36 WIL""ETTE LIFE April 23, 1926 First Church of Christ, Scien·tist WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Announces a Free Public Lecture on LEGION STARTS DRIVE Displays Health Wants One Million .Members by Next· Films to Pupils Fall ; Sixty Thousand Ia . Illinois on Local Schools Quota Mrs. H. K. Palmer, ~ u pervisor of t he Chicago Tuberculosis Institute nurses in the northern section Cook CountY, ~pent three days last week showit;g hcalt h films to the hoys and girls in her territory. . Ol1 \iVednesda~·. she !-bowed ' Jmks and Tomm\' Tttckcr's Tooth in Arg-o. On Thursdzn·, these \\'C'rc seen by St. Joseph's an(! District Xo. -37 schools in \iVilmettc . On Friday by the Mount Carmel and the ·public schoob in 1fclrose Park. Mav 1 is l\;ational Child H('alth cby and the Chirago Tuhercnlo~is Tnstitute of which Mr~. Palmer is a rcpresentativc is · · tn-ing · · t0 do all in its power to promote the health of. th_c children at this . ea~on. although 1t 1s impossible in eY<·ry ra~c to adhc:c to the one day, as the program 1. !->O 'de S pread · Wl It is all part of the work of the Christmas seal. of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Monday Evening, April 26, 1926· at 8:00 o'clock by Dr. Walton Hubbard, C.S.B. 1temhcr of the Board of Lectureship of ThC' 11other Church, The Fir~t .Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ~Iassachusetb. l In the Church Edifice CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET, WILMETTE, JLL ~I r~. Charles E. Hastings of 1133 Central Cl\'l'lltH.' entertain('<} the EYening cluh at <linncr at her home Saturday, April 17. II Talk f!1NTO" the Telephone Clearness of tone when speaking over the telephone insures that the person at the distant telephone will hear and understand your message. The tele]!hone service is sometimes unjustly blamed for poor transmission when the fault is really with the user. To obtain the best result speak directly into · the telephone, with lips close to but not touching the mouthpiece. Speak in a moderate tone of voice and not too rapidly. ;BOmpliance with these suggestions will imp.rove the service to all users. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM 1 \\'hen l'nmlllander John R. McQui1.w calls the national convention of th e: Atncrir.a n Legion to order at Philad ('] . . phi a · next fall it is exp·e cted that t iH goal of 1,000,000 members, 60,000 < ; :· them from l llinois, wi ll have been r1 . alized . fn Cook county an intcn ~ i n effort tn co-operate in this aim is bci n..: Jllade ln· Legion chiefs unrlcr the d··· rection ·(If Claucll' L. Fouharc, Jun it · \·ic ·-Commander ni the Department r : lllinois. · Sr< 1 tt \\·. Luca!'->, Commander of tl1 1 Dcpart 1ncnt of Illinois, sounds the kt·~ · note ni the campaign in the follnwin )..' stattnH'n t : .. . ') , . ~\hen John k ~fcQt11gg \\<LS elt~t< r. natl~Jil<ll . ron1n:ande: . of :hr Amen~:tt. Legt_on r~t Om<tha l.lst October hr 111 1~ tnecltatcly cnnvc~·ed a mcs . age to · :d; . .1 Lrg1u11 ~t;~te ucpartlllcnt~ requc s ~In l-' tha~ they tnform the va.nou.; LeglC:l. nane -; thr0ughout thctr respectnt State ~ . to di~sipate their 19211 rn('rg ,· in selling the Legion to tl10. e on ti l( outside \\'ho arc eligible hut for \·a ri(nl ' rca~on..; remained without the gat< The Commandn's goal is to H'C< 1 r<l 1.000,000 meJnhcrs when thl' Adjuta n: ralls tlw roll at th<" national COn\·entinL in Philacl!'lphia. anrl \\'(: in Illinois haw been a-.