April 30, 1926 FOR RENT-HOUSES 4 WILMETTE LIFE SITUA'l'ION WANTED-FEMALE 19 39 WANTED-MISCELLANE01JS FOH RENT-· TWO 6-H.OOM HOUSES; one 7-room house; one G-room flat. l )hone 'Vii. G73 ot· 1334. ·2LTX31-ltc ...-----------.:......--·---FOH. lU>~XT HOO:\I. TELEPHONE \\'illnf'tka no. 4LT31-ltc FOlt UE.XT-noo:us l:i SITUATION 'WTD-1ST CLASS LAUNdress; colored; work 3 days each week. Phone Univ. G045. :; F'Oit HEN.'I'-S'I'OUI~S :\~0 OFIJ'ICES 15L'l'N31-ltp S. GOLDMAN, JUNK HIGltES'l' PRICE PAID magaz1·nes, old clpth.es, T el. Wilmette 3334. DEALER FOR RAGS, t1'res, tubes. 19LTN31-ltp · · 't ( -J.-~r-H_1_l_U_·;_N_T. -~-~-·-(;_r..._I_·;.:\·-.-~-0-E-·-.-~--}-{(-,-0-.\I Ft >I<. . l1ouso; near t ransJWrtatwll; larg·(· trc··s; garden; hnt water lH·at; 2 halhs: n·:lsonable. Tol. Cniv. ,' 5Us 2 LT~3 1 -1tc or \\'inn. 2 :> 5 1. FOR RENT FUnNISHFlD HOuSE; I'oRs. June l!J; 2 1 h or 3 months; 4 IJcorooms; 1 hath; screened porch; g·arage; $125.00 vet· month. Phone Winn · tim G24. 2LT~28-tfc FOil l~E:\'T - li-IDT. STl.('('O J[()l.SI;;; fun1ac1· l11·at; lar~..;"t> ~· a·nl: fruit tr····s; prkt! $7:-, !Jt>l' 111011th. J ·'h0110 \Vilmdtt~ l:i:-.:2. 2L.H-llp .l ~ f HITUATIO:\' WTD-DY YOUNG LADY 100% VALUE PAID ON MEN'S' as nu.rsc to OIH' or two children. 1 th' d h Call S ith W'l J.J.fl'. . \- .. -, 4 . co mg an s oes. , m · 1. Address \Yil. · B51 or Univ. 3250-W. 19LTN30-2tp FC·IH J~E~T STOHES A~D SHOPS. lfiLTN31-ltp Tt:l{·phone \Vinnetka 6~. SlTCATIO:\T WTD LAUKDH.ESS 20 AUTOlUOBILES 5LTN28-tfc wants steady ,,,.ot·k :\Iondays . and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------Thursdays. Call \\.il. 3220. Ft·U J:E).'T- ST<lHE. APl ·l.Y 601 15L31-ltp !'-\. :.Jain ~L.. Wil111clte. 5LT~30-tfc Satisfaction guaranteed. A variety to choose from. \\'AXTI·:f>-CLEA~IX(f I~Y THr·; DAY. ti Call Wil. SU3 1 / 3. 1i:il/l':'\31-ltc lU;~T - OPFICE, SPACIOUS, vn·ll ligh:Pd, running water, best locati""· \\"illt\I·Lka ~;;;;n. 5LTX 31 _1tc FOR SJ.AL£- USED CARS . · r \ ' Ill I . I. '· JltiJ: J:J ·: .'\'J'- c:"\1:.\UE; <'; til 11 \\"il. I · "i'. 1~2 11th St. 61.. 30-tfc 16 Sl'l'U"\.'1'10~ 'VA~'J'EIJ-:11.\l,E AXD I<~ KlL\LE ;)62 Lincoln Ave. (( '< lLOHED) FOH I~I·:~T 7-H .\I. FTJtX. IHH':-;1..; \Vilh sll!t·ping· por c h a11tl g-arag·t·; south Clt·ncrw; front Jur11.· 20 to Sept. 1 n. Cl<!nc·o p fil9. 2LT:\'31 -ltc ... FOH HE;\T - 11-HOini }TJ!:\. H<ll j .'l~; I l·ath; 1-c·ar g-arag·t· ; (·Xcl'llPnt t t·anspot·tation. Call Gleucoe 804. 2LTN31-1tc W.\.\'TI·:P ·· YtJl").'<; :\JAX TO \VAIT 011 tratlt· :tnd takl' <·har!..!.·e of stockrt~c ·!l.t: s t t·ad y {'Ill plo ~· tnPII t and !'lt:t Ill'\' for pnHnr!Lion. \V('rsted !