Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 1

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VOL. XY, NO~.~31~::::::::::==~\~Y~IT~.~ ~ I;.~'I'~'I'~E.~.~l~I#:~~~~~(!:~t=~~~~~======::;:::.;;;=====-== ~ WILM . ETTE LIFE A fVeekly N~ws-Magazine . for Wilmette and Kenilworth .10, 1026 ~LI~OIS. API~IL PRICE FIVE CENTS. DECLARE WILMETTE AND GLENVIEW NOW OVERLAP Each Town Votes Annexation With Result That Both Claim One-third Mile Strip Fire Insurance Rates to Be Cut in Wilmette \\'ilmette's fire insurancr rates arc tc.' he reducl·d a:- the result of the vJ! l~gc being plac ed on a different r;.t ttng the -:\atic1nal Board oi l.ndenrnter~. according to an an n c~ unccmcnt made this week bY Vt}lage 'l'ru s t~e El_mer D. Becker. · fhe reductt on 111 rate s for thi:-. commtmity is attributable in large mea sure to the exce ll ence of the fi~· c-fighting facilitie s and efficiency ot the department in the village, M~. Becker explained. The ncv.· rating \\'ill be on a basis prO\·iding for further reductions in the fut~re. a s the fire-fighting equipment 1s mcrcased and more fire hydrants arc installed, it \vas explained. It is t)10ught that action in that regard will be forthcoming in the not far distant future . · INAME CLUB LEADERS ' , " . .... .- · · ~· ~ t' · t .. ~ I _, ...... ··J., ~ New ~rier Boys Are Registering The current . cason of the vVilmcttc Daily for Lloyd Hollister Vacation Tour Sun~la_, ... ft.ycning cluh closed Sunday, Apnl 2;,. Following are the names of those e lect\:'d to serve on the General \Vhtre doc s \Vilmette end and GlenThin~_--t hr e~ :·arattOli ciays in Europe. committee of the club for the season ~u . t think 01 11 . And that isn't idle \'iew begin -o r vice Yer sa? That is of 1926-27: B. F. Affleck 695 Lincoln tancy , either. .-\t lea st not for three ~ttt<·s tion which may have to he decided a_venne, \Vinne.tka; E. A~derson, 1123 hoys at ~C\Y Trit:r High school who are 111 the courts in the near future, for it l'..lnl\\·ood a venue, \Vilmctte; Otto Bar- t? enjoy preci se ly that sort of a vacaappears that the t\\·o village s, a:-; now nett. (}8-f Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe; tiOn this suntmcr at ab solutelv no cost con stituted a:-. the rt sult of re cl'nt anS. C. Bennett. 1321 Greenwood avenue to themselve:-. nor their parents. nexation, overlap co n~iderabh·. \Vilmett e: D\Yight Chapman, 900 Elm~ I_t appears, fo r in stance , t.l1at while Lloyd Hollister publisher of Wu." ·oocl avenue. \Vilmctte; H. ·c. Clark. METTE LIFE, \VI:'\ :'\E:TKA T AI.K and GLEN\VIlmettc wa:\ voting on annexation 1317 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette; COB NEws, is arranging the tour for Apr!! ?O. Glenview was ~!so voting on 1 Prof. F . F.. Clerk, 863 Vernon avenue, three l~ys , one in \ \'ilmcttc or Kenila snmlar proposition . \Vilmctte was Glencoe: J. S. Cline. 304 Cumnor road worth, another in \Vinnetka · and a ~noving west while Glcnvie\\' was aim ~ KrnihYorth: Hector Dodds, 720 Prairi~ !hird in Glencoe. who will rank highest u~g to extend its ea stern boundarie s. avrnue. \Vilmette : \Villiam Ellis, 823 tn a sale smanship \'Cnturc now in pro'l he result \Vilmctte voted to take in Greenwood avenue. \Vilmette; Henry gr~s:-. and in which twcnt:y-eight New all the territory we st to the new rightFowler. 140-f Forest avenue, Wilmette· Tner boys arc already on the job soof-way of the North Shore .line. while D. ~f . Callie. Jr .. 867 Valley road, Glen~ liciting subscriptions for the Hollister G:lenview according to A. L. \Volfe. coc: J. R. Harper. 719 Park avenue, publications. vtllagc attorney, simultancou:-lv sec\\'ilmette: G. 'f. Hellmuth. 1705 ·Forc~trerl a favor~hle vote on the p.ropo~i The salesmanship lists are still open. rst avenue. \\'ilmctte: G. M. Hubbard, tJOn to take 111 all the territory east There is ample time to get into the 833 Glencoe avenue, Highland Park; from its former ea stern houndan' to conte st and any hoy at the high school E. R. James. 1304 Forest avenue Wilwithin 500 to 600 feet of Hibbard road, schola stir standing is 0. K. is whose or about one-third of a mile ea st of the Truly mysterious are the , ..