6 : April 23, 1926 WI L M'E T T E LIFE 33 I PRESENT GUILD PLAY "The Enchanted April" Lauded aa Beat Play of Season; Will .Have Seven Day Run The J\orth Shore Theatre Gui ld's producnon of ElizarJetl 1- 5 ··'"~'h; Enchanted Aprti,·· opcnecr its sc·. en dav run Thur~day night at the Byron Stoli> school in \ Vi lmette. From there the play gr!cs to the_ Janc Kuppcnheimer M~monal hall of the Skokie school in ·1 , W . mnc tk·a f or F rJ( ay an(1 Saturdav n1ghts. Highland Park is played 0 ;1 ~on day, Lake Forest, Tuesday, and E_vanston 011 \Vednesday and Thursday mghts of next week. ','/////////////////////////////////////////////.'////// /. ////.',l'/////////////////////i'///////////////////.1//h'l/. //h'.'l;//// ...;1'/. Reports Convention (Continued from Page 23) Spiritualizing of PulJiic Ed ucation" and Dr. Hugh S. Magi ll forme r field secretary of the same association but now general secretary of the Internat ional Council of H.cligious Education, ~poke on the ~ame thought under the t itle ··Far; ng Together the Impelling Task." Professor Il. Augustine Smith, director of the Fine Arts in Religion in Boston uni\'ersity, presented a masterful pagtant t'ntitlcd "The \Vorld at Prayer and the Catrwa v to Goodwill." He was abo rt:-pon~ibk- for the special services of :-.(lng and \\'Orship with \vhich the !-.cssions of the convention was ope ned. The rlimax oi the convention came with t i}e sermon on Sunday evening by Dr. \\·. C. Poole of London England, prt'!-.ident of the· \Vorld's Sunday School "For Fuel·Use Oil" Prompt Deliveries from Our Winnetka Bulk Storage Plant BraUD Bro1. OU Co. "For Fuel~Use Oil" Wilmette and Winnetka WILME'ITR 290 WINNETKA 1565 "Thr Enchanted April" is a st(Jrv '~ri.tt~n around the adventures <:111~! YJCt~sttudc:-. uf four women '"·ho rent a vdla on the shore of the ~1editnrancan for the month of April. Guild's Last Play For various reasons thev wanted to quit Lon<fon - Lady Caroline Dtxter be- a~sociation. ca~tse. she was !-.ocially pur~ucd, Mrs. "A might~· convention pa · sed into \VJik111" because her husband is a bore- histor\· \rith that address and the !-.OllJe attorney, ~ifrs. Arhuthn(Jt because Chriq.ian minister~, educators, laymen her husband writes snappy sex stories and Ia \'\\'Olll n there assembled reahout dead kings and queens and ~f rs. turned ·each to hi . "common round and Fisl,er because she wants to sit ;11 the dailv ta "k" in cnllc~e, church or SunItalian sun and remember--remember cia\· .school \\'ith increased determination the time Gladstone put hi~ hand on her to-make effecti,·e in the life of our nahead and said S(Jl11tthi 11 g or other. tion, and of Canada, that re\'elation of This i~ the la!-t plav the Theatrt· Cod which i-; in Christ Jes·us. Yours sincereh·, Cuild will present dttr.in~ the 11J25- 26 :ea.son a!HI it i-. said to he thr he!-.t of - 1 Thomas j-J. \Vest." t~· r!I~g ot. the season. 'J herr is a pos:--tl>thty tt may surpass th· previous 1 The Junior - prom wilt be given at thrt·e productions, hut the gtneral cnn- I !\ew Trier high school Saturday evecensus of opinion S("ellls to he that the I ning April 24 . The grand march wi11 Tl~~atrc Cuild ~<-1 a -.t<w.darc~ "fl hjgh j ~akc' place at 9 o'clock. _The affair is thts year as to 111ak<· thl!- lllgh) _ ,. 11-11 - j 111 charge of the class officers and the probable. so cia 1 commit tee. . Increased Service for Spring CleanThere have been so many caJls for our estimators that we have found it advisable to add another to our staff. We are prepared to give you prompt attention and efficient servtce. Master Cleaner Service Costs No More The Only Cleaning Plant in New Trier ~AUSS CLEANING co&DYEING Phones W ilmette 3400 Greenleaf 700 FOR 50 YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY -oUarence M. Puhlman of 623 ).f r . and \I r, _· Daniel J. l'oyne, Jr., \Vashington avenue entertained her oi ~-no Chestnut aYenur, haYc motored hridgc-lunrhcon cluJ; at the Orrington tu French Lick Spring:-. ior a ::-tay of hotel Tuesday last. 1 a \\ L't" k (,r ttn day!-.. ~f rs. With the Fashionable Scalloped Foxing tfrinnning's the thing in the ne\Y {oot\\·ear, and the "Cra,·cn ·· i~ trinuned ,,·ith a scall oped foxing that i ~ hot h at t r act i \·c an d a p pro n .' c1. A s i 111 p1c b u t fashionable thrcc-:..;trap "·it h :..;tnall ~iclc cut-out~ for added decoration. Children Enjoy Bowman's Milk 'f.S creamy richness and uni( form fine flavor make Bowman Dairy Company Milk the children's favorite. Give them plenty of this great health food: Do it in full confidence for Bowman's Milk has a richness ami purity beyond compare. The whole fabric of Bowman Dairy Company's reputation is woven into its record for unceasing efforts to serve only the best. Start today using Bowman's Milk. Telephone our nearest distributing station for immediate delivery. For your own sake do it nowl THE CRAVEN Three-strap in tan J.:id. $11.50. Also 1JW}' bt had in black patent lrathn nr 1>/ach 1\id. $10.00. Fountain Square, Evanston _MI1~ 1 ·= ··~ DAIR.Y.COMPAN; '·