\[otor ('o., :iti:! Lin c olu A\'t' ., Y?innC'Lka. llLT:-;31-llc \L\:\' TI~J) .l ., FOJ( LIGHT HOrSEKEEPsuitt· o[ :! rooms and bath on 2d fJrHJI' of private lwusP; evl'rythin~· furllislwd if rll·sir·t·rl. l'hone \\'it. 34:?!1 or <:all 11 :J'i Oak woorl a\'(' . 3L31-ltp ill~· l~E:\'1' }NIR ]{ I·;~T - :\IA Y 1: TIIH.EE PLEASant rooms for lig-ht houst>l<l'eping; ;ci floor. ['hone \Vilmette 77fi-M. :!LT:\31-ltp l·"ll~ J:E;\T - :.! - 1~(1():\f KIT<'III·~:\'P:TTB a p:trtnlf ·lll!-:; stl ·:tm h{·at arH1 janiLor ~· · rYi<·· · : 111 ·:1r transportation. Call \\.iltndlt· l\Otl. 3L'J');:ll-ltc · TO SELL \\. iltndtt· propt·t·t~·. Suhtlivision ll· ·ar <:J,·n .\ \ ' rt· st;tLicJil on new line. lli I<'Oit S.\I.E-IIOlJSEHOI.n (~OODS \\"llo], . "r p;trt tinH·. Lib"ral comIll is sion. .\tid 1'\'SS \\"ilutt·t t" LiCe Jl< WSI·:HOLD nuoi>S FUH SALE;\-~-;-:{. 11L'i'31-lttl \\' ill sPll b<:'aut. furnitur~· of 4-room apt. for $::.<JO.UO, worth $1,500.00, \L\);TJ.:ll - .\1:\.:\' Jo'()H VAltT TDIE; boug-ht (our months ag·o; 3-vi ·ce ~ilk g-ar<lt ·ning; window washing, etc., in , mohair parlur set; 4-pil·c ' walnut t·Xchangv for- t·X c t·lll'nt living· quar- i l~t · drnl. sl'l: 7-pil'<:e walnut dining 1 lt ·I'S 1)\' t · l' g·arag·,. .'J'PJ. \\·il. 3:i.JS. rntorn ~t·t; :.! ~lxl~ \\.iltun rug·s, floor lt ·I'S 0\'t ·l' L!.:ll':tg'\' . Tt>l. \\.il. 3:>41>. lamps; small rug-s; oil paintings; mirrors; library ta blt·; si l v<·rw are; \L\.\'TE I> -l '().\li'ET E)."f ~\:--:D kitclwn s ·t; will separat ·· will ar1 rust \\·orlll ,. <'hauff··ur; i 11 private rallg't.: for ·h·Ji\·t·r~· . ~32 Leland aYe., Lttnil~·. :\~1tln·ss stalin~· Palary ancl twa r , 'her i <Ian Hr1., l'h i<'ap;o, Ill. ··XJ!t·rii'IH'v, I )ra wt ·r 1;. J '11st Ottice, l'hl)nt· Sunn~· sit1e til!lll. 17LTX:!S-4tp \\.iltndl\a. llLTX:H-ltc H.\\.J);U SOLI> Ut"H. HOL'I·:, I:.! HELP \\"A~'l'Eil-l·' Eli:\J,E wish to dispose u( SOillL' of our f~~ -----------------nitun·; including a hant1some mahog-any t;ifleLoar<l: porch furniture; <'hairs. ta 1J Ies a tH1 k i tl'lll' 11 things. 43::i ~ht:ritlau ltd., \Yi nnL:tka. 1 i'LTX31-ltp -·- SALES.\lA.: \YOH.K-IIOUSEcl e aning; yard work; rug·s cleaned; laundry, <lone at hnmt·. 'ooking; ~et'Yingp:.trlies; actual serYice on any occasion. Colored eoupll.! wants po!-lilion as cook; chauffeur and house man. \Yilling· to leaYe city through suntntcr. He fen· nee. J. E. Stt· ·ns . !'hone Kenil. 10\ . . 16LT:K31-ltc D.\ Y Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN31-ltc FOR :::>ALE-HUDSON COUPE, $440 eash; brand new radiator; painted an<l cy lind ers re-ground in 1925; 2 t1l'W tires; original cost, $3500. Will <h·monstrate any time. Telephone \Vinnetka 839. 