·avs of mette: Edward F. Kelley, 1100' Elmnc\\· North Shore line. various and sundry pioneer rc s id~nts of wood avenue, Wilmette: E. J. Levi, eligible to enter without a cent of exBoth villages have placed their clec- our community in these dan that mark 730 Forest avenue. \Vilmette; G. L. pense . Every salesman will be paid tion records in the hands of the county th e home stretch into the annual frolic )..f artin. 10.f6 Elmwood avenue, \Vil- for his work strictly in accordance with recorder to await further developments . of Ye Oldc Towne Folke which has mette: \\' ..Frank 1-f c Clure, 219 Broad- the results he accomplishes. It's a It \\·as stated in \Vilmctte that the been designated for Tuesday evening. way. \Vilmette: .T. L. Mills. 1326 Green- great training in salesmanship under territory ea st of the North Shore line- ~fay 11. to he held at the \\'oman's wood avenue. \Vilmettc: H. B. Mul- the direction of an expert in sales or that in controversy, had petitioned cluh '"ith dinner scheduled for 6 o'clock. ford. R35 Elmwoocl avenue, \V'ilmette: management. The best salesman in each of the vilThesr people have been noted rccent- L. F. Owen. 725 Greenwood avenue, for annexation to \Vilmett c. It is presumcd that obviously, the propertv ly deh·ing rather deeply into \Vilmettc \Vilmette: A. N. Page, 901 Ashland ave- lage s will win a free trip to Europe, o_wners <lid not at th e same time petf- lore. with the net re sult that the,· arc ntH' . \Vilm ette: :M. B. Skinner. 723 Cen- Yisiting England, Holland. Belgium and ~ton for annexation to Glenview. and expected to :-;pring some genuine. sur- tral an'll\H'. \Vilmettr: D. G. Stiles, France . Entrants can register any afIt would appear that \Vilmette, if ib prisc s nn the n ·ening of the great eric- 1101 Forest avenue. \Vilmctte: D. A. ternoon at the high school. Take Mentor 1 our claims arc tru e, should naturally secure brati0n . Stoker. 72 Ahhottsforrl road. \Vinn etThe European tour, on which the po ss e s~ ion. All re sidents of \Vilmcttc-or nH·m- k~: R. B. Swigart. 1037 Ashland avrft " ·a. said tl1at Clenvie,v's onh· idea hers oi their familie s-who have called nue. \Vilmette: C. E. Thompson, 135n winners will he accompanied hv Robert in securing the strip ca st of the -North \\.ilmcttr their home for twcntv-five Crecnwood Circle. \Vilmrtte : George H. Carpenter. popular Ne"· Trier inShore route was to securr possession years or longer, are. ln- virtue of that Turner. 1010 Ashland an'nue. Wil- structor. is one of the famous Mentor of the new Glenayer North Shore line fact. entitled to mcn{hership in Ye met tr: E. \V. \Veber, 1222 Central ave- Tours of the student serieS: The bovs ~tation at Glenview road. Oldc Towne Folkc. and arc al!'o rligi- nue. \\.ilmett e: onr representative from '"ill sail on Junc 30 on the S. S. Prc~i \Yilmctte this \veck placed signs at ~>lc. hy the same token. to participate each of the follmYing organizations: <lent Roosevelt. These tours are rethe \Ve stern limits of the ncwlv an- m th e festivities ou the night of ~fav \Yoman\ Club of \\ ilmctte: Central- garded as among the best, providing excellent accommodations throughout nrxed territory· reading "\Vilmette- 11. . Laurel Parrnt-Trarher · a..;snriation: Village Limits." It was . aid that Glen- I Rr scrvations for the event arc to he 1-lo\\·anl- L0ga n Parcnt -Tearhers' asso- and a remarkably interesting program oi travel in Europe which includes v~e,:· later .placed similar signs making 1 maclr P,~omptly "·ith Dr. C. ~I. Eldred, ciation. visits to the battlefields, extended sta\'S suntlar clanns for that village. at "·hat 1150 \\· tlmet.tc avenue. or mth Kat hThe financial :-tatement of the cluh. in London. Paris and the princil)al is presumed to be its new eastern leen ?-.forse, 505 ~faple an' ntte. nuhlishc<l thi~ werk. i~ as f01lO\\·s : citil'S of llolland and Belgium. ReeC'ipt!'; .................... $407~ . !1~ boundarY. Tht>R f' boyR nre now on th' job in the Jli:-·dJUl'St ·ntt·llt~: G~em·fcw has not vot.cd to annex any Legion Discusses Plans RalesmnnRhip contE>sts: \Valter Lyle ~nt'H I> !'I'~ . . . . . .. . $~.3fiti.OO Moore', 1038 Greenwood avenue, '\l.Tiltcrrttory north of Lake avenue, while I f ........... ii2G .OO nwtte: Elmer G. Prif'be, 507 Park ave\Vilmettc's western houndarv north of or emorta eremontes :\lusi<' :'ulYt-l'li~·dllg· 44~Ui2 nue. Wilmette: \Villiam G. Bud·i nger, that .highway is the north ·branch of a mectin_g of the Executive com · (';C>n'l EX]lL' Il~t· ~!ifU<~ 1731 Wnlnut avenue, Wilmette; John ,~on';.: . <'lntrch 10~ 1\0 the Chicago river. considerably west of mlttec of . \V!lmett~ Post No. 46, of Edwin Seyfried, 1322 Forest avenue, Odic it 1 !