26 : April 23, 1926 WILMETTE fans expected to be m uch puzzled over t he identity' of the other characters in the comedy. Ben Lyon appears as a modern Bluebeard in the .picture. He is introducerl first as p lain John Hart, a hank clerk. DuVal discovers him and Gindelhcim, Broadway's smartest press agent, straightway christens him Don Juan Hartez and gives him a past and a future in which se,·en \\·ives are thrown across his path. The iun starts ,,·hen Don Juan rebel:-; at the material publicit\· and marries the lady of his heart. Ben is supported hy Lois \Vilson as his real love and hv Blanche S"·cet. \\'ho appears in the rot'e of a screen Juliet to his Romeo . One oi the largest indoor set:; ever constructed it>r l'nivn:o;al-je\\'cl \Yas built for filming SCl'IH's for "The Beautiful Chl'at," starring Laura LaPlante, which is coming next Thursday to the Hoyburn theatre. :\ . . , thr .;t11ry oi till· pictttr<' i:-; that of a tnotiotl picture :.tar it wa . ncc<:o;sary to hare the :-oets large t.'nough so that the camera could show another camera shooting scene:> of the star at work in her sturlip. Thl' set occupil'd an entire :-;tagc ·a nd ic1r tire taking oi a movie within a mcwie 95 t\\'in-arc lights, five overhl'ads and 15 :-pntlights \\·ere congre1 ~ated 011 the one :-d :-ot' tHling their blinding hot ra .~ · . , dt)\\'n nn thL· pla\·er:--. It toqk techrlrcal t'XJH'rh tltn·t· hour.., 1 110 arrange thl.· Ii .~· ltts L'\'etdy o;o that the I c-_ffect wou!rl he rral and eliminate l1igh ltghts. hot spot:; and shado\\·:-. The t'X\lt'tht' t'1i burning all thL·sc ligltt:-o during the filming oi the ..,l.l'lll' . " and \\·hile thL'\- ,,·crt: being lined up, \\·as tremcndotJ .;. Tt ,,·as figured that thev con umed $18 a minute in el<:ctric.ity. . , h"b" ; Annual Club Art I It LIFE 35 :h, li . :-.- Stage and Screen News and Reviews VILLAGE THEATRE ' The fastest motion picture . Jack Holt has appeared .in to date is "The Enchanted Hill" coming to the Village theatre next Monday and Tuesday April 26 and 27. ' In the evolutton or this Peter B. Kyne story, the popular Paramount player is compelled to make several trips th_rough the air in a s'peedy plane. lnt up the desert roads in a high-powered car, at not less than eighty miles an hour, and do some of the most hazardous riding of his carcer on the hack of his famous saddle horse, "Red Chief." \Vith t,1e feature picture will he =-ho\\'n a Hal Roach ·<:omedY "Her Husband's Past." and a Pat!;~ ne.ws reel. Mary Philbin. in t\\'n ..,epa rate roles, one made possible b,- the us(' of a makeup as elaborate · as that oi Lon Chan~y in "The Phanto111 of the Opera" or "Th<' Hunchback of .l\otrc Dan1e," \\ ill be the attraction 011 \Vcd nesday and Thursda~·. April 2R and 20. when she \\'ill appear in the ()lll. . t;~n-~l .it~,g :o}:. in_ l.1~·r ca:·cer_. in "~tt~l_la ~Luts, l ntu. r..,,tJ :o filmrzatt<>Jl of \\ tllian1 J. Lorla·'s romat1tic cla . -.sir. So111e ~· cars ngo \1 ar_ \· Pickinrd pla _ n ·rl the role. hut the llt' \\. \'tr:-oion, as dirt.·cted by Charlc.; Hrabin, the i~mou-. Cf<'ator oi "Drin·n." i~ ..,<, dtfferent that the· r<dt·.., can harclh· hC' ~- ntnpared. \ritic:-o hnld th;J.t it is \fi:-;:-Philbin's gn.