20LT31-ltp FOR SALE-OAKLAND SPORT TOUR ing. 1923; fully equipped: good cond. Seen by appt. $400. Winn. 1041 20LTN31-ltl FOR SALE-FORD SEDAN, TUDOR. \V eil equipped. Phone owner. Winn. 330. 20LTN31-ltc FOn. SALE - DETROIT ELECTRIC with rt>ctifler; goo<.l condition. In quire 'Vinn. 129. 20LTN31-ltc \YAXTED-OLD AUTOS AND ELEC tries; any condition. Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfc :!l POll SAI.J·~-~IISCELLANEOUS FnH S..\LE-110 OLD' AND NEW JAP prln ts; 60 old Chinese pictures; other curios. 5th floor. 9 No. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 21LTN31-ltc I{E.:\'T - ·1-1~0(>.\I 1\:l'I'CIIE.:\'- \\".\:\TEll Y<l!".:\'(: \\.JilTE :\I \ID, ··ttt· apt. with ])tJr<·h :\.llfl 1-f·ar ga· ·xp.: g··n . llswl~.: ('ouking· ; S11all raL;"t ·. J'hont · K··nilworth :-.~li-\V. r. 1111 il~·: L!.··otl hotnt · : Olh' who like:-; 3LT3L-ltc l'hildn·n. $1:;. l'h·,nC' \\.ilmPite 20~3. -----------------1:.! L31-ltc FOR HE:\T APAHT::\TENT 627 1.1111 St.:,.4 ronmR ~ntl bath; heated. 1 \\'.\.:'\TI ·:II __ ('II~II'ETI·;;\T \VIIITE Ft )]~ ~.\LE _ \\.ICKBR UOCKEH::;; l ·honc· "tlnwttt 23.!!). 3LTN2G-trc !llaitl f(lr ~.:; 1 · n. hswk.:.:? a<lu. ltP; help mnhognn~· bookcase; china cabinet; buii..t; radio; taiJie; double 1Je<l; all . " · ith van· 11( s1nall ch1ltl; P:' tYate rm. Ft Jlt 1 !E)."I' -- .i-J{()().\I A PT. L:_\HGF] I ;Jnd hat 11 . rd. 37!! lUdg-t· .\ ve., n n· n·a!-lollaiJlt: . IG30 C\·ntral AYe., pnrch. l'rii'P . ~;-,;, ,,..r munlh. ·)hone \\'i 1111 ·tl.;a 1 :~7~1. 1~1..:r:a-1tc \\"iimt:tll'. liL~l .-ltP \\'ilmcttt· F1~:! . :n.. 31-ltp _ _ _ _ · -------------\\":\VI' I·: II \\. 1H'n~ .\1.\11 I Fl lf{ < :E~. F(Jl~ S:\LE- l.PlUUHT l'L\).'U; UO!Jl> FOil RE:\'T - :-·-101. FLAT: ST0\'1<; condition; $lllll, also wickL·l' sun hs\\'k.: lll··asant slii'I'PUIHl'ing·s: goorl IH·at; ~~:~ J:dll . St. Also g;u·:q.~· (, n.t 1 w: 1 g,. s f "~' ,. i I.!. h t g· i r I. \ \ ' i 11 n l'll< a :.! 6 57. parlor swing; :2 L:hairs anrl table, l ·H\ \\.ilntl'ltt· :\\·,.. :3L~1-ltc I 1 ~1....'1':\31-ltc $11111. l'h·1nt · \\'ilmdte 1·37~. 17L31-ltc FOH HE~'f ·1-JDT. ~\I'T. :\lAY 1. \L\.\'TI ·:Il Ylll').'t; \\"lllTfo: 1:11U. TO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l'hone \Villndl.;a 40!1. 3LTX31-tfc :t;o;:<i:<t " · ith h~wk.: hn 111 , . nig·hts if F< ~~~ ~ALE~ YERY ('HBAL'; SOLID ll!·u\\·n rna hogan~· davenport table pn·I'··JT· ·tl . l "all \\.il. 3:-,fil. 4 I<'Oll REYI' UOOJIS l~LT).':.ll-ltc 1i kc' lit'\\'. ('all \\·it. 1;) 11 . l'i LT:\31-1 tc F()ft HE.:\'T ~£<'!·~ J.'J{0:\'1' HOO:\I I \\ ":\.\" 1'1-~1>-- \\ . ~IITI·: .\1.\11> FOI~ UEXill new houst·; adjac··nt 1>:1th; hrl'ak,. 