April 23, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 41 l' II · 1).! l' l' :-t I~ ld U. S. S. REPUBLIC Will Carry Boys Home BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! a l' d ... h t2 d r 11 The "On to Europe" Campaign has just started. Register now and enjoy the. fun. · Every boy in New Trier High School is eligible to enter this campaign. Every boy will be paid for his services. . The boys already entered are enthusiastic about its work. There are still·· thirty two actual working . days, not counting Sundays, plenty of time for a boy entering now to win the much coveted trip to Europe in June. We will keep open house in ·Room 303 at the High SchOol every day after 2:15 P. M· . Register now for your European ·vacation. . . ~--------------------------------------~~--~1