April 30, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 21 Our repair department is equipped to repair every- thing efectrical. Household equipment may . be purchased on ·time payments . ... ~- · · · New Hoosier · ., - Kitchen Cabinet The greatest value ever off~red in a kitchen cabinet. Has double doors; new type flour bin; greater shelf storage space; sliding cutting hoard; white porceliron top; Hour sifter; glassware set; ,iJn·n,·arl· drawer, etc. Unusual at .......... . freight extra TIIE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT * Chambers a::&nse COOKS witA tltc GAS llJRNED Off! we make today is the culmination of months of planning to bring to the North Shore a shop to f ul fi II every housekeeping- need in electrical labor:-i~ving devices that make $39.75 "for ease in the home." Cuts your gas biH m half. Entire meals can be completed without care or attention. Food cooks \~ith natural iuices and flavor; loss through shrinkage is diminished; kitchen kept cool and pleasant; hours of time and labor saved. .\\ "ith ten times the scope of the Oil Burne·r and · Refrigeratit1g Cotnpany, now expanding on broad- A Greater er lines. and re-named Good Housekeeping Shop. ~- New Hoove·r Sii't'Cf>s It JH£.1TS - as it as it cleans . Tnc.: thi~ becomes an institution of immense importance to eYery maker o.f better homes. Appliance~ te . ted and approved by HARDINGE OIL BURNER :\ nc\\'cr, still better Hardinge Oil Burner for the home, with all the tried principles that have made Hardingc so outstanding-ly successful. A special pre-announcement price now available to those who purchase before official data is public. .. It lwab rug s gently: "'n·cps as no hru11m can; thoroughly air-clcansl' k ctriralh· ! It s handv nc\v air-clean ing tu11l-.,. du-.t, dttstl~s " ly. Keeps the l1ome immaculate; saves time, .; tn:ngth. health; make:-; rug s wear yl"ars longer. The Hoover is the complete home -cleaning servant. the Good TTou~e J,:('eping Tnstittttr of c-;ood TTmt. ekrrping- ~Iag· azinc \\'ill he displayed and sold here . Opening Week Specials · t Netv Super I .\ 111 0 r HP:l\!1 ,\ ' i 1' a n · :\I: 1rio n t Elt· ('t ri<' .1 ron. r··L!·- ric Tnn~t~r; a \'illUt' 81 (·, ·- H I a r II $7.GO 0 \\' · · · ~Jlt'!'i:tl now at s:c.;;; SIMPLEX IRONER f1tu Any RefrigeratoT I.:, lYina.tion is refri~£·r . . . . . . . . . $H.:!;; ~unht":1lll Spr·eial <'Up· ~ix- EJ.-·c- 1 ric Tr·nn in fi 1'1' p r n n f rase : !'1 ' L: · Elt ·<·t r k l' <· r <' o I :1 tnr; rP~nlar $~.'iII \' ;I I ll f'. · 0 ' · Bcsi<l<·s it~ aetu:tl saving in money, the new :->impl e x spares you ular 11 Yalue, · ~~Uii) 'l ,,. · · $:!.~:t at iort :1 t that requires no ' . . ...... $7-=t:; . \\.hit, . l 'rns:< · Only tn · :-;impl· ·X t l'k ll ll'llll: 811-cl'Pt:'~ .J .fin () \\' ~:c.H;; JI,' :Itint:· Pads . JTolrl f:lt·ctric t··nti<·JJ. Das and 11 ig ht llJont 11 after lll~>Jltll - it kt<·ps the refr i g·t· ra tor thorough 1~· dlillt·d with clry, frost lt·n . L!· hours of tiresome slarHlin.u: and the exhausting labor of liftin!.!.· a lw:n·y iron hundred~ of times. Small and portable as a sewing· machine-ret eftil'i e nt to do your compld<' ironing whC'n and " ·l!,·rn ,·ou lik l' t o do it that'~ tht> :-;implex. · '. . · · 1 n r 11 hc:1t :-. ll·· tlrs: I' to 111 ht · atin~· ,.,,Jd -· \\· ith none of the ,· ;11·e d··tna n<lt·<l by ice. \' ;l 111 ' ·· I 0 the \\ 'It j I' · El· ··· ll'it· I'·· !...' 111: I i' L: 11 ;1 r:111 m c n t s t r· 0 rl : $7.0fl II 0 \\' WHIRLPOOL can you get all these advantages · I 'l' OI' :' n ·g ular \'<I] llt ·. ll'<·n : .:· I. f"1 1 .1 ll t1 \\' Y:tlltr· . ' .-- ~=~~=::==::;~~~~8. 1. Hcautr. 2.. aidy. 1 Speed: .capacit)' .. Simplicity. 5. \\'ringer \\·ith s0 f t rubber rolls. 6. Occupies !itt k space. 7. Burnished copper tub. . . . . . . . . $:t:.::. l1 ·nn: .~ 1 :; . II f) llll\\' I·: 1, ·,·I r i 1 · w a ff I 0 l't · ~ 111 :ll' \ . : I ltl!' . . . . · · · · · ........ 1 lt :-;:;,:w 11 p llt· rs t ·1 ::;tn.uu ::;t u.:;n (,\II' l- in~· 1 ·: I' 'I' t I' i I. lrr,JJ; rcg·- · · 1· :1 t1 ,. l·'l :ls l.lli~llt s -· COlli pl t·(t· :1 lint ·. Tit~ · J.:,·,.n r : ,, ,\. \1 1 :t I' $2 .:.11 !lOW \':tlltt·. · · :\l:tzda Lamp s - till' fl't>Sl1·tl 1.; i n d a r t · f r n s t - ··d iusi·lt.·. Dirt filter. J. F. 9. S i n g l e profit Pres. manufacture . Ke~nedy,. ~· WHITE CROSS ELECTRIC STOVE-Toasts, nickel Harry R. Kay, Sec. & Treas. tries. cooks, boils. Black enamel finish, tri,·:mccl. T\\·o~ntrner, as illustrated, $6.00 value. special at $~.95; Oneburner, $1.90 value, special $}.35 · Goon HousE 508 Davis St., Evanston· ~lNG " SHop, Inc i/nt J}te ftll!11l- Telephone U niversit)r 213 2 ...... FORMERLY OIL BURNER AND REFRIGERATING COMPANY