Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE SELL TWO RESIDENCES Irwin Berry has sold h'is home at 1500 Highland avenue to William J. Laubach, also of Wilmette. Mr. Berry has entered business in Hammond, Ind., and will take up his residence there . Frank E. Kolb has bought the W. E. Lindblad home at 338 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. Kolb will move into his new residence May 20, it . was said. 1 Both sales were made by the Wit· mette o ffi ce o f I-I emsen an d K ro 11 . I I I I April 30, 1926 ,---------------·----------------- Albert W'allberg Formerly with C. D. MacPherson NINE DAY FESTIVAL Plans Underway f / S for Success u eason Shore Music Lovers Delighted fOT BUCCaneerS North Over ~hicago North Shore Festival Program ~hit) nf the Buccaneers club, has passed through the winter in excellent shape, and will be moved hack to her ·t mctte 1 moorings in the \'Vt 1ar1 )Or an d . J>tt · into commission for th e summer Th~ Port of Missing Men, the club · Interior Decorating Exterior Painting Canvas Work- Antiquing Craftex Texture3 2715 Reese Avenue 1.,el. Univ. 8507 HARDWOOD FLOORS PARQUETRY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~la~t~n~<~cc~·~ ··~~~~~~~~~~~~ j Thinl Gahrilo"·itsclt, soloist. li concert. Thursday, '..:ea ·.on earlY in ~1av. BABY DAY The oftic~rs for ;he 192() season arc Sunday, ~lay 2. is a reminder to us l ·~uton· C. Andrew!,, president; ~1arshall oi our biggest a!'iset, the American bahy. Fon·~st, vice-president: Francis A. is Bahy day of X a tiona) Chil<l Lackn rr. ~ecrrtarv: Harold Bennington, l This lle;1lth \\'cek, .so voted hy the Infant treasurer. Ceoq.{e S. Parker is chair! \\'di an· Soc!ety ni Chicago. Look to I man ni the house committee. till.' he;tlth o t your baby. The fleet oi Sl~lall sailing. h?ats \\'ill ... -o. sh(lrtly h e put tnto C011111ltsston, and C,h~r.le::; ~I. ~:<:\\' ti returne.d. t~ Ius the sai ling committee is t~ow engaged I I hot 80J Lake a\CllUC Fnd<l} last, t' 11 1ll'lkt'ltg· a \·en· attractive program 'I I at:e . 1 acltmont I' . I1 E ( · 1 :; stay lll t C ·ast. for the coll)ing summer \\'hich will in elude inter-dub races with the oneNew floor" laid. Phone Delawart 1589 design boats belonging to the Chicago N .. w floors finYacht club and the Saddle and Cycle 18hed. New nnd old U0 00l 0. club. :\ltogttltcr the Buccaneers arc ftool'8 r.-8urfaeect. looki ng fon,·anl . t11 a n :ry :-.ucressf ul hnnd or mnchlne (Inc.) and enjoyable sta!'olt. work. · 44 1 N · D tarb orn St· OM ftoor~~a r.-ftnThe only matcrtal change in the club Oldest l·'loor Ron Ne In . of the f"'h«>cl. A II hlg I·ship will .I >C t I1e screen . tng m c·l:t!>l!il " ·ork only, t'hicugn · 1 k 'Ill 1 .. \' D fee Fl C . It appears to he generally agreed on the !>art of the s uh ~cr ihcrs to the Chicago Korth Shore Festival association's concerts who attended the festival from north shore to\\·ns, . that the plan, put into operation thts season, of spreading the performances over nine da,·s is a good one. There arc at lca ~ t tw~ advantages . . It allows li steners an opportunity to digest the \\'orks which thev haYe heard, and it permit s of more reh.ear!'iin~ ior · the orcht'stra. churus and soloi sts. ' rr only !Dr till' reason that th e din~ ctors have no\\' more time to drill their forcrs. the conce rts thi