-,iglJL'd a qu()ta of o.,Om!' (,0_0(1(· f nr t h l' p rc·s <' 11 t y L' a r. More Mem bers H e r e "Thl· Department c·f lllinoi~ ha~ l( :_ , om c time pa-,t rcalizt·cl the 11Cct'ss ity n: -- tcqlping the leak in the memher ... hit· dike. and last n·ar, under the l('adn.,h it of H oward Ji. Sa\·agc , \\' f' mm·<·d fc·· \\'ctrd a ft.,,. point . . "Tht· .-\nlnic:tJl T,q~i(ln in t h(' ~t;~tr · of lllinr.i-, ha-, (J,!lllO mnrc tlle11lhl'r" tha :·. it had o11c H·<tr agn t(lda\', and tl11 r!Iid rca -.. on ·fM this increa ~ e is a bett n t1 n d n' t and i 11 g a n d ;J t r lll'f rc· a Iii"; 1 tion hy < ·xcruti\·l· cr·lt ll11ittc<·nH·n, PO '- ! Cl>tnnt ;indn--. anrl :tcljutant :-; . and ()thl' : tlwughtiul Lt'gi()nnaries. ;1 , tn what thc :\mniran l.cgirlll i. . cl1>i11g in a (' (\1 ~ "tructiYc· \\'a~·. "\f('ll arv gr<l\\'ill , L: nl<kr e:1ch da' Thl'_,. arv tJlnn· rt·ad\· t11 rc1 - (lpl'ratc and J.,c,k. at l : tr~.:vr prrdd!'llh in a \'l'r -- atil< and llthvlli~h wa\·. :ttld tl11· r.Jcl l>rrach hc·t\\ l'l'tl l'tH·k .('rltttth· and D(l\\·n · ~!:ttl' lt:t, gradual! _ ,. di . . appl·arl'cl unt ll thl' tinH· Ita , arr>:('d \\'h<'n h;tnnnn,· pn.TaiJ, altl1<1~t t'\'('1'\'\\herl', and af1L·:· '.l'\'t'll Yt':tr:-. ni youtilfttl <"xpnit·nre i1. an ()rganizatir11l that n ·prhcnt . : a crrl'-'· o.;cctintt (Ji nTnthi11g \Hlrth \\ hik in :\nll'ri can tncl:l\-: I :tl;t firmh· COil\'incc d that the titllt' . Ita-, arri\'C·rl \\·ht·n thl' :\m('riran Lt'J!ion " ·ill ~r1 ir,r\\;trrl Yl ·.a ;· ' niter n ·:tr ;trHI inrn· :hl' it:-. llll'lll.Lt :·-.hip ." . y ·· , , Local Youth on Winning Harvard Debating Team D. \\'. Chapman . . (,f \Vilmc-tte , a iuni(lr in I ran·;trcl r ltll'gC', " ' :l S a lll{'lll · hn r1f thl' cleh;ttin .~ tcan1 ,,·hich ddeat l'd tlll' PrincctCIIl dt"hatr·r, at Princ(' tnn r<'rcnth·. Tlw cla-.h \\·a..; th(' la...r of t hl' I r;; n:t rd- Prinrvton tria fH!tJlar serie~. in which TTanarcl had alrrach· ddratl'd YalC'. · The q 11 e. tion. "Re-.olnd, that ednrat ion is the c11rsl' nf the modern a, g(',., ,,·ao; t reatrd with ron-.:iclnahle humnr both h~· Chapma n a nd l1is col league: and th (" ir opponents. Chapma n a rgued t hat "ed u catio n harde n -; t he mind, t ltirkc ns t he ~kt tll, a nd makes m un ro m fnrta hle \\'i tlt in and unhrarahle w ithou t." Chanma n j..; pr cs idr nt of t he H a r vard. D ehatinl! Co un cil ancl a n acth 'e m <:' tnht:> r o f D elt a Sigma Rh o. a deba ting fra t cr nit ~·. One Policy _. One System _. Universal Service 1B76 · · THE TELEPHONE'S FIFTIETH YEAn · · 1926 ~fr ~. TTarn· \\'nlf o i 81<) C. rer nl\·oo fl ::~ ve nu e left ·on T h urs.cl av fo r Mi a m i, Fla. S he cxnr rt s to r r turn t o \Vii. m et te in a short tim e an d w ill tour hack.