April 30, 1926 WILMETTE · LifE Theatre Guild Gives a Fine Performance of Enchanted April · "The Enchanted April." an adaption from Elizabeth's novel of the same name, was presented for the first time by any except the original company, as the final production of the North Shore Theatre Guild. · Hold Funeral Services For Alice A. Butterfield Mrs. Alice M. Butterfield, 155 West Elm street, Chtcago, die·d of pneumonia ·at her home on Monday of this week. She was a sister of Mrs. Har:-iet L. I Fitch, of 1033 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Butterfield. was ~3 ye~rs old ~nd had ~)een promment m phtlanthroptc work 111 Chtcago for many years. For many years she was a member of the boards of the Wesley and Temperance hospitals and was for a kctg time a trustee of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Funeral services were held at the Grace church \V ednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and buria-l was at Graceland c<·meterv. Mrs. Butterfield had li\'cd in Chicago since 1861. .. Telephonf. you1 orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll . . ~ ' . l. It was creditably produced and one departed from the performance with a feeling the guild could \\·ell be proud of its farewell appearance for the season. The action of the play took one from the ante-room of the Shaftsburv Avenue Woman's club, London, to castle in Italy in early April, the month of enchantment. The story, in hr:cf, con· cerns itself with four women anxious to be relieved from domestic and social problems and ennui, who arc in search of a vac<~.tion 'in a manless Eclen in the land of ':Romance in the springtime. Their peace and happiness of mind, however, results from an Eden no longer manless, and the happy solutions of the·ir problems .is solved through a series of clever and humorous situations. The high-lights of the a·c ting were supplied by Mrs. Laird Bell. as Mrs. \\t·illiam Fisher, who gave just the right touch of austere dignity and snobbishness·, to her part; by Helen Sanford, who gave to Lotty Wilkins, the wistful, wishful, quaintness of her character, and by ]. Lincoln Gibson and Mrs . Donald McPherson, who as Dominica and Francesra, rcsperti,·ely ga,·c a true touch to the voluble. excitable ltalian servants. Miss Isabel Cline, who made her first appearance with the guild in this production, Julia Hanks, Hardy M. Ray, George F. Brewer, and E. Lyman, Jr., all enacted the characters they portrayed, pleasingly. BD ~~~~ ~.MJ3f~JM ~A11Kf 1557 SHERMAN AVEN\JE Evanston a Read the· Want Ads Your ·Fortune ·Teller Il n· prt·~t·n ts the sea- nto:-;-:: popular viand~ . \\-hate\' t:r is obtai nahlv i 11 frc~h \'t· g-d a ulc:-;, lilt' a ts and :,;eafocHi l ' Hil always h e i1<td hl·n· at moclcratt: prit ·t·:-;. St·r,·it·t· ~len Juln t ht· .\nll"rlcnu Lt·giou! son' s Tempting Service MAC'S Bowling Lunch 11 MOST fortune tellers make a. living by helping us believe that otlr dreams will come true with no further effort on our part than the . exercise of a little patience. There is a "fortune" teller iri our hank who, if visited regu. larly, \viii not only prophesy but will absolutely guarantee good fortune and financial independ· ence. We . refer to the Receiving Teller in our Savings Depart· ment. Here is one fortune teller you can believe in-visit him at your first opportunity. .. I ... I · .· ' .. Mrs. C. Capen and her mother, Mrs. C. W. Culbertson, of 919 Elmwood avenue; were joint hostc:-; ses at a vanishing luncheon last week for the benefit of the Woman's guild of the Congregational church . J 1 1 59 A. M. to Midnight Wilmette Ac:enue Phones Wilmette 2600-2601 Wilmette, Ill nt Main Stree 4 ,- ' ~ · Motors Serviee, lne. Everything fot the Automobile <li · ~J, I ; ~ We Rave lust ""1 .. ,,. .... ., I I ... Got to Have Some Good Weather - First National Bank of Wilmette The Home of Sa.vings Depositors ~· · I ' ' ~ IL pretty soon. Will your enjoyment of the first warm day--be spoiled by a squeeking, rattling, jumping car? Let us tune it up for you. A. B. Van Deuaen J. C. Slown ··service Men-Join the American Legion! .. ·'~-