·at(':'t arhin·ement since ~lt·r leap to fanH·. practical I~· (1\'t. mi~ht, 111 "~!err~· Cn Rourtd." Then· \\'ill also ht· a \ ' ;111 Bihlwr rnn1ecl ,.. "Thl' ~fad I~aur," and a Pathe rl·,·ie.\\·. Tyrone ~0\\'{'r, famou:-; i<>r his :-;tage portrayal;-; 111 "The \fis . . i<~n Play," "Ben l lm._" and "The 0reat Di\'ide." dons 1 _1lo\'Je make-up ~ttn :1 long ahsen~e trorn the screen. 111 a katu~ed r<_>le Ill ~ncl La Roc.r,ltJ(· ". tH'\r ~tarnng ptcture nra\'(·hcart.. \\'l11rh mil he thr reature on Fnclay and Snturrta,-. April 30 and Ma,· 1 PO\\'t'r >lan th. . t i "Cl · f St · I' R 1 k ..- · ~ .P<lr o 11c · an<.tng nc · .. an tmportant character 111 the Tndtan re-;cryatinn srenf'S of thi.; picturr, \\·hich \\'as :-~<!opted from the famnu~ college play, "St rongheart ." As "Father J unipero Sierra" in "The ~fis:-;ion PJay" Pcnn·r rearhrd (·xreptional dramatic heights. Tn "Rran·llf'art" he i:-; ieatured witl1 Lillian Hich, Hobert Ede:-;on. and Jean Acker. Arthur Hou~man· and Sally Rand <lre in the supportin~ cast. The comedy accompanying- this picture \\'ill he "Buster. Be Good" :-~nd tht're \\'i ll also hr a Patlte ne\\'s rrel. On SaturdaY en-ning the Bu~trr Brmrn prize contest "'ill he held. THE NEW EVANS T ON Barrymorl":-; latest pirtllr<.', "The Sl'a Beast." which collies to the :\ew E\·anston theatre on ~fonda\' for thrrt' day:;, is an epic of the 1R40 \\'hal(·rs adapted I"· Bt·ss ~ f ered,· t h irom Herman ~fe l ~i ll e's noHI. -.. ~fob\· Dick." Barrymore appears as the rugged 1\c\\' Englandrr. Ahah Ceele\', \\'ho loves a missio nary's datti!hter -in }a\'a, and whose loveh· romance i:-; turned into bittrr \'t.'llegance. \\'hen a tral!edy a rival's trcaciH·ry p lu ng-e~ him into the jaw:-~ of a whale he has harpooned from a small boat in a raging sea. th r- s- Junior Auxiliary Music and Art Talk at P. T. A. Gathering Members Enjoy an The jo,int meeting of the W ilmette Unusual Departure Art league and the Central-Laure l and About 75 members of the Junior Auxiliary of the Infant \Velfare society \H're entertained at luncheon and bri{lge at the home of Mrs. James J. JohthOII uf 1100 ~fic.higan aYenue. ~fonrlay, April 19. The affair, of an in formal and social nature, tt is hoped, \rill become an aunual event. A :-;imilar social meeting will take the place oi the downtown month~\- conference always occurring on the -:-~ecoml \\' ednesda ,. of each month. ··rhe ~lay ntecting " ·ill 'be a luncheon in the Cnstal room of the Hotel Sherlllan. ~~a~· 12. at 1 o'clock. All tllL'IIlhcrs atHi an\· interested friends arc welcome . An. address by so1~1e prOI.nillt'Jlt phy:-. ician on a subject pertaining Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher associations was he ld last week at the Howard school. The meeting opened with a group of songs by M iss Helen Smith, Helene Grossenbacher, apd '!\'liss Henrietta Blackwell, accom- , panied by Mrs. Gilbert. 