April 30, 1926 t ~ WILMETTE LIFE I. · ~ I oil 1 - ,. ) I> ..I ... ~ A WELL BUILT HIGH CHAIR It is designed so that it can not be easily upset. It is finished in ivory enamel. The price is , .... .I .. ' I .i '$2.95 IIORTHERN FURNITURE (;0, 5770 f I ' This well built combination mahogany Secretary D esk, fi·nished in mahogany, is prt<ed at S39~oo · A Nine Piece Walnut Dining Room Set The Buffet is 60 in. long and has an exceptionally large linen drawer and a padded si lver drawer. The table is 45 in. by 60 in . and extends to 8 feet. The chairs are covered with a very fine blue and taupe damask. The en tire set is finished in a dull walnut . The pric·e of the table, six chairs, buffet and china cab~net i~ . . -... l - It is typical of values to be found in Secretarv Desks at Brown- Umlandt's. · No matter · what size, style, price or finish you want in a Secretary Desk yo...1 will find it here. $148-oo OLD FOR NEW AND NEW FON OLD rou may 110'W , .· · ' .. I .. , .. J haz1e tlze new fumidesired so lo11g, ·withof this type can be u sed 111 nul fnsi11r; · what '\'Olt think '\'Ottr old an\' room in the house. It piccrs ar;. 'WOrth .· Visit tile store and i· sho,vn in a variety of st'l,·ct your 11Cll.' group. ll 'c 'li.·ill gi<'C ynu a fair estimate of 'i.\.'lwt _\'Ollr old good cretonne~ and priced piecrs arc worth to one -zclro call usc at thcm-talw tlzcm ojf }'Our hands. flacc them in our Exrlza11gC' Depart- · i mcnt al!d credit your new rurchaSt'. Or '\'Oil mav 11sc this credit as a first I pa_ni~fll f on- an cxtendt·d pa_\'l11Cllt ac- : comlllnrlation. or cash on a cash pur-.:. I·~· chose. ·!o furc you han· A PRACTICAL COMFORTABLE CHAIR 1 . 1 I $13.95 A Living Room Group ~~ You Would Always Be Proud of. It ca n be had in a selection of very good coverings, including a BelTHREE-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM GROUP This set was built accoraing to our own specifications. The drawer interiors are quartered white oak , they are dovetailed back and front and the case s are dust-proof throughuut. The panels are five-ply A..mcrican walnut and the posts tre quartered red gum. · It is ' ROWN - UMLA~DT quality through and thruugh . giumfast Linen. are The two pieces ., $l4?~so O,tl l l lfl lili/!'i ,~ ~· ~.0 ,. · '-1UII~r .I~ ., ,... .,.,. · .. .:. · 6\· ~.:~ -.1 The Thr·ee Pieces &9S.oo