+2~ -2:. 2irJ.u0 $3,974.GO \Vilmette; James Edward Raker, 347 the new Korth Shore route. the .Amencat~ Leg1on, held Tuesday rvenmg of th1s week, plans were made Maple avenue. ·\Vilmette; Charles Bud$ 100.43 inger, 819 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette; I~:\ 1:\ ]l(' I . F for the observance of }.[emorial Da-\· . Karl Ym;t, 1016 Greenwood avenue, . wnerS &VOl in the villag·c in the usu:J.I manner thi's Property 0 .... $1 7!'i.OO $275.4 3 Wilmette: Gordon Gibson, 528 Park rnpai<l - - - - - - avenuf'. \VilmettE>; Harlan Erickson. Alley Paving Projects year. Deta!ls of the program will he 1'nnai<l hill~ tn dntC' ........ 352.90 GOG Park avenue, Wifmette; Riehard Recent petitions for alley paving announcc4 m the near future, it wa~· Ddl<'it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.47 RosRman. 1130 Chestnut avenue, Wil· · d l >v the V11lage . stated · mette.; Syman Bows, 115 Sixth street, projects recetvc board · . Wilmette: Fred W. Russell, 222 Woodl\1 embers of Wilmette Post ha yc· of local improveme-nts include the folbine avenue, Wilmette; Gordon E. Raflowing: the alley between Linden and secur~d man~· new members as thc-.;r Reception Opens Woman's ferty, 519 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette~ G 1 f s· part m the Cook countv memhershtp Club Annual Art Exhibit Go.rdon R. Watt, 115 Laurel avenue, rrcn ea avenues, txth and Seventh drive which close tl · · k ·T l 15 W·ilmette; Frank Watt II, 338 Melrose the alley between local post will un;i1 The annual art exhibit at the avenue, Kenilworth; Harry E. Dubsky, Pratne avenues from. vVashtngton .the next regular meeting on Mav 11. \\.oman's dub of vVilmrtte will he 627 Abbott!';forrl roafl. Kenilworth: street to northern termmus at Vatt- when all new members will he foni 1a llv opened In- a reception with music Fri - Franklin DeBeers, Jr., 814 Grove !';treet. William P. BeRt, 873 Grove mann Park: the aile~· between Elm- inducted into membership · day n ;ening. April 30. This reception Glencoe: street, Glencoe; George P. McKeegan. wood and .Greenwood avenues, Ninth · · is for the artists of the north shore 466 Adams avenue, Glencoe: Walter G. Schroeder. 34S Park avenue, Glencoe; and Tenth streets: the alley between MUSIC GUILD MEETS and their friends. and for club mem- Leonard nates. 69!'i Hill roa<l. Winnf'tHighland and \Vashington avenues, The last meeting this season- of the ka; Edwn,rd M. Selberg, 1 0~6 Cherry bers and their friends. Seventeenth street and Ridge aYenuc. Korth Shore ).fusic guild '"ill he hd<l \Vinnetka; Ralph Heineman, The exhibit will he oprn to the pub- street, Monday evening, May 3. at the North 913 Greenwood avenue 1 Hubbard Shore hotel, Evanston . There will he lic Saturday, May 1, and Sunday. May Woods; John E. Swabacher. 815 Ash TO LIVE HERE !';treet, Winnetka; Burton L. Asche·im, Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Redman and a dinner which \Yill begin at 7 o'clock 2, and it is hoped that many will en- 384 Hawthorn lane. Winn'tka; Henry daughter, Jane, and Mrs. Redman's and H~rbc~t Witherspoon, operatic joy these fine pictures. In the north Heineman, 913 Gref'nwood avenue, mother and sister. have recently come bass. wtll sm~. Those who wish to at- room will be hung an exhibition of the Hubbard Woods; Robert S. Bunows, 216 Myrtle street, Winnetka. to 1304 Gregory avenue, Wilmette tend can make reservations with J. S. North Shore Art league, and in the Join the ranks today. There's plenty from Chicago. Mr. Redm;m is the man~ Me.ck, 4917 North Hermitage street. other rooms, the works of our Wil- of room at the top! mette artists. Chtcago. ager of the Ogle Coal company. Sunday Evening Club Closes Season by .Appointing its Directing Organizabon BIG TRIP TO EUROPE HAS BOYS HUSTLING 1 h:· a Mysterious Plans in Progress for Ye Olde Towners 1 M · 1C · I !'-t stre~t.s ~ Par~ ~nd con~inu~ ;t;'d~iv.e

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