Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1926, p. 43

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- 6 ~pril 23, 1926 WilMETTE LIFE 43 STATE ROAD BUILDING IS SERIOUSLY BLOCKED Failure to Settle Right-of-ways Stumbling Block in $60,000,0«)0 Program Fete Ellen Stryker · and William Cook Prior to Wedding l' A nnmber of affairs were given for :.ri ss Ellen Stryker of Chicago prcredit1g her marriage nf \Villiam Ewart I Conk. so·n of :.rr. and ~lrs. Thomas F. lllinoi:t road-building activities under Cook ni (>2) F.kHnth street. Thursthe $.60,000,000 bond is:-.u~ pr~gram, da:'- ~n·ning,. April 22._ . have come practically to a stop be- 1 r~H· --first ot the parttes was gtvcn by cause right-of-way cannot be settled :.fi-;s .-\_rlelaide \:'olfe _of Chicago, w~o over 224.79 miles of high\\'ay-;, accord- I t_ntertamed at dmntr 111 h:1nor of M~ss · T to information COilll)iltd 1)\· 111g - the Stryker. Thl' next . was a surpnsc . · highway department of the Chicago part _ ,. and :-ho,~·er g~ven at the bnde s i honw hy the h 1tt r ~quare cla -.;s of the ~1otor . club. Ra Hth\\'(Jod ~Itt hodi:-,t Episcopal Furthermore, thc-;e ,.224.7<) miles 111ust chmch. Otlwr n·rent afT airs werl' the he completed beforl' t.he . . tate high\\'a\· shower ~in·n i~>r :.1 is ... Str_,·kcr hy htr oflicia ls mav begin \\·ork 011 the $100.'- ~o rority at ~Ill' home of_ ~lis:-. Irene ~ C h U lt 1'. ; a d 11llll' r a II cl 1 >rl d g l' \\' I 1 IJ :\ f r. 000,000 program; therefore. the out- and ~1 r:-,_ \1 . 1·:. \\'ooley of Chicago lonk for extensive ru;~Jl-huilding by the host and l}()..,t<:..,:-.: a bridge and -,h ::nvcr state this vear is not encouraging. J.!irt·H ior .24 gu~-;t:-- by \{is s Dorothy \Vork that was stopped when cold Hnse oi 7:13 '1\n·lith -,trcd, \Yhcn rainweather set in last fall will, of course, hO\\' rolr.r . . " nL· thed in decoration hl· fini:-.hcd . and the Lt\·or., \H'ft' ... mall bride-;maid:-. L'nder the heading "right-of-wav not · bouquet:-;. . ermed hut :-.ati:-.i~;ctur;· progres~ he - i \I r .... II. \\ 'arrvtl ~ha\\' oi Chir~go, ing marlr" there arc 25A7 mile~ hrld up inrnwrly oi \\ ' ilmctte, gaH a h;1d~e ;1., iollo\\·:--: H!lutt· 11. Badrn-lladcn ancl litH·n shmHr. .-\ bachelor dmncr "i'ur, (, mil<:;';: rout· 12, French Village i \\'as hl·ld at the :.rorrison hotel for () l ·:~lSt St. T ,(Jtti:', -t mile-;; route 13, :.1 r. c(lOk, and tht· dinner for the Jkll~ville to Ea:-.t St. Loui-;, 9.6 miles; bridal party wa:' g iv en \Vcdncsday rnnte 13. at Jbrrishurg. 2.31 miles; l'\'l' ning at 1\fi:-.:-; Stryker's home, 4244 mute 20. west of :.r cl Ienn·. 3.50 mile . . · Xorth :\-;hland hou lc,·ard. L'ndn the.: han "right-oi-\ra\· not ser u n· d. p ro. L:-rl' :-.:-- 11 n :-.at is fact or;·" rom c 1Jo.18 miles to bt divided up into the 2%MONEY i nllo\\'ing proierh : Houte ~- from Clin- 1 Have funds to Io::tn on choice improved ~orth Shore Suburban 11111 north. (iJ)3 tnilt·..;: route 3. Xameoki residence property at 5 1h% int) East St. Louis. (> milt·..;: route 4, at I ll·rest. See us on renewals. L)ntiac, 2.17 mile..,: nt\\' route 7 on the I E. G. Pauling & Co. 11 n r t h side n f t h t' T 11 in o is r i n ·r 1> t't \\' e en 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Ottawa and La Salle. 1!.7() milrs: route 1J: Pinckney,·i\le l1l \·ergL'nlle-;, 14 miles; route 14. at Carmi. 1 milr: route lo. at Stauton, 7J mile-,: rnutr lR frnm ' Sandwich to :.r ~nd ota. 22.5S milt·s; route 30. at Princeville, I milr: rnute ..)}, north('a:-;t of Rtt:'hvilk. ().7 mile": routr 31. at ~utnnntm; 2.7 milr~: rnutr Fm~merly ·Ward & B1tch.lroTz JR. hrt\H'l'n Fieldon and llardin. 7 milrs: route 30. Blonmingtnn tfl F:1rmrr City·. 21.0R miles: routr 40, from Ster - ' lin~ to Chadwick. 1R milr:-;: route 43. \f asnn City to Ea'>ton, 7J mile-;. You can recom"J)i..,scntion amnng local peoplL· a<; to mend us when the loratinn" is hnlding up the compktinn occasion demands or 20.13 mile..; nf' thr fniiO\\·ing "1ate professional atr 1l:trls: Routr 1. at Harri"burg. 2.01 tention for Inilt·-;: routr 22. at Lal.:-r Forr"t, 1J2 friends, relatives ntile~: route 23. from route 18 nt·ar and acquaintFarh~llr to Ottawa. 16.8 mile _ ~nces. Lady A.rsi~tant Tlll're are three cases in court and , Ulltil final decisions arc rendered in all Ambulance Service oi them no work can proceed on the 43 miles im·olvcd. These ca es include mute 3. the Virginia section, 4.28 miles: mute 13, from Sparta to PinckneyYillc. : 2o.02 miles: route 24, from Springfield 1 to Rochester, 12.7 miles. 1 1 1 Unusually Low Coal P .r ices Now in Effect For the Lawn Black Dirt Lawn Lime Fertilizers Edinger ·& Sons Established 1907 University 5035 Wilmette 641 .. 642 1 · I SV B. B. WARD FUNERAL DIRECTOR h II FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON f tt~~ssel-~e" In Parchment K.id, Patent Leather and Black Satin- with 2)1' inch heels 'S·~o fJTJt II Stil,., PHONE UNIVERSITY 600 In Parchment or Gt.r Kid, Black Satin Patent Leather ana 's·~o We are Exclusive Agents for 1315 Church Street A c h n. r m i n g- !l - ron rn j; h i n g·1e res lilt' n c e of u n us u all :> home 11 k e a t mosphC'l'(>, with 4 baths, sleeping porch, Yaryan lwat and garage. Thf' price is $25,000.. 00. Mode of the Parisian 'Boulevards' fRie ~HB "TaJ.ui-Tit" and the ~til~' ue typical examples of the inBuence of French Design oo the New SprinJ atyles. . The short "Prtnchf' vamp AND NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES 500 Davis Street Greenleaf 161 7 acce=ttuating the graceful line of the high arch gives a diitincti ve note of "styk cbt~rMitr" to these shoes.

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