Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE April 30, 1926 ·-L-A_M_P_S_H_A_D_E_s_ · -..1 MISSIONARIES BATIU Hand Made to Order ANTI-WEST MOVEMENT (Continued from page 23) The Lamp Studio learned this · about .; o·clock in th\.: on deck when I discovered that the I can he floated next summer when the top of the stcan!er was a mass o f \\>·ater rises. · On arriving in Chungking we were flames. I gave the alarm quietly and met at the dock by many friends and called the captain. \Ve found that one of the sailor~ (all Chinese) had store() given the heartie st welcome that \\'e Eatablished 1 919 it o ur first d t f 1 a ernoon n ~ ay ou ron twl'lvc bales of cotton over the dining have c,·er received. Chinese · and west620 Davis St. Over DuBreuils !chang. I had JUSt gone out for a walk, . crncrs alike joined in makmg our re ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· saloott at tlte ster11 ot tltc vessel . ~e turn 111 ost plcasatlt atld tl1e feasting has was :->muggling it through to Chung- not yet ended though \\·e haYe hccn king \rhcrc cotton is very expensive. here three weeks. After all that we It had been set on fin: by sparks from had..hcard about the anti-foreign feeling the suwkcstack. in Chungking it was a great joy to have Resident \\'e pitched the burning hales into them receive us so royally. One group the ri,·er and got a hose to playing of a dozen friends, all young ~1en in on the fire. TwQ English pas:;engcrs husine~s and Christians. invited us to and Illy self tried to sa\'C the fifteen a fca!St gin·n in one of t hL· most promiMr. Frederick E . Lewis. assisted by Mrs. hundred hags of mail piled on th.c deck ncnt place s in tlH: city at~d even went F. E. Lewis. bas had twenty-one years ncar where the hoat \\·a .~ on fire. In so far as to han· their p1ctures taken of successfu I service in the professional doing so we discon·red that there with us. This \Yas when the anti-Chrisfield. The best testimony to their carewere scores of halt'S tlt cotton hcing tian moventcn~ wa at its height. ton. smuggled with the mail. Think (li .. uch It i:; a great joy to have Christians rc ful. courteous. and conscientious work a thitw! After thl' Capta·,n returned to main finn C \Til in the face of se,·erc come~ from those whom they have served during their residence on the North the bridge \H' m ~ulc a iurtltn inn·s tiga- persecution . ~uch people are worth Shore. All calls will be personally attion and found tl!at the t\\·o liic boats sa \·ing. tended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only were filled with five gallon tins oi keroThere is nen:rthekss a change in atfuneral director residing in New Trier :;enr. Of cour..:r tltis wa..; all con-red so tituclt: tn\\·anb \\\·sternn~. There i-, Township. ' that it could not !H· see n. hut the hoab . ; rarreh a da\· hut ,,·Jtat \\T are called ,,.<> uld han' been ttsclc..;s in L ·ase of "ioreig.n tJe,·ii<· t·r "iorcign dog->." \\' L' Vtty Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment trouble · a::~ thl'y \Yen: alread _ ,. heavily ,in: oul:-iidc of tht· ·rity oi Chungking 1 1 2.0 Central Avenor l(ladecl. \\' hen tlw hoatmcn km·\\· that about two mile s. C>nc night a~ I was com WILMETTE \\'t' had i oun d 1he oi I it was a II retn on·d i11 g home a long t h t: river bank a crowd Parlors phone. Wilmeue 3 55 2 Home phone, Wilmette 3 5 51 and stnred elsewhere. 1 11 t: about fiity IH~Y" called me all sorts Smugglers Active 1>l unpka:->allt tlnngs and f111ally began .