Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1926, p. 7

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April 30, 1926 Vv' I L M E T T E LIFE 7 .. '· · ..... · · ·NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Comlllerce) Friday, April 30 i :30 p . 111. \\'ilmctte Chapter. R. A. Expert Forester to Supervise Wilmette Opera and Drama Club ~1 .. ~I a :-- onic hall. Boy Scouts in Tree Conservato Stage Production at School Monday, May 3 f.: I' · 111. \1L·<·ting. l'hambn of Comtion Enterprise May 5, 6 and 7 tl!l'l'l't' . \ T illage hall. Tuesday, May 4 I·:<J,,·ard Pcjdl";.; :-urc-firt cumedy :,uc:\ :-. p l' f' i al 11H ·l' t i 11 g n i t hc I·> , c c lt t i n· 12 :1~ Ji .. ll l. Lunrh<·c,n. \\'ilnll'ttl' Op ('(11Jlll li '1l'l' 11i tllC' \\ 'iltnct ll' ~l'< 1 1l1 Ct'~'. " :\ P;tir oi ~i-'L' ~ ... ,,ill be prctin Ji, i. club . L;tJ..:l· ~h(lrt' ' 1\·rra cv . ll la - tt·r . . a ~-- i·Ciaticlll j.., hl' illl!' r: Jikd t h i:,t·Jltl·d Ly till' \\' illnl'ttL· Opna and i :.)fJ 1' · 11 1. \ .illagl' Dc,:ml :..rl· t· ting, \\'t ' ('k tc1 g l'l tlH· trc<· -. urn·\· ()j \\' il Dr:tllla club at tilt 1~ .' rt·ll C. ~tolp \ illa :. T h.tll. lll('ttl' unckr ".;t\ . Tl1i -- ~ ~lr'n·:, ': ;.t . . ~ u · · ·1 ~ :00 I' · Ill. \\ ' iln~t·tt t · Ca tllp. ~u. ~ r 11 uo 1 Ill' .\ t \ \'L·clne~ rhy. Thursday and g c ··tt·cl n·n·ntl .\· 1,,. \ dl:t ~ t · [ rl hl t't' 1111\-t. .\fcHil'm \\.noclml'n <lf Friday L ' n n i 11 g ", ~ 1a y :; . (i and 7, at l'l;trc·J lt·<· 1·:. lh:t \' t r, t' ilai r lll :Jl l i·l tl ~t· 1 .\ ltl l'l"il' ;t tl. ( ldd i<'l'llc,,, ·.., hall. Public ~<·n· ir e r~lli ll ll i ttt · t · u i thl' \ "il j i-l :1:; o'clock. The Jll'<·ducticll\ i ~ being Wednesday, May ~ lagl' IH,ard. ;1 . , a "lt'JI tr·\\ ;1rd tht· prc · I I "tag ecl under the au-.pice :-- of the ~1cth 12:1~ p . 11 1. Lun ciH·c·n. \\.ill nl't tt.: 1\c ,~ l'n· :t ti<lll <,f \\"ill ll t·ttl'\ hl': Ju t iiJ d ~l1: 1<k ta n r lull . ( )ll illl lt' t lt' Cotlllll'\' rlt!h . ocli . . t Dt·;tr c,n c . . . . Orphanagl' at Lake tr crs. . Thursday, May 6 . I BluiT. t11 " hich th e pr()cctd!:-1 \rill go. ~ (' !1\lh i . t· l"ll l));i \l' (' Jlill l!-:' h !11 ht· lp ill 7 JfJ Ji . 111. \\ "ill llt t tl' Lodl!.t', '\'r1 . X(J2. Thi~ play i. . a rr 'lncdy oi bu ~ incs:, till· ~!lr\'(' \ ' \l i11J II I! li !Jil \\( IJ' k \ll}(lt- 1' ;ti l \. 1 : :tn<l .\ . ~1 .. ~la ~ ~·nir l!a11 . (' XJi t' rt ic ;rl' :-. ft ·r. h11t ,, ·ill n ·r t·i "l' rr< ·dit ~ J·. 111. .\ . T. ~ h n111 a n l, r.d. !.!t', '\' n. ' life. conc l' rning th e a<h·cnture:. of t\\'o I pa rtnt: b " 1 . the , <1rug (·11 111ap -tnaki11g a1Hl l1ikinL: ll!i lv :Jg l' ;t . . ~ 1 1 2. I. ( l . ( ). I; . ( ldcl Fvlln\\ ':- hall. 1< 1 .;trt tn;,!; tg- Lcl 111 1 \\·c:ll. trl\rarrl ii ·rt·,t r., . ll ln it ],ad L:"t " · ;t L '- I Friday, May 7 ,hu :-- in(' :. ~. Ea ch thi ilk:-. that he alone is co rdin g Til l'h-pu t.'(.' cll ll ll li,..,it ll!'l'l" 7 :30 I'· 11 1. \\"il m t·tt v l'I L1 p1L' r. 1~ . ~ . I n:~ pon :, ible tor the ~ uuc~ s of the busiCC'nrL:"e R Jiarbam.:h . \1 .. \fa , OJiil' hall. ne ~ =--. and the rl':-ul't i11g qn;trrds cause Plat hrH1k " h;tn · hc ·\·1 1 c·rdnt·d fo r rl' R p . 111. \\ ' iln·albhr nn k Enc;ll ll pll1l'llt. t ht t " o 'to decide to di :-. soiYe their partrording in thr f1t·ld the clata u ... l' d b\' ~~~ . 