s . ~ca~on will likch· to he ()11 a higher plane than · t'Hr heforl' . The schedule of per fonuanccs under the direction of ~[ r. Lutkin or ~fr . ~tock will be as follows: Fir!'t rnnc~·rt. ~1 onda,·. ~1 ay .24. '\1 endeb-;olm\ Tlnnn ;>f Prai se and Hadky\ "The 1\~\\' Earth ." Second concert. Tuesday. ~lay 2:; . () ~::-.1p . Tschaiko\\'sk . \· prngr;lJn. ~fay 2i . Or che.stral program with Ci()\·anni ~1 ar tinclli as soloi st. Fourth ronet·rt. ~aturd;l\ . · ~fa~ · 2l) . Y 0Uilg Peoplr 's mat i Ill'~' "'it It r hil rl'n's rltnru . " ,,f 1.500 and ~ ., · lvia Lent. violinist. Filth (tlltn·rt. .\l o·tl!la\·, ~la~ · 31 . Bralnn-;' <~t:rman Heqtti.t·m and rltoral . numhn" " ·ith ~1 abel Carri" c'n and Br11· is Sala\\·..,ky a.., :- (lloist s. Sixth l'lllll"~'rt, 'l'tH· .,da.\ · , junL' 1. Or rltl'~tr;t pn,gra111 " ·itlt first pcr innnaiH." l' oi prizt· co111 pt 1sit ion and voc:tl ""],,.., hy l>u · odiP ;t Ciannini and I. a " r l' 11 n· T i hb ct t . :\ prm· r;1111 1101 ~ t · lt ~ ·dukd in tht· re~u lar . "l·lt, ·ttH · ,,1 art. '. rill hl' the puhlil· rl'lll'ar- ;tl \\ ltil·lt. ).!'iH·n i11 tlt{' nTnin~. \L1\· l. 1J. \\ill :>l'! lurtll tltt fi,·t· COIII peti.ll '! \lt~rk" ior ,,rrhv.,·ra innn \\lticl t t It l' j u cl ~ l' :-. " i II "t · k 1'1 t Ill· p r i z t: " 1 , r k T!Jj._ "ill hri11g 111 it-- Ctltllp t,._ cr Sl .OOfl · ,. . , . - Our Sporting Goods Department Is ·Ready for You We are exclusive dealers tn · Spalding sport goods . .. Golf Outfits for the 'Beginners' & 'Old--Timers' Golf Sets Another week and you will need this Spalding set of Golf Clubs. Here are three Irons, one wooden Club and a good Golf Bag. All for-- ·· $8.45 Railroad Supply Man Buys Smith Residence :\1 rs. :\ . 1·:. Smith of · llJO Ashland ;tn·nttt·. has :-.old her hnme 'to \\'illia111 T . Lane. of EYan:-.ton. The house i-. a six-room brick colonial. ~1 r. Lane, who is associatl'd with the Fi·an kl in Railroad Supply company, will takt· immediate possession, it is announced . Tlte \Vilmettr otf1ce of the E. E. Stult-rcal estate company actccl a:-; brokers in tlte transaction. Mr. Lane formerlY liv ed at R23 Forest avenue, Evamton . Golf Balls We carry a full line of Spalding's Golf Balls Priced at 35c 50c 85c $4.00 to $10.00 per dozen Tennis Racquets Now . that the season is almost here, get the old favonte racquet out and see if it is in good condi tion. It may need to be restrung or perhaps you'll need a new one. 51/2% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved Xorth Shore Suburban reside n et> property at 5 'h% intPt'P.st. See us on renewals. .. t E. G. Pauling & Co. S N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 .... l of w~ carry J Spalding Prtss~s Racquets. and Tennis Balls. compl~te Jin~l $2.50 and up PERl'tiANENT FOR DIS'l'INC'riVE WAVING ( ~ e"rt-Mcou'~~t P .. re Steurn Proc..,ut) As Low n8 f15.00 Also IIAIIt GOODS Fishing Licenses for Illinois and Wisconsin Issued Here. Roller Skates Fountain Square-Evanston ' Rubber Tired and Steel $1.25 to $3.00 For di~crirninat e requirements consult l\fr. John Negrescou, 36 years on State Street. ExpNt neauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting · .J Sporting Goods-Second Floor THE WIGGERY SUJ'l'E 1314 STEVENS BLDG. 11 st ...et Tel. Raadolpla lOU N. State

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