\t diffr,·enl plact·.., wiH·rt· \\'t' · an- ; to :-hO\n·r tne with :-,an~l. At first I · · 11t . . r()rt·.., nt- lnle -; 1 t hntwhl tInt -; t tlnng to do was r1 111red durtng the ntg . -. · the he · I 1 1 i ·ottolt. lt.undrl'd-.' oi hal.!'" 11 j H'o 11 ;.J to ignore tht·nJ . and walk on as fast and ..;ngar. manY iron har:-> ;t;HI quanti- 1a . . I could, hut 11 hrr;ll.lll' "" h;td that 1 · · ·tn r\ L·ln ~ l' d 1111 u t h t· rr (l ' \ d tH'" ol· kerosene wt·rr unloa<ll'rl. J·, nr I t u rIll' d · · r· . · carrying ;tll this the tca 1 n-.hip t·nm- · ·.rl.lt'Y "nt· . . u t~tl.:t· n l! y . . mpn . . e anrl pam· rcceiYcd ah snluteh- nothin~ . Tl~t· · tn~hlt ' IH' d t ha~ 111 tltt'lr hurr~· to _get '11 p;tllil' . . i :t\\ay . . n·nal 111 t.IH'11l . . (llllll>kcl and tr: ll. Cap.tain told . us that· tltt· r 1, 1 \\'t't"C at thL· 11lncy ni the ring (JllnI !'nhht· d ro11 1 : 111 til··111 1>~· tiH· a~·nt a~11l rltant~ ;111 d :--ailor-,) that d 11 tlw , 111 ug- - he began yel1111g at the top of h1 s \'OICt' 1-..ding . '!'Itt' military autlwrilil' . . ,,·illn.()t , ;11td till :-- <ll:t'\\ a cro\\rl t·:' artulh .at d 11 ;tn \· thin .~· a;>out it . <1nd till' (' 11 , 111111 \ tlllt'l' . I <Jll1vll"d ~ill' hny and .to ld il111 1 (lniriaJ ... han· lHl polirl' 111 ,\\·n. ~ 11 1 m. that I \\a . . no~ g·1111~· It· lntrt l11111. I da~ tltne i~ going to ht· a tvrrihlt· ac .\ rru\\rl 111 ~r t lliL' l\\t ·.h lll.Hlr vd Jll'to l ricknt \rith a fri!-')ttfu l ln ...... , 1 1 lilt· alld pk had .gatltt·rt·r 1 h~· tlth . tllllt' and I ~~~ 1 nvtlti 11 l! " ·i ll he dnnv . \\· 1· do 11111 tl11111ght 1t ;1 !.!_tHid opportu111t .\· t11 t;tlk \11 \\i.-.1 1 t 11 l'l'j>l' a t tlti . . part oi (l\lr trip tl~t'lll . I _t<dd t lt tlll tlt;'t. I ,,a .... a"an· ag; 1i 11 \'t'r.' · . . nr.llt. () 11 our wa~· up \\T r11 tl1v 1;1t·t th :tt ;\ 1 t11l t.t· . . \_\ t·. . tt-r.n ;-;a,,· tl lh' \T:-- ... t'l that ha·rt l>ct' 11 \\ rt·ckt·rl l'rl\\·t·r . . !tad htT11 ' n.' l111Jth,t 111 t ht·Jr 1 jlht a week !Jdnrr and wa ... a t 1.tal dt· .tli ltl!" . . \\ it ll \'l1i1t:t ; 111<1 tltat I \\;1.., i ln-..... . \\ .l' :--a,,· another tltat !tad !tit ;1 a . . IJ;t11lt '·l "I tl !t' lat· t. I :-,ht l\\'l'rl t.ltt'11 l. · 1 ·11g1 · 1 \\atl'r an< 1 \Yil .... 1hvn . . i,l\ ' 1 , 1. t h; 1t l ·1 1i 11 ;t " ; t ... "' , t " it Ill ·tt t nul t'llt' I , 111 · t· i LTt aho\·L· thl' -, 11 rfa cc oi tltl' ri\·t·r . ~~, ·t · T l~v·> ,., nt· . . ttrJtri ... ,·d !11 kant lt<1\\· '"~~--not badly clamagNl lto\n'\Tr ;llt rl rCo1ttint1vd 1111 p.q. :t· 2~1 Frederick E. Lewis NORTH SHORE · Funeral Director I 4. ' A Breakfast to Start the Day Right! THE LIBRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA is ready at six in the morning (Sundays at seven ) with a wonderfully good breakfast. There's something to please you, no matter what your breakfasting habirs may be. Golden brown. crisp waffles \virh real maple syrup and delicious sausage or bJcon . . . eggs. fresh ffom the country. in any style . . . steaks. chops and fish promptly served to order. And coffee- the appetizing blend that every Plaza patron knows, . with pure Jersey cream! . '###############~############################################~###' - New Cream Top Milk' Comes from Tuburculartested co\vs. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our Drivers Or Phorie Wilmette 3029-c.:eenleaf 820. 15c per quart The cream taken from this milk will whip LIBRARY PLAZA CAIIETERIA Orrington Avenue, just South of Church Street in the Library Plaza Hottl I ~~~:::;:;:::;:::::~~ I I .~·

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