ · l'\Tninl.[. \fa~· J at R o'rlock. "\\"(. hrqw thi . ; clinnn and llH.' l'ting ' 'ill hC' :t "trong indiration that our peo· 1 · 1 · ·1 ·1· p IL' are ct,ll '- rtnu-. <· t tctr re-.pnn-.t lt It~· a.; citi7cn..;." ~ aid a nwmhrr of thr comlllit tt' l' .in c11a f!.-! l' ni tl.ll' affnir. "Tt i" about tillH' that \H' rt·altze that \\'C ·haYc '>~ 'llll' lhin g til d11 ll t',..,id l' :- mncly clra\Y our 1>r vath -.. Thl· politiL·ian" are 1inl'rl tip :1 l! :ti1 " t t1 w pcnpk ncn\· hl'cau-;r we · " :Jr L· 111 11,(1 1t'nt. 1hv~· -.nL' l' r at reformers hl'Clll'-l' th 1·\· ;trt' thl' onk men and W<·IlH'll ,,·ho .:-.tTlll 1, 1 han· the nern· tn .., w:d..: Ott'. ']' 11 till' thinkincr . . . man thr 1 ..,itttTrl' rt"t"c,nnn i..; a better friend of g-oocl ~nn·rnnH·nt th;tn i..; the politiri~n. wlt<,,c nnh· intcre~t i.; in hi:-; public p;n· -roll at;d grait. "f~i<le on tlw 'llr()aclway Lilllitccl' or '?(ltl (' t . I 'II I 1 t 1r - 1 l l' ll ury anc Y(llt ~ure Y 'l'Jl-,l' g·ocld railroading: observe the OJll't'ati<lll c·i any sucrcssful business and \ · c u'11 itt-.1 a-. -. n·h· tll!l\' g·ood bu:-.iness · 1 ~ 11 . · d . tilt '!1 l<l< 1.... ,ttt. JU--t \\. 1 H'll you rra pn1itical Ill'\\-;, . urh tnm:- as 't!oocl' or 'lll'.lll'r' ,··r\' <'ntireh· mi.;-..in·r. And it · ... ·I . . ,'til cl·tl' tn 1h" 111.!11 - \·otin , " r-itizrn. · , ... ' "Tht' ~torkltoldns ni ;t railroad. the ~r"l II r · r Jl·trttlct· · o~'" 1>tt ·t.t1C'SS I :· · : 1,1 . . lCl c c " <l ' · ~ 1 " demand diYidends or ·profitsand if · 'J d they are not fort Itc omtng- t 1H' rat rna (Continued on Pagl' 40) ' Pl' :tk c'n tllL' o.; uhjcct "Swat th<' ~nak l' - Sings at Club Luncheon CHEST DIRECTORS URGE MORE GENERAL RESPONSE Arden Shore, Infant Welfare Society and Others Groups Depending on Wilmette Captains arc reporting successful solicitations in most districts in the annual \Vilmette Community Chest campaign-the unified solicitation for all recognized charity and welfare agcllcies-but many people haYc failed to realize the importance of the earn·· paign, according to leaders who arc directing the enterprise. The several participating charities are dependent upon the money they receive from the Chest to carry on their work, it i explained, and should the residents of the village fail to contribute the amount which has been clcsignated-$25,000-such plendid institutions as Arden Shore and Infant \V elf are will suffer. · . ... a · .... -. I · r ... .. , ( Tl1e officers and campaign committct: of the Chest association feel that the honor of Wilmette is at stake in this matter and they arc determined that the drive must not fail. In some districts, because of sickness and other good or indifferen.t reasons there is a 1 shortage of workers, it is stated. There Iarc men \Yho like to fu lfill their cornmunity obligations and .to such who have not bern asked to help in this j work, the directors of the campaign l·now extend an invitation to comm unicatc \Yith the district captains in their neig-hborhoods and offer their services ! in thi-; notable work. \ District captains in the campaign , arc: 1 . :-; . ~1. T'o ·t t · r~on, 2!l:) 1 "i't h street. 1.