17/. I. ( l. < l. F., < )dd Fl.' II<,\,.·,. nvr:--hip. They ca11 in their la\\'yl'r for trre wardrns gl'nnalh·, inrllHiinl! 'ttch hall. I thi:, JHtrpo '- L ', but l· :u11wt agree on any itt·m -; a . . "ll( 'rie . . . di;;llll'ln. Ctl;Hliti()n ·-P..--r_e_s_b_y_t_e_r-ia_n_M __ e_m_b_e_r __ s ____ , pI an he pmpo :, c "· Finally he induces and lc·ration oi tr l' c·-.. Thi -. hu . . int':- ' of thvm t'> play a hand of poker to decide rl'rc1rcling i-, 11<1\ "l1at t·n·n· IH1\· ran Observe Family Night "l!ich will run th~..· lHl::,inC'~" alone for do, it i-, explain('<!, ;tnd \\ .ill r~ · quirc ~ft·m1 t·r-. of the Fir--t Pre . . h\'ttrian a year, the lo ser tn act a:-. lmtlt.· r in the 1 ~pl'cial qualitlr:tti()n-.. flnh· t\n·ln Sr(luts \\·ill lH· ~l'krtt'd at l~r . . t. thc..;t· rhurch an: to t·njm· a Church j:amih· "Illlle(s home. :nning-, ).1 ay (1, ;it Announce Cast hcing di\'id{'(l in tn ic,ur ere\\" c1i thrcl' ~orial Tlmr . . day L Thl' plav i:- fllll (It dramatic ~itua Srout..; l'ach . Thi :-- li lll itL·d Jllll11hn j..; .-.: n'rlurk in the church parlor~. This ach·i . . ahlc in c 1r<lv.r t l1a: t ht· f()J'l" le·r ma\' i.., anilounncl a~ the ncc:t:-;ion for a · tion~. alth~np.d1 it ha~ a laugh to the gtncral ";..:ct arqua!nt~.: d" I~let:tin§~ oi minutt . 'l'h~ ra~t i ~ r;ipahlc and i:. in k('('jl in (')0 -., l' \(JltCh \\·it 1J 1hl' work ;tll tilllc~ and gi,·L· hi t'-'Jll'rt in . . truction thl' Jllt·mJ,~..·r~. a :-<!rial ll1t'L·tmg ot thl' 11110 :--t ca:-.L'" familiar to \\.ilnldtl' amli ~u that the noll':' taken m;l\' he 1he ~d~kr llll'lllhns \\' l~h those who have l'lll'l':-- thrcll.tgh other productions of the J<l.llH'd the chnrrli 111 recen.t \\'l't'ks .. lt : club . lt i . . < h iolkJ\\':>: 11. \Varren pcnnancnt record c,f thl' tree s·. ~nil ht· thc.la-,t g_tnl'ral ~oc1al gathenng Skt\\ Ctril T. ).lorg-an, En-l\'ll JohnStart After School Year Ill the pan . . h l1eL11·e the o...ummcr YacaI' 1 I 1t ·,r 1 l so11. ,a_~ n1otH ,unc s r()ll\, .\ ay anc The ~ un· c,· " ·ill hl' nnckrtakl'n "(10ll tit·ll ~~..·a~on. _ _ _ _ _ _ Challinor. J o:-.l'ph How arc!. l~ohert aitn tht· clo~t · "' thl' pn·,ent ~rhool MARRIAGE A SURPRISE ~mit h . . \rthu~ Cuuk, 1/?r~l.thy C .. Shaw, n ·ar. acr(lrding to tht· plan..; now being .\ marria~e that ha " come as a com- l:.mm~· -Lou ho . . heq!. 1. 1. :\mtm and wnrkl'd nut lJy rutlllll i ...... ioncr lT a rhaugh, . . 'I ru "tl't' Dran-r :tnd l'. L. \l;t, oi the pkte :--!trpr,ise to his friends, is that I l·.,· ~..·lyt.1 PPrt... (li l; rl'<krid.: \\'. fri-.IJ and ).l j..;.., Sar:1 Dunng the J.ntl'l"llll:-.~H'n heh\'C<:n .the Dan·y 'l'rn· .ExJ '< ·rt l·n n1pan\·. . "Trt· t· ~ and tilt' la k l' 111 ;tl. . t: \\ 'illlll.'ll(' Jarn l1', \\'hich took place ~fonda_,. Ja~t 1:--n'<I~HI <tlld. th1rd acts a no,·el mu~tc~l brg('ly ,,.l1at it is - <·lH: c1f th e llnc..;t ;tt thc l.'rirh-\ hr~t~ll' in . l-\.110:\\·ilk. Tel~ll., I "I . ILTialt.\· \\Jil.he pr~· :-. l'l~tc::<l . lncl~Hled 1111 · the ra..,t \\'lllrh w1ll turlll:>h th1s part n·-- idl'llt'l' r<lll llllll ll il il' ' ;,, : lw r··llntn·." \1r. Jn . . h ;tncl l11:-. ],ndt· an· rctur 111 n < -.aid Tru . . ttT ]) r; t-'l'l' tl li . . \\ n·k i11 l:,,;n - to \\' illnl'lt l' tlJi, \\'.l'l'k. and \\ill re~id~ ' c1i th~.