Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 22

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zz ·&&'&¥*"'., WILMETTE LIFE April 30, 1926 muum a;eaaemaaaaawemmae "For Fuel-Use Oil, Prompt Deliveries from Our . Winnetka Bulk Storage 'Plant Braua Bros. OU Co. "PoT Fuel- Use Oil" Wilmette and Winnetka WIL METTF. 290 WINNETKA 1~65 NEW MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broa.dway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Marmon North Shore FOR 50 YEARS T H E STANDARD O F Q UALITY , launch was not t here. T heir pier on which we had to wait was covered but not enclosed. and as there was a stiff breeze blowing down the river we hecame chilled through du ring · the forty minutes we had to wait for the launrh. Letter to Local Parish Describes Delayed by Collision Anti-Christian · Demonstrations Jt arrived a little after nine, but ju~t in Far East as we were ready . to start an in-coming steamer struck a big ~hinese j~mk l.;ditor ':,; nutt·: An intt·nst-ly int e r- amLships and smashed tn one Sl(lr. esting- ,letter ha~ IJt>t' ll n ·ct·ive<l by th e Ropes \\"ere thrown over to the thre{' WilmE-tt e Parish .M t-thodist t:hureh from nr. Chestt>r Bt-rtram J{ape, mis- men on the junk and they succeeded it~ sion:u·y-educator in China . who is the climbing onto the steamer. The wreck otlicial n'pre~wntatin · of tht· local ed junk, ho\\"evcr, stuck directly acro~s parish and JWincipal of tht· high school at Chungking. Dr·. and ::\[rs . Rape the prmY of the steamer with the rewet·e in Wilmatt e on fut·loug-h sev e ral sult that it could not make any pro 111011ths ago and w~l · t· widPly l"lllet·- gress against the current. A s she heta.ined in th e parish. ThP le tt e r, pub- longed ~'.) the ~ame company as our lish ed in full here, giv.t>s an unusual msight into conditions in China. at the launch \\·e were called upon to pull the pr·est· nt t imt.>, particularly with ref<·r- junk off the prow of tht> ve ssel. Thi . t' llcf· to the C'UlTt.·nt anti-C'hristian took thre<" -qttarters of an hour and all movenwnt in tht- Far· East. this time \H' wrrc exposed tn th<" rol<L Februan·. 1\ 192(·. Finally, somc ti111c after 10 o'clock. \\' t Dear Friends of · got on hoa rd our stcatntr and :-he 1 The First Methodist Episcopal Church. \\'cighed anchor .at once. \Vilmette, Illinois: The jnttrtH' Y to I lankmY wa ~ \1 11\\·e had purchased ticket s for a l l'Hntful. hut \·e ry :-.low . The river run~ .; teamc..·r leaving Shanghai th e day aftl'r through a very flat country and th e Christmas, hut found that it was an cha111ll'l i, continually shifting. Thi -. English holiday. Boxing Day, and that made it nl·ee:-.sary im th to take :-CilllHI all the bank s, the Customs and all ings very oftt'n and tc1 proceed at half business hou ses were closed. As it \\·as spe<"d a grl'at dl'al of the time . On<" impossible to haY<; our baggage 11wved I intnl':-.ting thing about thi s wa~ th at or to secure a Custom's permit to ship wlwn the lead did not touch bottom tht' our goods, we were forced to postpone nH.·n would sing ont in broken Engli:-h our sailing until 'J'nesdav. December zc;_ ":\o bodY ... meaning of course. tH· At first \H supposc<i that Boxing bottom."Day lllL"ant a day of pugilistic cncount The third day out Paul Da y t(lll clt ers and asked \\'here the "fight" was reloped a vny high tt'tllpera turt' . :\11 'n com<.: off, hut found to our surprise oi us had caught hard C()lds a" a rt'~ult that in England on that day the \\·ell- of the expo!-!ttrt on the morning tha: to -do people "box up" clothing, iood. \H' ldt Shanghai "o \\'l' thought th a~ t<·~· s. etc .. and send them to the poM. \ras all that ailed him . The m·xt IIIO fllTn Sanghai the principal t'\'('tlt Sl't..'llH: cl ing, hnwe\'er, \H' di scon-re d that lw · o he a papt>r hunt. \\" ch coYcred with ra sh . TIH're had h~· c1 ~ Our steamer. the "S. ~- Shenking," an epidtmic of smallpox whik \\T \Hrt · which \Yas to takt us to 1Tankm,· six in Shanghai and \\·e \\Tfl' fL·arful Jt-.; hundrl'd milrs up the Yangtse, \\·as he lttight ha\·c it. \\'c used t..'n·r~ · Jlrt·schcdulcd to sa il at 9 a. 111. on Dernn - caution and tclrph o ncd f<·r a d<·rt or < t:oher 29, and we were told to be at the soo n a" \H' rl'ached Hank(l\, .. \\·c "n1 Cus10111\ Jett~· at 8:30 to takr the much relieved to find that he had noth launrh to the steamer. The night l>v - ing worse than German mea"lt·.. It wa" fore it turned cold and there \\'aS a nry hard though to han· to "tnd hill i hrayy sno\\·. 1' hc next morning a to an j..;olation ho"pital a.; no one would friend drove us tn the Custom's Jctty take us in . The nurses ~pokC' 1 ·n l.' in his car but wh en we arrived the (Continued on page 23) MISSIONARIES BAmE ANTI-WEST MOVEMENT j .... · '«: _ ..... · 1 ... - .. .. . MEN LIKE THESE M ust b~ Healthy UILDERS ot skyscrapers, high up on slender ribbon~ of steel where a mis-step may be fatal - their ~ork is far from hf'ing ea5y. Health, strt>ngth. a quick eye and steadv nerves-these are qual it ic~ they must possess. Watch them at noontime. See how many sit down to a lunch ol sand· wiches and Bowman'5 Milk. Thev "now the quick energy it gi\'eS. They 'now it will replace I he vim and igor spent in the morning'5 toil. !'hey know it will give them 5trength o carry thru the husv afternoon. Y. ou. too. i!hould drink Bowman's \ filk. Rich in crt-am. fresh and pure. ·t is milk at it!- hr!'t: thr ideal milk lor you and yours. Start dri nking t today. B ~ . [ ~-c---~ ---r ,./ 4'-. ,;"' 6 If you b>Ve reached the point where you arc rcldy to build. <O ~~~~ ' tfer ,.,.·ith us. We hav MONEY T O LOAN on ··." NORTH SHORE PROPERTY at Current R ates f' r· ··l F.·;tntl' . I nan Dep'trtment ,., Orrin5!ton .H D:tvi<> ,.,.,., _ ........ ___~~~~-· . DAIR.V COMPANY' ..& "' - EvJmton. lllinoi~ :2.

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