Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1926, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE April 23, 1926 their campaigns. Virginia is fourth with 101 chairmen, followed by Cali' fornia, with 96 chairmen, North Carolina, with 94 chairmen, Alabama with 90 chairmen, Minnesota with 89 chai rmen Iowa with 85 chairmen and Mississippi with .81 chairmen. No state is unrepresented, and IJ· fore the end of April it is confident h· expected there will be scores of ch ;m. men in every state, carrying forw ar 1 in their own localities the cducatio na! work directed to betterment of t l: · American home as the primary a 11 ,; most important unit in Anwri r.t ci,·ilization and progress. 1 Professor Eliot Is Appointed to Recreation Board Mayor \Viltiam E. Dever has notified Professor Thot~las D. Eliot of the department of sociology at Korthwestern university that hr has been appointed a member of the Chicago Recreatioin Commission. Mayor Dever says in his letter oi notification : "I know of nothing that Chicago ha . attempted that is fraught with so much con sequence to present and future citi- zens than the development of the plans a'nd work ahead of this committee. I am very anxious that you accept this appointment to the end that we may develop plans looking into the . future for the improvement of conditionssocial, educational and cultural-which surround our children and our citizens." Ina smuch as Dr. Eliot has made special study of th1s type of sociological work his connection with the Chicago Recreation Commission will not only he in a familiar field but ·will greatly add to his experience and usefulness in thi~ field, it is said. BOOST BETTER HOMES Better Homes in America Campaign Is Scheduled for Week of April 25May 1 The 1926 B~tter Homes in America campaign will far surpass even that of 1925, when 2,000 cities, towns and rural communities, scattered through every state in the Union, participaterl in this educational work. This can he stated with ccrtaintv at this time, as a check of local Better Homes committees already formed a few weeks before the beginnin g of Better Home s 'N eek. April 25 to ~if a~· l , showed that 2684 are alrcafh· at wnrk . Camp Fire Girls Hold From comparison with for.mcr year'> . Rites at Stolp School tiH' number of chairmen who have accepted appointments to head toea 1 Camp Fire Girls of Evanston an'! committees at this time indicates that \\'ilnH'lte arc coming together for a fully 4,000 communitie s will take part Grand Council Fire at the Byro n in this movement for making know11 Stolp school gymnasium, Frid a). to Amrrican familie . of modc ~ t mean <; April 23, at 7 o'clock. The meetin g the utmost thev can secure for their is to be public and everyone is invitt··l homr s in the ,~· ay of comfort, utility, to come and sec the service whi cl 1 a 11 d h l' a u t .\.. w it h in t he Iim ih n i t h e i r mean . so much to the girls. Mr , Ill COme . Grable, the executive and secretary oi Movement Has Grown the Chicago District of Camp Fin · Starting only a few yrar s ago with Girls will lead the Council Fire an d a few hundred -.Better Home ~ demon- award rank to ·the girls who ha n stration s, the growth of this cduca - co111pletcd the various steps in Camp tiona], public scnice organization ha:; I Fire work . The c~uncil Fire is th t heen truly remarkable. \Vith the nwetin·r a t \\·hirh the ~iris rl'Cl'in t il hearty cooperation of many depart - 1 Honor,.... Head .- for \Y D ~k dnne duri n_: mrnts and bureau s of the Fed eral the month . This meeting- will expla i1 1 govcn~me!1t and of powerful national ! the meaning- of Camp Fire t1· th e· organ1zat10ns of men and women who do not understand it. · whose .~ims ar~, in part at lea-;t, con.1- j . . . . . . mon :\1th. thos e of Rett er Hot~l l':i 111 harlotte \\ altz and \'Jr giii!a Held Amenca , tt may truthfully he ~ alfl that man of Glencoe entcrtianed a group the spread of the se aims has bel n in ! of north shore girls at bridge Satur C\:ery. respe ct a movement of nation - dav afterno on of last week at Skoki t· mdl' tmportance. 1 cltib. ~e,,· York lead s in the lltllllh er o f 1 -och;ur.nwn who han· thu ~ · far IH'L' 11 I \fr -; . ] . H . Greenhalgh of lol ) app.o1nlt'd and_ ;~cceptcd. leadsrship for 1· prncn avenue, has as her gue st for the1r co~llmurutre.~. hr!.Ying b.l ~ext three weeks. her mother, Mrs. M. S. cor.ne:; 1 ex as, wtth .121; next is Illi- , \\·! :;on, wl10 has come from her hom e n01s, where 118 cha1 rmcn ha vr bcgu n in St. Joseph, Mo. 1 ( 1 Let us ·demonstrate this marvelous combination Victor Electrola.and R.adiola A unique combination. The wonderful \'icror Electrola in combination with eight-tube Radiola Super-Heterodyne. One of the most beautiful models. Come in today and ask us to show you the Hyperion. Note the features: Many Savory and Tempting Ways of Serving This Most Delicious and Nutritious of Foods You'll be surprised-yes and delighted too, at the many. many tlavory and appetizing dishes you can prepare with Dixie North Shore Pasteurized Cottage Cheese- rare taste treats that add keen relish to any meal. U~e r.he cou~on. Send today for your copy of prize Wtnnmg rec1pes. Ic is free and be sure to tryDixie North Shore Cheese-the cheese that never ~ails to please. Whipped in pure fresh cream. giVifi'g u fineness of texture and a most satisfying richness of flavor. ~orth Shore Food l"rod,H'tf· Co.. 4:.!7-4:.m ~. :uorgon St., ('hl.-ogo. <:entlf:'men. Plt·f\,;e :<~t.·nd me fn·e - Yq u 1 prizt' winning- rt.·dtw:s. N 'a me .... : .. ................................. . Address ...................................... . Eight-tube Super-Heterodyne ·Built-:-in loop antenna in with Victor-inspected cabinet tubes Volume can be regulated Operates from elect~ic light Radio reception may also socket be had through separate No batteries 11uded loud speaker Plays all Victor records Fills big hall or.small room Capacity for one hundred Wide range of radio receptiorJ records Economical-uses little Radiola tunes with one hand current Locates stations easily No winding required Korth Shore · Talking Naehine Compan,. 712 Church S treet, E vanaton 554 Center Street, W innet ka Open Evenin~ra Convenient T erma ' PASTEURIZED COTTAGE Whipped in Pure Rich Cream Come ia and ask for complete catalogue CHEESE

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