· pr<'.~Talll arc C. \'irgil Lc\\·i:-; and ll ll' lltim: (Ill tilt' p rc "Jll'rti\l' ' lll'\'l'\' at 1133 t ·t·nt ral a\ l'llttl' . \1 r . 1ri~h i:-; Bahe ('hri . . t i;tll'-t'll, \\·ho will h~.· l'l'llll'l\l. . : hnL·<l irc·lll thl' rluh·, la:- t ~ho\\· , "In "\ · i ~ it(lr , tc· , \\ ' iln lt'llt' irt·lll ;til pari, 'L' l'l' l'tary oi the ~nidl'r-l'azcl Drn . ' r )Id \ . i L 'll 11 a ... oi the r uuntr. 1· a rc· ]':t r tirularl~ illlprv~ ~ \ ( l r l'. ' l'rl "ith ()ltr hl'autiitd ... !J ;i!k trt'l' ' . 'l'hl' ~llr\'t~· 1,,. t]H· nc1y :-;l'(ltl\" j.; thl' hl'gin·· ' I n illL:'. ii i . . hopl'd, <'i a :- ,·,tt'lll:ttir l'i {rlrt to ron-.nH· thi, y;tJ11:;1dl' a . . :-.t·t" MAKE PLANS FOR TREE SURVEY THIS SUMMER "A PAIR OF SIXES" IS NEXT CLUB PLAY Auto Repairing Guaranteed Work Rusnnable Rates Ross Skelton 4 1 o Prairie Ave. Wilm~tte 3 55 5 l A wtll dcC'Matl.'cl entrance wclcoml'. t<· \\'l'lct,mt· ~pells Paint your doon\·ay \\'hat the tdl you the iall sea~on. We c~titnatc \\ill cheerfully ancl Pl.'tcr paint \\·ill co . . t ~ <lll on any job Paint \\ill how to apply it. Wilmette Window Shade & Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor Glass, Picture Framing, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering and Art Materials. at 1 Linoleum and Wallpaper 1 I 3 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3493 I Slivver of Steel Costs Robert Blasdell an Eye F r icl a_\' lw ~ pital. (I PALACE CASH Univ. 2720 THE· HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman .Ave., Evanston i 1a~ t '\'C'L· k · at t h v F '"an . .·ton Robert Bla~dc·ll. :,on oi \1 r. PHONEMARKETPHONE Uaiv. 2720 Shoulder Pork Roast .. l and \ft.. . \\"illia111 Bla:-;rkll. oi 3().~ F(lurth :-.trl'l't, \\.illlll'tk, unclt·r\\cnt an operation for thC' rt!ll(l\·;tl ni hi . . right eye. intn \\·hich organ. a \\'l·ck prn·iou:-;, a slinn 1r(llll a nail hl'c-ttlllt' illlhccicled so deeply that all L·Hort t() l'l'lllO\'l' it pro,·L·d futik. \fr. Bla . . dl'll \\'as engaged in the roll~trul'tion (If a radio set \\'hrn thv accident occurred. He \\·a . . h;t~tL'tH·d to a speciali:;t and the most po\\'crful Jllagneb \\TH' hr()ttght into pJa,·, hut the slin·rr of sterl was so dccpi,· im hl'ddl'd that it ,,·a . itnp <1ssihle t.o attract it. 'l'hl' other e\·r. it i:' said, is n()t affected b~- the i~1jury and operation, and ~f r. Blascll'il i:> grtting along nicely and t·xpc:cts to he able to lcaye the hospital Yery soon. Why Not let us cook and serve you a fine Milk Fed Leg of Veal CHICKEN DINNER ON SUNDAY? 11:30 a.m. to 8:30p.m. 24V2c Fresh Pork Tenderloins 25V2c ~lbs. Very Best Baeon (Sliced) $1.25 Choice Pot -$1- Roast ., .. AT P. T. CONGRESS \f r~. L. L. Kimball of Evanston, social director of the Kational Kindergarten and Elementary college, attended the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers at Champaign-Urbana this '"eek. The meetings of th~ Congress were held in the new ...auditorium of the Agricultural building of the University of Illinois on Tuesday, W ednesday and Thursday. 65c 18c and22c The ~==~~ -~~~ -~~- . . 39lf2e Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisf'Y Headquarters /or Fresh Dressed Poultry t 4 '

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