WILMETTE LIFE April 30, 1926 .A FEW DOLLARS ~Transforms Organize Wilmette Gladys Hight to Group for Ravinia Present Pupils Membership Drive in Recital May 2 One of the certain indications of spring, \\'hich, unlike the weather, is infallible, is the announcement that again the Ravinia club is resuming its activities, and talk~~g over plans for the annual membership drive. Mrs. Lester E. Mee again is chairman of the follo\\'ing group captains who will soon lead th ei r tram s on a hunt for \Vilmet te sub scribers: Mesdames George Bird, Percival N. Cutler, Charles Englehardt, Robert E. Ken yon, H. E. Pattison Kline, E. A. Kau;11C\'Cr, Edward Lilienficld, Charles MeCo;·, Floyd L. McGrath, Hayes MeKinney, T. L. Shepard, Paul Roche, H. A. Storms, H. Sherman, D. W. Smith,]. Spiegel, Jlope Thompson and Gordon \Vilson. Many north shore residents are ex pected to attend the "Ballet Unique oi 1926" to be presented by the Glady s Hight Schpol of Dancing at the Stude baker theatre, Chicago, Sunday after noon, May 2. This is the eighth recital of the sci10o! at the Studebaker. Other recitais han been held at the Selwyn and Black . stone theaters. Three hundred pupils will participa,te in Sunday's program , with one of the principal features a ba1lct for children written by Miss Hight and entitled "Quest of the Three Prine~!->." There will also be an adult ballet of fifty girls and twenty-five men. Tl1t tlllltsual varietv of dances on the progra111 is indicateli in the following team presentations: Apache, Tango, t.·xhihition waltz, fox trot and Charleston. There \\'ill also he ] apatH.' s t· . Egyptian, S()ttth Sea, Arai,ian, Turk i-,11. Sp;mish, Greek and Hindo dance s. ·~ti ss Hight has studied these latter danrl's in their native land ~. She re turnee! a few months ago from Egypt and is now producing some of the ma terial she accumulated. Your Home-· CHANGE THOSE· DINGY · - INTO FLOORS OF CHARM BUY THE FLOOROLEUM WAY Agnes Biesemeier .rakes Part in Eastern Play Miss Agnes Biescmeier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. F. Biesemeicr, of 804 Central avenue, is taking the leading role in an original one act play the Poughkcep~ie Community theatre is entering in the Little Thea trr tournament in New York. The play is being gin·n in Poughk eepsie April 28. 29, 30, and ~lay 1, and in New York May 4. Miss Bicsemeicr is a ll1CI1lhtr of th e faculty of Vas:-.ar coilcgc. . PRICE - X QUALITY X SERVIOE SATISFACTION . Child Pianist Wins Ruby Medal Contest 1 F ' LO~~~~~UMs~~~~~:ns·. LOORCOVERING PECIALISTS Persia WHAT IMAGES are locked up in that word! Persia. Alabaster minarets in the sheen of the .eternal sunlight, crawling caravans with priceless treasure, majestic palm fronds at the river's brink. Fabrics rich in storied treasure! Those beautiful rugs on your floors were woven there perhaps, with the care of a craftsman's hand. Let us look after their cleaning .with the native eastern appreciation of the consideration that they deserve! i ~ ]farrict Mason. talented 13 year old pianist. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \ \ 'i llia111 l ackson Tayl11r rdurned George \V. "Ma son of Chicago, former 'l'm·sda.\·, .\t.>ril 20, from 'I'l'xas. He h· of \\'innetka, " ·<m the Rubv medal (or her playing of the Rond~ Caprileave ~ ~londa\· , ~fa\· 3. for Terre ciosso, by ~[endelssohn, Saturday, April I Iaute and Indfanapolfs. 24, in the contest for the Karl Reckzch medal. · Harriet was · the youngest of the ten Buy your flowers at wholesale. contestants, and had not heen at work on the composition as long a s the rest, Just pick out what you want. Mr. Rrckzeh haYing only thought of her entl'ring the cnntr. t late in Febru ary . The.: judge:,, \\'alter Knuppcr, \f (Jis~a~ e Boguslawski. and Isadore 1930 Peterson Road Buchhalter, heard the contest from a 7 larg-e gTeenhoUS{'!'l, 35 henciH's room off of Kimball hall. and did iwt l 5 fPet long-. .1 u st 5 hlocks ~e-e th(' contestant. WPst of Clark St. (6200 ~.) on Pdt' l'!'lOn .Hoad. Drive hy aJJ)' time- it will pay MAKE DANCE RESERVATIONS you. The \\'oman's cluh of \\' ilmrtte will Speci;tls every Friday, S~tturday gin· a subsc ription dancing party Satand Sunday. urday even in g, May R, at 8:30 o'clock. Potted Plants, every size and There arc a few reservations lrft for k incl. thr party which promises to be a gala Everything in bedding stock (th e best to be found in Chi;,oci;t l occasion. Rr ..,c rvations may be cago). One million plants to semade with ~Ir s. G. E. \Valk, 1240 Lake lect from. We make up anyavenue. thing special you may desire ·in mixed pots and boxes. Come and see for yourself. Miss Ethel Reardon of the Kenilworth Inn entertained at four table s of bridge Saturday evening, April 24. i:;lllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflfllllllllhlflllllllllll-= .. I Bob White Floral Co., Inc. · ·· ; I i· First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMEITE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue ~ , I , I ~ 1 !_=; ~ ~ ~=~ - \Vednesday Testimonia] Meeting- 8 P. 1\f. SUNDAYSS~~~~~~S Sunday School Exerrt"f"~ 9 :45 A. M. II A.M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon: I ~= =_ ! }(aShianjjros. I I 4 5 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, 111. Telephone Wilmette 1200 May 2nd-"EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except vVedncsday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7 :45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Dible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, barrowed or purchased. . , I f I ~~ ~- 1 The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Readin· Room ·· F.nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIII.......;