\ . .J: I·. <'<~:-;, J:31fi Hill strt·et 11:. :-; . H. L< ,Ul.!;hrin. :!12 \Yuoc1 court. ~.\.. A. E. Klunder, 1:>31 Spencer I avenue. Frederick Xnvcll \Y ood, tenor, Catherine \Vade Smit h, Yiolinist, and l :!1: . \\·. ll 0·11ld::;, 720 Prairie aveFrma _Blaine ~Icf(el!dry arc the ~rtists who will entertain at t!1e Spring lun ch- l "u.~· ('. 111 . 1 .1,L.rt 1514 Forest 1 {'011 ot the \\ oman s club of \Vllmctte, to be held at the Edg-ewater Beach a,:,:nut· . Jones, ' hotel. \\" cdnc:-day. ).lay 5. The luncheon will begin at 1:45 o'clock. ~1r. \\'nod :: .\ . Il. · nr~· F11wlt·r. 1404 Forest l i~ one ni Chicago's leading tenors. He is said by critics to have an excellent a\t ·nut· . ,·oicc am! a )..!rcat inture i:; preclicte·d for him . . ~!iss Smith is at present en~· .1; H. :-;t'l,at·f··r. ;"0~ Ridge avenue. · · 1 · ., · · 1· · ,. , \. k d 1 · tl . ·t . . tl 1 ··· J,a,·nl<Jtlll .A. !:-imtt 11, 1334 Elm~ttget. 111 t , >tl~rrt ,, nr '- 111 .-. c\\' or a...~; llTlrt!lg H1~ 1 )as sca so~[w.ts ~ 1e ..,o <?- , wu·lll :t\:t·nttl' 1::;t "·'t 1 1 t lL' -'~· mp 1 10ny ore 1 w:;tra at .-. ew ncr 1g 1 1 sc 1100 1 . ·\ rs. 1'-.enc 1ry IS 1 :··\.. l'harl· · ~ E. H ckler, 1109 Green\n·ll known ior her ability a:-; a dramatic reader. Hc:-;en·ations for the lunch- 1 \\·1od a\·,·nue . con ran J,e ntadt· ____ \\·ith ~[rs. ti. nu.· llr. _ E. D. Fuchs, lO·B Che::;tnut street, it is announet'tl. a\·,· . 1'. 1: . A. ltller, !>32 Ashland 1 1 1 1 1 . Natne La-ird Bell w<~od ~,·enut·. " Trustees Will Sport '· hal!d1 H . l~il' e , 1007 Thirteenth as President of N Gl t D k : ~\J~·~~·L llr. ll. \\'. J!app, 1137 Central ass- op es s I ;l\"t'll1lt'. the Tl.,eatre Gu;ld ~tithingew slO\r about our Village "i'l: . .r. ]l. ltoth. 112-t Forest avenue. L. !J3-l: Elmwood 1 1 ·:A \\.alt··r S. Campbell, 829 Elm- Perc~· n. Fckhart. \\ hn ha.; l>ren pn·:-;ident (li thl· :\t lrth ~hnrr Thratrr " 11 " t 'harl· · ~ \\~achs, 1 Clement Ley Is Named Water Superintendent \\'altr1· Lars<'n, superintendent of the Kenih,·orth \\'atcr department. and Charll's Lance and Arthur ~fontenaro. eng-;nccrs. haYe resigned, it ""a~ learned thi~.; week. \Yhen thL· appointment of other:-; to take their places was announced 1)\· village offl rial<;. Clement C'. Ley. fo;-ml'r n1otorc~·clc policeman in the village. has hcen named as superintendent and Arne Mark and E. F. Fellows as engineers."' Patrolman V. C. Faubtick has been appointed motorcYcle policeman to take Cry's place. No one has been taken on to fill his position as yet, it vvas said. The Reading circle "·ill meet with Mrs. H . B. Gates at her home, 1317 Oak avenue, Evanston, Monday afternoon, .May 3. l!uild ,inrt' it, orL:"ani;atinn fi\'r years ago. ha~ n ·.;il!ll\'cl 1H·c:tu~\· , : pn·s-.url' t'\·cry tru..;tl'l' will be g!a-,~ - t 11 ppcd11 j nthL·r \·:nrk ;tncl Lainl Ht·l! of \\'inju:-.t like dmn1town, and 'J'ru-;tcc Elnetka ha.; hl'cn \·kctecl hi.; :'lttt·crssor. mer Bl'rkcr promises to :-\..'C that the Cu\· Stu;1rt nai1t·\· and \fr~. Laird 11 · · 1 1 1 f joh i.; dotH.' at a ridiculou-.ly modL· 1·,· 1 tL' co. " a fittc' "(lrag" Be !tan· l'l"- 1 gnt·d lrntn t ll' )();tn ° ·'t, IlL' ll:t,.l.t1g dircct(lrs and it i-; C'll11tt'lllplatcd that a \\·t.tlt S\ 1111 c .c· ,... l,·ag 1 'n · 11 g L'Otll\),'tlt~· 1 tlttT'.11>L't· ol· tll'\\. lllt'111.ht·r-. .