1 :tl lloJII:<· ·\\·ork . <'all \\.inn..t l~a ~226. F<ll<. SALE-L.-\l'Xl>El~BTTE \\.ASHf; st opt irma!; 4 })]o('l\s from transp.; \ 1 ~L/1'.:\'31-ltc in!.:; n1achin·· and 4~ inch ~implex· ·n 1 ·ar Skokie nnt1 Ull'n. g-olf c·ourst>s. l mang·l··· ..-\-1 condiliun; less than 1, ~ Call Glen. 1~24. H/f:-\:ll-ltp \\· :\.\'TI·:ll - IIELI' I:\ Kl'L'('HE:\'. L:ost. l ·'hont· '\\.il. 117 ·1. 17LT:\31-ltc ---------~ . --------, ·ar:l\'1'1 Tt ·<l l!tllllll. ('all \\·inn. 1S20. FClll HENT- LAH(~E. L!niJT, WELL 12LT).':n-ltp Ftllt S.\LE - FL).'E ~~A:; STU\.]·; I~ furnisht·d room; vri\·. hath; tH·at· l · g·uod {'ondition. cheap. !)H Fort'~C. lal~e and transp. ·all Wi1~;1. .. ]:;43. \L\:-.:TJ ·:Il-- \\.IIIT I·: .\IAlll Flllt UE:\'An·., (: ll'lll'Ul' . Td. Glen. 14~1. 17LTX31-ltc ·ILl.:\:11-ltc t· ··ral hous 1 ·worl.;: sinall houst·: ncar ....------------------ ~ lt"·llsn. <';til \\.inn. ~H)I. l:!LT:\':H-ltc FOH l ~ 1·~:\'1' - L.\HGl~ U EDR00.\1 I~ F\ll{ S.\LE - U.\S STU\'1<:; LAL.XDHY private family; clost' to lran~p. 4~0 1:: HELl' \\ ' .\:\'I ' EU--'1.\Lt-: .\~)) stovt·; 100 lh. ict'-llox and oth ·r furl'arlc av Call \Vilm ette 2n3. l·'E'L\ LE tliturt.·. t 'all U lt>n. 11U3. 4L31-llt> 17LTX31-ltc \\".\.:\TI·:II- <'<Il"I'LE TO LTYE IX GACE~TRAL HOTEL -LIGHT OUTSIDJ·:i ra~· ,.: woman to rlo g·t' ll. hswk.; man F< lH SALE-UAK DI.:\IXG HOO:\l SET, I'OO!llS; for lransir·nts :llltl l'C'Sidl!lllS. to . takt· {':ll't' or lawn, d<·. ~lay do fi {'hair~. extra leaves, $25. Call 62!.! ::\lain St. l'11011e \Yil. 1080. outsid·· work. l'honc \\'il. lOI)S. \\"it. 16!1:1. 1 iL31-ltc 4LTGO-tfc 1 :JLT~31-ltc FlU~ ::;ALE-:::>1.:\'ULE J]BD; OFFlC~ FOH HEN'I.' NICELY FritNISHED \L\.:\TED- EXI'EIUJ·;:-.:cEn COLO RED de!::il{. 10:> Dupee Placl', 'Vilmette. r oom; suitable for 2; kite· h. priv. 1f ('ouplt· for houst>wOrl-:; pl'ivat c fam17LTN31-ltp desiret1; Prote~tant. Glencoe 976. ih·; l'l'ft·n~ nct·s. I'honv \Yinnctka ~=============~~=~ 4LTN31-ltc 2:{H. 13UL'~31-ltp 18 \V"\.N'I'ED-HOUSEIIOJ.D GOODS ------------------FOR RENT- H.OO:\I SUITABLE FOR J4 Sl'l'Ut\1'10~ WAX'l'J·;D-l\1 .'\ .l,g \VAXTED 1'0 BUY- :::>ECOND HAND 2; near transp. Call '\oVilmettr> 553. furniture anrl other household goods. 4L31-ltc S!1T.ATlOX \VANTED HOUSEHig-h est prices for same. Crost Fur-----------------dtoaning· or gar~h~n worl<: ex perinitur e Store. 1004-o Emerson St., FOH. RENT - PLEASANT FURN. lUI. ('tH't><l man: n'ft.'rencc. Call UniV. Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 1 '9. near station; Phone Wil .n. 415. 