'Mrs. Jesse Todd of the University School of Education gave a ta lk on ":\rt in the School Curricu lum." She brought with her a number of drawings IJy her pupils which demonstrated how music work and art are correlate d in the school. to Infant \\'clfare ,,·ork '"ill iollow the . luncheon. Tt i~ hoped that there wi!l be a large attendance irom the \Vilmette group. t! ~I r! a 1 1 ·~ -·-·-·-·-·-·-·Newe ll & Ret chin · -·--·,. I l· I I i HOWARD 1 The Hon·e of Rarmon7 '-AMPU 1\l o n .. T u eH., ' Ved . I" NEWS Continuous F.verv Dav-2 :15 to 11 :15 N. W . "L" Station a t H oward !"i m ul:t ) ·· . I i ! uriJ ::r. Thomas Meighan Ia I: I ~~raE NEW ~ KLONDil(E" I Shirley M aso n in iI · 1 al s o I II ~~ ! ~~DESERT GOLD"!= ~ ~ I OUR GANG ~~oNE ~~THE ~ .- n- !'1 ·~a~:::r WILD RIDE" 'l'hurHdn) _______ tuul Toa·icH \ l un .· nnd T t u-!'1., .\ tt ril !!H n n tl :!7' 1 i ! Ricordo Cortez In Will Open Friday, Apr. 30 Ex I \1 i - i ~~TORRENT" t·ll .. n n d 'l 'hu r!'l., I i :.:s-::n = ROAD TO GLORY" :\11 S tnr C n M t \\'it h I .\ttrll tl j ~~ADVENTURES OF MAZIE" l<'r ldo ~· ·+· -- The annual art t:xhibition held under the auspices oi the \\'o111an's club oi \\'ilm.e tte \\'ill take place April 30. ~1ay 1. and 2. Thl.' di:-;play \\·ill include work by the arti..,t:-; oi \\'ilmette ami the nunh shore. '!'I . '-' -1 l'J . . \ 1.. . -·11 lt .'<Ott 1 _,..., lOt_l. . rt__ c.tglll_ \\ t. send a part <>I th~·tr L'Xh1b1t \\-lllrh 1:-\ rw\\· at Collltllunit\· !louse, \\'innetka. · I · ~ - Conrad Nagel Eleanor Boardman in I: I · a n d Snturda y I 1 ~~MEMORY Fri., n nd LANE" I J· i i ! 4 Aets ol Loop Vaudeville On tht" Scr t"t"n 4 _a_e_o_· - ·- ·ViD_a_a Th ··e eatre . ~ ! I I · ~ nt ., .\tt r ll :w-,t uy Adolph Men jo SOCIAL ft cELEBRITy" 3 ~~A in I ~~rRE ,\11 Nor th Shor~ Howard Trah·· Stop at I i MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP" alMo H al lloac.'h LnteM t i ~~MADAME . MYSTERY" THE Comedy ·!· - - - - - -···------·----··--t~IO" ' V ith Theda Bara NEW Y oar Home TlllNtre J. C. Koppel, Manactas Dlreetor b; , ·enlngH 7't:~0-9: !tint. TuN-. 3&30 I EVANSTON HOYBUBM Mo n.. Tues .· Wed. Starti ng Mon day J <llltl \l o u. n ntl 'l' u t's., .\ttr. :.:c; and :.:1 .hwk Holt in .. ~THE ENCHANTED RILL" .\hu., P n thf' Xf'n'M nnd I I Blanche . Sweet. Ben Lyon, Lois Wilson tn Hnl non l· h ('omedy In ·· JOHN BARRYMORE and ""BLUEBEARD'S \\ 'f'd . nnd 'l ' hur!'l., .·\ ttr. 2S untl !!9 of Jlar y Philbin 7 WIVES" Robert Kane' s B ig Comedy Sensation Thurs.. Fri. and Sat. ~~STELLA MARIS" Dolores Costello in HOYBURN THEATRE .-\ ge ntle satire on the wiles a nd gui les o f B roa dway press age nts an d fi lm vampi res is promised in "B lueheard's Seven \ Vives ," a R obe rt T. Ka ne F irs t Nat ional prod uct ion. which comes to th e Hov hurn theatre next ~f o nd ay. . O ne of th e charact ers is B. C. D uVal, a moYi e dir ecto r. Th ose in the know will recogni ze wh o is mea nt. N or are I I Pnthf' llt"'\'it"W and 2 . Ret"l \ ' nnlllhhf'r ('omedy; S pecial MntlnN·M 'l'hnrNdn y at !! nnd 4;~1nr)' l"ic·kford ha Pullynnun :\1!'10, ::~;i;:i~~i1:;,: Pathf' ~f'WN and 2 1\eel "'Bullltt"r and 'l' l&'t"" C omedy; Sat:\IN&, I ""THE SEA BEAST" From the Story Laura LaPlante Harry Myers ~"THE turday llatlnt"eH, Du~tter Brown and ~lary Jane Conte·t. .. Snt. l'lat·., 2 and 4 p. m. ---~...-c·-·- ~ -·- -~~-·-·-·· I "MOBY DICK" BEAUTIFUL CHEAT~'