· wi'Il h·' .~.. ~ -.. "lert"cl .. .. Cl · to t1H' hoard in the near iuturc. 1tcago. .-\l\·xandt·r Dt·an " ·ill continue a-; dil'nderneath the glas::; tops will be -rT new maps, or, better st i)l, maps of rector of the L'ltild for llL'Xt ,·car. r r the Ill'\\' \Vilmettc tllat ~trt'trhl.'s its left this \H ek 'for Tndianapo1i~ to coach western frontiers to the newly c·onthe Stuart \\'alker company (prnfesst ructc<l Skokie Valley rc1u te of the sio n~l) there during the sum mer. That Korth Shore line. rompany, incitl enta ll~·. \\·ill prohaht~Pretty nifty, eh, what? give solllt' (lf the plays which the ~orth Shore guild ha s gi\'C·n. · :'11r!t as "TceBmmd" and ··~ran· the Third." Attend Big Education Thr guild is rc.cciYing sub scriptions Conference at DeKalb for next ~-ea r's ser ies. and the ~ubscrip Superintendent of Schools J. R. tion blanks di:-;trilnth.'cl at the periormance of "Ench<}ntrd April" haY<' Harper left late this week to attend brot1ght an rncouraging response to the twenty-first annual meeting of the Superintendents' and Principals' assodate. ciation of Northern Illinois, which is being held today and tomorrow at the ATTEND CHURCH SESSIONS Northern Illinois State Teachers' colDr. Stephen A. Lloyd. minister of the lege at DeKalb. Other \Vilmette edFirst Congreg-ational church, and Warucators who are attending the meetren Darst, a prominent member of ing arc Miss Margaret Hayes, printhat rhurrh. wifl attend the sessions cipal of the Stolp school, L. F. Todd, of the Illinois State· conference of Congregational churches to he held at principal of the Howard school and Miss Doris Turner. Mr. Harper . is Quincy, IlL, Tuesday, Wednesday and a member of the executive committee Thursday of next week. of the organization. trustees. Xot much! Here's thL· latest to pro\·c th<:y're ttp and coming. \\'itltin a week or so the dt>sk of I I a\ t·llllt'. '-. \ . :· :\ . t! U··. :1. .\. 1:. :-;l·il,ol<l, ;,z~ Forest n.venu·e. L. F. (~at··~. 7~3 Sth streeL. \\·. 11. La\nt·ll<'l', ;,~o Lake ave- llr . tl. 11. l!vr,;l'h, 1177 \Vilm ette 1~ 29 1 K. th lilA. John t '. '-oenen, 1 In !:-\tn·t' t. ltll:. \\·. ll. T.J l·ary, 430 Tenth stree t. 11 ('. 1·'. h:rl'lncr. 723 I .. aurc 1 ave· J\tlt·. llA. \\". o. ::\I orris, 112 !lth street. 1 :!. 1 ·:. l'. Tranld~:r, li~~ Greenleaf avenue 1:!.\. A. L. :\Ii!ll'r, 106 6th street. 1;). lt. j[. Jlihn~ton, 210 Golf terrace. an·nu.·. 111. Knights of Columbus to Have Communion Sunday Guilmette Council, Knights of Columbus will celebrate the annual council communion at St. Joseph's church Sunday morning, May 2. The Rev. Joseph Rubey, chaplain of the council, will be the celebrant and preach the sermon. Breakfast will be served the members in the basement of St. Joseph's school following the services. ~!em bers of St. Mary's Sodality will serve. SPEAKS AT ARDEN SHORE Urs. Theron Colton, one of the frequent . visitors at Arden Shore camp, and one always delighting- the boys with her fascinating bird and star lore, will talk to the members of the winter camp on Monday, Mav 3. ·

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