7Hi2 <'\'t>ning·s. 14LTN31-ltp 18LT~ll-tfc 4LTN31-1tc \VI~NETKA FUHNI'fURE STORE S[Tf'ATIO:"\ W'I'D EXP. CHAUFBuy-Sell-Exchange-New-Used ft·ur and g·arch·ner: r e f. Call Univ. 7162 t>Vt>S. 14LTN31-ltp OpPn daily, Tu e~ .. Thurs., Sat., 8 p, m. 1GOO \Villow Rd. Tel. '\Vinn. 1212. 18LTN26-tfc FOH. SALE- \VELL LOCATED OUTside lot near chapel ·in l\lemorial Park. Ht>asonable. Call '\Vinn. 2395. Ft >I{ S.-\LJ·:- tiu [.:\'. H.Ul' Xl> SOLID 21LTN31-ltp mahogany diuing· rm. table; 6 straight chairs; ~ arm chairs; one sl'r\'iug talJ!v; all in gootl condi- FOR fL\Ll~-GREE~ CLOTH COA'r anl1 dress; size 18. Winnetka 1486. tion, $l:iO. Call Lake Forest 10. 21LTN31-ltc 17LTX31-ltc FOH. SALE-DHO' ·~ REED BABY bugg-y, $10. Phone Winnetka 1190. I 21LT31-ltc FOH. SALE_ THH.EE llO-GAL. AND onp GO-g-al. steel oil tanks; $20 for all. Tl'l. \Vii. 1961. 21L'I.'N31-ltp !!:! ----------------------- --------.----------\\'E LOA:"\ :\IONEY AT LO,VEST ratl'~ on E:\·anston and North Shc;>re pl'O]H'l'tic~. I-Iokanson & Jenks, Inc. :iOO DaYis St. Greenleaf 1617 22LTN25-ffc ::-t I.OS'l' A~D FOUND ------------------ LOST-PAI:\TED PICTURE 01" GENtlcmnn in leath er case; liberal reward for return of same; no qu estions askell. Call \Vilmett e 3364. 24L30-2tc LOST- FOX TERRIER, WHITE '\VI'rH hlaek spots. hea<.l mostly black, short tail; Jl,~ years; answers to name of "Dill." Heward. Call Winn. 1~74. 24LTN31-ltc [.( lST- LAST SAT. NEAR "L" TERminn.l, dog· 5 months old. White, shagg·y, black around eyes an~ ears. JJlack spot on body. Phone W1l. 192. 24L31-ltc LOST-GH.EAT DANE DOG, MALE, v..·hitt' markings; answers to name of "Sig·." R e ward. Call Univ. 3043-R cvening·s. 24LTN31-ltc HARDENING 26 ..------------------ ----------------------------- vV ilmette Gardeners LANDSCAPE GARDENING New and repair driveways, sidewalks and fences; trim shrubs and trees and grub out trees. All kinds of work. no matter how small a job. Call Wilmette 2770. 26L27-tfc SCHOLLE'S GARDEN AND HOME SERVICE CO. Landscaping- by contract or by the hour. Drawings and estimates furnished free. 820 Church St., Evanston. Univ. 2050 26L30-tfc K FOR RENT -LARGE FURNISHED room; call Winnetka 1333. 4LTN31-ltc FELL-~E\V AND USl!..D FUHNIture boug·ht and Rold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN3-tfc HlTt:'ATION 'VTD- EXPERIENCED woman wants a few more engage- lf) \V ANTED-~IISCELLANEOUS ment~ to stay with children b~· the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hour. (lo mending- or rea.tl aloud to 'VANTED TO BUY-ONE-CAR PORTFOR RENT- 5 LARGE ROOMS AND invalid. C'all Wil. 824- W abl e g·arnge. Call \Vinn. 2226. board. Phone Wil. 1183. f 19LTN31-ltc 4LTN31-lt.p 15L31-ltp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 40